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1、徐州工程学院国际市场营销样卷B徐州工程学院 徐州工程学院试卷 学年第 学期 课程名称 试卷类型 考试形式 考试时间 分钟 命 题 人 年 月 日 使用班级 教研室主任 年 月 日 教学院长 年 月 日 姓 名 班 级 学 号 题号 总分 得分 一 20 二 10 三 20 四 20 五 30 总分 100 一、 选择题 1. There are four events and trends that have affected and will continue to affect global business today. Which of the following would be c

2、lassed as one of those four major trends? A) The trend toward acceptance of English as the global language B) The trend toward affluence in all nations C) The trend toward the acceptance of the free market system among developing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe D) The trend towa

3、rd friendship in almost all sections of Africa E) All of the above are considered to be among the four major trends that are affecting global business today 2. Which of the following terms would most closely match with the following description the performance of business activities designed to plan

4、, price, promote, and direct the flow of a companys goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit? A) Global Strategy B) Marketing C) Marketing Concept D) Regional Marketing Concept E) Global Marketing 3. Which of the following would be considered to be an uncontrolla

5、ble element in the foreign environment? A) channels of distribution B) research C) economic forces D) promotion E) product elements 4. Such elements as political and legal forces, economic climate, and competition are the three elements found in the _ according to the international marketing task mo

6、del found in the text. A) foreign environment (uncontrollable) B) foreign environment (controllable) marketing internationally 第1页 共8页 徐州工程学院 C) domestic environment (uncontrollable) D) domestic environment (controllable) E) domestic environment (marketing mix variables) 5. In China, to enter into a

7、 proper contract, the Chinese company or individual must be considered to be a legal person. To be a legal person in China, the company or person must have registered as such with the Chinese government. This is only one of the problems encountered by businesspeople seeking to do business in China.

8、Which of the following environments would most correctly apply to the above situation? A) foreign environment (uncontrollable) B) foreign environment (controllable) C) domestic environment (uncontrollable) D) domestic environment (controllable) E) domestic environment (marketing mix variables) 6. Wh

9、en Rita Thomas clothing company began to market its line of inexpensive cotton shirts in Africa, it assumed that it would be able to use its television and print advertising that had worked so well in the United States and other countries. However, the company was soon to learn that literacy rates a

10、nd ability to access television was not the same as in the other areas of the world. Which of the following environments would most correctly apply to the above situation ? A) domestic environment (controllable) B) domestic environment (marketing mix variables) C) domestic environment (uncontrollabl

11、e) D) foreign environment (uncontrollable) E) foreign environment (controllable) 7. One of Phillipe Ortizs difficulties in marketing his line of Philippine cabinetry in Los Angeles is that he is still tied culturally to business models that work in the Philippines. These models do not work in the Un

12、ited States. The obstacle that Mr. Ortiz is facing may be identified as being which of the following? A) xenophobia B) SRC (self-reference criterion) C) globalism D) racism E) intellectual challenges 8. To avoid errors in business decisions, it is necessary to conduct a _ that isolates the SRC influ

13、ences and to maintain a vigilance regarding ethnocentrism. A) cross-cultural analysis B) global research effort C) search of the Internet D) purge E) parallel cultural simulation 9. If a company adopts a concept wherein it views an entire set of country markets as a unit, identifying groups of prosp

14、ective buyers with similar needs as global market segment and developing a marketing plan that strives for standardization wherever it is cost and culturally effective, the company has adopted what is called the: marketing internationally 第2页 共8页 徐州工程学院 A) marketing concept. B) social marketing conc

15、ept. C) global marketing concept. D) multidomestic marketing orientation. E) domestic market extension orientation. 10. If Germany limits the number of Japanese ball bearings that may enter its country to protect its domestic industry and reduce reliance of foreign supply, it is using a(n) _ as a tr

16、ade barrier. A) quota B) voluntary export restraint C) orderly market agreement D) tariff E) standard monetary barrier 11. Michele Phillips has just begun to understand the French culture even though she has lived there for two years. She speaks the language almost fluently, however, learning to liv

17、e in France will certainly take time. The process of how a person learns and adjusts to a new culture is called: A) socialization. B) democratization. C) a reference path. D) acculturation. E) embodiment. 12. Which of the following countries scores the highest on the IDV index (individualism/collect

18、ivism) suggesting that it follows an I mentality versus a we mentality? A) Canada B) France C) Japan D) Brazil E) United States 13. The _ Index measures the tolerance of social inequality. A) Individualism/Collectivism B) Uncertainty Avoidance C) Power Distance D) Cultural Value E) Consumer Behavior

19、 14. Electrolux offers a cold-wash only washing machine in Asian countries where electric power is expensive or scarce. This would be an example of a company conforming to which of the following terms or phrases? A) standardization B) dumbing down C) environmentalization D) homologation E) heterogen

20、eity marketing internationally 第3页 共8页 徐州工程学院 15. The Windsor Group is concerned that consumers will not be able to get sufficient spare parts for the companys new line of air conditioners. Which element of product component model would be the element that contains The Windsor Groups concern? A) cor

21、e component B) packaging component C) support services component D) communication component E) global component 16. Which of the following is another name for parallel importing? A) indirect marketing B) gray trade C) gray marketing D) simultaneous marketing E) preferred marketing 17. If a firm is c

22、oncerned only with the marginal or incremental cost of producing goods to be sold in overseas markets, it is engaged in _ pricing. A) variable-cost B) full-cost C) breakeven D) multi-level E) predatory 18. Which of the following pricing strategies is known to stimulate market growth and capture mark

23、et share by deliberately offering products at low prices? A) skimming pricing B) penetration pricing C) demand-based pricing D) predatory pricing E) competition-based pricing 19. Sad-Ohs is a themed nightclub that is aimed at the over 40s. What kind of segmentation is being used by the owners of the

24、 nightclub? A) Age B) Socio-economic C) Geographic D) Occupational 20. If the cost of producing one unit of a product is $ 5 and the firm adds a mark up of 40%, what is the resulting selling price? A) $ 6.25 B) $ 9 C) $ 5.4 D) $ 7 二、填空题 1. The theory that a dollar buys the same amount of goods in va

25、rious countries when converted into local currencies at prevailing rates is p . marketing internationally 第4页 共8页 徐州工程学院 2. According to Hofstedes research on cultural values, the dimension which describes the extent to Which the members of a society are uncomfortable with unclear, ambiguous of unst

26、ructured situations is named u . 3. In order to compare the relative values of currencies, managers can check the price of a B in different countries. 4. A market that will emerge if a particular economic, demographic, political, or sociocultural trend continues can be named as i market. 5. The tech

27、nique of back translation can help increase c and v of a questionnaire. 6. The most important international patent treaty is p . 7. For a market which is culturally distant and difficult to enter, the most appropriate entry strategy is j . 8. Current and expected market size, p , and compatibility a

28、nd f are al criteria used by marketers to make targeting decision. 三、使用英语解释下列名词 1 Global Marketing 2 Firm specific Advantages 3 Market Segmentation 4 Parallel Import marketing internationally 第5页 共8页 徐州工程学院 四、简答题 1 What is advertising? What does global advertising strategy involve? How can you budge

29、t for global advertising? 2. Define culture. Culture deals with a groups design for living. Comment and explain. 五、案例分析题 美国大型日用产品公司宝洁公司因其在世界上营销做得最好而出名。宝洁公司用它属下的80多个品牌的产品,在世界范围创出了超过370亿美元的销售量。宝洁与联合利华公司都是全球主要的洗衣剂、清洗剂和个人护理产品的大公司。 宝洁在第二次世界大战后向国外扩张是通过向西欧出口其品牌和营销战略的手法,最初取得了相当大的成功。XX年以来,这种先在美国开发新产品制定营销战略继而

30、转移到其他国家的政策变得根深蒂固。而采取适合不同国家的营销方案的战略则考虑得很少。 这一战略不再灵验的最初迹象是在20世纪XX年代,当时宝洁在日本受到几次大的挫折。到XX年,宝洁公司登陆日本XX年后仍然亏损4000万美元。它曾把一次性尿布介绍到日本,一度占据80的市场,但20世纪XX年代初,它只占有日本可怜的8的市场。3家大型的日本日用品公司在主宰市场。 宝洁公司的症结在于日本消费者不喜欢美国开发的臃肿的尿布。花王是一家日本公司,它开发了一系列更讨好日本人喜好的剪裁合体的尿不湿。花王用一种营销闪电战的方式介绍其产品,并很快获得市场30的占有量。宝洁公司意识到必须改进其尿不湿产品,否则在日本无法

31、进行竞争。它这样做了,赢得了30的日本市场。另外宝洁的小巧的尿不湿在美国成了畅销品。 宝洁在日本洗衣剂市场有过类似的经验教训。20世纪XX年代初,宝洁公司把喜尔牌洗衣剂引进日本。喜尔沿用在美国开发的、美国营销的那套理念在日本marketing internationally 第6页 共8页 徐州工程学院 促销喜尔在任何温度下都起作用,并产生很多泡沫。而日本人都在冷水里洗衣服,广告中洗衣剂在任何温度都起作用这点似乎没有意义。且日本人喜欢在水中添加衣物柔顺剂,这就减弱了洗衣剂泡沫的效果,喜尔这种品牌的洗衣剂并没有广告里说得那么轰动。一场灾难性广告攻势后,宝洁意识到必须调整其营销内容。喜尔而今是以一

32、种在冷水中添加柔顺剂后仍很起作用的产品定位来促销的,它现在成了宝洁公司在日本最畅销的产品之一。 宝洁在日本的一次性尿布和洗衣剂的经历迫使该公司重新思考其产品的开发和营销理念。公司现在承认以美国为中心的做生意的方式不再有效。 20世纪XX年代末宝洁公司花费更多的精力开发新产品并推向其设在日本和欧洲的子公司。公司对各地消费者口味和偏好的差异越发敏感了,愿意承认好的新产品可以在美国以外的地方开发出来。 通过该公司在日本的活动证明这种新方法是有效的。直到XX年宝洁才在日本销售洗碗液。XX年宝洁公司有了在日本最畅销的品牌Joy,Joy现在占日本洗碗液4亿美元市场的20。在这个进程中,宝洁公司侵占了日本国

33、内两家公司花王公司和Lion公司产品的市场占有率。这两家公司的产品在宝洁进人之前控制了将近40的市场。宝洁用Joy品牌取得了成功是因为它针对日本消费者来开发产品的能力、吸引零售商的包装设计并开发强制性广告大战的攻势。 宝洁公司在研究20世纪XX年代初的市场时发现一个奇怪的习惯:日本持家的主妇都在脏碟子里放过多的清洁剂,这是对现有产品不满意的迹象。宝洁认为这是日本消费者改变饮食习惯的结果。日本人现在消费油炸食品增多,而现有的碗碟清洗液不能有效去除油渍。得到这一信息后,宝洁在日本的研究人员着手发明一种高浓度的、基于公司在欧洲的科学家开发的新技术皂液配方,这种配方的去污皂液在去除油脂方面非常有效。公

34、司也开始设计新颖的产品包装。现有产品的包装有一个明显的缺点,瓶颈太长,浪费了超市货架的空间。宝洁餐具清洁皂液容器被设计成紧凑的圆柱体,在商店、仓库和运输车上都节省了空间。这就提高了分销的效率,使超市更有效地利用货架,他们更乐于存储Joy产品。宝洁还花费相当大的精力开发Joy的广告攻势。 宝洁的广告代理商电通公司制作了一个电视广告,一位著名喜剧演员事先并未告知就带着摄制组拜访一家主妇,测试Joy产品对家里脏餐具的清洗效果。摄像机对准一只煎锅中的一大片油渍。一滴Joy清洁剂使油污立刻消失了。 宝洁公司完成了产品、包装和广告创意的过程,在XX年3月向全日本推出了Joy产品。很快产品就获得了10的市场占有率。3个月之内,产品占有率提高到15,到当年年底,接近18。因为产品需求强劲,宝洁公司还能提高价格,而零售商们则囤积该产品,所有这些传递给零销商一个很大的利润空间,且有助于Joy产品在市场中稳固其地位。 1在不同的国家改变产品的特征是明智的想法吗?为什么?(7分) marketing internationally 第7页 共8页 徐州工程学院 2为什么一个公司的分销战略在不同国家会有变化?(8分) 3为什么广告和促销战略在不同国家应有所不同? 4公司的定价战略为什么会在不同国家有所变化,应如何变化? marketing internationally 第8页 共8页


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