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1、日常英语情景对话我又堵车了体验式英语教育先锋美联英语 日常英语情景对话:我又堵车了 Youre finally here! What took so long? 你可算到了!怎么花了这么长的时间? I got stuck in traffic again. There was a terrible traffic jam near the Carrefour intersection. 又遇到堵车了.家乐福那个路口老是特别堵. Its always rather congested down there during rush hour. Maybe you should try to fin

2、d a different route to get home. 那个地段在高峰时间里总是特别拥堵.也许你该找条别的路回家. I dont think it can be avoided, to be honest. 老实说,我觉得这个路口绕不开. perhaps it would be better if you started taking public transpot system to work. 没准你乘公共交通工具去上班会好一些. I think its something that Ill have to consider. The public transport syste

3、m is pretty good. 这倒可以考虑.公共交通系统还是挺不错的. It would be better for the environment, too. 对环境也更好些. I know. I feel bad about how much my car is adding to the pollution problem in this city. 我明白.我一想到我的车向大气排放了那么多的废气,我就心情很差. Taking the subway would be a lot less stressful than driving as well. 坐地铁就不会像开车那样有那么大

4、的交通压力. The only problem is that Im going to really miss having the freedom that you have with a car. 唯一的问题就是我会非常想念开车时的自由自在. Well, when its nicer outside, you can start biking to work. That will give you just as much freedom as your car usually provides. 恩,等到外面天气再好一些的时候,你可以骑自行车上班,那能够让你体会跟开车一样的自由. Thats true. I could certainly use the exercise! 没错.我还可以骑车锻炼身体! So, are you going to quit driving to work then?是啊,你现在是不是不想开车上班了? Yes, its not good for me or for the environemnt.对,开车对我的身体和环境都不好.


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