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1、数据库重要术语单词汇总: 1. 数据库系统:database system(DS),database management system(DBMS) 2. 数据库系统,数据库管理系统 3. 关系和关系数据库 table= relation,column = attribute属性,domain, atomic domain, row= tuple,relational database, relation schema, relation instance, database schema, database instance; 4. 表=关系,列=属性属性,域,原子域,排=元组,关系型数据库

2、,关系模式,关系实例,数据库模式,数据库实例; 1. key们: super key, candidate key, primary key, foreign key, referencing relation, referenced relation; 2. 超码,候选码,主码,外码,参照关系,被参照关系 5. 关系代数(relational algebra):selection, project, natural join, Cartesian product, set operations, union, intersect, set difference ( exceptminus),

3、 Rename, assignment, outer join, grouping, tuple relation calculus 6. :选择,项目,自然连接,笛卡尔积,集合运算,集,交集,集合差,重命名,分配,外连接,分组,元组关系演算 7. sql组成: DDL:数据库模式定义语言,关键字:create DML:数据操纵语言,关键字:Insert、delete、update DCL:数据库控制语言 ,关键字:grant、remove DQL:数据库查询语言,关键字:select 8. 3. SQL语言: DDL, DML,DCL,QL,sql query structure, aggr

4、egate functions, nested subqueries, exists(as an operator), unique(as an operator), scalar subquery, assertion, index(indices), catalogs, authorization, all privileges, granting, revoking, grant option, trigger, stored procedure, stored function 4. SQL语言:DDL,DML,DCL,QL,SQL查询结构,聚合函数,嵌套子查询,存在,独特的,标量子查

5、询,断言指数,目录,授权,所有权限,授予,撤销,GRANT OPTION,触发器,存储过程,存储函数 9. 表结构相关:Integrity constraints, domain constraints, referential integrity constraints 10. 完整性约束,域名约束,参照完整性约束 5. 数据库设计(ER 模型): Entity-Relationship data model, ER diagram, composite attribute, single-valued and multivalued attribute, derived attribute

6、, binary relationship set, degree of relationship set, mapping cardinality, 1-1, 1-m, m-n relationship set (one to one, one to many, many to many), participation, partial or total participation, weak entity sets, discriminator attributes, specialization and generalization 6. 实体关系数据模型,ER图,复合属性,单值和多值属

7、性,派生属性,二元关系集,关系集,映射基数的程度,1-1,1-米,MN关系集合,参与部分或全部参与,弱实体集,分辨符属性,特化和概化 11. 函数依赖理论:functional dependence, normalization, lossless join (or lossless) decomposition, First Normal Form (1NF), the third normal form (3NF), Boyce-codd normal form (BCNF), R satisfies F, F holds on R, Dependency preservation保持依赖

8、, Trivial, closure of a set of functional dependencies函数依赖集的闭包, closure of a set of attributes属性集闭包, Armstrongs axioms Armstrong公理, reflexivity rule自反律, augmentation rule,增广率, transitivity传递律, restriction of F to Ri ,F在Ri上的限定,canonical cover正则覆盖, extraneous attributes无关属性, decomposition algorithm分解算

9、法. 7. 函数依赖,规范化,无损连接分解,第一范式,第三范式BC范式,R满足F,F持有R,依赖保存,平凡,一组函数依赖封闭,一组属性, 8. 事务:transition, ACID properties ACID特性,并发控制系统concurrency control system,故障恢复系统 recovery system,事务状态 transition state, 活动的active, 部分提交的partially committed, 失败的failed, 中止的aborted, 提交的committed,已结束的 terminated, 调度schedule,操作冲突 confl

10、ict of operations, 冲突等价conflict equivalence,冲突可串行化 conflict serializablity,可串行化顺序 serializablity order,联级回滚 cascading rollback,封锁协议 locking protocol,共享锁 shared-mode lock (S-lock),排他锁 exclusive-mode lock (X-lock), 相容性compatibility, 两阶段封锁协议2-phase locking protocol, 意向锁intention lock, 时间戳timestamp, 恢复机

11、制recovery scheme,日志 log, 基于日志的恢复log-based recovery, 延迟的修改deferred modification, 立即的修改immediate modification, 检查点checkpoint. 数据库系统DBS Database System 数据库系统应用 Database system applications 文件处理系统 file-processing system 数据不一致性data inconsistency 一致性约束 consistency constraint 数据抽象 Data Abstraction 实例 insta

12、nce 模式 schema 物理模式 physical schema 逻辑模式 logical schema 物理数据独立性 physical data independence 数据模型 data model 实体-联系模型 entity-relationship model 关系数据模型relational data model 基于对象的数据模型 object-based data model 半结构化数据模型 semistructured data model 数据库语言 database language 数据定义语言 data-definition language 数据操纵语言

13、data-manipulation language 查询语言 query language 元数据 metadata 应用程序 application program 规范化 normalization 数据字典 data dictionary 存储管理器 storage manager 查询管理器 query processor 事务 transaction 原子性 atomicity 故障恢复 failure recovery 并发控制 concurrency-control 两层和三层数据库体系结构 two-tier/three-tier 数据挖掘 data mining 数据库管理员

14、DBA database administrator 表 table 关系 relation 元组 tuple 空值 null value 数据库模式 database schema 数据库实例 database instance 关系模式 relation schema 关系实例 relation instance 码 keys 超码 super key 候选码 candidate key 主码 primary key 外码 foreign key 参照关系 referencing relation 被参照关系 referenced relation 属性 attribute 域domain

15、 原子域 atomic domain 参照完整性约束 referential integrity constraint 模式图 schema diagram 查询语言 query language 过程化语言 procedural language 非过程化语言 nonprocedural language 关系运算 operations on relations 选择元组 selection of tuples 选择属性 selection of attributes 自然连接 natural join 笛卡尔积 Cartesian product 集合运算 set operations 关

16、系代数 relational algebra SQL查询语言 SQL query structure Select 字句 select clause From 字句 from clause Where 字句 where clause 自然连接运算 natural join operation As字句 as clause Order by 字句 order by clause 相关名称 (相关变量,元组变量) correlation name 集合运算 set operations Union Interest Except 空值 null values 真值 “unknown”truth “

17、unknown” 聚集函数 aggregate functions avg,min,max,sum,count group by having 嵌套子查询 nested subqueries 集合比较 set comparisons ,=,= some,all exists unique lateral字句 lateral clause with字句 with clause 标量子查询 scalar subquery 数据库修改 database modification 删除 deletion 插入 insertion 更新 updating 参照完整性 referential integr

18、ity 参照完整性约束 referential integrity constraint 或子集依赖 subset dependency 可延迟的 deferrable 断言 assertion 连接类型 join types 内连接和外连接 inner and outer join 左外连接、右外连接和全外连接 left 、right and full outer join Natural 连接条件、using连接条件和on连接条件 natural using and so on 视图定义 view definition 物化视图 materialized views 视图更新 view u

19、pdate 事务 transactions 提交 commit work 回滚 roll back work 原子事务 atomic transaction 完整性约束 integrity constraints 域约束 domain constraints 唯一性约束 unique constraint Check 字句 check clause 参照完整性 referential integrity 级联删除 cascading delete 级联更新 cascading updates 断言 assertions 日期和时间类型 date and time types 默认值 defau

20、lt values 索引 index 大对象 large object 用户定义类型 user-defined types 域domains 目录 catalogs 模式 schemas 授权 authorization 权限 privileges 选择 select 插入 insert 更新 update 所有权限 all privileges 授予权限 granting of privileges 收回权限 revoking of privileges 授予权限的权限 privileges to privileges Grant option 角色 roles 视图授权 authoriza

21、tion on views 执行授权 execute authorization 调用者权限 invoker privileges 行级授权 row-level authorization JDBC ODBC 预备语句 prepared statements 访问元数据 accessing metadata SQL注入 SQL injection 嵌入式SQL embedded SQL 游标 cursors 可更新的游标 updatable cursors 动态SQL dynamic SQL SQL函数 SQL functions 存储过程 stored procedures 过程化结构 pr

22、ocedural constructs 外部语言例程 external language routines 触发器 trigger Before 和 after 触发器 before and after triggers 过渡变量和过渡表 transition variables and tables 递归查询 recursive queries 单调查询 monotonic queries 排名函数 ranking functions Rank Dense rank Partition by 分窗 windowing 联机分析处理 online analytical processing 多

23、维数据 multidimensional data 度量属性 measure attributes 维属性dimension attributes 转轴pivoting 数据立方体data cube 切片和切块slicing and dicing 上卷和下钻rollup and drill down 交叉表cross-tabulation 第七章 实体-联系数据模型 Entity-relationship data model 实体和实体集entity and entity set 属性attribute 域domain 简单和复合属性simple and composite attribut

24、es 单值和多值属性single-valued and multivalued attributes 空值null value 派生属性 derived attribute 超码、候选码以及主码 super key ,candidate key, and primary key 联系和联系集relationship and relationship set 二元联系集binary relationship set 联系集的度degree of relationship set 描述性属性descriptive attributes 超码、候选码以及主码super key ,candidate

25、key, and primary key 角色 role 自环联系集 recursive relationship set E-R图 E-R diagram 映射基数mapping cardinality 一对一联系one-to-one relationship 一对多联系one-to-many relationship 多对一联系many-to-one relationship 多对多联系many-to-many relationship 参与participation 全部参与total participation 部分参与partial participation 弱实体集和强实体集we

26、ak entity sets and strong entity sets 分辨符属性discriminator attributes 标识联系identifying relationship 特化和概化specialization and generalization 超类和子类superclass and subclass 属性继承attribute inheritance 单和多继承single and multiple inheritance 条件定义的和用户定义的成员资格condition-defined and userdefined membership 不相交概化和重叠概化di

27、sjoint and overlapping generalization 全部概化和部分概化total and partial generalization 聚集aggregation UML UML类图 UML class diagram 第八章 E-R模型和规范化 E-R model and normalization 分解 decomposition 函数依赖functional dependencies 无损分解lossless decomposition 原子域atomic domains 第一范式 first normal form(1NF) 合法关系legal relation

28、s 超码 super key R满足F R satisfies F F在R上成立 F holds on R Boyce-Codd范式BCNF Boyce-Codd normal form(BCNF) 保持依赖 dependency preservation 第三范式third normal form(3NF) 平凡的函数依赖 thivial functional dependencies 函数依赖集的闭包closure of a set of functional dependencies Armstrong公理 Armstrong s axioms 属性集闭包closure of attri

29、bute sets F在Ri上的限定restriction of F to Ri 正则覆盖canonical cover 无关属性 extraneous attributes BCNF分解算法 BCNF decomposition algorithm 3NF分解算法 3NF decomposition algorithm 多值依赖 multivalued dependencies 第四范式fourth normal form(4NF) 多值依赖的限定restriction of a multivalued independency 投影-连接范式project-join normal form(PJNF) 域-码范式domain-key normal form(DKNF) 泛关系universal relation 唯一角色假设unique-role assumption 去规范化denormalization


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