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1、小学英语听力100篇配套习题及答案小学生听力100篇 1、 A Room New Words and Expressions workwa:kv工作 hardha:dadv努力 EXERCISES I Listen carefully and writeTfor True andFfor False beside the statements。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。 1 There is only one room in Joans house 2 There is a glass and some books on the table 3 Joans parents

2、 are in the room 4,Joans parents work hard II Listen to the qand choose the best answer:A,B, C or D. 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 A. Yes,there is. BNo,there isnt C Yes,there areDTheres a bed 2. A. Only a bed. B. Only a table. C Only some chairsDA bed,a table and some chairs 3 AA table and some chairs ar

3、e in it B No,there arent C Yes,there are D No,there isnt 4 AThey work hard B They work in the house C They work at the school D They work in the room Anwser: I.F T F T II. B D C C 2、Teachers Desk New Words and Expressions rubberrnban橡皮 rulerru:lan尺子 EXERCISES I Listen carefully and writeTfor True an

4、dFfor False beside the statements。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。 1 This is the teachers table 2 There are some books in the bag 3 Theres a ruler under the book 4 The pencil box is in the bag II Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D。 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 A. Its a desk. B Its a t

5、able C Its a desk or a table D Its a desk arid a table 2 A. Yes,it is. B. No, it isnt. C Yes,it doesDNo,it doesnt 3 A: A pencil box. B. .Some pencils. C Some booksD. A rubber 4 A. Its under the bag: B Its under the pencil box C Its in the bag D Its in the pencil box Answer: I.F T F F II. A B C B 3.J

6、im New Words and Expressions leave v离开 begin v,开始 lunch n午饭 classmatekla:smeitn同班同学 EXERCISES I Listen carefully and writeTfor True andF,for False beside the statements。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T或F(不对)。 1 Jim,s home is near his school 2 He goes to school at 7:30 3 He has lunch at school. 4 After school he plays

7、 games with his classmates II Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D。 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 A. At 6:30B. At 6:00. C At 7:30 DAt 7:00. 2 A. Its in his home. B Its near his home C Its far from his home D Its behind his home 3 A. His sister. B. His brother. C His classmatesDHi

8、s father 4 A. At 4:00BAt 4:30 C At 5:30 DAt 6:30 Key: I. T T F F II. A B C B 4. An English Boy New Words and Expressions sameseimadj同样的 teach v教 maths n数学 EXERCISES I Listen carefully and write T for True and F for False beside the statements。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。 1 My good friend is an American

9、boy. 2 Tom is in No2 Middle School 3 We are in the same class 4 Toms father is an English worker 11 Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 A. Tom.B. Jim. C. Sam, D. Ming Ming 2 A. Hes elevenB. Hes twelve. C. Hes ten D. Hes thirteen 3 A. Hes in Class On

10、e. B. Hes in Class Three. C Hes in Class TwoDHes in Class Four 4 AHe teaches ChineseBHe teaches Japanese C He teaches EnglishDHe teaches maths Key: I. F T F F II.A B D C 5.Tim New Words and Expressions doctor n医生 China n中国 U SA美国 EXERCISES I Listen carefully and writeT,for True andF,for False beside

11、 the statements。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。 1 Tim is a new student 2 MrGray is Tims father 3 Tims father is a teacher 4 Tims father and mother are in the USA 1 Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D。 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 A. Yes, he is. B. Yes,she is. C. No,he isnt. D. No,she

12、isnt 2 A. Hes a teacherB. Hes a doctor. C. Hes a workerD: Hes a driver. 3 A. Hes in the U. S. A. B. Hes in China. C. Hes in England DHes in New York 4 ATheyre in ChinaBTheyre in London C Theyre in EnglandD. Theyre in the U. SA. Key: I. T F F F II. A B B D 6 Zhang Huas Friends New Words and Expressio

13、ns Japan n.日本 America n美国 study v学习 EXERCISES I Listen carefully and write T for True and F for False beside the statements。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T或F(不对)。 1 Zhang Hua has four new friends 2 Hisako is Japanese 3 Tom is Japanese,too 4 They all like China II Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,

14、B,C or D 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 A. Yes, she is. B. No,she isnt. C Yes,she does一D. No,she doesnt 2 ATheyre in Class TwoB. Theyre in Class Three C Theyre in Class OneDTheyre in Class Four 3 AHes from ChinaBHes from-Shanghai. C Hes from JapanDHes from America 4 AThey study EnglishBThey study Japanese

15、 C They study ChineseDThey study French Key: I. F T F T II. A C D C 7 Tims Room New Words and Expressions beside prep在旁边 letter n信 EXERCISES I Listen carefully and write T for True and F for False beside the statements 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。 1 Tim has a small room 2 The desk is beside the chair 3 T

16、he letter on the desk is from Mary 4 The English books are from Mary,too II Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B C or D。 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 A. There is a table in it B There is a shelf, in it C There is a clock in it D There is a desk and a chair in it 2 ANo,there arent BYes,

17、there are C Yes,they areDNo,they arent. 3 A. Tom. B. Mary. C. Jack. D. Li Lei 4 A. Yes,it is. B. No,it isnt. C. Yes,there is. DNo,there isnt Key: I. T T T F II. D B B A 8 Dicks Desk New Words and Expressions schoolbagskuabaegn书包 I Listen carefully and write T for True and F for False beside the stat

18、ements。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T或F。 1Dicks schoolbag,books and pencil box are in his room。 2Dicks pen,pencils and rulers are in his desk. 3 The chair beside the desk is new 4 A small ball is under the desk IIListen to the,nestionschoose the bestanswer: A,B,C or D 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 A. Yes, he is. B. No,h

19、e isnt. C. Yes,he hasD. No,he hasnt 2. A. There is an apple on it. B There is a ruler on it C There is a rubber on it D There is a schoolbag,a pencil box and some books on it 3 A. Its old. B. Its long. C. Its new. DIts short 4 AYes,it doesBNo,it doesnt. C. Yes,it isD. No,it isnt Key: I. T F T F II.

20、C D C D 9 The Twins Bedroom New Words and Expressions bedroom n卧室 sweater n毛衣 clothes n衣服 EXERCISES I Listen carefully and writeT,for True andFfor False beside the statements 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。 1 Lily and Lucy are brothers. 2 They have two desks and one chair. 3Their beds look the same. 1.A. Te

21、n. B. Eleven. C. Twelve. D. Thirteen. 2 AIts on herbedBIts on the clothes tree C Its on the chairDIts on the desk 3 A. Its old. B. Its bad. C. Its nice. D. Its young. 4. A. They are in the desk. B. They are on the desk. C They are on the chair D They are under the chair Key: I. F F T F II. B B C A 1

22、0 Mary New Words and Expressions Americanamerikanadj美国的 EXERCISES IListen carefully and write T for True and F for False beside the statements。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T或F。 1 Wu Dong is eleven 2 Mary is an American girl 3 Wu Dong isnt well today 4 Wu Dong and Mary are in the same class. II Listen to the questio

23、ns and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D。 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 AThey are teachersBThey are new students C They are workersDThey are twins 2 A. Eleven. B. Seven. C. Twelve. D. Ten. 3 A. She is at home. B She is at school C She is in the classroom D She is in my bedroom 4 A. Desks. . B. Cars. C. S

24、chool. DBikes. Key: I. T T F T II. B D A C 11A Chinese Boy I Listen carefully and writeT,for True andF,for False beside the statements。 仔细所,在下列句子前标上T或F(不对)。 1 Chen Dong has one sister. 2 My father teaches Chinese. 3 My mother is a Chinese teacher,too. 4 My father and my mother are in the same school

25、 II Listen to the questions and choose the best answer: A,B,C 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 A. Ten. B. Eleven. C. Twelve: D. Thirteen. 2 A. A Chinese teacherBAn English teacher. C A French teacherDA maths teacher 3 AIn the No. 19 Middle School B In the No11 Middle. School CIn the No1 Middle School D In t

26、he No9 Middle School 4 A. Three. B. One. C. Four. D . Two. Answer Key: I. F T F F II. C A B D 12Mary and Anne New Words and Expressions daughter n 女儿 son n 儿子 sing v 唱 or D。 speakspi:kv 说 EXERCISES I Listen carefully and writeT,for True andF,for False beside the statements。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T或F。 1. Mrs.W

27、hite has two girls and a boy. 2. Mary can sing Chinese songs 3. Tom is Annes brother 4. MarvAnne,nd Tn-。 II Listen to the questions and choose the best answer: A,B,C or D。 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1A. Yes,she is B. No,she isnt. CYes,she has D. No, she hasnt 2. A. She is nine.B.She is eight: 3. A. Yes,

28、she doesBNo,she doesnt. C No,she cantDYes,she can 4 AHes MrWhites son. B Hes Marys sister C Hes Mary and Annes friend D Hes Annes sister Answer Key: : I. F F F T II. C C D C 13. A French Boy New Words and Expressions French adj法国的 EXERCISES I Listen carefully and writeT,for True andF,for False besid

29、e the statements。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T或F。 1.Peter is .in the No2 Middle School 2.Peter is in Row 6,Team 3 3.Peter is an English boy 4.Peters teacher is a woman IIListen to the questions and choose the best .answer:A,B,C or D. 听问题,在A,B,C;D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 A. Eleven. B. Twelve.、 C. ThirteenD. Ten. 2 A. Miss Liu.

30、 B. Mr. Liu. C. Miss Green. D. Miss Jim 3 A. Grade Four. B. Grade Three. C. Grade Two. D. Grade One 4 A. No,she isnt. B. Yes,she is. C. Yes,he is. D. No,he isnt Answer Key: I.T F F T II. B A D C 14 Jims Family New Words and Expressions picture n照片 I Listen carefully and writeT,for True andF,for Fals

31、e beside the statements。 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T或F。 1 Jim and his family are English 2 Jim and his sister are in the same school 3 Jims father is a worker 4 Jims sister is a student IIListen the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D. 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 AThey are workers BThey are doctors C The

32、y are teachersDThey are farmers 2 A. Shes Jims sisterBShes Jims classmate C Shes Jims friendDShes Jims teacher 3 ATheir father: B Their mother C Both their father and mother D I dont know 4 A. Yes,they do. B. No, they arent. C No,they dont DYes,they are Answer Key: I. T T F T II. C A B B 15 Our Hous

33、e New Words and Expressions gardenga:dnn花园 living room 起居室,客厅 EXERCISES I Listen carefully and writeT,for True andF,for False beside the statements 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。 1 We have a big house 2. There is a table and six chairs in the bedroom 3 There are two bedrooms in our house 4 We all like our

34、house II Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D。 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 A. Its near the school. B Its near the park. C Its near the street D Its near the zoo 2 A. One. B. Two. C ThreeDFour. 3 A. Some- books . B. Some flowers. C. Some bags. D.Some chairs. 4 A. Its near the ho

35、use. B. Its in the house. C Its behind the house D Its in front of the house Answer Key: I. F F T T II. A C B D 16.A Girl New Words and Expressions model n模型 draw v.画图 bright adj聪明的 carry v拎,提 supper n晚饭 EXERCISES I Listen carefully and writeT,for True andF,for False beside the statements。 仔细听,在下列句子

36、前标上T(对)或F(不对)。 1 Li Ping lives in Beijing. 2Li Ping is a teacher 3 Li Ping carries water for her teacher 4. Li Ping goes to bed at ten IIListen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B, C or D。 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 A. In a college. B. In a primary school C. .In a middle schoolDIn a house

37、2 A. At five. B. At six. C. At seven. D. At half past six. 3 A. Reading. B. Singing. C Playing. D. Drawing. 4 A. She watches TV B She draws pictures. C She does her homework D She sings Answer Key: I. F F F T II. C B D C 17Pauls Garden New Words and ExPressions livelivv居住 lazyleiziadj懒的 EXERCISES I

38、Listen carefully and writeT,for True andF,for False beside the StatementS 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T或F。 1. Paul has a big garden 2. The flowers in paul5 garden are very niee. 3. The birds like the garden. 4. Paul 15 lazy IIListen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D 听问题,在A, B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1 A.

39、 Tom B. Paul. C. Peter. D. Billy. 2 A. Some flowers: BSome birds. C. A and B. D. Sorry,I dont know. 3 A. Theyre walking. B Theyre working C. Theyre singing D Theyre reading 4 . A. Yes,he is. B No,he isnt C Yeshe does D NO,he doesnt Answer Key: I. F T T F II. B C C C 18 A Picture of a Park New Words

40、and Expressions chocolate n巧克力 sweet adj甜的 cardka:d n卡片 ladyleidin女士 EXERCISES I Listen carefully and writeT,for True and F,for False beside the StatementS 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T或F。 1 . There is a picture in the park. 2 The chocolates are sweet. 3 Four girls have got letters in their hands 4 Miss Green is their English teacher IIListen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D 听问题,在A, B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。 1


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