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1、新世纪研究生公共英语教材 阅读C课后翻译课后 Unit 1 1Has the importance of technology been stressed over that of the humanities at a time when perhaps the converse should be ture? 在一个也许更需要强调人文学科的重要性的时代里,是否相反过分强调了技术的重要性? 2Thus the art of architecture and its decorationthe post-office mural or the restored Williamsburg are

2、 forced on millions who, left to themselves, might live in a cave or a tent. 于是,建筑及其装饰艺术,如邮局墙面上的壁饰或是复原的威廉斯堡,强加给了成百上千万人,如果任其自然,这些人就会生活在洞穴或帐篷里面。 3On the surface, these uses appear more individual than social, more self-indulgent than altruistic. 从表面上来看,这些用途是个人的而不是社会的,是自我陶醉而不是利他主义。 4We may acknowledge

3、the desirability of devoting human energies to killing viruses and improving our neighbors; but it does not follow that all rewards and research funds should go to projects for the immediate relief of pain and sorrow . 我们可以赞赏把人类精力投入到杀死病毒并改善我们邻里环境的愿望,但是这并不意味着所有的奖赏和研究基金都应该分配给旨在立即消除疼痛和悲伤的项目上去。 5Theres

4、no end to the silly, scholarly interest that actual, living modern, scientific, respectable American citizens will take up rather than do an honest days work clearing slums and keeping down divorce. 当代现实中活生生的、懂科学、令人尊敬的美国公民宁愿继续这种永无止境的愚蠢的学者兴趣而不愿意实实在在地干好一天工作,打扫打扫贫民窟,降低居高不下的离婚率。 6The practical man it se

5、ems, has been too busy spinning dreams of medical and behavioral betterment to bring his opinion in line with his practice. 而那些务实的人好像一直忙于编织医学和行为进步的梦想,而无法做到言行一致。 7They are poor in means, because they have not known how to make out their case on their own grounds. 它们不善于使用手段,因为它们还没有学会如何在自己所熟悉的领域为己一辩。 8

6、This filtering of the subject ,man ,through the medium of mind has the effect of keeping always in the foreground the element of novelty of uniqueness ,of astonishing unpredictability. 通过精神这一媒介,这种对主题,即人类,的过滤过程产生出这样的效果:让新鲜、独特、根本无法预科的成分总处于最显著的位置。 Unit 3 1The reason this does not happen is not that we

7、have become hardened to these fantastic appeals to our passions, but that we have become so groggy ,so passive , so helpless amidst the endless barrage of appeals that we go about our business, as we say. 之所以没有出现这样的情况,并不是因为我们已经对这种呼唤激情的荒谬做法习以为常,而是因为我们已经在永无止境、铺天盖地的呼唤中变得如此神魂颠倒,如此被动,如此无助,我们只管自己的事儿。就像我们所

8、说的那样。 2The ad was a piece of abstract art, of unabashed symbolism, such as is reputed to outrage ordinary man when he meets it in an art gallery. 广告是一件抽象艺术 , 是不折不扣的象征主义。据说普通人在艺术画廊里看到广告时会怒不可遏。 3So powerful is this feature of the huge artificial , pictorialized , neon-lighted environment created by ad

9、vertising that people have gotten into the habit of living in that future environment. 广告创造的图文并茂五颜六色的人造环境的阵势如此强大 , 以至于人们都已习惯于生活在广告所宣传的未来世界里。 4In fact , as handled by such commercial geniuses as Vollard and Duveen, modern painting has itself become a branch of advertising. 事实上,就像沃拉德和杜维恩这些商界天才所做的那样,现代

10、绘画本身已经变成了广告的一种分支。 5Spain is the last European country where conversation remains a popular art, and where the peasants, though illiterate, are as a rule so highly cultured that high society and intellectuals imitate their special accents and expressions out of snobbism. 西班牙是欧洲依然保留对话这一大众艺术的最后一个国家。在这里

11、,农民虽然没有读过书,但是他们一般很有教养,以至于上流社会的人和知识分子势利地模仿他们独特的口音和表达方法。 6Our social culture today is, even at the intellectual level, mainly an affair of advertising; and ads, in turn , represent the main channel of intellectual and artistic effort in the modern world. 我们今天的社会文化,甚至是在知识这一层面上,主要是广告的天下;广告反过来又是表现现代世界知识和

12、艺术成就的主要渠道。 7Advertising with its appeal to collective emotion , has set up national brands and totems for communal participation. 广告能调动起集体情感,为群众参与制定了全国性品牌和图腾。 8The important point about ads and fashions can be stated in a word. 广告和时尚的根本点可以用一句话来说明,时尚是艺术的大众化取代形式。 9With the arrival of the display adver

13、tising, a major revolution occurred in the modern world. 随着图文显示广告的到来,现代世界发生了一场巨大的革命。 10That is the least of the matter, for the initial investment is hitched to multimillion dollar production plants and national sales networks. 这还是最低的价格,因为前期投资还包括建设价值数百万美元的生产厂和全国销售网络。 Unit 5 1. For its purposes, any

14、social regulation of mating and reproduction is as significant as our own. 就其目的而言,任何社会有关交配和繁殖的规定跟我们自己的一样重要。 2. He is bound to avoid any weighting of one in favor of the other. 人类学家肯定会避免厚此薄彼。 3. Traditional custom, taken the world over, is a mass of detailed behavior more astonishing than what anyone

15、 person can ever evolve in individual actions, no matter how aberrant. 事实正好相反,从世界范围来看,传统习俗不管有多么异常,它是一系列细微的行为方式,比任何个人在个体行为中发展的行为方式要复杂得多。 4. The life history of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community. 个人的生活历史首先是适应他

16、的社团中按照传统继承下来的模式和规范的历史。 5. Anthropology was by definition impossible as long as these distinctions between ourselves and the barbarian, ourselves and the pagan, held sway over peoples minds. 只要我们自己与野蛮人,我们自己与异教徒之间的这些区别主宰着人们的头脑,人类学从其定义上来讲是不可能存在的。 6. It was necessary first to arrive at that degree of so

17、phistication where we no longer set our own belief over against our neighbors superstition. 首先,我们必须练达到不再把自己的信念看得高于我们邻居的迷信。 7. Both these battles we may fairly count as won-if not yet, then soon; but the fighting has only massed itself upon another fort. 这两场战争我们可以说是打赢了假如尚未打赢的话,起码很快就能打赢。然而,战斗只不过把自己调集到

18、了另一座城堡上。 8. The psychological consequences of this spread of white culture have been out of all proportion to the materialistic. 对于唯物主义者来说,白人文化所造成的心理结果难以接受。 9. On the one side, it was a question Divine Truth and of revelation; on the other, it was a matter of mortal error and of fables. 一方面,这是上帝的真理和

19、启示的问题;另一方面,这是人类的过失和神话的问题。 10. There could be no question of understanding from objectively studied data the nature of this important human trait, religion. 人类特征的这种重要性质,即宗教,不大可能根据客观研究的资料来理解。 Unit 7 1. However, except where the improvement contributed to increased productivity, the effort to make work

20、 more pleasant has had to support a large burden of proof. 然而,除了条件的改善有助于提高生产力这一点,力争使工作变得更加愉快的这一努力必须提供大量的证据,才能证明它是值得的。 2. But the test was not what was agreeable but what was unhealthful or, at a minimum, excessively fatiguing. 然而,判断的标准倒不是什么令人舒适,而是什么对身体有害,或者最低限度,是什么尤其是人。 3. It is not seriously argued

21、 that the shorter workweek increases productivity-that men produce more in fewer hours than they would in more. Rather, it is whether fewer hours are always to be preferred to more. 人们没有认真讨论过这个问题:更短的周工作时间会提高生产力,人在更少的时间里会比在更多的时间里制造更多的产品,相反,人们所关心的是应不该在任何时候都选择更少的工作时间。 4. With diminishing marginal urgen

22、cy of goods, it is logical that the first to be spared should be the old and young. 随着产品边际需求的日益减少,合理的做法首先减轻老年人和孩子的劳累。 5. In fact, the difference in that labor means to different people could not be greater. 事实上,对于不同的人来说,工作有着不同的意义,其差别简直再大不过了。 6. The reward rests not in the task but in the pay. 工作的回报率

23、不在于所完成的工作任务,而在于所得到的报酬。 7. Among other things, it is a prime index of prestige. 工资和其他东西一起构成名望的主要指数。 8. No aristocrat ever contemplated the loss of feudal privileges with more sorrow than a member of this class would regard his descent into ordinary labor where the only reward was the pay. 一个贵族在失去封建特权

24、时思想上的痛苦也比不上这个阶段的成员在“堕落”为只有通过领取工资才能获得回报的普通劳动者时的痛苦。 9. We are not establishing a new economic and social goal but identifying one that is already widely, if but tacitly, accepted. 我们并不是在制定一种新的经济和社会目标,而是在认识一种已经被广泛认可的目标。 10. There is no goal in life of comparable urgency as the maximization of total and

25、 individual income. 生活中没有那个目标能够同最大限度地增加全民和个人的时间收入相提并论。 Unit11 1. Down through the centuries, particular colors have been used to signify certain qualities or conditions. 千百年来,一些特定的颜色一直被用来表示某些品质和身份。 2. Furthermore, are such systems based, in the final analysis, on actual observations? 再说,这些意义系统归根结底是以

26、实际观察为基础的吗? 3. However, neither nature nor emotions can do more than suggest things to the mind; they do not offer a basis for a coherent system of symbols. 然而,无论自然和情感,它们所能做的只不过是给大脑提示某种事物,并不能成为统一的象征符合系统的基础。 4. While these extremes may explain certain traditional systems of symbols, they cannot accoun

27、t for a whole series of facts emerging both from the paintings of great artists and from those of mental patients. 尽管这些极端的事例可以解释某些传统的象征系统,但是它们却无法解释艺术大师和精神病人画中表现出来的一系列现象。 5. And when individual and group symbolism tally, it is not that psychological factors explain sociological features, but that, on

28、 the contrary, outward civilization imposes its standards and traditions on the individual, even though he may be mentally ill. 当个人和群体象征意义相吻合时,并不是心理学因素解释了社会学特征,而恰恰相反,是外在的文明将其标准和传统强加在个人身上,即使他可能患有精神病。 6. The real question, however, is whether or not the same system of symbols recurs in all civilizatio

29、ns. 然而,真正的问题是,同样的象征体系是否存在于所有文化之中。 7. So far, it has been the practice to compare the use of the same color in a number of entirely different countries or during periods of history as distant as possible from one another. 解释目前,惯常的做法是将同一种颜色在许多截然不同的国家或是相距甚远的各个历史时期进行比较。 8. Here once more the color owes

30、its significance to the myth, or, in other words, it is the god who transforms it into a symbol. 这个例子有一次说明颜色的含义源于神话,或者换句话说,是神将颜色转变为一种象征符号。 9. Although we do not realize it, this association of black with hell, death, the shades of night, and sin, inevitable influences the European view of Africans,

31、as if the color of their skin has laid a curse upon them. 尽管我们没有意识到,但是人们把黑白同地狱,死亡,夜的阴影,魔咒,罪恶等量、洗起来,这种联想不可避免地影响到欧洲人对非洲人的看法,好像他们的肤色是对他们的一种诅咒似的。 10. To recognize the relativity of systems of symbols may therefore be an effective aid in eradicating race prejudices and of doing away with ethnic stereotypes. 认识象征符号系统和相对性有利于消除种族歧视和固有的民族偏见。


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