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1、将来完成时态和将来进行时用法范例将来完成时 一、将来完成时 将来完成时表示在将来某一时间之前己完成 的动作,并且往往对将来某一时间产生影响。将 来完成时的谓语由。shall/will+have+过去分词 构成。will用于第一、二、三人称主语,shall用于第 一人称主语。主语是第一人称时,sha日常被will所 代替。如 By this summer I five years. Tom will have had his exam by December 18. 将来完成时有时可与ever,never,soon等时间 状语连用。如 Will they ever have done with

2、their talking? 将来完成时往往可与时间或条件状语从甸连 用。如 The train will have left when we get to the sta- tion. If you come at seven have finished dinner yet. 二、将来进行时 将来进行时的基本用法是表示在将来某个特 定的时间内正在进行的动作,常表示已安排好的 事或预计会发生的事,给人一种期待之感。将来 进行时的谓语由。shall/will+be+动词-ing形式 构成。如 This time tomorrow, we 11 be sitting in the cinema

3、and watching a film. On Samday moning, Bill will be working in the garden and Ann will be shopping. 将来进行时还有F列用法 女将来进行时常表示事情的正常发展,是由客观 情况决定的。如 -Would it be any trouble for you to post this 1 euer? -No. Not at all. I shall be going out presently. shall/will have been here for o clock, 1 shall not 将来完成

4、时态和将来进行时 将来进行时可以表示原因、结果和可能。 国将来进行时表示原因时,可以用在because从 甸中。如 I won t be able to watch the program because Ill be doing my homework. 圆将来进行时表示结果时,常与条件从甸连用。 如 If you dont make a call, they will be wondering what has happened to you. 圆将来进行时表示可能时,说话人往往有我料 想或我估计的含义。如 I suppose you will be leaving soon. The r

5、oses will be coming out soon. 女将来进行时表示委婉的语气。如 Will you be having some tea? If you will be wanting anything, just let me loaow. 注意will+have+过去分词 和。will+be+动 词-ing形式结构在一定的语境中,will并不表示 将来。,而仅表示说话人的揣测。如 You will have ieard the news, so I need not repeat it. Its aheady six oclock. He wont be working now.

6、 即学即练用括号内动词的正确形式填空。 1. I (finish) reading the book by the end of this week. 2. Please come tomo1Tow afternoon. Tomorrow mom- ing I (have) a meeting. 3, You (complete) the elementary English course by this time next year. 4. The snow (disappear) before the end of March. 5. Sorry I cant lend my bike t

7、o you becaus 1 (need) it tomo1Tow. 将来完成时态和将来进行时 将来进行时可以表示原因、结果和可能。 国将来进行时表示原因时,可以用在because从 甸中。如 I won t be able to watch the program because Ill be doing my homework. 圆将来进行时表示结果时,常与条件从甸连用。 如 If you dont make a call, they will be wondering what has happened to you. 圆将来进行时表示可能时,说话人往往有我料 想或我估计的含义。如 I

8、suppose you will be leaving soon. The roses will be coming out soon. 女将来进行时表示委婉的语气。如 Will you be having some tea? If you will be wanting anything, just let me loaow. 注意will+have+过去分词刀和。will+be+动 词-ing形式结构在一定的语境中,will并不表示 将来。,而仅表示说话人的揣测。如 You will have ieard the news, so I need not repeat it. Its ahe

9、ady six oclock. He wont be working now. 即学即练用括号内动词的正确形式填空。 1. I (finish) reading the book by the end of this week. 2. Please come tomo1Tow afternoon. Tomorrow mom- ing I (have) a meeting. 3, You (complete) the elementary English course by this time next year. 4. The snow (disappear) before the end of March. 5. Sorry I cant lend my bike to you becaus 1 (need) it tomo1Tow. 高考英语教与学微信公众号Englishtec


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