1、有趣的语言翻译,请欣赏下面的中英翻译,对比几种翻译,你觉得好还是不好?,体会中英翻译,Company Logo,Speed(速度),Waterloo Bridge,魂断蓝桥,生死时速,滑铁卢桥,Bathing Beauties,出水芙蓉,Farewell My Concubine,霸王别姬,Flirting Scholar,唐伯虎点秋香,Ashes of Time,东邪西毒,著名的水浒传被译为这几个版本:1、outlaws of the marsh2、three women and a hundred and a five men3、the water story4、within the fo
2、ur seas are brother5、All Men Are Brothers,Desiring to envision the remote distance,I climb Another storey of the tower(黄泊飞译),But you widen your view three hundred miles By going up one flight of stair(威特宾纳译),If you desire to have a good and boundless sight Come to the upper storey,by climbing one mo
3、re flight(吴钧译),你觉得哪一种翻译更符合原诗歌的意境?,欲穷千里目,更上一层楼,谈一谈你认为翻译的标准是什么,走进中英翻译,严复-译事三难:信达雅,恋爱,爱情热爱;爱戴酷爱,热衷于喜爱的事物5.情人6.亲爱的,1、like 2、love 3、enjoy 4、be fond of5、be interested in,1、独自居住2、独处,独居3、单身4、独隐5、遗世独立,love,Live alone,喜欢,请分小组讨论,借助字典,完成下面的中英互译,译一译 have a try,As you sow,you will reap.,种瓜得瓜种豆得豆,Man proposes,god
4、disposes,谋事在人,成事在天,Do in Roman as Roman does,入乡随俗入国问禁,To see no farther than ones nose,鼠目寸光目光短浅,go with the stream,易如反掌,轻如鸿毛,天长地久,随波逐流,as easy as turning over ones hand(palm),as light as a feather,as old(long)as the hills,love me,love my dog,爱屋及乌,To see a world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a w
5、ild follower,When every mad wave drowns the moon,从一粒沙子看一个世界,从一朵野花看天堂,,此时狂狼吞没了月影,试试站得更高,“The trumpet(号角)of a prophecy(预示,预言)!O wind,If Winter comes,can spring be far behind?”,1 吹响一个预言!啊,西风,如果冬天已到,难道春天还用就等?把黄昏的大地吹醒吧!要是冬天已经来了,西风啊,春日怎能遥远?让预言的号角奏鸣,哦,风啊,如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?,The Sea!the Sea!the open Sea!The blue
6、,the fresh,the ever free!Without a mark,without a bound,It run the earths wide regions around;It plays with the clouds;It mocks the skies;Or like a cradled creature lies.,The sea,Everything is the same,but you are not here;andI still am.In separation the one who goes awaysuffers less than the one who stays behind.拜伦致情人语谈艺录,此间百凡如故,我仍留而君已去耳。行行生别离,去者不如留者神伤之甚也。(钱钟书译),欣赏:,课外延伸,季羡林先生为中国翻译词典作序时说:“倘若拿河流来作比,种花文化这一条长河,有水满的时候,也有水少的时候,但从未枯竭,原因就是有新水注入,中华文化之所以能呢个长葆青春,万应灵药就是翻译。”查找相关资料,探究一下季羡林先生的“水”具体指什么?,好好学习,天天向上Good good study,day day up!,