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1、新视野视听说教程第Falling in Love Transcript: W: Excuse me. Youve been here for six hours. Are you waiting for someone? M: Im afraid so. Im supposed to meet my new girlfriend. I cant believe how late she is! Q: What surprises the man? Conversation 1 His girlfriend cannot be believed. His girlfriend is always

2、 late. His girlfriend is afraid of him. His girlfriend isnt on time. Transcript: M: I heard a song on the radio by Elvis, called A Big Hunk oLove. W: I know that song. Its really happy though, which is why I dont like it. Love songs should be sad, like love. Q: Why does the woman NOT like the song?

3、Conversation 2 Because she doesnt care about music. Because she thinks it doesnt express the reality of love. Because its sung by Elvis. Because its too sad. Transcript: W: You found love in India? How romantic! Its my dream to fall in love in a foreign country! M: It was really exciting at first. A

4、fter I got used to it though, it was kind of boring. Q: How did the mans feeling of love change? Conversation 3 He began to learn that Indians were romantic. He found it more and more romantic. He became bored after a period of time. He grew more excited about it Transcript: W: More than once, I tho

5、ught about killing myself after I lost my boyfriend. M: Just about everyone gets depressed, but you cant let those feelings get the better of you. Q: According to the man, what does everyone experience after a breakup? Conversation 4 Feelings of great sadness. Feelings of wanting to kill oneself. Fe

6、elings of being bettered. Feelings of wanting to be in love. Transcript: W: You look so happy! Whats going on to make you smile like that? M: For the first time in years, my sister has found love. Im going to meet the guy today. Q: Why is the man happy? Conversation 5 Because he has found love for t

7、he first time in years. Because he discovered that his sister is in love. Because he met a guy that loved his sister. Because he met a guy who helped him find love. Transcript: W: I can help you find your old girlfriend if you can give me more information about her. M: Name, old address. thats all I

8、 can tell you. But maybe it doesnt matter. I probably should try to forget her. Q: Why can the mans old girlfriend NOT be found? Conversation 6 Because he has forgotten her. Because he has forgotten her name and address. Because he doesnt think the matter is important. Because he cant provide any mo

9、re information. Transcript: M: Hey! You look great! Am I wrong, or has something changed about you? W: Something big! I found a man who really makes me happy. Hes brightened up my life. Q: What do we know about the womans new boyfriend? Conversation 7 He makes her feel good. He has changed everythin

10、g. He looks great. He is very bright. Transcript: M: Youve been writing me letters for years. When are you going to admit your love for me? W: What? Love? No, Im just being friendly. You think everyone loves you! Q: According to the woman, what mistake has the man made? Conversation 8 He thinks she

11、is being friendly. He thinks friends can be in love. He thinks she loves him. He thinks he loves her. Transcript: W: So, what makes you think that your marriage will last, when 50 percent fail? M: Fifty? Nah. That number is more like 30 or 40 percent. And in my family, there are no divorces. Q: What

12、 is the divorce rate in the mans family? Conversation 9 50 percent. 30 percent. 0 percent. 40 percent. Transcript: M: Honey, dont you have any objections to our daughter having a boyfriend? W: None whatsoever! Having a boyfriend will teach her how to become a loving wife someday. Q: What is the rela

13、tionship between the man and the woman? Conversation 10 Father and daughter. Husband and wife. Teacher and parent. Son and mother. Pink Envelope Transcript: W: Another letter. M: For me? W: Who else? Its from. M: Hey, dont look at that! Its private! Give it here! W: OK! Sorry! I was just a bit curio

14、us. Youve been getting a lot of these letters lately. And theyre always in these pink envelopes. It makes me wonder if youve got a girlfriend. Thats all. M: If you must know, yeah, I have a girlfriend. W: I thought so! So, what does she look like? M: I dont really know. So far, weve only communicate

15、d by mail. Ive never seen her. W: Not much of a girlfriend, then, is she? M: I think Im in love with her. Isnt that what it means to have a girlfriend? W: Well, that wouldnt have been enough for your father and me. We wouldnt have fallen in love without meeting. To be in love, you have to see a pers

16、on, at least. M: The love I have for my girlfriend is spiritual; I dont have to see her. You wouldnt understand. 1. Why does the woman want to see the letter? Because its private for her. Because its unusual and shes interested. Because its from a girlfriend. Because its in a pink envelope. Play Sou

17、nd 2. What does the woman want to know? Whether the man has a girlfriend. Whether all the letters are in pink envelopes. Whether the letter is private. Whether the man has been getting letters. Play Sound 3. According to the man, what doesnt he know? The meaning of love. The way to communicate by ma

18、il. The appearance of his girlfriend. The sender of the letters. Play Sound 4. According to the woman, what must all people in love have? Understanding. Love letters. Spiritual contact. Visual contact. Play Sound 5. What is the relationship between the speakers? Father and daughter. Mother and son.

19、Wife and husband. Boyfriend and girlfriend. BACDB Love in the War Transcript: Going to war was the greatest thing to have ever happened to me, said Albert Thomson, a former soldier. Some people might find this strange, especially considering that Thomson lost an arm and the use of both legs in comba

20、t. Of course, I didnt like the fighting, Thomson said. What he did like was that, by going to war, he met the woman who would become his wife and the mother of his four children. One effect of World War II was that it brought many young people from different countries together. When peace was achiev

21、ed, these young people often fell in love with people of different nationalities. During World War II, an estimated 1,000,000 American soldiers married women from over 50 different countries. In the Pacific, 16,000 of the 1,000,000 American soldiers married Australian and New Zealand women. Of these

22、, 12,000 went to the U.S. Many of the relationships failed, but some were as happy as Thomsons. 1. What did Thomson lose during the war? A leg. Fighting spirit. An arm. Both arms. Play Sound 2. What did Thomson enjoy about the war? Meeting his mother. Meeting a lover. Fighting in combat. Achieving p

23、eace. Play Sound 3. What is spoken of as a positive effect of World War II? Protecting the children. Creating love between countries. Achieving peace at last. Bringing people from different countries together. Play Sound 4. How many U.S. soldiers married Australian or New Zealand women? 1,000,000. 1

24、6,000. 12,000. 50,000. Play Sound 5. What do we know about these marriages? Some werent successful. Some were happier than Thomsons. Most were in the Pacific. Most were in the U.S. CBDBA Lets Enjoy a Modern Art Show Transcript: M: Hi, Sandy. How are your finals going? W: Oh hi, Mike. I finished my l

25、ast exam this morning. And I also finished my two term papers. I finally feel like I can see the light. M: Great! So, how about doing something different for a change? Ive got two tickets for the new art show at the modern art museum downtown. Do you want to go with me? W: Not really. I dont know an

26、ything about modern art, and Im no artist. M: You dont have to be an artist to enjoy a good exhibition. Besides, itll be a nice change from studying. W: Youre right. Have you been yet? M: No, but Ive heard its great. The show was in New York last summer, and in Chicago after that. And next week it g

27、oes to Los Angeles. W: Oh. Well, it should be good then. M: And, besides, next door to the modern art museum is a new Asian art museum. So, we could hit both of them at the same time if you want. W: OK. When should we go? M: Well, if you have nothing going on, Im ready right now. Its 12:30. W: That

28、wont do. Im starving. Lets meet after we eat. How bout we meet at 1:30 right here? M: Sounds good to me. See you then. 1. How does the woman feel now? Relaxed. Worried. Depressed. Bored. Play Sound 2. What was the womans first response to the mans suggestion? She thought it was a good idea. She want

29、ed to read about art first. She didnt want to go. She didnt have energy for it. Play Sound 3. Which city is the art show going to next? Los Angeles. Chicago. San Francisco. New York. Play Sound 4. What did the man suggest they do after going to the modern art museum? Study again. Visit another museu

30、m. Walk in a park. Go to dinner. Play Sound 5. What time will they meet? At 12:30. At 1:30. At 4:00. At 5:00. ACABB Love and Hate Transcript: There are approximately four things in this world that I love. Ill put them in order for you, from first to fourth: No. 1, my family; No. 2, my work; No. 3, m

31、y friends; and No. 4, my books. On the other hand, there are three things that I hate: No. 1, the suffering caused by war and violence; No. 2, drugs; and No. 3, my ex-boyfriend. And my hate for my ex-boyfriend is growing. By the end of next year, I might hate him even more than drugs. But how does t

32、his happen? I once loved this man. How is it that love can change into hate? I think that hate must be grounded in love. In my case, I loved my ex-boyfriend more than I had ever loved anyone else, ever. I suppose that if I hadnt loved him so much, the bad things that he did to me wouldnt have disapp

33、ointed me so much. As it was, every time he did something hurtful to me, he really caused me pain. When he lied to me, I felt as if someone had kicked me in the face. When I found out that he was seeing another woman, I felt as though I would die. 1. What does the speaker love better than her job? H

34、er books. Her ex-boyfriend. Her friends. Her family. Play Sound 2. How many things does the speaker hate? One. Two. Three. Four. Play Sound 3. Where does the speaker think hate comes from? Love. Pain. Opinion. Violence. Play Sound 4. What is the main cause for the speakers present feelings towards h

35、er ex-boyfriend? The love she feels. The changed circumstance. The disappointment her ex-boyfriend gave her. The change in herself. Play Sound 5. Why did the woman feel like she would die? Because her boyfriend kicked her in the face. Because her boyfriend dated a different woman. Because her boyfri

36、end married another woman. Because her boyfriend lied to her. DCACB American Higher Education Correct answer (1) answer a question (2) to be admitted (3) copies of all school records (4) the results of the TOEFL (5) minimum acceptable TOEFL score (6) additional English training (7) conditionally accept students (8) taking regular classes (9) provides more information (10) successfully pass classes


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