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1、Lets enjoy the song“How do you go to school”,zxxkw,transportations,taxi,plane,ship,bus,subway,car,walk,boat,bike,train,Memory,Pair work,A:How do you get to school?B:I A:How long does it take?B:It takes about.A:How far is it from your home to school?B:Its about,Ask and answer in pairs:,多长时间,多远,Where

2、Take the bus引出词汇,学科网,学.科.网,Unit 3 How do you get to school?Section B Period 1(1a-1e),What are they?,bus stop,bus station,/stein/,/stp/车站,站点,train station,subway station,airport,/ept/,/fer/,ferry pier 轮渡码头,/p/,1._ bus stop 3._ bus station2._ train station 4._ subway station,c,a,d,b,I live very far fr

3、om our school.I only go home on weekends.Do you want to know how I get to school?Let me tell you.,Do you know where I live?,very far,home,bus stop,First,Then,No.1 Middle School,微山岛一中,On Sunday morning,first I walk to the bus stop,then I take the bus to the ferry Pier(轮船码头),and next I take the boat,a

4、t last I ride my bike to our school,first,then,next,finally,at last,next,At last,当表达多种交通工具时,(使用了?连接词)保证句子的衔接,语篇连贯性。,How do you get to school?,ride a bike,subway station,school,Then,first,How do you get to school?,How do you go to school?,First,Then,he walks to the bus stop.,he takes a bus to work.,A

5、:How does he go to work?,B:,1c,Listen and check()the things that Mary wants to know?,1c,Listen again.Fill in the chart.,1d,500,6,Listening skill:_,注意对比区别(交通工具名、方式的多少),1.听力关键词,M:I love your home,Bob.Its so big.B:Thanks,Mary.My grandparents home is very big,too.M:Where do they _?B:Very _ _ my home.M:O

6、h,how far?B:Its _ five _ kilometers from here.M:Well,thats far.B:Yes,it is.So I go there to see my grandparents _ one or two _ a year.M:How do you get there?B:I usually _ the train.,live,far from,about,hundred,only,times,take,M:_ _ does it take?B:It _ about six hours,and _ I take the bus _ the train

7、 station _the home.M:Well,thats a _ trip.,How long,takes,then,from,to,long,Listening text,First he walks to the bus stop.He takes a bus to the train station.Then he takes the train.Next he takes a bus from the train station to his aunts home.,Mary:I love your home,Bob.Its so big!Bob:Thanks,Mary.My g

8、randparents home is very big,too.Mary:Where do they live?Bob:Very far from my home.Mary:Oh,how far?Bob:Its about 500 kilometers from here.Mary:Wow!Thats far.Bob:Yes,it is.So I go there and see my grandparents only one or two times a year.Mary:How do you get there?Bob:I usually take the train.Mary:Ho

9、w long does it take?Bob:It takes about six hours.And then I take a bus from the train station to their home.Mary:Wow.Thats a long trip.,Role-play,1.Listen and repeat,B:First heThen he,takes the bus from the train station to the home,takes the train.,谈论Bob到祖父母家的交通方式,Pairwork,A:How does get to school?

10、B:First he/she,then,Bob,Gina,Mary,Tom,bike,car,train,plane,subway,挑战自己,试用三种以上方式组合上学,First I.Then I.Next I.Finally I to school.,bus,walk,一.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.There are three train _(station)in the big city.2.Where does Jim _(live)?3.He usually goes to his _(parents)home on weekends.,stations,live,parents

11、,小试牛刀啦,二.翻译下列句子。我骑自行车去地铁站。I ride my bike to the _ _2.到他祖父母家需要多长时间。_ _ does it _ to get to his grandparents home.3.鲍勃住在哪里。_ does Bob _?4.他认为这次旅行怎么样?What does he _ _ the trip?,subway station.,take,how long,where,live,think of,Group work,1.周日,你们小组的三名同学计划去济宁新体育馆观看篮球比赛,请描述去的路线。,Report:First,Then,Next,2.仿照听力材料编造一则新对话,


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