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1、新上海牛津七年级上册unit8知识点新版上海牛津版七年级上册unit8知识点 一、知识点 1. Read a story about people who collectunusual things. collect及物动词,意为“” 翻译:你喜欢收集邮票吗? 其名词形式为,意为“”;collector名词,意为“”. unusual形容词,“”,反义词是 翻译:这是一本不同寻常的书。 下列词的否定形式分别是: happy, healthy, important 2. Listen to an interview about peoples collections. interview此处作名

2、词,意为“”,还可作动词“”。 翻译:昨晚杰克在电视上接受了采访。 我要去采访获胜者们。 3. 模型飞机 汽车模型 船模;航模 电话卡 4. There are eight doorbells on their front door! (1)Doorbell名词,意为“”,是个合成词,由“door+bell ”构成,合成词是一种重要的构词法。如: 黑板,教室,同班同学,祖父母 (2)front形容词,意为“前面的”。 翻译:这是我们的前花园。 in front of指在某一范围以外的前面,反义词是 in the front of指在某一范围内部的前面,反义短语是 翻译:凯西正坐在汽车的前座,而

3、她的朋友玛丽站在汽车的前面。 (3) “前门”, “后门”。 5. “This silver doorbell is my favorite,”said Helen. silver形容词,意为“”,名词意为“”。 例如:她头上没有一根银发。 favorite也作favorite,意为“”,是可数名词。 翻译:这个节目已赢得了年轻人的喜爱。 6. Come in, my dear grandson and granddaughter! grandson名词,意为“”。祖父母是 7. I like collecting newspaper.我喜欢收藏报纸。 newspaper可数名词,意为“”;n

4、ews不可数名词,意为“” 翻译:My father reads newspapers every day. Is there anything important in todays newspaper? 8. They went inside and saw newspapers everywhere. go inside意为“”,这里的inside相当于into the room,反义词是翻译:请进来吧。 虽然我到处找了我的铅笔,但我还是找不到。 8. “Hello children!” called Grandma. “Lets have some tea.” 本句中的动词call意为

5、“喊,嚷”。 如:“Breakfast is ready,”she called. 此外,call还有如下含义: a boy called= a boy (1)取名,把叫作 翻译:他们把这个宝宝叫做西蒙。 everywhere副词,意为“” (2)打电话 翻译:我随后电话叫你。 (3)请来 翻译:他如此虚弱以至于我们不得不叫医生过来。 Lets意为“让我们”,后接动词原形,常用于提出建议。 make/have/let sb. do sth. Lets do sth. =.=. Lets have dinner together next week. = The children followe

6、d her into the living room and saw lots of toys there. follow及物动词,意为“”=go after, lots of = 例如: I followed her up the stairs. Spring follows winter. followinto意为“” 翻译:警察跟随着小偷进了房间。 living room意为“” I enjoy reading in the sofa in the living room. 11. There was hardly any space for the children to sit do

7、wn. (1)hardly副词,意为“”。 翻译:我几乎不认识他。 no=not any, hardly any= 句中有hardly时,其反义疑问句的疑问部分应该用形式。He can hardly speak Chinese, can he? hardly“几乎不,几乎没有”,表示否定的意思。 He hardly studies. hard有形容词和副词两种词性,作形容词时,意为“”;作副词时,意为“” He studies hard. (2) to sit down是不定式作定语,修饰句词space. space空间; 普通用语,表示万物存在之处,与time为相对概念 time and s

8、pace时间与空间 room 房间,地方;指可以容纳东西或为其它目的而使用的空间。 翻译:车里面还有我的空间吗? 12. We both like collecting toys. both可以作形容词、代词或副词,意思是“”。在句中可作主语、宾语或同位语。 bothand两者都 Both are right. I like both. (1)both与动词连用时,一般放在系动词be之后,或其他动词之前。 翻译:他的父母都是工人。 他们俩都喜欢阅读。 (2)both可与and构成并列连词,连接两个性质相同并在句中作相同成分的并列结构。 例如: .他和他的哥哥都对英语很在行。 .玛丽又美丽又善良

9、。 13. You have your school work to do, so you shouldnt spendtoo much time collecting things. school work指学校布置的各种作业,包括“回家作业”,也包括“课堂作业” should情态动词,意为“”,表示义务、责任,用于各种人称。 翻译:在睡觉前你应该刷牙。 too much意为“”,用作形容词词组时,修饰不可数名词;用作副词词组时,可修饰动词;用作名词词组时,可作表语、宾语等。 much too意为“太,非常”,用作副词词组,修饰形容词或副词,但不可修饰动词。 too many意为“太多”,但

10、其后接可数名词复数形式。 He has too many pens. I drank beer last night. You have given me . I am afraid this camera isexpensive. My wife is busy to see visitors. spend:使用spend时,主语只能是表示人的名词或代词。 翻译:安迪在图书上花了很多钱。 常用的句型:人+spend+ some money/ some time . 人+spend+ some money/ some time. 此外,spend还有“度过”的意思。 翻译:凯蒂每天在家庭作业上

11、花费2小时。 他们买这个LED电视花费了4450元。 14. My friend will come to visit me in a short time from now. in a short time意为“很短时间后”。“in+一段时间”表示“多长时间以后”,常 用于一般将来时,对“in+一段时间”提问时用how soon. I will be back in two days. 翻译: 你多久回来? 一周后。 2. something某事;某物 There is something under the table. What is it? (1) something作主语时,谓语动词

12、要用第三人称单数, 例如:他的车子有些毛病 Something is wrong with his bike. (2)形容词修饰something时要放在它的后面,如: I have something important to tell you. (3)something一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中。 例如:would you like something to eat? 你想吃点什么吗? 5. My teacher told me its bad for the environment.我的老师告诉我它对环境有害。 be bad for意为“对有害的”,

13、其反义词组是be good for,“对有好处的,对有利的”。其中be动词有人称和数的变化。 be good to=be kind to=be friendly to 对友好的 例如:It is bad for your eyes. 它对你的眼睛有伤害。 Eating too many hamburgers is bad for you. 吃太多汉堡对你有害。 Eating too many sweets is bad for your teeth. 吃太多甜食对你的牙齿有害。 6. Im happy hes interested in something.我很高兴他对某样东西感兴趣。 be

14、interested in意为“对感兴趣”,后接名词、代词、动名词。 例如:Are you interested in collecting stamps? 你对收集邮票感兴趣吗? Im interested in sports. 我对运动感兴趣。 7. What do you think of it? What do you think of?意为“你认为怎么样”用来询问对某人或某事的看法,后接名词、代词或动名词。 例如:What do you think of the film? 你觉得这个电影如何? What do you think of going out for a walk? 你

15、觉得出去散散步怎么样? 注:How do you like?意思也是“你认为怎么样?” How do you like the novel?= What do you think of the novel? 11. Do you collect anything? 你收藏东西吗? anything不定代词,意为“某事,某物;任何东西,任何事物”,一般用于否定句或疑问句中,在肯定句中一般用something. 例如:Is there anything in the box? 盒子里有什么东西吗? You cannot believe anything she says. 你不能相信她说的。 I

16、have something to say. 我有些事要跟你说。 Im so hungry that I could eat anything. 我太饿了,吃什么都行。 anything用于肯定句时,只能表示“任何事物;任何东西” 12. I started two years ago.我在两年前开始的。 ago副词,意为“以前”,表示从现在算起的“以前”,常和一般过去时态连用。 例如:I came here two years ago. 我两年前来到这儿。 He arrived three hours ago. 他3个小时前到了这里。 15. Some show great works of

17、 art. 一些展示了伟大的艺术作品。 work为可数名词时,意为“作品”,常用复数形式。Work也可用作不可数名词,意为“工作”。 works of art意为“艺术作品” 例如:Do you like these works of art? 你喜欢这些艺术作品吗? 21. As a result, they make new friends and learn about the cultures and history of different countries.结果,他们结交了新朋友,并了解了不同国家的文化和历史。 as a result意为“结果” 例如:It doesnt oft

18、en rain in summer here. As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden. 二、课堂练习 I词汇:根据汉语或首字母提示写单词,补全句子。 1. Guangzhou Daily (广州日报) is a kind of wonderful n _. 2. Students got quiet at once when the teacher stood in the f _of the classroom. 4. My friend sent me a letter with a beautiful s _ on it.

19、5.There is not much s _ to hold (容纳) 60 students in the classroom. 6. - May I have a(n) _ (采访) with you, Mr Wang? - Sure. 7. My father bought me a(n) _ (模型) plane as a gift on my birthday. 8. I was late for the meeting, so I had to _ (推) the back door and went into the room. 9. I like doing some rea

20、ding when I am _ (空闲的). 10. Listen, Tom! There goes the _ (门铃). Please go and have a look. II句子:根据汉语提示,补全句子。每空一词。 11吃薯条对你的健康不好。 Having fried chips _ _ _ your health. 12小芳对中国书法感兴趣。 Xiao Fang _ _ _ Chinese handwriting. 13蒙娜丽莎是达芬奇的珍贵艺术作品。 Mona Lisa is a valuable _ _ _ of Da Vinci. 17住口!你讲了很多了。 Stop! Yo

21、u have talked _ _. 三、单选题 1. How much did you spend this pencil case? A. on B. of C. under D. to 2.They spent a loot of time playing the piano everyday. A. practice B. practicing C. to practice D. practiced 3. I am a collector of coins. I love many kinds of coins. A. collecting B. collect C. collects

22、 D. collection 4. Can you tell me something about your? A. collect B. collector C. collecting D. collection 5. I started model houses when I was eight years old. A. make B. made C. making D. makes 6. Two years ago, Mary collecting stamps. A. start B. starts C. started D. will start 7. a result, I pa

23、ss my science test. A. As B. For C. With D. In 8. is really educational. A. Collect stamps B. To collect stamps C. Collecting stamps D. Collection stamps 9. Cathy is just sitting the car , and her friend Mary is standing of the car. A. in the front of,in front of B. in front of ,in the front of C. i

24、n front of,in front of D. in the front of,in the front of 10. Playing computer games too often your study. A. is good to B. is bad to C. is bad for D. is good for 11.Is there in the fridge? No, we should go and buy some. A .something B. anything C. nothing D. some things 12.-Im thirsty now. Could I

25、have hot water? A .some B. any C. little D. no 14. We make noise in the evening when people fall asleep. A .should B. shouldnt C. ought to D. oughtnt 15. It is an magazines. Many people arein it. A .interested, interested B. interesting, interesting C. interested, interesting D. interesting, interes

26、ted 16. My brother work everywhere, but he couldnt one. A. looked for, looked for B. found, found C. looked for, found D. found , looked for, 17.Thank you for me solve this problem. A .help B. to help C. helping D. helps 18.I am busy . I have a lot ofto do today. A. work B. works C. working D. worked 19. The car is expensive and I dont have money to buy. A. too much, too much B. much too, too much C. too much, much too D. much too, much too


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