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1、李阳英语手势突破发音ialog:dailg Liyang :My name is Liyang,And Im the founder of Crazy English. Im very happy to be here to teach you English.And Id like to introduce a friend to you.He is American(美国人). Hey.Hello,Anthony. Say something or give them some information about yourself. Anthony:OK.Hi,everybody.My n

2、ame is Anthony and Im from Hawaii h:waii:,USA. Liyang :Very beautiful place,a paradise. Anthony:Thats right. New words:(生词) dialog dailg : n.对话 1 founder faund n. 创立者,建立者v. 摔倒,失败,沉没,弄 teachti:t vt. 教,教书,教导,教训vi. 给予指导introduce.intrdju:s vt. 介绍,引进,采用,提出,提倡,放入 5.information.infmein n. 信息,情报,通知,资料 6.par

3、adiseprdais n. 天堂 Liyang :And what did you study in college? Anthony:I studied music. Liyang:Wow.Why did you come to china? Anthony:For opportunity. foreigners,especially Liyang:China is a land full of opportunities.Many many Americans(come to China.) OK,so,are your parents in favor of your plan? An

4、thony:Absolutely! 2 New words:(生词) 1.studystdin. 学习,研究,学科,沉思,书房vt. 读书,计划,研究,记忆,调查vi. 学习,研究,沉思 2.collegeklidn. 学院,学校,社团,枢机主教团 3.opportunity.ptju:nitin. 机会,时机 4.foreignerf:rinn. 外国人,外人5.especiallyispeliadv. 特别,尤其 6.favorfeiv n. 好意,喜爱,偏爱,特权vt. 给予,关心,偏爱,支持,利于,长得像 7.planpln n. 计划,策略,方法vt. 计划,设计,打算 8.abso

5、lutelybslu:tli adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地 Liyang:And are you going to go back to America? Anthony:I visit my parents every year. Liyang:OK.We welcome more and more Americans to China,because we need Americans to help us with our 3 English. Crazy Baby:Hi,everybody.Im Crazy Baby!Nice to meet you! Liyang:Wow.Fan

6、tastic. Anthony:Unbelievable. Crazy Baby:Its true. Liyang:Hey.Where did you learn such good English? Crazy Baby:I follow you. New words:(生词) 1.visitvizitv. 参观,访问,拜访n. 探访,参观 2.fantasticfntstikadj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的 3.unbelievable.nbili:vbladj. 难以置信的,不可信的 4.truetru:adj. 真实的,真的adv. 真实地n. 真相,精确vt. 使.平衡

7、5.followfluvt. 跟随,沿行,遵循,听得懂vi. 跟着做,之后是n. 跟 Liyang:Follow me? Im so flattered. 4 Crazy Baby:Oh.Never mind. Oh.Come on.Come on! Liyang:Im shocked. Crazy Baby:You should be proud. Liyang:Im speechless. Crazy Baby:Loudly.Quickly. New words:(生词) 5 1. flatteredfltdadj. 奉承的,过分夸赞的 动词flatter的过去式和过去分词 2.never

8、nev adv. 从不,未曾,永不,绝不 3.mindmaindn. 头脑,想法,思想,理智,精神 v. 介意,留心,注意,照顾 4.shockedkt adj. 震惊的,震撼的;动词shock的过去式和过去分词 5.speechlessspi:tlis adj. 不会说话的,无言的,非言语能表达的 6. loudlylaudli adv. 大声地,高声地,花俏地 Liyang:Pronunciation is the first and most important thing if you want to learn to speak good Engoish.Do you agree?

9、Anthony:Thats right.I agree. Liyang:Totally agree. 6 New words:(生词) 1.pronunciationpr.nnsiein n. 发音 2.importantimp:tnt adj. 重要的,重大的 3.agreegri: v. 同意,赞成,承认,一致,符合 4.rightrait adj. 正确的,对的,右边的,合适的 adv. 向右,正确地,直接地,恰恰 n. 右,右边,权利,正确 vt. 纠正,扶直,公正对待 vi. 恢复平衡 5totallytutli adv. 完全 李阳疯狂英语手势突破发音 1.i: please(To

10、gether! One,two,three.) 长音标 7 Please speak English with me. 2.i difficult(Please demonstrate.) 短音标 Its not difficult to speak English. New words: 1.togethertge adv. 一起,共同 adj. 妥当的,镇定的 8 2.speakspi:k v. 说话,讲,演说,发言 3.difficultdifiklt adj. 困难的,艰难的难对付的,不易相处的 4.demonstratedemnstreit vt. 示范,演示,证明 vi. 示威 5

11、.turnt:nv. 转动,旋转,转向,轮流,翻转n. 转动,轮流 3. e Go to bed. red (Thank you for your help.) everything Everything is ready.(Outstanding!-Just so so.) 4. apple(Lets do it together. One,two,three.) practice Practice makes perfect. 9 5. wonderful My mother is a wonderful teacher. New words: 1.readyredi adj. 准备好的,

12、现成的,乐意的,情愿的 vt. 做好的准备 2.Outstandingautstndi adj. 突出的,显著的,未支付的 3.makesmeiks v. 做 (动词make的第三人称单数) 4.perfectp:fikt adj. 完美的,完全的,完满的,十足的 vt. 使完美,使完全n. 语完成式 5.wonderfulwndfl adj. 极好的,精彩的 10 6. : work first perfect He speaks perfect English.-Yes you do. You speaks perfect Chinese.-I wish. 重读卷色音 7. r remem

13、ber Remember to call your mother.-OK.I will remember to call my mother. 8. together America and China should always work together.-Thats right. America and China should always work together. New words: 11 1.wishwi n. 渴望,愿望,(复数)祝颂,命令 v. 想要,希望 2.callk:l n. 呼叫,访问,打电话,请求,把 . 看作 vt. 呼叫,访问,打电话,把 . 看作 vi.

14、(短暂的)拜访,呼叫 3.Willwil n. 意志,决心,愿望,遗嘱 aux. 将,愿意,必须 vt. 决心,想要(某事发生), 将(财产)遗赠,规定 vi. 行使意志力,选择 4.always:lweiz adv. 总是 9. : possible bother Sorry to bother you.Im sorry,Anthony, -Thsts OK. 10r Charming Youre very charming. Youre a charming young man.-Oh.Thank you.Li Yang. You have a charming smile. 11. :

15、always(One more time.) Always say “please” and “thank you” New words: 12 1.possiblepsbl adj. 可能的 2.botherb v. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心 n. 烦扰,麻烦,焦急 3.Charmingt:mi adj. 迷人的 4.youngj adj. 年轻的,没有经验的,初期的 n. 青年人,幼崽 5.smilesmail n. 微笑,笑容,喜色 v. 微笑,露出笑容 12. r inportant(One more time,sing it .) Its important to practice

16、 English every day. Do you think so?-I agree. 13. u should You should work harder.-Yes, I should. 14. u: food Whats your favorite food?-Chinese food. OK.My favorite food is noodles.- Oh.My favorite food is noodles. 13 New words:1. importantimp:tnt 重要的,重大的 2.everyevri adj. 每个 3.thinkik v. 想,认为,考虑,记起

17、n. 想 4.harderh:d adj. 更硬的,更坚固的,更困难的 adv. 更努力地 (形容词,副词hard的比较级) 5.foodfu:d n. 食物 6.noodlesnu:dl n. 面条 15. ei mistake(You have a big mouth.Yes, I do.) Dont be afraid of making mistakes. 16. ai China smile fly I Is this your first time in China?-This? No. Its your third or?-Ive been here for three year

18、s.But I travel back to America some time. (Is this your first time in China? Its a good.-Thats a wonderful sentence.)(Very useful.Yeah, very useful.) 16. i enjoy I really enjoyed talking to you. Keep in touch. 14 -OK. Bye-bye. (When you were disgusted, you know, When you dont like Somebody. You know

19、, When you dont want to talk with him anymore.The polite way of ending a conversation is to say” I really enjoyed talking to you.”means that its time to say goodbye.)(Get lost.Like a ball.) 17. u smoke hope (Loke Wushu. Martial art.) hope I hope to see you again.- I hope to see you again,too. (OK. K

20、eep in touch.) 18. au how outstanding Youre outstanding. 19. i clear Its important, its very important to have clear pronunciation.(Whether it is) your mother language your foreign language, its very important to have clear conversation, clear pronunciation.Thats correct. You have very clear pronunc

21、iation.-Yes,I do have very clear pronunciation. Youre not retarded.-No,Im not. Could you imitate a retarded person?Its like a, a football 15 player or boxer has been hit in the head a few times and can not, you know, just speak. 20. e care We should all care about the environment. OK,read it. We sho

22、uld all care about the environment. America should care about the environment.We do. (You waste too much energy.Thattrue. You people are too greedy.-Yes.Sorry. 21. u sure Im sure youll enjoy it. Im sure youll like China. Im sure well have a good time. Im sure youe going to speak good English. 李阳疯狂英语手势突破发音(辅音) 1. 16 17 18 19 20 21


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