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1、期末统考材料之一英语翻译50题1、她的照片出现在当地报纸的头版。 Her picture appeared on the front page of a local newspaper. 2、考虑到我们付的价钱,这顿饭很令人失望。 Considering the price we paid, it was a very disappointing meal. 3、我还记得第一次见到他的那一刻。 I remember the moment when I first met him. 4、面试进行顺利,尽管还有其他3个候选人,工作还是给了她。 The interview had gone well

2、 and, despite the fact that there had been three other candidates, the job was hers. 5、好多方面你都跟你爸爸很接近。 Youre very close to your daddy in many ways. 6、我过去常常打高尔夫球,但后来为了得到更多的锻炼改打网球了。 I used to play golf but I switched to tennis to get more exercise. 7、目前几家大医院都在裁员。 Several mayor hospitals are cutting bac

3、k on staff at the moment. 8、说来也怪,就在昨天还有人问过同样的问题。 Oddly enough, someone asked me the same question only yesterday. 9、她将所有剩下的精力都用到这项任务上。 She applied whatever strength she had left to the task. 10、当说到电脑,他还是有点在行的。 Hes a bit of an expert when it comes to computers. 11、Theres a couple of girls waiting for

4、 you outside. 外面有两个女孩子在等你。 12、Dont be discouraged; go ahead, and make another try. 不要灰心,继续努力。 13、When she heard the news her anger knew no bounds. 她听到这个消息,顿时怒不可遏。 14、I bent over backward to make it easier for her and she didnt even notice. 我竭尽全力让她做起来容易些,而她完全没有察觉到。 15、What are we to make of her behav

5、ior ? 她的表现我们应该怎么看? 16、这个地区总是雨水充足。 There is always plenty of rain in this area. 17、他很喜欢学校生活,信不信由你。 Believe it or not, he enjoys school life very much. 18、她不但擅长画画,唱歌也很棒。 She is not only good at drawing, but also excellent in singing. 19、他们因为坐不起出租车而步行。 They walked because they couldnt afford to take a

6、taxi. 20、这影片对她影响极大。 The film had quite an effect on her. 21、我好像总是赚得越多就花得越多。 It always seems that the more I earn, the more I spend. 22、我过去住在南方。可现在我住在北方,这里的气候我还不很习惯。 I used to live in the south. Im living in the north now and I havent been/got used to the climate here. 23、该方案已经让成千上万的烟民戒烟了。 The scheme

7、/project has already helped thousands of smokers kick the habit. 24、那个国家的人过圣诞节吗? Do people in that country observe Christmas Day? 25、如果这些人在两周内还得不到食物,他们将被饿死。 Unless these people get food in the next two weeks they will starve to death. 26、随着经济的发展,人们的生活水平有所提高。 Along with the development of the economy

8、, peoples living has been improved. 27、除了画画,她最喜欢的就是唱歌了。 She likes singing the best next to painting. 28、在牛奶里面加些糖吧。 Please add some sugar to the milk. 29、我们应该更多地关注环境问题。 We should focus more on the environment problems. 30、*应该把保障下岗工人的基本生活需要纳入考虑范围。 Government should take the basic life needs of laid-of

9、f workers into consideration. 31、他们被阻加入该俱乐部。 They were blocked from joining the club. 32、换个工作是唯一的解决方法。 Changing jobs is the only way out. 33、警方花了一年多的时间才追捕到罪犯。 It took the police more than a year to track down the criminal. 34、好几个月后我才终于明白了真相。 It was several months before the truth finally dawned on m

10、e. 35、报纸的大标题引起他的注意。 A newspaper headline caught his attention. 36、我们以为她不喜欢我们,然而事实是因为她很害羞。 We thought she did not like us, whereas in fact she was very shy. 37、除了游泳你无法到达那里。 You cant get there other than by swimming. 38、她不把每天得走两英里去上班当回事。 She thinks nothing of walking two miles to work every day. 39、修理

11、汽车费算下来是57镑。 The car repairs worked out at 57. 40、我们要减少砍伐的树的数量。 We are going to scale down the number of trees being cut. 41、他被反复告诫不要那么拼命工作。 He was repeatedly warned not to work so hard. 42、我通常在冬天起得较早。 I tend to get up earlier during the winter. 43、我的笔容易漏水。 My pen is apt to leak. 44、她求助无门。 She had no

12、body she can turn to. 45、这个公寓的租金相当于他半个月的收入。 The rent of the apartment was equal to half his monthly income. 46、她容忍着他那暴躁的脾气。 She put up with his violent temper. 47、男人们都在争取获得更高的工资。 The men were fighting for higher wages. 48、那辆小车失去了控制,撞在一棵树上。 The car was out of control and hit a tree. 49、你本来可以告诉我你会迟到的。 You could have told me you were going to be late. 50、除非他是个实足的傻瓜,他会明白的。 Unless hes a complete idiot, hell understand.


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