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1、日常生活英语词汇汇总日常生活英语词汇汇总 食物 一 牛排与酒 牛排: steak 丁骨牛排: T-bone steak 菲力牛排: filet steak 沙朗牛排: sirloin steak 小牛排: club steak 全熟: well done 五分熟: medium 三分熟: rare 生啤: draft beer 黑啤: stout beer 罐装啤酒: canned beer 红葡萄酒: red wine 琴酒: gin 白兰地: brandy 威士忌: whisky 伏特加: vodka 酒加冰块: on the rocks 兰酒: rum 香槟: champagne 二 蔬

2、菜与调味品 蔬菜: vegetable 四季豆: string bean 豌豆: pea 毛豆: green soy bean 黄豆芽: soybean sprout 绿豆芽: mung bean sprout 豆芽: bean sprout 甘蓝菜: kale 包心菜、大白菜:cabbage 花椰菜: broccoli 空心菜: water convolvulus 金针菜: dried lily flower 芥菜: mustard leaf 芹菜: celery 蒿菜: tarragon 甜菜: beetroot; beet 生菜: lettuce 菠菜: spinach 韭菜: leek

3、 香菜: caraway 榨菜: preserved szechuan pickle 雪里红: salted vegetable 莴苣: asparagus 竹笋: bamboo shoot 笋干: dried bamboo shoot 韭黄: chives 白萝卜: turnip 胡萝卜: carrot 荸荠: water chestnut 地瓜: ficus tikaua 菜瓜: long crooked squash 丝瓜: loofah 南瓜: pumpkin 苦瓜: bitter gourd 黄瓜: cucumber 冬瓜: white gourd 小黄瓜: gherkin 山芋:

4、yam 芋头: taro 百叶: beancurd sheets 香菇: champignon 草菇: button mushroom 金针菇: needle mushroom 冬菇: dried mushroom 蘑菇: agaricus 番茄: tomato 茄子: eggplant 马铃薯: potato; spud 连藕: lotus root 木耳: agaric 白木耳: white fungus 生姜: ginger 大蒜: garlic 蒜头: garlic bulb 葱: green onion 洋葱: onion 青葱: scallion; leek 调味品: season

5、ing Page 1 of 47 鱼子酱: 沙茶酱: 番茄酱: 芥茉: 盐: 糖: 细白砂糖: saviar barbeque sauce tomato ketchup; tomato sauce mustard salt sugar castor sugar 柿子: persimmon 苹果: apple 芒果: mango 无花果: fig 李子: plum 哈蜜瓜: honey-dew melon 枇杷 : loquat 砂糖: 冰糖: 味精: 醋: 甜: 酸: 苦: 猪油: 花生油: 酱油: 青椒: 红椒: 八角: 肉桂: 咖哩: 味噌: 麦芽糖: 三 水果凤梨: 西瓜: 木瓜: 槟榔

6、: 栗子: 椰子: 碰柑: 橘子: 橘: 甘蔗: 香瓜: 文旦: 水蜜桃: 梨子: 桃子: 杨桃: 樱桃: granulated sugar sugar candy monosodium glutamate; Gourmet powder vinegar sweet sour bitter lard peanut oil soy sauce green pepper paprika star anise sinnamon curry miso maltose pineapple watermelon papaya betelnut chestnut coconut ponkan tangeri

7、ne mandarin orange sugar-cane muskmelon shaddock juice peach pear peach carambola cherry 橄榄: olive 红毛丹: rambutan 榴梿: durian 草莓: strawberry 葡萄: grape 葡萄柚: grapefruit 荔枝: lichee 龙眼: longan 连雾: wax-apple 番石榴: guava 香蕉: banana 四 饮料 冷饮: cold drinks 豆浆: soya-bean milk 酸梅汤: syrup of plum 番茄汁: tomato juice

8、橘子水: orange juice 椰子汁: coconut milk 芦笋汁: asparagus juice 葡萄柚汁: grapefruit juice 蔬菜汁: vegetable juice 姜汁: ginger ale 沙士: sarsaparilia 汽水: soft drink 可口可乐: coco-cola (coke) 茶叶: tea leaves 红茶: black tea 茉莉:jasmine tea 茶包: tea bag 柠檬茶: lemon tea 冬瓜茶: white gourd tea 蜂蜜: honey 绿藻: chlorella 苏打水: soda wat

9、er 冰水: ice water 矿泉水: mineral water Page 2 of 47 蒸馏水: 保久奶: 炼乳: 可可: 奶精: 咖啡: 冰咖啡: 牛奶咖啡: distilled water long-life milk condensed milk cocoa coffee mate coffee iced coffee white coffee 粥: gruel; soft rice; porridge 大卤面: noodles with gravy 阳春面: plain noodles 砂锅: casserole 火锅: chafing dish; fire pot 点心:

10、dim sum 肉包子: meat bun 春卷: spring roll 纯咖啡: 阿华田: 养乐多: 鸡精: 奶昔: 五 中餐熊掌: 鹿脯: 海参: 海鳝: 海蜇皮: 海带: 鲍鱼: 鱼翅: 干贝: 龙虾: 燕窝: 烤乳猪: 猪脚: 盐水鸭: 腊肉: 叉烧: 香肠: 肉松: 烤肉: 荤菜: 素菜: 肉羹: 地方菜: 广东菜 客饭: 咖哩饭: 炒饭: 白饭: 锅巴: black coffee ovaltine chlorella yakult essence of chicken milk-shake bears paw breast of deer beche-de-mer; sea cu

11、cumber sea sturgeon salted jelly fish kelp; seaweed abalone shark fin scallops lobster birds nest roast suckling pig pigs knuckle boiled salted duck preserved meat barbecued pork sausage fried pork flakes bar-b-q meat diet vegetables meat broth local dish Cantonese cuisine set meal curry rice fried

12、rice plain rice crispy rice 锅贴: fried dumpling 蒸饺: steamed dumpling 馄饨: ravioli 元宵: rice glue ball 汤团: glue pudding 烧卖: shao-mai 肠粉: steamed vermicelli roll 臭豆腐: bean curd with odor 腐乳: preserved bean curd 豆腐: bean curd 豆豉: fermented black bean 酱瓜: pickled cucumbers 皮蛋: preserved egg 咸鸭蛋: salted duc

13、k egg 萝卜干: dried turnip 六 西餐和日本料理 菜单: menu 法国菜: French cuisine 今日特餐: todays special 主厨特餐: chefs special 自助餐: buffet 快餐: fast food 招牌菜: specialty 欧式西餐: continental cuisine 饭前酒: aperitif 炸薯条: French fries 烘马铃薯: baked potato 马铃薯泥: mashed potatoes 煎蛋卷: omelette 布丁: pudding 甜点: pastries 奶油: butter 火腿蛋: h

14、am and eggs 吐司: toast 奶油土司: buttered toast Page 3 of 47 法国土司: French toast 汉堡: hamburger 松饼: muffin 酪饼: cheese cake 蛋糕: cake 煎饼: pancake 三明治: sandwich 白面包: white bread 黑面包: brown bread 小型法式面包:French roll 开胃菜: appetizer 蔬菜沙拉: green salad 洋葱汤: onion soup 法国浓汤: potage 玉米浓汤: corn soup 蔬菜面条汤:minestrone 牛

15、尾汤: ox tail soup 炸鸡: fried chicken 烤鸡: roast chicken 泡菜: pickled vegetable 蟹肉: crab meat 明虾: prawn 海螺: conch 田螺: escargots 炖牛肉: braised beef 熏肉: bacon 荷包蛋: poached egg 煎一面荷包蛋:sunny side up 煎二在荷包蛋:over 煎蛋: fried egg 煎半熟蛋: over easy 煎全熟蛋: over hard 炒蛋: scramble eggs 煮蛋: boiled egg 石头火锅: stone fire pot

16、 日本竹筷: sashi 日本米酒: sake 味噌酒: miso shiru 铁板烤肉: roast meat 生鱼片: sashimi 七 餐具 咖啡壶: coffee pot 咖啡杯: coffee cup 纸巾: paper towel 餐巾: napkin 桌布: table cloth 茶壶: tea-pot 茶具: tea set 茶盘: tea tray 茶罐: caddy 碟: dish 盘: plate 小碟子: saucer 饭碗: rice bowl 筷: chopsticks 汤匙: soup spoon 餐刀: knife 杯子: cup 玻璃杯: glass 马克

17、杯: mug 便当: picnic lunch 水果盘: fruit plate 牙签: toothpick 吸管: straw 八 糖和蜜饯 糖果: confection 蜜饯: glace fruit 果酱: marmalade 柿饼: dried persimmon 冬瓜糖: candied melon 红枣: red jujube 黑枣: black date 蜜枣: glace date 桂圆干: dried longan 葡萄干: raisin 口香糖: chewing gum 牛轧糖: nougat 薄荷糖: mint 水果糖: drop 棉花糖: marshmallow 牛奶糖

18、: caramel 花生糖: peanut drittle 巧克力 : chocolate Page 4 of 47 九 其他 肉: meat 牛肉: beef 猪肉: pork 鳮肉: chicken 羊肉: mutton 牛肉干: jerky 牛肉片: dried beef slices 猪肉片: dried pork slices 面包: bread 面包皮: crust 馒头: steamed bread 米粉: rice noodles 河粉: fried rice noodles 通心粉: macaroni 冬粉: bean thread 面线: flour-rice noodle

19、 面: noodles 速食面: instant noodles 面粉: wheat flour 淀粉: starch 面筋: wheat gluten 年糕: rice cake 月饼: moon cake 绿豆糕: green bean cake 爆米花: popcorn 糖炒栗子: marrons glaces 小米粥: millet congee 麦版粥: cereal 菱角: water caltrop 杏仁: almond 奶酥: butter bisbuit 甜筒: ice-cream cone 圣代;新地:sundae 雪糕: ice-cream 霜淇淋: soft ice-c

20、ream 香草冰淇淋:vanilla ice-cream 冰棒: ice candy 杂粮: sundry provisions 紫菜: agar-agar 发菜: hair-like seaweed 韩国泡菜: kimchi 人工色素: artificial color 早餐: 午餐: 早午餐: 晚餐: 宵夜: 正餐: 住宅 一 房屋 地下室: 一楼: 公寓: 摩天大楼:别墅: 木屋: 茅屋: 楼中楼: 日式房屋:城堡: 皇宫: 住宅: 起居室: 卧室: 客厅: 大厅: 客房: 套房: 厢房: 书房: 厨房: 餐厅: 衣帽间: 餐具室: 浴室: 庭院: 屋檐: 玄关: 走廊: 门: 栅栏:

21、阳台: 楼梯: breakfast lunch bruch supper late snack dinner basement; cellar ground floor apartment skyscraper villa; country house wooden house cottage double deck tatami house castle palace residence living room bedroom parlor main hall guest room suite apprentice study room kitchen dining room cloak r

22、oom pantry bathroom yard eaves vestibule porch; gallery; veranda door; gate fence balcony stairs Page 5 of 47 门铃: doorbell 信箱: mail box 电梯: elevator 烟囱: chimney 车库: garage 仓库: store room 下水道: drainage 贫民区: slum 郊区: suburb 市中心: downtown 二 起居室 家具: furniture 壁纸: wall paper 壁橱: closet 音响柜: stereo cabine

23、t 书柜: book cabinet 鞋柜: shoe cabinet 酒柜: cocktail cabinet 地板: floor 百叶窗: Venetian blinds 窗帘: window coverings; curtain 接待室: reception room 沙发: sofa 茶几: tea table 折叠椅: folding chair 摇椅: rocking chair 花瓶: flower vase 靠垫: cushion 藤椅: rattan chair 安乐椅: easy chair; fauteuil 躺椅: lounge chair 地毯: carpet 烟灰缸

24、: ashtray 凳子: stool 三 浴室 热水器: water heater 浴帘: shower curtain 毛巾: towel 漱口杯: tooth mug 漱口水: mouth wash 牙刷: toothbrush 牙膏: toothpaste 剃胡刀: razor 浴缸: bathtub 浴巾: bath towel 浴帽: bath gown 肥皂: bath soap 药皂: carbolic soap 洗发精: shampoo 盥洗盆: basin 毛巾架: towel rack 肥皂盒: soap dish 体重计: weighing machine 灭火计: f

25、ire extinguisher 雨伞: umbrella 四 小孩用具 色纸: color paper 洋娃娃: doll 婴儿床: baby cot; crib 婴儿摇床: cradle 婴孩餐椅: high chair 推车: stroller 风车: windmill 积木: toy bricks 玩具: toy 月历: calendar 图画纸: drawing paper 相簿: photo album 痱子粉: prickly heat powder 书架: book shelf 书桌: student desk 小板凳: small stool 五 厨房 冰箱: refrige

26、rator 水桶: pail; bucket 冰桶: ice box 冰柜: ice chest 碗柜: cupboard 米柜: rice chest 畚箕: dustpan 垃圾桶: trash can 瓦斯炉: gas stove 开罐器: can opener 开瓶器: corkscrew Page 6 of 47 餐具柜: 洗涤台: 锅子: 煤气炉: 绞肉机: 砧板: 蒸笼: 锅铲: 菜刀: 柴刀: 漏斗: 过滤器: 搅拌器: 打蛋器: 抹布: 拖把: 围裙: 扫帚: 抽风机: 抽油烟机:饮水机: 去污粉: 杀虫剂: 洒水器: 六 卧室单人床: 双人床: 塌塌米:: 草席: 棉被:

27、床单: 枕头: 蚊帐: 屏风: 梳妆桌: 梳妆镜: 抽屉: 床垫: 毛毯: 电毯: 床头柜: 行李箱: 保险箱: kitchen cabinet sink pot; boiler gas oven meat grinder cutting board bamboo steamer turning utensil; pancake turner chopping knife hatchet funnel strainer mixer egg-beater duster cloth swab apron broom; litter sweeper exhaust fan ventilator co

28、oler cleaner insect spray sprinkler single bed double bed straw mattress; tatami straw mat quilt sheet pillow mosquito net folding screen dressing table vanity mirror drawer mattress blanket electric blanket night table suitcase steel safe 衣架: clothes-horse 香水: perfume 七 水电 自来水: tap water; running w

29、ater 淡水: fresh water 水管: water pipe 排水管: drain 水表: water gauge 滤水器: water purifier 抽水机: water pump 电灯: lamp 台灯: table lamp; desk lamp 灯泡: bulb 灯罩: lamp shade 日光灯: fluorescent lamp 霓虹灯: neon light 灯笼: lantern 电池: battery 电表: electrometer 电压: voltage 电流: electric current 八 家庭常用电器 电视机: television 录放影机:

30、 video cassette recorder 雷射影碟机:laser disc (LD) 录音机: Tape recorders 冷气机: air conditioner 计算机: calculator 收音机: radio 音响: audio; HI-FI 照相机: camera 立可拍照相机:instant camera 手提照像机:portable camera 电锅: electric rice cooker 微波炉: micro-wave oven 烤箱;烤炉:oven 洗碗机: dishwasher 烤面包机: toaster 搅拌器: mixer 刨冰机: ice crush

31、er 榨汁机: juicer 电风扇: electric fan Page 7 of 47 洗衣机: washing machine 烘干机: dryer 电唱机: record player 扩大机: amplifier 四声道唱机:quadraphonic record 放映机: projectors 熨斗: iron 女主角: 现场节目: 场场实况: 现场转播: 实况节目: 卫星转播: 电视广播: female lead live show live scene field pickup giveaway satellite transmission telecast 打蜡机: floo

32、r polisher 吸尘器: vacuum cleaner 吹风机: hair drier 电动刮胡刀: electric shaver 休闲 一 音乐 音乐晚会: musical soiree 音乐厅: music hall 乐队: band 歌词: text; words 歌调: canto 古典乐: classical music 交响乐: symphony 轻音乐: light music 爵士乐: jazz music 摇滚乐: rock and roll 热门音乐: hot music 狄斯可音乐:disco 民谣: ballad 民歌: folk song 情歌: love s

33、ong 歌曲: song 主题歌: theme song 抒情歌: lyric song 流行歌: popular song 二 电视与电影 大众传播: mass communication 电视节目表:TV programs 记者: reporter; journalist 导播: program director 制作人: producer 节目主持人:master of ceremony; MC 男主角: mal lead 电视台: 联播: 重播: 新闻气象: 音乐节目: 唱片: 有声电影: 成人电影: 悲剧电影: 喜剧电影: 黑白片: 外国片: 国语片: 卡通: 有线: 闭路: 录影带

34、: 录影唱片: 遥控: 中文字幕: 频道: 调频: 调幅: 广告: 节目: 收视率: 盛大献映: 今日放映: 放映时间: 早场: 夜场: 日场: 售票房: 三 旅行 观光: 海外旅行: TV station rebroadcasting repeat news & weather musical program disc sound movie adult movie tragedy film comedy film black & white picture foreign picture mandarin picture cartoon cable closed-circuit video

35、 tape video disc remote control Chinese captions channel frequency modulation amplitude modulation commercial program telecast audience rating grand opening showing today showing time morning show evening show matinee ticket office tourism overseas trip Page 8 of 47 观光客: tourist 签证: visa 出境: departu

36、re 过境: stop over 旅行社: tourist agency 小费: tip 火车站: railroad station 变焦距镜头:zoom lens 传真照相: telectroscope 镜头: lens 镜筒: cone 摄远镜头: telephoto lens 反光镜: reflector 照相器材: photographic-apparatus 火车时刻表: timetable 来回票: round trip ticket 免税商店: duty free shop 纪念品店: souvenir shop 史迹: historic relic 名胜: famous spo

37、t 竞技场: stadium 音乐厅: concert hall 植物园: botanical gardens 博物馆: museum 纪念照: souvenir picture 旅馆: inn; hotel 机场旅馆: airport hotel 汽车旅馆: motel 汽艇旅馆: boatel 蜜月旅行: honeymoon 露天式澡堂:open-air bath; public bath 特快车票: express ticket 余兴节目: entertainment 团体旅行: traveling in a group 旅游指南: guide book 优待票: coupon tick

38、et 登山: hiking; mountain climbing 登山帽: hiking cap 四 摄影 自拍器: self timer 焦点: focus 焦距: focal length 光圈: iris 曝光表: exposure meter 距离: distance 快门: shutter 单镜头: single lens 双镜头: double lens 广角镜头: wide-angle lens 三合一镜头:zone-lens 软片: 一卷: 拍照: 按摆姿势:对比: 放大: 缩小: 照片: 五 游戏陀螺: 跳马: 跳绳: 放风筝: 沙包: 呼拉圈: 纸飞机: 打弹珠: 轮盘:

39、扑克牌: 象棋: 围棋: 五子棋: 溜冰鞋: 掷镖: 西洋棋: 家家酒: 捉迷藏: 跳房子: 跳背: 早操: 踢毽子: 骑木马: 积木: 七巧板: 21点: 骰子: film a roll shoot pose contrast enlargement reducing photograph top jumping over; leap frog rope skipping flying kites little sandbags hula hoop paper plane marbles roulette poker cards Chinese chess GO gobang roller

40、skates darts chess dolls house hide-and-seek hopscotch leapfrog morning exercise kicking shuttlecock vaulting horse building blocks tangram black-jack dice Page 9 of 47 吃角子老虎:slot machine 桥牌: bridge 宾果: bingo 六 钓鱼 鱼网: fishing net 钓鱼钩: fishing hook 手提椅子: portable chair 鱼笼: portable creel 钓竿: fishing

41、rod 钓线: fishing line 铅锺: sinker 钓竿套: rod case 饵: bait 线轴: reel 冰盒: portable icebox 杂物盒: tackle box 钓竿架: rod stand 浮标: float 天秤: scale 钓鱼帽: fishing cap 七 其他休闲 云霄飞车: jet coaster 跷跷板: seesaw 儿童赛车: go-cart 滑梯: slide 秋千: swing 旋转木马: merry-go-round 吊床: hammock 太空飞船: astrojet 单轨火车: mono-rail 遥控车 remote-con

42、trol car 空中飞车: roller coaster 滑水: water-skiing 潜水: skin diving 冲浪: surfing 溜冰: skating 轮式溜冰: roller skater 花式溜冰: figure skating 拔河: tug of war 远足: hiking 竞走: walking race 赛跑: dash 接力赛跑: relay race 骑马: riding 赛马: horse racing 打猎: hunting 划船: rowing 游泳: swimming 跳舞: dance 放风筝: to fly a kite 钓鱼: fishin

43、g 减肥运动: weight reducing exercise 运动 一 球类名称 篮球: basketball 排球: vooeyball 棒球: baseball 足球: soccer 美式足球: American football 橄榄球: rugby 羽毛球: badminton 桌球: snooker 网球: tennis 手球: handball 垒球: softball 硬式网球: hard-ball tennis 软式网球: soft-ball tennis 水球: water polo 板球: cricket 短曲棍球: hockey 冰上曲棍球:ice hockey 躲避

44、球: dodgeball 撞球: billiards 保龄球: bowling 高尔夫球: golf 马球: polo 推移板: shuffle board 槌球: croquet 长曲棍球: lacrosse 壁球: squash 回力球: JAI ALAI; PELOTA 二 田径及竞技名称 Page 10 of 47 掷铅球: shot putting 掷铁饼: discus throwing 掷标枪: javelin throwing 掷链球: hammer throwing 慢跑: jogging 跳远: long jump 跳高: high jump 撑竿跳: pole vault

45、 jump 三级跳远: hop step & jump 守门员: goal-keeper 高尔夫球童:caddie 四竞赛运动用具 田赛: field events 径赛: track events 跑道: track 运动场: playing field 田径场: ground-track and field 立定跳远: standing broad jump 拳击: boxing 形意拳: hsing I kung-Fu 韩国跆拳: Taekwondo 泰国拳: THAI boxing 角力: wrestling 摔跤: wrestle 相扑: SUMO 柔道: JUDO 太极拳: sha

46、dow boxing; 瑜珈: YOGA 空手道: KARATE 击剑: fencing 射箭: archery 射击: shooting 刺枪术: javelin throw 骑术: horsemanship 举重: weight lifting 马拉松赛跑:Marathon race 体操: Gymnastics 柔软体操: callisthemics 三 竞赛人员名称 短跑运动员:sprinter 跨栏运动员:hurdler 跳高运动员:jumper 掷铅球员: shot putter 掷标枪者: javelin thrower 掷铁饼者: discus thrower 举重选手: we

47、ight lifter 摔跤选手: wrestler 拳击手: boxer 射手: archer 溜冰运动员:skater 爬山运动员:mountaineer 圣火台: sacred fire stand 颁奖台: award platform 棉线: tape 栏架: hurdle 横杆: cross-bar 架子: post 沙坑: broad jump pit 撑杆跳的竿子:pole 铅球: shot 铁饼: discus 标枪: javelin 滑雪杖: ski pole 溜冰场: skating-rink 雪车: sled 雪橇: toboggan 拳击台: boxing ring 拳击手套: boxing g


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