1、电话销售人员常用的个成交技巧电话销售人员常用的八个成交技巧 1.假定准顾客已经同意购买: 当准顾客一再出现购买信号,却又犹豫不决拿不定主意时,可采用“二选其一”的技巧。譬如,推销员可对准顾客说:“请问您要那部浅灰色的车还是银白色的呢?”或是说:“请问是星期二还是星期三送到您府上?”,此种“二选其一”的问话技巧,只要准顾客选中一个,其实就是你帮他拿主意,下决心购买了。 2.帮助准顾客挑选: 许多准顾客即使有意购买,也不喜欢迅速签下订单,他总要东挑西拣,在产品颜色、规格、式样、交货日期上不停地打转。这时,聪明的推销员就要改变策略,暂时不谈订单的问题,转而热情地帮对方挑选颜色、规格、式样、交货日期等
2、,一旦上述问题解决,你的订单也就落实了。 3.利用“怕买不到”的心理: 人们常对越是得不到、买不到的东西,越想得到它、买到它。推销员可利用这种“怕买不到”的心理,来促成订单。譬如说,推销员可对准顾客说:“这种产品只剩最后一个了,短期内不再进货,你不买就没有了。”或说:“今天是优惠价的截止日,请把握良机,明天你就买不到这种折扣价了。” 4.先买一点试用看看: 准顾客想要买你的产品,可又对产品没有信心时,可建议对方先买一点试用看看。只要你对产品有信心,虽然刚开始订单数量有限,然而对方试用满意之后,就可能给你大订单了。这一“试用看看”的技巧也可帮准顾客下决心购买。 5.欲擒故纵: 有些准顾客天生优柔
3、寡断,他虽然对你的产品有兴趣,可是拖拖拉拉,迟迟不作决定。这时,你不妨故意收拾东西,做出要离开的样子。这种假装告辞的举动,有时会促使对方下决心。 6.反问式的回答: 所谓反问式的回答,就是当准顾客问到某种产品,不巧正好没有时,就得运用反问来促成订单。举例来说,准顾客问:“你们有银白色电冰箱吗?”这时,推销员不可回答没有,而应该反问道:“抱歉!我们没有生产,不过我们有白色、棕色、粉红色的,在这几种颜色里,您比较喜欢哪一种呢?” 7.快刀斩乱麻: 在尝试上述几种技巧后,都不能打动对方时,你就得使出杀手钢,快刀斩乱麻,直接要求准顾客签订单。譬如,取出笔放在他手上,然后直接了当地对他说:“如果您想*的
4、话,就快签字吧!” 8.拜师学艺,态度谦虚: 在你费尽口舌,使出浑身解数都无效,眼看这笔生意做不成时,不妨试试这个方法。譬如说:“经理,虽然我知道我们的产品绝对适合您,可我的能力太差了,无法说服您,我认输了。不过,在告辞之前,请您指出我的不足,让我有一个改进的机会好吗?”像这种谦卑的话语,不但很容易满足对方的虚荣心,而且会消除彼此之间的对抗情绪。他会一边指点你,一边鼓励你,为了给你打气,有时会给你一张意料之外的订单。 1. Assume that prospective customer has agreed to buy: When prospective customers repeate
5、d buy signal, but hesitate make up our minds, can adopt the technique of choose one. For example, a salesman can be trained on the customer said: do you want to the department of the light grey car or silver? Or say: excuse me, is Tuesday or Wednesday to your home? , this kind of choose one question
6、ing skills, as long as the prospective customers to select a, is you help him to make, make up my mind to buy. 2. Help prospective customers choose: Many prospective customers even if are interested in purchasing, dont like to sign the order quickly, he always pick and choose among the products in c
7、olor, specifications, style, constantly on the delivery date. At this moment, the clever salesman will change tactics, temporarily dont talk about the order, to help each other warmly pick the color, specifications, style, delivery date, etc., once the problem solved, your order would be implemented
8、. 3. Use afraid cant buy psychological: People often to, cant buy the more get, the more want to get it, buy it. A salesman can use the afraid cant buy psychological, to make the order. Salesman, for example, can be trained on the customer said: this product is only one, no longer replenish onrs sto
9、ck in the short term, you dont buy, no. Or say: today is the deadline, preferential price, please grasp the good opportunity, tomorrow you cant buy this kind of discount. 4. Buy a little try out first: Prospective customers want to buy your product, but I have no confidence of product, can you recom
10、mend someone to buy a little try out first. As long as you have confidence in the product, although the first order quantity is limited, but the other trial after satisfied, can give you a large order. This try out skills also can help prospective customers to buy. 5. Play hard to get: Some prospect
11、ive customers naturally indecision, although he is interested in your products, procrastination, however, was too slow to make a decision. At this point, you might as well mean tidy up thing, look to leave. Move this pretend to leave now, sometimes will make to each other. 6. Ask type of answer: So-
12、called counter-question type answer, is when the prospective client asked some product, unfortunately no, just have to use the rhetorical question to make the order. For example, the prospective customers ask: do you have a silvery white refrigerator? At this time, the salesman shall not answer: no,
13、 but asks. Im sorry. We have no production, but we have white, brown, pink, in this a few kinds of color, which do you prefer? tantea.org sunny- ft- 7. Cut the Gordian knot: After trying the several techniques were able to impress each other, you have to use steel, cut the Gordian knot, require pros
14、pective customers sign directly. , for example, take out a pen in his hand and flatly said to him: if you want to * *, quick sign! 8. Word, the attitude of humility: In the hassle, you work hard all invalid, see the business done, try this method. For example: x manager, although I know our products
15、 are definitely for you, but my ability is too poor, cant convince you, I give up. However, before you leave, please point out my insufficient, let me have a chance to improve? Humble words like this, not only easy to meet each others vanity, but also eliminate the hostility between the two. He will show you, encourage you, in order to give you up, sometimes give you a surprise.