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1、怎样快速搜索自己所需的资料?(90%的人不会使用此方法) 这篇文章我原来发表过在自己的博客上,现在转载到论坛里,分享一下。 我不敢保证现在100%的大学生不会使用互联网快速搜索自己所需的资料,但我绝对敢保证有70%90%大学生不会使用此方法进行快速搜索自己所需的资料。 大部分人可能在搜索资料时,会把自己所需要搜索的资料输入Google、百度、雅虎的搜索引擎搜索框,此方法是可行的,但搜索出来的许多资料并不是我们所需要的,如果使用下面的一些方法会大大节省我们的时间。 就以百度为例吧:其实百度的“百度搜索帮助”中已经有更详细的介绍,我这里重点推荐三个技巧:1)要学会组合关键词,记得一定要隔开。我想找

2、的资料,一般换不同关键词组合后都会出现在结果首页甚至第一位; 2)了解intitle 和filetype的使用方法以及各种文件的扩展名。比如说我想快速做一个为汽车营销的培训资料,我将如何搜索?的问题,那么请在搜索引擎搜索框输入以下内容:intitle:汽车营销filetype:ppt 或者intitle:汽车营销 filetype:ppt回车后,你会找到很多人已经写好的培训幻灯片,下载,选择性应用,岂不快哉! 3)site,link,inurl,allinurl,intitle,allintitle 也可以快速限定范围,让信息从大海茫茫变为小溪清清。1、“site”表示搜索结果局限于某个具体网

3、站或者网站频道,如“”、“”,或者是某个域名,如“”、“com”等等。如果是要排除某网站或者域名范围内的页面,只需用“-网站/域名”。示例:搜索中文教育科研网站()上所有包含“金庸”的页面。. 搜索:“金庸 site:”.2、.“link”语法返回所有链接到某个URL地址的网页。. 示例:搜索所有含指向:溆水河畔“”链接的网页。. 搜索:“link:”. 注意:“link”不能与其他语法相混合操作,所以“link:”后面即使有空格,也将被GOOGLE忽略。.3、“inurl”语法返回的网页链接中包含第一个关键字,后面的关键字则出现在链接中或者网页文档中。有很多网站把某一类具有相同属性的资源名称

4、显示在目录名称或者网页名称中,比如“MP3”、“GALLARY”等,于是,就可以用INURL语法找到这些相关资源链接,然后,用第二个关键词确定是否有某项具体资料。INURL语法和基本搜索语法的最大区别在于,前者通常能提供非常精确的专题资料。. 示例:查找MIDI曲“沧海一声笑”。. 搜索:“inurl:midi 沧海一声笑”. 注意:“inurl:”后面不能有空格,GOOGLE也不对URL符号如“/”进行搜索。GOOGLE对“cgi-bin/phf”中的“/”当成空格处理。4、“allinurl”语法返回的网页的链接中包含所有查询关键字。这个查询的对象只集中于网页的链接字符串。. 示例:查找可

5、能具有PHF安全漏洞的公司网站。通常这些网站的CGI-BIN目录中含有PHF脚本程序(这个脚本是不安全的),表现在链接中就是“域名/cgi-bin/phf”。. 语法:“allinurl:cgi-bin phf +com”.5、“allintitle”和“intitle”的用法类似于上面的allinurl和inurl,只是后者对URL进行查询,而前者对网页的标题栏进行查询。网页标题,就是HTML标记语言title中之间的部分。网页设计的一个原则就是要把主页的关键内容用简洁的语言表示在网页标题中。因此,只查询标题栏,通常也可以找到高相关率的专题页面。. 示例:查找香港回归照片集。.搜索:“int

6、itle:香港回归 照片”. 网络信息是全球共享的,我希望更多的人掌握、推广这些搜索技巧,因为这对于提高自己的工作质量是有非常大的好处! 推荐阅读:1、史上最强的淘宝买家购物心得集【超级省钱|省心|省力秘籍】独家首发2、你是学生吧?家里没怎么有钱吧?姐教你怎么穿名牌!不看你就亏大了最新整理【学生篇】【章鱼哥说今年开学,没它不行分享光荣】3、50家钻石精品女装店 点击率超过5W-钻石也疯狂4、最好的礼物店铺收集。|各行各业NO1店铺收集5、喜欢吃的mm些这个你一定不要错过!辛苦收集各地美食特产店Acknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first an

7、d foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express m

8、y heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my belov

9、ed family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. My de

10、epest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Seco

11、nd, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last m

12、y thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.


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