广州新五年级英语上册Unit Do you want coffee or tea.docx

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1、广州新五年级英语上册Unit Do you want coffee or teaUnit 7 Do you want coffee or tea? 只言片语 1.午餐喝_ 2.奶茶_ 3.一瓶果汁_ 4.一杯水_ 5.一盒牛奶_ 6.一杯茶_ 7.一罐可乐_ 8.给你_ 9.两碗米饭_ 10.五瓶橙汁_ 说文解字 Xiaoling: what do you want to drink for lunch? Ben: I want to have a cup of tea with milk. 询问朋友家人想吃什么,想喝什么时,我们就说: What do you _ _ _ / _ for lu

2、nch? What would you like to have/drink for lunch? Xiaoling: And you , Janet? Do you want coffee or tea? I want coffee. 选择疑问句不同于一般疑问句,不能用Yes/No来回答,而是选择其中一选项回答。 1) Is your family busy or free at the weekend? _ 2) Are you a student or a teacher? _ 3) Do you want orange juice or coke? _ Janet:Can I have

3、 a large coke,please? Xiaoling: Sure/Of course. 当别人提出请求时,肯定回答我们可以说:sure或者Of course 1) Can you help me clean my room? _ 2) Can I have a cup of coffee? _ Janet : I want something cold. I feel very hot. Something+形容词 一些冷的东西_ 一些新的东西_ 一些有趣的东西_ 一些热的东西_ Xiaoling:Thanks a lot. 当表示感谢的时候,我们可以说:Thanks a lot. 一

4、、选择题。 ( ) 1. What do you want to _? Some chicken . A. have B. eat C. drink ( ) 2. I want two _. A. hamburgers B. juice C. tea ( ) 3. How much is it ? Two _ . A. dollar B. dollars C. yuans ( ) 4. _apples do you want ? A. How much B. How many C. How old ( ) 5. hat _ you want? A hot dog, please. A. do

5、B. does C. are 6.hat _ Daming want? A hot dog, please. A. do B. does C. are ( ) 7. How much _ the pen? Two dollars. A. is B. are C. be ( ) 8. A hamburger _ good. A. look B. looking C. looks ( ) 9. What does he want to _ for lunch? A. eat B. drinks C. drinking ( ) 10. I want two _ of milk. A. boxes B

6、. box C. boxes ( ) 11. _ she _ coffee or tea? A. Does, wants B. Do, wants D. Does, want 12. Can I _ a bottle of juice? A. have B. has C. had ( ) 13. I want _. A. something hot B. hot something C. cold something ( ) 14. I feel very hot. I want something _. A. cold B. hot C. warm 二、 根据汉语提示,完成对话 A: Hel

7、lo, _(您想要吃什么)? B: I want a hot dog, please A: And _(您想要喝什么)? B: I want _(一罐可乐). A: Thats one hot dog and one cola. B: Yes, _(多少钱)? A: _(3.50). B: Here you are. A: Thank you. 三、假设你和爸爸、妈妈去一家餐饮用餐,请你简要介绍一下用餐情况。 My father wants to eat_and drink _. My mother wants to eat_ and drink _. And I want to eat some_ and drink _. Its _yuan.


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