新编进出口函电第三课后test yourself的翻译.docx

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1、新编进出口函电第三课后test yourself的翻译1. From the latest issue of Computer World we have learned about your Finance Guide software package. We would appreciate it if you could send us a descriptive booklet. 从最近一期的电影世界我们得知了你们的“财务指南”软件包。如有说明书请寄一册。我们将不胜感激 2. We were impressed with the vehicles you displayed at th

2、e Beijing Trade Fair. Please quote your prices on FOB basis for the automobiles listed above. 你们在最近的北京贸易博览会上展出的汽车给我们留下良好的印象。请对以上所列的各款汽车报你方的FOB纽约价格。 3. Please let us know if you can supply the lines of goods specified in the enclosed list. We would appreciate it if you would send us a copy of price l

3、ist and terms for your exports. 请告诉我们你方能否提供本函所附清单中列明的各类货物。如能寄有关的出口价目表并告知各项出口条件,我们将不胜感激。 4. If the samples are of the standard we require, we will place a substantial order. We are looking forward to receiving your firm offer by March 5. 倘若样品符合我们所要求的标准,我们将会大量订购。盼望于x月x日前收到你的实盘。 5. Would you please pro

4、vide detailed information on the types and quality of leisurewear you have available and quote relevant prices indicating your delivery time. 请提供贵方有现货可供的休闲服的种类和质量等详细情况,同时请报相关价格,以及你方的交货时间。 Unite 3复函报价 1. Thank you for your inquiry of July 3 for our High Definition TV Sets advertised in the June issue

5、 of AV Mart. We are now attaching our detailed quotation sheet for your reference. 谢谢你x月x日来信,询问我们在6月份一期AV Mart 杂志做广告的高清电视。现附上本公司的详细报价单 2. We thank you for the interest you have shown in our new products, the prices of which, as you have noticed, are competitive. We look forward to receiving your ini

6、tial order. 谢谢您对我们的新产品感兴趣,并且您还注意到我们的价格是有竞争性的。我们盼望收到贵方的首次订单。 3. Please note that our prices are quoted c.i.f. Melbourne and that we are offering a 10% discount off all net prices. You may enjoy a 15% discount on orders of AUD 30,000 and over. 请注意我们报的是CIF墨尔本价,并在所以的净价上提供10%的折扣。对于金额达3万澳元及以上的订单,您可以享受15%的

7、数量折扣。 4. We may give you an additional 5% cash discount if you agree to make payment by letter of credit or cash with order. 如果你们同意以信用证或者随订单付现的方式支付货款,我们还可以给5%的现金折扣。 5. The items you inquire for are out of stock, but we can offer you substitutes, which are more favorable in price and no less satisfac

8、tory in quality. 贵方询购的货物已售罄,但是我们可以向您提供代用品,其价格更优惠,但是质量并不逊色。 Unite 4订购确认 1. We have examined your catalogs and samples and are now attaching our order for mens and boys sweaters in assorted sizes, colors, and designs. 我们已经看过贵公司的产品目录和样品,现随函附上订单一份,订购各种尺寸,颜色和款式的男士和男孩的羊毛衫。 2. All your ordered items are in

9、 stock. We are now making up the order and can make delivery within 30 days of receipt of your L/C. 你方订购的所有品种均有现货,我们目前正在办理你方的订货,并可在收到信用证后一个月之内发货 3. Enclosed/Attached is our order #GH9736. If the ordered goods sell well in our market, we will place further orders in the near future. 兹附我方第GH9736号订单,如果

10、所订货物能够在我市场畅销,我们不久还会下订单。 4. We hope you will take advantage of this exceptional quotation, which remains valid until the 10th of this month. Meanwhile, we are enclosing the relevant pro forma invoice so that you may apply for the required import license. 希望您能够接受这一破例的报价,有效期至本月10日。与此同时,我们附上有关的形式发票以便你们早

11、日申请相关的进口许可证。 5.Enclosed are two copies of our Sales Confirmation No. DTE97064 made out against your order mentioned above. Please sign and return one copy for our file. 兹附根据贵方上述订单而缮制的我方第DTE97064销售确认书两份。请签退一份供我方存档。 Unite 5保险 1. We normally effect insurance against all risks and war risk from port to

12、port at 110% of invoice value with our insurers. 我们通常是以发票金额的110%向我们的保险公司投保港至港一切险和战争险。 2. In future we will have to ask you to hold damaged items for our inspection to determine the cause of damage. 以后我们只能请贵方把受损的货物保存好,待我们前来查看以确定造成损毁的原因。 3. At your request, we will cover the goods listed below against

13、 all risks for an amount of 50% above the invoice value, and charge the extra premium to your account. 应贵方要求,我们将对下列货物按发票金额另加50%投保一切险,额外的保险费将由贵方承担。 4. You are well aware that the goods were shipped clean on board the carrying vessel. As you are the insured, would you please file a claim with your und

14、erwriters. 如你所知,货物是完好无损装上船的,由于你方是这批货物的投保人,因此请向你方的保险商提出索赔。 5. Please let us know if you can arrange an open cover for USD 1,200,000 against all risks to insure our consignments to be shipped to the major ports in Southeast Asia. 请告知你们是否能够对我们运往东南亚主要港口的货物安排预约保险,保险金额为1200,000美元,险别为一切险。 Unite 7装船 1. Than

15、k you for the shipping instructions you sent us. We are glad to inform you that your ordered goods are ready to be shipped on the MV Polaris at Qingdao on 20th this month. 谢谢你方的装船要求。兹告我方已将货物备妥,将于本月20日由青岛港装“北星号”轮。 2. It is nearly two months since we opened our L/C, so we are eager to learn about such

16、 details of your shipping arrangements as the name of the carrying vessel, the ETD and the ETA. 我方信用证开出已近两个月,我们及想了解你放的发运安排,请告载货轮的船名,预计驶离你港时间和预计到达我港时间。 3. As our customers are in urgent need of the consignment, please arrange to ship the goods by air as soon as possible. You can charge the difference

17、 in the cost of carriage to our account. 鉴于我们的客户急需这批货物,请贵方尽快安排空运,空运与海运之间的差价由我方承担。 4. We have arranged road transport to Dalian, where our shipping agents will be loading the goods on to the s.s. Advance/Qianjin, which is due to arrive at Antwerp on May 27. 我们已安排由公路运输到大连,在那儿我们的货运代理会将货装上“前进”轮,该轮定于x月x日

18、驶抵安特卫普。 5. Regarding the parcel under our order No. IB223, the port of discharge has been changed from Waigaoqiao Docks to Yangshan Deep-water Harbor. Please advise your shipping company accordingly. 关于我方IB223号订单项下的货,卸货港已由外高桥码头改为洋山深水港。烦请告知你方的船运公司。 Unite 8信用证 1. Our terms of payment are by confirmed,

19、 irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight to be negotiated in China no later than the 21st day after the contracted date of shipment. 我们的付款条件是保兑的,不可撤销的即期跟单信用证,在中国议付,日期不迟于合同规定的装运期后第21天。 2. The letter of credit must be opened or confirmed by a first-class bank to reach us 40 days before

20、the time of shipment, allowing transshipment and partial shipments 信用证须由一流银行开立或保兑,于装运期前40天开至我方,允许转船和分装。 3. On going through the credit, we found in it a point that is not in conformity with the contract. Please delete the insurance clause because the covered transaction was concluded on FOB basis. 经

21、过审证,我们发现该信用证有一处与合同条款不符,请删除保险条款,因为这笔交易是以FOB上海成交的。 4. You are requested to insert the wording “10% more or less is allowed” in both the total-value and the quantity clauses and extend the shipment and validity dates to June 30 and July 21 respectively. 请在总价和数量的条款中插入“允许10%增减”的字样,并将装船期和有效期分别展至x月x日与x月x日。 5. The goods you ordered have been ready for quite some time, but so far we have not received your covering L/C. Upon receipt of this note, please open the credit, which must reach us within five working days as of today. 货物备妥已有好长时间,可是至今还未收到贵方的信用证。请收到此通知后立即办理,信用证必须于5个工作日内开到我方。


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