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1、沪江网校新概念一册第四单元Review笔记整理新概念一册,52-72课Review 4的笔记: 57-72课重点口语表达 1. Haven t you got any small change? 反问 你难道没有零钱吗? Ive got no small change, Im afraid. 委婉,客气 我恐怕没有零钱。 2. Have you got any small change, sir? Im sorry. Ive got none. I havent got any either. none:pron. 什么也没有 either:表示否定情况下的“也”相当于too,区别是“也”to

2、o,用在肯定情况下 3. Can you change this ten pound note, madam? Im afraid I cant. Neither can I. 倒装句 4. Ive got some small change. So have I. 倒装句 5. Isnt there anyone at home? 反问 6. Look through the window. through:穿过,透过 祈使句:表示命令、建议 7. Can you see anything? Nothing at all. at all:用来强调前面的否定意味 Do you like spi

3、cy food?你喜欢辛辣食物吗? Not at all.一点也不喜欢辛辣的食物。 8. Come and have something to drink. 过来喝点东西。 Come upstairs and see it. 表示动作的连续性 9. Shes only joking. 表达某人开玩笑,说着玩儿的: Sb.s joking./ Sb.s only joking. 10. When my husband was going into the dining room this morning, he dropped some coins on the floor. 重要结构:When

4、 A was doing sth., B did sth. 11. Tommys been to the toilet three times this morning,but I havent had any change yet! 双关的语言现象 change:n. 零钱;情况的变化 yet:经常出现在完成时的时态里面,表示“已经” 12. While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen. 当A正在做某事,B: When A was doing sth., B did sth

5、. 持续性动词 v.s. 瞬间性动词的概念 13. The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could. as as:可搭配形容词,也可配合副词 as quickly as they could用来修饰ran away这个动作。 14. Scott:Its not you, is it? Mike:Thats right. Well, it is Mike. 反义疑问句的表达,需要注意。 15. 跟“胡子”有关的两个表达 grow a beard: 留胡须,蓄胡须 shave the beard off:刮胡须

6、 16. must / have to 区别 must:主观的“必须”, 发自说话人的内心,自己身心觉得应该做某事 I must go home now.我现在必须得回家了。 have to:客观的“必须”, 被外界现实情况所压迫、所逼迫,不得已、不得不做 I have to go home now. Do you have to water it now? Im afraid I must. 17. do sth. by oneself:某一个人自己做某事 oneself:反身代词 I finished the task all by myself. all:表示程度。 18. 我也同意。

7、I think so. / I agree with you. 反:我不同意。 I dont think so./ I dont agree with you. 19. that:那,那边 e.g. Im not that tall. 我没有那么高 这里的that是副词 She is not that fat.她没有那么胖 e.g. I cannot jump that far.我跳不到那么远。 前面可以用实义动词。 做副词修饰形容词。 e:That was a long time ago, wasnt it? z:Not that long ago! 20. Thats why I didn

8、t see the sign. 21. I wont charge you this time. 这里的charge:v. 罚款 22. Youd better not do it again! had betterdo sth.:表示劝告、建议某人做某事 Well, next time, youd better take my advice. 23. We cant make up our minds. make up ones mind:下定决心做某事 相当于 decide to do sth.,但语气比 decide 重 24. Whos going to look after the

9、dog? Whos going to look after the house? Whos going to look after the garden? look after:照看,照料= take care of 25. I will have to ask my future husband. the superstar Karen Marsh future:adj. 表示未来的,将来的,即将的 future husband:未婚夫=fiance 26. 名词 + to be 相当于 future + 名词 未婚夫:fianc, future husband husband-to-be

10、mother-to-be:准妈妈 She is a bride-to-be. 27. Is that you, John? Yes, speaking. 打电话:Who are you? Who is that? 接电话:Hello. This is Amy speaking. 28. Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally was invited to a childrens party. 时间:last week 后半句:passive voice be invited to :被邀请去参加聚会 four-year-old daughter:

11、四岁大的女儿 She is four years old.注意没有连字符时使用的是复数。 29. The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat. 避免动词重复,省略后一个 was dressed in be dressed in:表示穿上,穿戴上 30. Last Wednesday, I went for a walk in the woods. go for a walk:出去散步,出去散心 go for a ride:乘车兜风 语法知识梳理 1. 过去完成时 He put them both into his mou

12、th. We both tried to get the coins, but it was too late. Tommy had already swallowed them! 过去完成时的精髓:过去的过去 e.g. After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room. 2. 定语从句 The lady who is standing behind the counter The books which are on the counter He says hes the man who bought these

13、 books. The man who I served was wearing a hat. Is this the man that you served? This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia. Theyre people I met during the trip. The lady who is standing behind the counter served me. 典型的定语从句 从句:一个大句子套一个小句子,小句子叫做从句,大句子叫做主句 The lady served me. 谓语动词:serve

14、关系代词 & 关系副词:特指在定语从句中的概念 关系代词:that指人、指物 which指物 who 指人 whom指人 关系副词:when 表示时间 where表示地点 why 表示原因 how表示方式 3. 表示推测,推断 表达对现在情况的推测: 肯定:must be 否定:cant be She must be at least forty. 我肯定她至少有40岁。 He cant be reading.他肯定没有正在看书 对于过去的情况的推测: 肯定:must have been 否定:cant have been e.g. He cant have been ill. He must

15、 have been tired. 4. 间接引语的时态迁移现象 she had just made a new film. she was not going to make another. she was going to retire. she felt very tired and didnt want to make another film for a long time. tell sth. to me. 或 tell sb. sth. 当主句是过去时态,直接引语变为间接引语: 从句:一般现在时 一般过去时。 从句:现在完成时 过去完成时。 从句:一般将来时 过去将来时。 5.

16、 条件状语从句 如果A发生了,那么B才会发生 If I have a lot of money, I will travel round the world first. travel round = travel around 常考点:主将从现 如果条件状语从句用于询问或者谈论十分可能发生的事情,那么条件状语从句中常用一般现在时;而主句则用一般将来时。 e.g. If it rains tomorrow, we wont go out then. 6. 被动语态 何时使用? 不想突出句子的主语 或者想用含糊不清的词来表达主语 不知道具体发出这个动作的是谁 构成:相应的 be 动词 + 过去分

17、词来组成 相应的be动词:主语是否一致,还要考虑时态 e.g. I was invited to her wedding. be invited to :被邀请 如果一定要表明动作发出者的话,可以用介词 by e.g. I was invited to her wedding by her father. 被动语态:客观,在科研,报道常见被动语态。 Life isnt that bad if you just believe in its beauties.如果你相信美好事物的存在,生活就没有那么糟糕。 1、The police caught the man that stole my han

18、dbag.警察抓到了偷我手提包的那个男人。 关系代词who和whom引导定语从句指代人。题干中先行词是人the man ,在从句中作主语,所以本题划线部分用that。 2、Why didnt Tom attend the meeting yesterday?昨天汤姆为什么没参加会议? He had gone to Beijing.因为他去北京了。 本题考查过去完成时的用法,过去完成时用来表示两个过去的动作中,发生在前的那个动作,简言之就是动作发生在过去的过去。在本题中,问句提问汤姆昨天没参加会议的原因,很显然,先去了北京才不能参加昨天的会议,去北京发生在没参加会议之前,表示过去的过去,去了北京还没回来。所以本题划线部分为Had gone to,而 had been to 表示去了北京已经回来了。 3、If you read the book ,you will understand the story better. 如果你读这本书,你将会更好地理解这个故事。 本题中的if表示“如果”,引导条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现”原则,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,所以划线部分分别为read, will understand.


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