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1、小学三年级应掌握的英语单词和句型小学三年级应掌握的英语单词和句型 Lesson 1 Whats your name? My name is Jack. Im Jack. Go out. Come here. Good morning. afternoon evening night. See you in the morning. ant(蚂蚁) bear ( 熊) cat (猫) lesson 2 How are you?I m fine,Fine, thanks. This is my friend. This is *. Good morning , class. Im Miss Wan

2、g. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too. See you! Good-bye. Have a nice day. fish (鱼) elephant(大象) dog(狗) friend(朋友) teacher(老师) morning(lesson 3 This is a book. Is this a book? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Is that a computer? (那是一台电脑吗?) Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Its a chair. Its an eraser. Please sit

3、down. Stand up. hippo(河马) goat (山羊) insect(昆虫) pencil(铅笔) eraser(橡皮) 早晨) bag(书包) book(书) room(房间) chair(椅子) computer(电脑) lesson 4 jet (飞机) kangaroo(袋鼠) lion( 狮子) mom(妈妈) dad(爸爸) sister( 姐妹) brother(兄弟) Who is this? It is my mom. Who is shehe? She is my friend.He is my brother. Put down the picture.

4、Pick up the picture. This is my brother, Jack. Lesson 5 -Whats this ? -Its a car. = it is ) -Whats that? -Its an ox. -Sit down, please. -OK,thanks. -Are you okay? -Im okay.(我很好) Here is your ball. Look at my head. monkey(猴子) nest(鸟巢) ox ball(球) car (小汽车) monster(怪物) cap (帽子) head(头) lesson 6 This is

5、 your shirt, Pangpang. Here is your shirt. (whats= what is) ( its Youre number eight. -Are you number ten? -Yes, I am. No, Im not. -What is your number, Mike? -Seven. And your number? -My number is four. - Ready? One, two, three, go! - Come on, Xiaolan - Run! - Number five. Jack is first. shirt (衬衫)

6、 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten number(号) you (你,你们) run(跑) your (你的,你们的) panda(熊猫) queen(女王) rabbit(兔子) lesson 7 -Look out! Are you okay? -Yes, Im okay. Im sorry. = I am sorry. Thats all right. Close your eyes. Open your eyes, please. -Move your foot. Wave your hands. -Sure. -That

7、s good. Here you are. Is this your shoe? -What color is it? - It is yellow.red green black bluewhite eye(眼睛) nose(鼻子) ear(耳朵) foot(脚) hand(手) mouth( 嘴) sorry(对不起) open(开,睁开) close(闭上) look out (当心) move lesson 8 I have a dog. Do you have a dog? Yes, I do. No, I dont. I have three cats. My dog is ver

8、y smart. Go get the ball. That is my dog. Is that your dog? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Its very big. Its so cute. this(这,这个) that(那,那个) big(大的) small(小的) very (很,非常) too (也, 太) have(有) so (如此,那么) cute(可爱的) nice (好看的) cool(很棒的) smart(聪明的) lesson 9 Look there, its a money. I like monkeys.我喜欢猴子/ Do you like monkeys? Yes, I do No, I dont. Its very tall. Its so small.like(喜欢) look(看) tall (高的) short(tiger(虎) giraffe(长颈鹿) pencil(铅笔) 矮的,短的)


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