1、环境科学与工程专业英语词汇汇总环境科学专业英语专业词汇 unit 1: 1. 环境科学与工程environmental engineering and science;2. 排污权交易pollution discharge right trade;3. 修复技术restoration technique;4. 臭氧消耗物质ozone consumption material;5. 地下水subsurface water;6. 人口增长population growth;7. 卫生设施与基础设施health facilities and infrastructure;8. 环境健康风险envir
2、onmental health risk;9. IPCC*间气候变化专门委员会Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change;10. CFCs氯氟烃chlorofluorocarbon;11. 安全的饮用水safe drinking water;12. 温室气体greenhouse gas;13. 酸雨acid rain;14. 城市化urbanization;15. 工业废弃地derelict industrial land;16. 臭氧层chemosphere;17. 全球大气污染the global air pollution;18. 全球变暖的趋势t
3、he trend of global warming;19. 污染物的传输contaminant transport;20. 污染预防pollution prevention unit 4: 1. 完整性和可持续性integrity and sustainability;2. 退化与受损的生态系统the ecosystem has been degraded and damaged;3. 生态系统的结构、组成和功能the ecosystems structure,composition and functioning; 4. 恢复原始的景观recover its predisturbance
4、state; 5. 文化信仰与习俗cultural beliefs and customs;6. indigenous species本土物种;7. opportunist species优势种;8. 自然作用the function of nature;9. 火山爆发volcanic eruption;10. 历史轨迹historic trajectory;11. 基础的生态学数据baseline ecological data;12. 预测模型predictive models;13. 外来入侵物种alien invasive species;14. 生态修复Ecological Rest
5、oration;15. 恢复生态学Restoration Ecology;16. 全球变化global changing; 17. 监控方法the monitoring function;18. 在干扰之前in predisturbance;19. 根据制图be charted from;20. 集体的决定collective decision Unit 7: 1、案头研究与野外调查相结合的办法A combined method of desk study and field study 2、法定限值 statutory threshold value;3、地图、表格、曲线与照片的利用 The
6、 use of maps,graphs/charts,tables and photographs;4、环境影响评价法The law of Environmental impact assessment;5、影响预测impact prediction;6、减缓措施 mitigation measures;7、背景研究 baseline studies;8、环境要素与环境受体environmental components and environmental receptors 9、项目说明书 project specification;10、累积影响cumulative impacts;11、
7、环境影响报告书Environmental Impact Statement;12、ERA Environmental risk assessment;13、residual impacts 潜在的影响;14、项目施工期constrution phase;15、可替代的生产技术的选择 Selection of alternative production techniques;16、定性分析与定量分析相结合 Combine of qualitative assessment and quantitative assessment;17、基础方案base case 18、监控程序monitorin
8、g procedures;19、流程图分析 flow chart analysis;20、事件树分析event tree analysis; Unit 12: 1. 城市污水的处理深度;treatment levels of municipal sewage;2. 排放许可 pischarge permits;3. 单元操作;unit oprations;4. 单元过程;unit process;5. 污水预处理;preliminary tereatment of sewage;6. 污水一级处理; primary treatment of sewage;7. 污水二级处理;secondary
9、 treatment of sewage;8. 污水三级处理;tertizry treatment of sewage;9. 污水高级处理;advanced treatment of sweage;10. 生物营养物去除;biological nutrient removal;11. 氮和磷;nitrogen and phosphorus;12. BOD;biological oxygen demand;13. TSS total suspended solids; 14. 污水消毒;sweage disinfection;15. VOC volation organic compound挥发
10、性有机物;16. 紫外线消毒;UV radiation disinfection;17. 下水道溢流;sewer verflow; 18. 大肠菌; colliform bacteria;19. 回流return flow; 20. 过滤filtration; 21. 城市污水处理厂municipal sewage plants; 22. 市政工程municipal engineering; 23. 生物处理系统biological treatment systems; 24. 有机物organic matter; 25. 工程决断engineering judgement; 26. 当地法规
11、local regulations; 27. 沉降作用sedimentation; 28. 可沉淀的颗粒物settleable particles; 29.反渗透reverse osmosis; 30. 膜生物反应器membrane bioreactors; 31. 涡流分流器vortex separators; 32. 污水净化sewage clarification; 33. 超滤ultrafiltration; 34.出水水质water quality of effluent; 35. 富营养化nutrientenrichment/eutrophication; 36. 点源污染point source pollution; 37. 面源污染nonpoint source pollution; 38.老化的基础设施aging infrastructure; 39. 紫外灯UV lamp; 40. 土地处理过程land treatment process