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1、游学英语300句完成稿 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 游学常用英语300句 话题1 机场指示牌 Signs at the airport . 话题2 办理登机 Check-in. 话题3 机场安检 Security Check . 话题4 搭乘飞机 On Plane . 话题5 入关安检Customs Security Inspection Charge . 话题6 提取行李 Baggage Claim . 话题7 银行兑换 Currency Exchange . 话题8 朋友交往 Making Friends . 话题9 课堂学习Having Classes . 话题10 关

2、于决定 Making Decisions . 话题11 用餐礼仪 Manners Book . 话题12 观光游览Sightseeing Tour . 话题13 挑选商品 Shopping. 话题14 生病就诊 Seeing a Doctor . 话题15 迷途问路Asking Ways . 话题16 紧急情况Emergency Situation . 话题17 机场送行 Saying Goodbye . 话题18 出关检查 Customs Inspection. . 1 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 话题1 机场指示牌 Domestic flight 国内航班 Interna

3、tional flight 国际航班 International terminal 国际候机楼 International departure 国际航班出港 Terminal 航站楼 Departures 出站 Check-in 登记手续办理 Boarding pass 登机牌 Luggage tag 行李牌 Security 安检 Gate/ departure gate 登机口 Flight number/ FLT NO 航班号 In 入口 Exit 出口 Luggage/baggage claim 行李领取处 Transfers 中转 Transit 入境 Customs 海关 Tick

4、et office 售票处 Cash 付款处 Money/currency exchange 货币兑换处 2 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 话题2 办理登机手续 11 1. Would you please produce your passport? 请出示您的护照。 2. Where can I check infor this flight? 在哪儿办理这次航班的登记手续? 3. Please put your thaveling bag on the scale. 请把你的旅行袋放在上。 4. May all my baggage is not be weighted.

5、 我所有的行李都要过秤吗? 5. Do you hanve any baggage to check? 您有行李要托运吗? 6. Could you put on the baggage label,please? 请您系上行李标签好吗? 7. Which gate do I need to board from? 我应该在几号登机口登机? 8. Is my flight on time? 我坐的航班能准时起飞吗? 9. When do I need to board? 我什么时候能登机? 10. How long is my transfer time? 换乘时间有多久? 11. What

6、terminal does my flight leave from at airport? 我应该在机场的哪个航站楼转机? 3 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 话题3 机场安检 12 1. Please put all carrying luggage in a basket and then place it on the conveyor. 请把所有的随身行李放到一个筐里,然后把筐放在传送带上。 2. We have to look through your bag. We hope youll understand. 我们要检查一下您的袋子,希望您能谅解。 3. Plea

7、se open your big. 请打开你的袋子。 4. What are this for? 这些东西做何用? 5. They are just for personal use. 这都是一些个人物品。 6. Please stay behind the red line. 请在红外线等候。 7. Please go through the detector again. 请再过一下探测器。 8. Do you have anything to declare? 您有什么东西要申报吗? 9. Here is a Customs Declaration Form for you to fil

8、l in. 这是海关申报单需要您填一下。 10. Shall I fill in all my things? 我要将所有物品都填上吗? 11. No,only the items listed on the Declaration Form. 不,只是报关单上涉及的物品。 12. Sorry for the inconvenience . 很抱歉给您带来不便。 4 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 话题4 搭乘飞机 22 1. 坐上飞机时,你要听懂指示语哦。 (1) Please fasten your seatbelts. 请系好安全带。 (2) And turn off al

9、l electronic devices/items. 请把所有电子产品关掉。 (3) Ensure all items are stored in the overhead bins. 注意把随身行李存在头顶行李架上。 (4) If you need any assistance, please contact a purser. 如果您需要任何帮助,请呼叫乘务员。 2. Can I have a window seat, please? 可以给我一个靠窗的位子吗? 3. Can I have an aisle seat, please? 可以给我一个靠近过道的位子吗? 4. Where s

10、hould I put my luggage? 我的行李能放在哪里? 5. Student: Excuse me, the overhead bins are full, can you help me put my luggage? 打扰一下,上面的行李箱满了,您能帮我找地方放一下这件行李吗? Purser: Of course! 没有问题。 6. Student: Its cold here. Could you give a blanket? 这里有些冷。能给我拿个披毯吗? Purser: Sure. 当然可以。 7. Purser: Excuse me, sir. Would you

11、like some drink? We have coke, sprite, coffee, orange juice, apple juice, tea, and mineral water. 扰一下,您要来点喝的吗? 我们有可乐、雪碧、咖啡、橙汁、苹 果汁、茶水还有矿泉水。 Student: coke, please. 可乐。 5 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 8. Purser: Excuse me, sir. We have chicken noodles and beef rice. What would you like? 打扰一下。 这里有鸡肉面和牛肉饭。 您要哪

12、个? Student: Chicken noodles, please. 鸡肉面。 9. 小贴士: washroom / restroom如果有人,提示牌上显示的是occupied; 若没有,显示的是vacancy。 10. 快抵达终点入境了,空乘员会给每位乘客一张表International embarkation-Debarkation Form,请你拿出你的护照,认真填写。如果实在不会写,那就向空姐求助。Could you tell me how to fill in? International embarkation-Debarkation form 国际登机/下机表 姓名Names

13、_ 名Given names_ 上岸日期debarkation_ 居住时期period of permanency_ 入境日期date of entrance_ 航班号码 flight number_ _ 以下为官方使用for official use 签证号码visa/AR nr_ 签发日期inssued on_ 签证类别type_ 有效期date of expiry_ _ 姓Surname_ 名Name_ 国际Nacionality_ 到达地To_ 护照号码Passaport nr_ 发照日期issued on_ 护照类别Type_ 发照地点place_ 处境日期Date of depar

14、ture_ 航班号码Flight number_ 6 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 话题5 入关检查14 1. May I see your passport, please? 我能看看你的护照吗? 2. H ere is my passport / Here it is. 这是我的护照。 3. Whats the purpose of your visit? 旅行的目的为何? 4. Its an overseas study tour. 我是来游学的。 5.How long are you going to stay in USA? 你准备在美国待多久? 6. I am go

15、ing to stay here about one month. / About one month. 我准备在这里待大概一个月。 7.How much money do you have with you? 随身携带多少现金? 8. I have 10,000 dollars. 大约10,000美元。 9. Could you put your thumbs and fingers on this machine in order? 你能把手指放在这个机器上吗?需要扫一下指纹。 10. Sure. 可以。 11. It doesnt succeed. Put your index fing

16、er on it again. 没有成功,请再按一下你的食指。 12. Ok. 好的。 13. Good. Have a nice day. 好了。祝你玩得愉快。 14. Thank you. 谢谢。 7 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 话题6 提取行李 10 通常是直接去相应航班的取行李口拿就可以了。如果你发现有行李丢失,以下语句会对你有所帮助。 1. Excuse me, where can I get my luggage? 请问在哪儿取行李? 2. My baggage has not shown up in the luggage claim area. 行李提取处没有

17、我的行李。 3. Where can I report my lost luggage? 行李丢失到哪儿报告? 4. How many pieces of baggage have you lost? 你丢失了几件行李? 5. Only one. 只有一件。 6. Can you tell me the features of your baggage? 能描绘一下你所丢失的行李的外表特征吗? 7. It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag. 是一件大的皮箱,挂有我名字的标签。 8. Can you fill in the baggage

18、report? 你能填一份行李表格吗? 9. Sure. How soon will I find out? 需要多长时间才能找到我的行李? 10. Maybe two days. We will contact to you as soon as we find it. 大概要两天。我们一找到就立刻联系您。 8 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 话题7 银行兑换 6 1. S: Excuse me, where can I exchange some money? 你好,请问我从哪能换美元? A: You can go to the currency exchange. 你可以去

19、货币兑换处。 2. S: Can you change this into U.S. Dollars? 你能帮我把这些人民币换成美元吗? A: Of course. How many would you like to change? 可以。您想换多少? S: 200 dollars. What is the exchange rate? 200美元。汇率是多少? A: Six point two. 6.2。 9 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 话题8 人际交往用语 45 1. I am glad to see you. 很高兴认识你。 2 Its my pleasure to

20、meet you. 认识你是我的荣幸。 3. Id like to introduce myself. 我想介绍一下我自己。 4. A: May I have your name? / Whats your name? 我能知道你的名字吗? S: My name is _. 我叫 A: How do you spell your name? 请问你的名字怎么拼? S: M i n g, D a. 大明。 5. I hope we will become good friends. 我希望我们成为好朋友。 6. Here is a little gift for you. 这是我送你的小礼物。

21、7. Sorry to trouble you. 不好意思麻烦你了。 8.I am supposed to go now. 现在我该走了。 9. Thank you for your hospitality. 谢谢你的盛情款待。 10. We ve really had a wonderful time. 我们度过了一个愉快的时光。 11.Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. 不好意思让您等了这么久。 12. A: How are you? / How is things going? 今天过的好吗? S: Fine. / Great.

22、 / Not too bad./ Terrible. What about you? 10 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 很好。/非常好。/ 还可以。 / 有些糟糕。你呢? 13. A:What time are you going to get up tomorrow morning? 明天早上你打算几点起床? B: Ill probably wake up early and get up at 6:30. 我可能会起的比较早,大约在6:30起床。 14. S: What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气怎样? A: Its g

23、oing to snow tomorrow. 明天有雪。 15. S: I feel hot here. Would you mind lowering the temperature? 我觉得有点热。你介意我把空调温度调低点吗? A: Sure, go ahead. 当然可以。 16. S: I feel a little cold here. Would you mind if I turn off the air conditioner? 我觉得有点冷。你介意我把空调关了吗? A: of course. 当然可以。 17.S: Whats the temperature today? 今

24、天的气温是多少? A: Its pretty low. Youd better put on a sweater and your boots. 气温很低。你最好穿上毛衣和靴子。 18.A: Where do you want to visit next? I can give you a ride. 你接下来想去哪里参观?我可以载你过去。 19. 你的美国老师和朋友可能会这样畅聊: A: Where do you come from? / Where are you from? 你来自哪里? S: I come from Beijing, China. / Im from Beijing,

25、China. 我来自中国北京。 A: Cool. Is it the first time you come to USA? / Have you ever been to USA ? 这是你第一次来美国吗?/ 你曾经来过美国吗? S: Yes. Its my first time. / No. This is my first time. 是的,这是我第一次来美国。/ 从没来过,这是第一次。 11 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 A: How do you feel in America? 你觉得美国如何? S: Its great! I like the food here.

26、 非常好。我很喜欢这里的食物。 A: Which school do you come from? 你从哪个学校来? S: I come from Beijing Huangchenggen Primary School. 我来自北京黄城根小学。 A: What grade are you in? 你在哪个年级? S: Im in Grade Four. 我在四年级。 A: How many students are there in your class? 你班上有多少个学生? S: There are about 40 students in my class. 班里大概有40个学生。 A

27、: What subjects do you have in China? 你在中国都学什么科目? S: We have Chinese, math, English, art, music, science, PE,Chinese writing, Chinese literature, computer and moral education. 我们有语文、数学、英语、美术、音乐、科学、体育、书法、国学、计算 机还有思想品德。 A: How many classes do you usually have in one day? 你们每天通常上几节课? S: We usually have

28、 7 classes. And each class only has 35 minutes. 我们通常一天有7节课。每节课有35分钟。 A: How long is your school day? 你们每天上学要上多久? S: About 8 hours. It usually starts from 7:40 A.M to 3:20 P.M. 大概8个小时。通常是早上7点40上学,下午3点20放学。 12 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 话题9 课堂学习用语 30 1. May I come in? 我能进来吗? 2. Come in, please. 请进。 3. Sit

29、 down, please. 请坐。 4. Its time for class. Hurry up! 上课时间到了。快点。 5. Take it easy. 别急嘛! 6. We wont start until everyone is quiet. 要等大家都安静了,我们才能上课。 7. Where did I stop last class? 上节课我们学到哪了? 8. The lesson 7 in Chapter 1. 第一章的第7课。 9. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。 10. Any different opin

30、ion? 有不同意见吗? 11. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? 12. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗? 13. No, I dont understand. 不,我不明白。 14.Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗? 15. Any questions? 有什么问题吗? 13 北京市西城区黄城根小学 游学常用英语300句 16. Your answer is correct. 你的答案很正确。 17. I hope everyone will be active during the discussion

31、. 我希望每一个人都要积极参加讨论。 18.Thats all for today. 今天就讲到这里。 19.Please turn in your paper before leaving. 请在离开前将论文交上。 20. Is this your book? 这是你的书吗? 21.Whose book is this? 这是谁的书? 22. Im thinking about my lesson. 我在想我的功课。 23. Ill leave the house at 8:00 and get to the office at 8:30. 我将会在8:00离开房间然后在8:30到达办公室。

32、 24. What do you think? Is that right? 你认为怎样?是否正确? 25. Do we have homework today? 我们今天有家庭作业吗? 26. You just need to review what wo have learned today. 你们只需要复习一下今天所学的内容。 27. What will you do after class? 下课后你打算干什么? 28. I plan to go to the library. 我打算去图书馆。 29. What do you think of the class? 你认为这节课怎么样? 30. Very interesting and like the teacher. 很有趣,而且我很喜欢那个老师。 14 北京市西城区黄城根小学


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