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1、新理念 大学英语 学习大厅 综合教程 考试 答案Unit综合单元测试Level 2 Unit 2Listening ComprehensionTrue Or FalseDirections: In this part, you will hear ten statements. Each statement is based on the texts you have just learned in this unit. Statements one to six are about Text A, and statements seven to ten are about Text B. E

2、ach statement will be read ONLY ONCE.After you hear each statement, decide whether it is True or False. (10 points)15TTFTF610TTTFTSpot DictationDirections:In this part of the test, you will listen to a passage and it will not be written out in full for you. You will hear the passage TWICE. While lis

3、tening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear. (10 points)Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings battles lost and won, kings or rulers 11 or killed took months and even years to 12 from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was neve

4、r 13 . Today we can read in our newspapers of important events that 14 in faraway countries on the same day they happen.Apart from supplying news from all over the world, newspapers give us a lot of other useful 15 . There are weather reports, radio, television and film guides, book reviews, stories

5、, and, of course, 16 . There are all sorts of advertisements. The bigger ones are put in by large companies to bring 17 to their products. They pay the newspapers thousands of dollars for their advertising space, but it is 18 the money, for news of their products goes into almost every home in the c

6、ountry. For those who 19 newspapers, advertisements are also important. Money earned from advertisements makes it possible for them to sell their newspapers at a low price and still make a 20 .11.overthrown12.travel13.accurate14.occur15.information16.advertisements 17.attention18.worth19.produce20.p

7、rofitReading ComprehensionDirections: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices. Click on the best choice. (20 points)A lot of us have spent a lot of time trying to get low-income children interes

8、ted in middle-class values: education, hard work, an orientation toward the future. And none of it seems to work.The real problem, I suspect, is the curse of low expectations. We doubt that most children who speak a certain way, or who come from certain kinds of homes and economic circumstances, wil

9、l ever perform well in any setting that requires above-average intelligence. We doubt that these children will ever achieve middle-class status. We remind them in a thousand ways that we will be astonished if they ever amount to much, and we wonder why they keep yielding to drugs and crime and prema

10、ture sex. The children of the poor dont try harder at the things that middle-class youngsters take for granted for the same reason I dont try harder to slam-dunk a basketball. We dontwork very hard at things that we assume are beyond our ability to master.But there is one group of minority Americans

11、 who work hard and who are successful the recently arrived Asian-Americans. There are two complicated things about these Asians. The first is that they see America as a land of great opportunity. The second is they know that the key to success is hard work. They take as a given that anybody who work

12、s hard enough can achieve success.21.The low-income children are _.A.not interested in middle-class valuesB.trying to accept the middle-class valuesC.easy to be addicted to drugsD.of lower intelligenceA22.The second paragraph tells us _.A.low-income children keep yielding to drugs and crime to escap

13、e peoples curseB.low-income children behave poorly because people dont expect too much from themC.people tend not to have confidence in low-income childrenD.people hope that low-income children can attain middle-class statusC23.Poor children dont work hard because _.A.they can see no hope of getting

14、 the middle-class thingsB.they are only good at playing basketballC.they are of low abilitiesD.they dont want to get those middle-class thingsA24.It can be inferred that Asian-Americans _.A.usually are very richB.will grasp any opportunity that will lead them to successC.are looked down upon by the

15、whitesD.are more successful in teaching their childrenB25.What will the next paragraph most probably talk about?A.Why the virtues in Asian-Americans no longer belong to Americans.B.Some examples about famous Asian-Americans.C.Social problems related to low-income children.D.How did the American Drea

16、m start.AThe standard of living in any country depends first and foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. Wealth in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy: goods such as food and clothing, and services such as transport and entertainment.A countrys c

17、apacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most of which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends to a great extent upon a countrys natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and so on. Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, an

18、d have a fertile soil and a favorable climate; other regions possess none of them.Next to natural resources comes the ability to turn them to use. Some countries are perhaps well off in natural resources, but suffered for many years from civil and external wars, and for this and other reasons have b

19、een unable to develop their resources. Sound and stable political conditions, and freedom from foreign invasion, enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, and to produce more wealth than another country equally well served by nature but less well ordered. Another imp

20、ortant factor is the technical efficiency of a countrys people. Industrialized countries that have trained numerous skilled workers and technicians are better placed to produce wealth than countries whose workers are largely unskilled.A countrys standard of living does not only depend upon the wealt

21、h that is produced and consumed within its own borders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through international trade. For example, Britains wealth in foodstuffs and other agricultural production would be much less if she had to depend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible for

22、 her surplus manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products that would otherwise be lacking. A countrys wealth is, therefore, much influenced by its manufacturing capacity, provided that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures.26.The standard of living in

23、a country is determined by _.A.its goods and servicesB.the type of wealth producedC.how well it can create wealthD.what an ordinary person can shareC27.According to the passage, wealth means _.A.money each family in the country ownsB.clothing which is both fashionable and durableC.machines that are

24、advanced and convenient to operateD.goods and services that money can buyD28.A countrys capacity to produce wealth depends on all the factors EXCEPT _ .A.people s share of its goodsB.political and social stabilityC.qualities of its workersD.use of natural resourcesA29.According to the passage,_ play

25、 an equally important role in determining a countrys standard of living.A.farm productsB.coal and goldC.foodstuffsD.export D30.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.If a country has abundant natural resources, it is likely to produce more wealth.B.Each region in th

26、e world possesses at least one favorable natural resources.C.Some countries cannot develop their natural resources for some reasons such as war.D.Well-trained employers play an important role in producing wealth.BVocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with fo

27、ur choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (60 points)31.Your offer will leave us little _ of profit and we cannot see any advantage in your price.A.discountB.treatmentC.reservationD.marginD32.Female executives _ 30% of the management in that multinational company.A.make ofB.make u

28、pC.consist ofD.make fromB33.It is true that things such as _ , friendship and love cannot be bought.A.royaltyB.moneyC.hardshipD.loyaltyD34._ with such a crisis, they had to appeal to the government for help.A.ComparedB.ConcernedC.ConfinedD.ConfrontedD35.He insisted that he was not _ in the murder at

29、 all.A.relatedB.involvedC.concernedD.attachedB36.All the educators attending the meeting agreed that it was a demanding task to _ a new generation.A.motivateB.cultivateC.developD.improveB37.By all accounts, he is a qualified member who holds to the rules _by the organization.A.laid downB.lied downC.

30、laid upD.lain onA38.He wants to be an IT engineer, as he feels the _ prospects are greater.A.advantageB.priorityC.communityD.careerD39.As we do not have enough funds, we cannot _ on our project.A.insistB.proceedC.carryD.continueC40.These mysterious symbols _ to an ancient civilization located in the

31、 Middle East.A.linkB.associateC.relateD.connectC41.His suggestion that the company _ success was accepted by everyone.A.awardB.payC.rewardD.praiseC42.Do you really think it necessary to _ all the profits to the stockholders?A.give offB.give awayC.give outD.give upB43.There are various _ for the tour

32、ists if they choose to take a trip abroad during the National Festival.A.rangesB.conditionsC.systemsD.optionsD44.Youd better _ that old plug with a new one. Its dangerous.A.replaceB.shiftC.exchangeD.changeA45.Once she makes up her mind, she will _ her resolution no matter how difficult it is.A.hold

33、upB.hold toC.hold onD.hold atC46.The growth _ of that areas economy is 8% compared with last year.A.paceB.rateC.advanceD.progressB47.The hostess _ something quite unusual at the party, which made all the guests feel uneasy.A.carried onB.carried offC.carried upD.carried withA48.Corporate regulations

34、_ that all employees enjoy a free trip of seven days in a year.A.persuadeB.urgeC.demandD.commandD49.The company established a special fund for the financial _ in an emergency situation.A.optionB.burdenC.reliefD.statusC50.He was born and brought up in a _ village and has never seen such a grand mansi

35、on.A.farB.relativeC.remoteD.ruralC51.After careful consideration, the police _ to take no further action against his conduct.A.appealedB.resolvedC.projectedD.relatedB52.Professor Roberts signaled a _ from his usual subject in his presentation in the hall.A.departureB.replacementC.retreatD.projectC53

36、.The local government decided to _ the deserted island once the additional capital was due.A.executeB.reserveC.qualifyD.cultivateD54.When he returned from holiday, Mr. White was _ with a great pile of work.A.involvedB.rewardedC.confrontedD.resolvedC55.With six children to look after, she was kept _

37、the whole day.A.on the edgeB.on the runC.at the edgeD.at the runB56.Not until he was 20 years old _.A.had his father allowed him to drive a carB.did his father allow him to drive a carC.his father allowed him to drive a carD.his father had allowed him to drive a carB57.These magazines, which you can

38、 borrow from the library, will give you _ you need.A.all the informationB.all of informationC.all the informationsD.all of the informationsA58.We were all shocked at _ the little girl was treated by her stepmother.A.the timeB.the wayC.the reasonD.the methodB59._ the expenses soaring, we are likely to cancel our trip to France.A.ForB.AsC.WithD.BecauseC60.The Forbidden City is the place _ almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to China.A.whereB.of whichC.in whichD.whichD


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