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1、兼职外教聘用合同 篇一:聘请兼职外教协议书文章来源:云法律网 /docList.htm 聘请兼职外教协议书 甲方:_ 乙方:_咨询服务有限责任公司 为加强我校的外语教学力量,促进英语教学质量的提高,现委托武汉思拓咨询服务有限公司在_年为我校聘请兼职外教双方达成如下协议: 一、甲方同意聘请担任甲方的_口语教师;任职期从_年_月_日至_年_月_日;每周_课时,每课时_分钟。 二、课时费为_元/课时,每月_日按当月课时总量计费支付给乙方。如果逾期或者欠费,甲方应当按当月应付总费的_%支付违约金,且应付费用并不免除。外教的往返交通费按外教提供的票据实报实销。 三、甲方对外籍教师进行材料审核或面试后一周

2、内决定是否聘请。 四、开课后的各项内容包括授课时间、课时、授课地点、课时费等应与兼职外教需求表一致;如发生变化,需提前一周通知乙方,否则乙方免责。 五、乙方应当维护甲方和外教的双方利益。甲方不得私下与乙方提供的外教达成任何不利于乙方的协议,甲方任何变更外教权益和义务的 文章来源:云法律网 /docList.htm 行为得以乙方认可始为有效。 六、其他未尽事项甲乙双方本着诚信原则协商。 七、本协议书一式两份,复印件有效。 甲方签字人:_乙方签字人:_年_月_日篇二:9-17兼职外教聘用合同英文 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT Employer School: _ Official Rep

3、resentative: _ Foreign Teacher: _ I. Employees Duties and Responsibilities 1. The foreign teacher willingly comes to the Employer School to be a part-time English teacher. The foreign teacher should be a native speaker of English, have higher education, have certain language teaching experience, and

4、 be in good health (he/she must pass the physical examination at an assigned Chinese hospital after he/she enters China) and possess required documents, such as TEFL certificate, foreign expert certificate, residence permit, etc. Materials submitted to the Employer School in support of the employees

5、 application for this part-time position must be true and not misleading in any sense. 2. The foreign teacher will complete teaching tasks during the contract period,including preparing lessons and teaching materials well prior to teaching, conducting lessons and accessing students work. Besides, th

6、e foreign teacher will give lessons on time in accordance with the class time required by the school. 3. The foreign teacher will use strictly the teaching materials and the teaching plan provided by the Employer School, conscientiously accomplishing the teaching plan, to assure high quality teachin

7、g. The foreign teacher must keep all information regarding to the Employer Schools teaching methods and administration confidential and not use the teaching methods and materials for any other purpose. 4. During the required lecture time, if the foreign teacher leaves Shenzhen he/she should inform t

8、he Coordinator. When traveling outside of Guangdong province, Hong Kong, or Macao, the foreign teacher is further responsible for announcing his/her travel plans to the Employer School through his/her contact teacher and the Coordinator, a week in advance in writing or via e-mail. 5. In the event of

9、 illness that prevents the foreign teacher from teaching, he/she is responsible to notify both his/her contact teacher and the Coordinator in advance, and further is required to provide the Employer School with written documentation. If this notification is not done, there will be a reduction of pay

10、 by RMB 100 per time of absence; this penalty also applies to any unapproved tardiness from class. (For instance, if the foreign teacher is late for over one hour, he or she will lose RMB300: wage RMB 200 added a fine of RMB 100). After receiving the written warning letter from the employer, a total

11、 of three such occurrences are grounds for dismissal. 6. During the lessons, the foreign teacher will make his or her own meal and transportation arrangements. 7. The foreign teacher is to respect the moral standards and customs of the Chinese people. This specifically includes maintaining an approp

12、riate professional appearance and standard of behavior. The foreign teacher must not harm the image of the Employer School or other staff with the Employer School. 8. The foreign teacher will follow the Employer Schools working regulations and the relevant Foreign Expert regulations of the Chinese g

13、overnment. 9. The foreign teacher is to follow Chinese law and regulations, and not interfere in Chinese internal affairs. II. Employer Schools Responsibilities1. The foreign teachers employment period is from signing date to _. Teaching duties start from_ and end by _. The Employer School will prov

14、ide a wage of RMB200/hour to the foreign teacher during the employment period. The wage should be paid by month and the foreign teachers remuneration will be calculated according to his/her actual teaching hours. If there is any fine, the teacher will be informed in advance. The 12th of each month i

15、s pay day and the foreign teacher will receive last months wage in cash. 2. The Employer School will provide introductory instruction on relevant working regulations of the Employer Schools side and Chinese government regulations on foreign experts. 3. The Employer School will guide, check, and eval

16、uate the foreign teachers work. 4. The Employer School will note the foreign teacher one week ahead if there is any change upon the agreed teaching schedule or class time. 5. The Employer School will arrange a bi-lingual co-worker or assistant, referred to as the “contact teacher”, to assist the for

17、eign teacher at the school, especially for infants or junior primary school foreign teachers. III. Modification, Dissolution and/or Termination of the Contract 1. Both sides must abide by the contract. Neither side can modify, dissolve, or terminate the contract, except as specified below. 2. With t

18、he agreement of the Employer School, the foreign teacher, the contract can be modified, dissolved, or terminated. Until reaching such an agreement, all sides should strictly carry out the contract. 3. The Employer School has the right, with written notification to the foreign teacher, to terminate t

19、he employment contract and stop all benefits and payments to a foreign teacher under the following conditions: (a.) If the foreign teacher receives fifteen (15) days written notice from the Employer School or the Coordinator specifying his/her failure to comply with the terms of the contract, and fa

20、ils to correct the noncompliance; or (b.) When, in the judgment of a qualified medical doctor, the foreign teacher is unable to resume his/her duties and responsibilities after the expiration of thirty (30) continuous days of sick leave. (c.) During the contract period, the foreign teacher shall be

21、careful not to make improper statements that violate the political safety of the country and Chinese laws and result in adverse effects. Otherwise the employer school has the right to terminate the employment contract and relevant responsibilities shall be investigated according to laws. 4. The fore

22、ign teacher has the right, with written notification to the Employer School to terminate the contract without further obligation to the Employer School under the following conditions: (a.) If, after thirty (30) days written notice from the foreign teacher to the Employer School and the Coordinator,

23、the Employer School fails to provide the working and living conditions promised in the contract; or (b.) If the Employer School does not pay in a timely manner the foreign teachers salary, and fails to correct the problem after ten (10) days written notification from the foreign teacher to the Schoo

24、l and the Coordinator; or (c.) If the foreign teacher seeks to terminate the employment contract due to a serious health and/or medical condition, and the foreign teacher provides appropriate documentation from a qualified medical doctor, and the Employer School agrees to such termination for medica

25、l reasons. If the Employer School does not agree to the termination for medical reasons, the penalty provision of Section IV of the contract will apply. III. Disagreement and Attribution This contract is based on Chinese law, and if there is disagreement, arbitration will be held at the Employer Sch

26、ool's local court. V. Contract Copies, Arbitration Location, and Effective Period This contract has two copies; each copy will be in both Chinese and English. Copies in both languages have the same effect, but because the English version is based on the Chinese version, if the two versions (Engl

27、ish and Chinese) do not match, the Chinese version will be the one to be followed. This contract will be effective upon signing by both sides of both its English and Chinese versions. This contract will expire on_ Note: Both sides can negotiate supplementary terms and conditions for unsigned matters

28、 of this contract. . Employer: Foreign Teacher: _ _ Representative (signature) Foreign Teacher (signature) Date: _ Date: _篇三:培训学校兼职外教合同模板 可自行插入学校Logo The working schedule agreed upon both parties is as follow: The duties to be performed by the employee include (but not limited to): 1. Teaching Engli

29、sh Corners, private classes or hosting activities as assigned by the Education Supervisor of the school. 2. Other duties as assigned by the Education Supervisor and agreed upon by both parties. 3. The statement in the employees curriculum vitae, resume, references and other information submitted to

30、the employer in support of the Employees application for this part-time position must be true and not misleading in any sense. 4. The employee has a valid passport. The employee is not a member of any organization that may be regarded by authorities as a threat to public security or social order of

31、China. 5. The employee must perform the duties in a professional and diligent manner. 6. The employee must obey the written and/or verbal directions of the employer. 7. The employee must at all time comply with the terms and conditions of this job offer and agreement and the rules and regulations of

32、 the employer. 8. The employee must at all time comply with the laws of the PRC 9. The employee must not harm the image of the Employer or other staff with the employer. 10. The employee must provide the passport and visa copy to HR department within one week after the agreement is signed. The Emplo

33、yees remuneration is calculated according to his/her actual teaching hours: 1. The actual teacher hour should be not more than 4 hours per day and not more than 24 hours per week. 2. RMB3. The school should note the employee one weeks working schedule if there is any change upon the agreed schedule.

34、 4. The first performance review will be made after the first month. And the review report will be a reference for raising the salary of the part time teachers. 5. The employee will be paid on the 10th of each month, not in advance, for the teaching hours in the previous month(every 1st to the last

35、day of the month). 6. The Employee gets the payment in the center within the pay period from the 10th to the 15th of every month. Over the period, the employee should contact the direct Education Supervisor for the payment. 1. The penalty takes form of termination of this agreement or deduction in p

36、ay for the month when the misconduct occurs. Misconducts include failure in teaching scheduled classes without a notice at least one day in advance, being late for the scheduled classes for more than 8 minutes, and other conducts that may negatively influence the employer. 2. If the employee fails i

37、n teaching scheduled classes without a notice at least one day in advance, the deduction in pay is RMB 200 per incident. Any other misconduct, the deduction in pay is RMB300 per incident. And the employee must note the school at least 7 seven days earlier if ? Page 1he or she is going to end this co

38、ntract before the validity period of this contract, or another RMB300 is going to be deducted. 3. Exceptions are accidents or urgent health problems, in which case, the employee must inform the Education Supervisor as soon as he/she realizes the accident or problem and must find or recommend a subst

39、itute teacher with the qualifications required by the employer. The employer reserves the right to terminate this agreement in the following circumstances: 1. The employee brings the school into disrepute. 2. Misconducts of the employee occur. 3. The employee breaches the confidentiality clause as r

40、eferred to in section “confidentiality” 4. If the employee is guilty of dereliction of duty, incompetence, insubordination, dishonesty or other breaches of employees duties or obligations under this agreement or the rules and regulations of the school. 5. The employee fails to work for 30 consecutiv

41、e days. The employee reserves the right to terminate this agreement with a two-week notice in writing in the following circumstances: The employer fails to comply with the terms of this agreement The employee must keep all information regarding to the employers teaching methods and administration co

42、nfidential. The employee must not disclose details of his/her agreement. The employee must not use the employers teaching methods and materials for any other purpose. The obligations of the employee concerning the section titled “Confidentiality” will survive the termination of this agreement. The e

43、mployer cannot arrange the employee the new working schedule without employees agreement and should confirm with employee every Friday for the next weeks schedule on Email or Message. And the employee should stick to the schedule once confirm with the school on Email or Message. The employer reserve

44、s the right to add extra classes in short notice upon the employees agreement. This agreement will be interpreted in accordance with and is subject to the laws of PRC. The parties submit irrevocably to the jurisdiction of the courts of the PRC in respect of any dispute relating to or concerning this

45、 agreement. The terms and conditions of this agreement prevail over any conflicting or inconsistent provisions of the Employers rules or regulations. This agreement is effective immediately and supersedes any prior agreements, understandings or representations relating to or concerning the Employees employment by the Employer. Each party will receive a signed copy of this agreement. Both versions are identical and equal in the eyes of the law. The Employee acknowledges receipt of a copy of this agreement. The Employer: The Employee/ the Signature: Date: Date: ? Page 2


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