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1、 JILIN AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY研究生农业科技英文文献写作报告 题目名称:(中文) (英文)Title(英文题目小四号Times new roman ) (五号空一行)学生姓名: 学 号: (五号空一行) 院系专业: 教学班级: (五号空一行) 硕士导师: 职 称: (五号空一行) 研究方向: 年 月 日说明:1. 硕士导师签字:目的是让学生结合论文开题撰写英文文献报告,请导师在第一学期确定学生论文研究方向,指定英文文献查寻范围。2. “题目名称”用中/英文题目填写。3. 所有页面设置为A4(210297),其中上、下、左、右边距均为2.50cm。4本页不标注页码。

2、目录示例(四号空一行)Contents(四号Times New Roman 加粗居中)(四号空一行)第一部分/ PART I(见封面)Title(英文题目小四号Times new roman ) 第二部分/ PART II(摘要)Abstract and Key words第三部分/ PART III(正文)I 11.1 4II 62.1第四部分/ PART IV(参考文献)References11第五部分/ PART V(鸣谢/附录)Acknowledgements12Appendix13说明:1、如论文用中文撰写,应按照学校文

3、科论文格式排版。2、目录单独成页,从目录开始行间距均为固定值20磅,要求最多编写到四级标题,如:(1)、(2)。 3、文中“”代表一个空格。第二部分/ PART II (摘要)摘要及关键词示例Abstract and Key words(英文题目,三号Times New Roman,加粗居中,段后0.5行)Name:Major: Tutor:(小四Times New Roman)Abstract:(小四Times New Roman加粗)(小四Times New Roman)Keywords:(小四Times New Roman加粗);(小四Times New Roman)(小四空一行)(中文

4、题目,三号黑体,居中,段后0.5行)姓 名:专 业: 指导教师:(小四仿宋)(小四空一行)摘 要:(小四楷体,加粗)(小四楷体)关键词:(小四楷体,加粗);(小四楷体) 说明:1、从本页开始标注页码,页码用五号字,在页面下方居中编排。正文之前部分的页码用罗马数字(、)连续编排,正文之后的所有页码用阿拉伯数字(1、2)连续编排。2、以第三人称撰写。 3、中英文摘要与关键词编排上英文在前,中文在后。摘要与关键词用“:”与具体内容隔开,关键词各词条间用分号“;”隔开。第三部分/ PART III(正文)论文正文格式示例I(四号Times New Roman 加粗)(小四号Times New Roma

5、n)1.1 (四号Times New Roman 加粗)(小四号Times New Roman)1.1.1(小四号Times New Roman 加粗)(小四号Times New Roman)1.2(小四号Times New Roman 加粗)(小四号Times New Roman)II(四号Times New Roman 加粗)第四部分/ PART IV(参考文献)参考文献格式示例(正文后小四空一行)References(四号Times New Roman 加粗,居中)1(小四Times New Roman)2 Bobrow, S. A., S. M. Bell. On Catching o

6、n to Idiomatic ExpressionsJ, Memory and Cognition,1973, 3: 343-346. 3 Widdowson, H. Teaching Language as Communication M . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.4 Cacciari, C. The place of idioms in a literal and metaphorical world. In C. Cacciari & P. Tabossi (Eds.), Idioms: Processing , Structure

7、and Interpretation (2755). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1999. 5 Carter, R. Vocabulary. Applied Linguistics Perspectives. London: Allen and Unwin, 1987. 说明:参考文献书写格式参考文献中各个条目的排列按英文作者姓氏的字母顺序排列,中文作者按照汉语拼音顺序排列于文后;英、汉语参考书目都有,则英语在前,汉语在后。参考文献的序号左顶格,并用数字加方括号表示,如1、2、,每一参考文献条目的最后均以“.”结束。参考书目作者是姓氏在前,名在后(英语姓和名中间用逗号“,

8、”隔开,后面用句号“.” )。如果是二至三名作者合著时,只把第一作者的名和姓颠倒,其余作者姓名保持不变;如果是三名以上作者合著,则在第一作者后面加“etal.”即可。 引用期刊必须表明页码,书籍可不用标出页码。常用参考文献著录规则如下: 著作图书类文献序号作者书名M版次出版地:出版者,出版年翻译图书类文献序号作者书名M译者版次出版地:出版者,出版年学术刊物类文献序号作者文章名J学术刊物名,年,卷(期):引用部分起止页学术会议类文献序号作者文章名C/编者专著题名出版地:出版者,出版年:引用部分起止页专利文献序号专利申请者或所有者专利题名P专利国别,专利号,公开日期第五部分/ PART V(鸣谢/

9、附录)Acknowledgements(4号Times New Roman 加粗,居中)(小四号Times New Roman)说明:致谢要独立成页。 AppendixI(4号Times New Roman 加粗,居中)(小四仿宋)说明: 1、附录是毕业论文(设计)主体部分的补充项目,是有重要参考价值的内容,但不是毕业论文(设计)的必备部分。 2、附录要独立成页。备注:本示例子为参考模板,其他未尽事项参考吉林农业大学硕士论文要求格式。Effects of cysteine and mixing conditions on white/wholedough rheological propert

10、iesAbstractThe effects of cysteine and processing parameters (mixing speed and time) of white/whole dough viscoelastic properties were evaluated.The same amount of cysteine (20 mg/kg) was added for each mixing time (10, 15, 20 s) in order to assess its effect on dough rheological properties. Fundame

11、ntal (rheometer) and empirical (texture analyser) rheological measurements have shown that dough viscoelastic properties (ranging from more solid-like to more fluid-like) were affected by cysteine and kneading conditions even if induced changes by cysteine were substantially larger than those induce

12、d by mixing time. The cysteine addition increased the fluid-like properties of the dough; in fact, dough hardness, resistance to extension and storage modulus (G0) were lower while adhesiveness and extensibility were higher where cysteine was added.3. Results and discussion3.1. Effects of mixing tim

13、e and cysteine on dough rheological Properties The mixing step permits the organisation of different conformational arrangements of the key biopolymers (particularly gluten proteins and starch) present in the system and promotes numerous interactions between dough components (Ross et al., 2004; Zhen

14、g et al., 2000). The dough at optimal mixing is fully hydrated and therefore the key molecules of the system are well lubricated, thus forming a coherent viscoelastic mass. Tables 3 and 5 show the effect of mixing time on the rheological properties of the different dough systems. The results are in

15、general agreement with those of Letang, Piau, and Verdier (1999), Zheng et al. (2000), and Ross et al. (2004), who showed that G0 (Storage modulus) and G00 (Loss modulus) of dough decreased when subjected to mixing times over the optimum kneading value. The result of G0 having a maximum value at the

16、 optimum mixing time is intuitive, in that the dough has the highest elasticity at optimum kneading.From Tables 3 and 5 it is possible to observe that, for all samples not including cysteine, all the parameters (hardness,resistance to extension and G0) indicative of coherentand elastic dough increas

17、e with mixing time without reaching a maximum value. In the samples without cysteine, the maximum value was not reached because the dough was not mixed properly; with the used prototype mixer it was impossible to mix the dough for more than 20 s, because of this the dough became strong and too diffi

18、cult to process.On the other hand, in all samples (white and whole) where cysteine was added, hardness, resistance to extension and G0 at 1 Hz reached maximum values at 15 s of mixing time. The result supports the hypothesis that in those conditions (prototype mixer with high speed revolution) and w

19、ith this kind of raw material (white and whole flours plus cysteine), 15 s correspond to the optimum mixing time. This also confirms the fact that cysteine addition reduces the mixing time by decreasing the elastic (solid-like) component of the dough and aiding in dough relaxation, which is in accor

20、dance with Srinivasan et al. (2000) and Abd Elmoneim and Abdullahi (2002).Tables 4 and 5 show that cysteine addition increased the fluid-like properties of the dough. For each mixing time,and for both kinds of samples (white and whole), dough hardness, resistance to extension and storage modulus (G0

21、) at 1 Hz were lower while adhesiveness and extensibility were higher when cysteine was added. As a consequence of the effect of cysteine on disulfide bonds the dough becomes easily extensible and machinability increases. This hypothesis is supported also by the result reported in Fig. 1, where the

22、turns/minute of the prototype mixer during kneading time are showed. For both samples, with and without cysteine,motor power loss during mixing can be observed. In dough without cysteine the power loss was higher than 15%, while in the sample where cysteine was utilised the power loss decreases (7%)

23、, thus indicating increased machinability.3. 实验结果与讨论3.1 混合时间和半胱氨酸对面团的流变学性质的影响混合的步骤是主要的聚合物形成不同的构象,进而形成一定粘弹性的面团。表3和5表明了混合时间对面团的流变学特性的影响。研究结果与Letang, Piau, and Verdier (1999), Zhenget al. (2000), and Ross et al. (2004) 的研究基本一致,面团的储能和能耗会在最佳的和面条件下,会随着和面时间的增加而降低。凭直觉可以得到面团储存的能量的最佳值,在这个条件下,面团有最高的粘弹性。从表3和表5可

24、以看出,所有不加半胱氨酸的样品,所有的参数(硬度,抗延展阻力,储存的能量都是面团粘弹性的重要指标)随着和面时间延长而增加且没有达到最大值。没有添加半胱氨酸的样品没有达到最大值,因为面团混合不均匀,在原型的搅拌器中,不可能20多秒时间内混合面团,此时面团变硬,很难去加工。另一方面,所有的样品,添加半胱氨酸,硬度,抗延展阻力和储存的能量在1Hz,混合时间15s的情况下,可以达到最大值。实验结果支持了这种假设,在原型搅拌器中,高速旋转的情况下,添加半胱氨酸的小麦粉,15s是最佳的混合时间。同时也证明了添加半胱氨酸可以通过降低面团的弹性和面团的醒发来减少混合时间,这跟Srinivasan et al. (2000) and AbdElmoneim and Abdullahi (2002) 的研究结果一致。 表四和五表面添加半胱氨酸可以增加面团的流变学特性。对于每一组不同的混合时间的处理,在1Hz的条件下,面团的硬度,抗延展性和存储的能量明显低于添加半胱氨酸的处理,但是粘附性和延展性更高一些。由于半胱氨酸对面团二硫键的作用,使得面团更容易伸展,加工特性增加,图一也证明了这一点。对于每一个样品,发现了添加半胱氨酸在混合过程中的功率的减少。没有添加半胱氨酸功率损失高15%,而添加的降低7%,表明可以增加加工特性。


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