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1、新七年级下册英语阶段测试U七年级下册英语阶段测试 姓名 一、单项选择 1. What _exciting news! We are all very excited about it. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. We hope _good grades. A. get B. to get C. getting D. got 3. I hope you _a nice weekend. A. have B. to have C. having D. had 4. Can you _when the train will arrive? A. look B. look a

2、t C. find D. find out 5. I dont mind _soap operas. A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched 6. In summer, we should _cool clothes. A. put on B. wear C. dress D. dress up 7. They arrived _Beijing _the morning of May 10. A. at, in B. at, on C. in, in D. in, on 8.How are you going to be ? Im going t

3、o practice basketball every day. A. a basketball player B. a teacher C. a pianist D. a pilot 9.Is she going to be actor? Yes. She is taking lessons on weekends now. A. a, actor B. an, actor C. an, acting D. a, action 10. This is an important problem. Please . A. write it down B. write down it C. wri

4、te it in D. write in it 11. are you going to visit your uncle? Next week. A. Where B. Who C. Why D. When 12. I want to go to the movie tonight. But my parents dont agree me. A. with B. on C. at D. in 13. Whats your ? I like swimming. A. hobby B. name C. age D. habit 14.Whats she going to be when she

5、 _? A.grow up B.grows C.grows up D.is going to grow up 15.He is going to practice _ basketball every day. A.play B.to play C.playing D.plays 二、完形填空 Kates brother, Danny 1 some New Years resolutions this year. 2 , he is going to learn 3 the guitar. She is going to take the guitar lessons 4 practice e

6、very day. Next he wants to get good 5 . He is going to study 6 than before and he is going to do all his homework 7 he watches TV. Finally, he wants to learn 8 new language. He is going to buy some 9 CDs and practice 10 Chinese at home every morning. ( ) 1. A. makes B. make C. made D.making ( ) 2. A

7、. First B. Second C. Third D.Last ( ) 3. A. plays B. playing C. play D. to play ( ) 4. A. but B. and C. though D.or ( ) 5. A. lesson B. class C. grades D.grade ( ) 6. A. cooler B. worse C. more beautiful D. harder ( ) 7. A. when B. as C. before D.if ( ) 8. A. an B. a C. the D. ( ) 9. A. Japanese B.

8、America C. China D.Chinese ( ) 10. A.say B.telling C.speaking D.talk 三、阅读理解 Some children wish to be writers some day. They want to write stories or books for people to read. Thats good! Its good to write something for people to read! But they should know that they need to be good readers first befo

9、re they are really good writers. They should read a lot of books, instead(代替) of watching TV and spending a lot of time playing games when they are free. There is more fun in reading, you want to look for more books to read. Before you decide to be a good writer, youd better say to yourself, I must

10、read more and more! ( ) 1. This article mainly(主要) tells us that _. A. some children wish to be writers some day B. it is good to write something for people to read C.reading books is fun D. reading can be helpful for us to become a good writer ( ) 2. Reading more books may _. A. help you to be a go

11、od writer B. help you play well C. make you work better D.make you watch more TV at home ( ) 3. Its good for children _. A. to do a lot of reading B. to watch TV in the evening C. to be good writers right now D.to have wishes only ( ) 4.Some children want to be writers _. A. because they want to be

12、good readers B.to get more money and buy a lot of good things. C. to write stories or books for people to read D. to find good work some day ( ) 5. From the passage we know that _. A. all children like to be writers B. people like to read for children C. children need to read more and more books D.a

13、ll writers are children 四、根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词拼写 1Peter always talks loudly.I cant s_ him. 2Please be r_ to run. 3The girl is unfriendly to me,but I dont m_ that. 4He hasnt come here.He m_ be late. 5Children like c_ very much,especially the Mickey Mouse. 6. What are your _(爱好)? - I like to play tennis an

14、d collect stamps. 7. Whats your New Years _(决心)? - I am going to study hard at all the subjects. 8.Most of the time,we often make_(诺言)to other people,but seldom keep them. 9.I enjoy reading some _(文章) in the magazine. 10.The _(飞行员) in the plane is one of my good friends. 五、用所给的单词的适当形式填空 1. Lin Qiang

15、 _( study) education in Australia next month. 2.Keep on _(practice) and you can speak English well. 3. I want to take _ ( sing) lessons to become a singer. 4. What does your father want you_( be ) when you grow up? 5.Grace likes to play the _.She is a famous _(violin). 6.Li Yundi started_ lessons at

16、 the age of 5.Now he is a wonderful _(piano). 7.The old _told us how to learn_ well.(science) 8.He wants to be an _.He is going to take _lessons next week.(act) 9.Last month my mother promised _(buy) a bike for me, but she forgot it. 10.We are going to do more exercise_(keep) healthy. 六、完成句子,每空一词。(每

17、空0.5分,共15分。) 1.昨天每个人都写下了来年的计划。 Yesterday everyone _ _ their plans for the coming year. 2. 他长大了要当一名医生。 He _ _ _ _a doctor when he _ _. 3. 我承诺放学回来的时候整理我的房间。 I _ Im _ _ _ my room when I get back from school. 4. 她讲的那个故事和我爷爷有关系。 The story she told _ _ _ _ my grandfather. 5.他的姐姐打算在一所大学学习英语。 His sister is

18、going to study English _ _ _. 6他不想开始从事一项困难的体育项目. He didnt want to _ _ a difficult sport. 7. 你打算明年如何帮助他们? _ _ you going to help them next year? 8在上课一开始,老师让我们问问题。 At the _ _ the class,the teacher told us to ask questions. 9他想当一名厨师并去上厨艺学校。 He wants to be a _ and he is going to study in a _ school. 10.正

19、是这个原因,他选择了离开。 _ _ _,he chose to leave. 七、按要求改写句型。(每题2分,共10分。) 1.He is a doctor now. (用when he grows up改写) He _ _ _ _ a doctor when he grows up. 2.Not everyone knows. What do they want to be?(两句合为一句) Not everyone knows what _ _ _ _. 3.Li Dong could ride a bike when he was 6 years old.(变为同义句) Li Dong_

20、 _ _ ride a bike at age of 6. 4.The boy is so young that he cant go to school.(变为同义句) The boy is _ young _ go to school. 5.Im going to start when I finish high school and college.(对划线部分提问) _ _ you going to start? 八.书面表达(共20分) 根据汉语提示及要求,以“My Dream Job”为题用英语写一篇短文。 提示:1.想成为一名记者。 2打算给报纸、杂志写文章。 3高中毕业后想去北京上大学。 4.想在一家电台工作并环游世界。 要求:1.条理清楚,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范; 2提示内容全部体现在文章中; 3不少于60词。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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