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1、最新BSCI验厂清单工厂、宿舍平面图所有员工的工时记录、加班记录、工资表、计件记录、银行转账记录所有员工的劳动合同所有员工的人事档案(如入厂登记表、身份证复印件等)、请假记录、离职员工申请表及工资支付记录工厂规章制度以及员工奖惩记录社会保险缴费凭证,以及相关批文其他政府部门批准或许可证书, 如综合计时制或其他种类之加班批文生产设备清单,特种设备的验收、检修记录,年检记录和使用许可证(如电梯、锅炉安全年检), 各种特种设备员工上岗证(如叉车驾照、电工证等)消防演习、消防培训记录和消防设施检查记录外发加工厂资料,例如外发加工厂联系信息,外发加工记录营业执照、国税和地税登记证、建筑工程竣工验收证明卫

2、生许可证, 厨工健康证、未成年员工体检记录及上岗登记证等员工安全卫生培训及岗位培训记录,化学品人员培训记录工伤事故记录、急救人员培训证书排污许可证, 有害(危险)废物排放许可证, 化学品列表,化学品之物质安全资料表,废物处理程序文件各个岗位风险及所应提供之个人保护用品之评估确保工厂员工于评估当日正常出勤以保证评估完整进行,并协调相关工作人员于评估当日竭力提供与评估相关之信息或文件。BSCI验厂结果记录表(bsci audit report)BSCI验厂结果记录表(bsci audit report) AuditAssessmentPartBBSCISocialRequirements审核结果B




6、CI验厂所需警示牌-危害化学品的警示牌BSCI验厂所需警示牌:化学危险品标签、电源危险标记、穿戴防护服的指示标记、危险警示牌、脱险/紧急出口以及紧急集合点标记、电源危险标记BSCI验厂所需警示牌-危险警示牌BSCI验厂所需警示牌:危险警示牌、电源危险标记、穿戴防护服的指示标记、化学危险品标签、脱险/紧急出口以及紧急集合点标记、电源危险标记BSCI验厂所需警示牌-电源危险标记BSCI验厂所需警示牌:电源危险标记、穿戴防护服的指示标记、危险警示牌、化学危险品标签、脱险/紧急出口以及紧急集合点标记、电源危险标记BSCI验厂常见消防安全问题及解决措施(一)灭火消防栓被货物阻挡 问题现象: 灭火消防栓被

7、货物阻挡. 解决措施: 移走消防栓等消防器材前的一切货物杂物. BSCI条款: B.11.5 Fire protection 防火保护BSCI验厂常见消防安全问题及解决措施(二)消防设备指示虚幻问题现象: 消防设备指示虚幻. 解决措施: 按需增添消防器材,或擦除墙面的消防器材字迹. BSCI条款: B.11.5 Fire protection 防火保护 c) Is fire fighting equipment in good condition? c) 灭火设备是否状况良好?BSCI验厂常见消防安全问题及解决措施(三)逃生图不全缺少必要内容问题现象: 逃生图不全,缺少必要内容. 解决措施:

8、逃生图上的内容补充全面,或重新制作. BSCI条款: B.11.6 Escape routes 逃生路线 c) Are evacuations plans posted in every workshop? c) 是否每个工场都张贴了疏散安排? 注意事项: 工场平面图,消防器材位置,逃生路线指示,当前位置指示.BSCI验厂常见消防安全问题及解决措施(四)消防验收不合格 问题现象: 消防验收不合格. 解决措施: 整改后从新验收至到合格为止,或根据情况处理. BSCI条款: B.9.1. Are overall conditions of the workshop layout and the f

9、actory building acceptable? (工场设计 和工厂建筑的整体情况是否可以接受?) 注意事项: 严重不合格项目.BSCI验厂常见消防安全问题及解决措施(五)灭火器直接放置于地面问题现象: 灭火器直接放置于地面. 解决措施: 整改灭火器悬挂高度,使其在正常范围内. BSCI条款: B.11.5 Fire protection 防火保护 d) Is the fire fighting equipment not too heavy and installed in the correct height (if no legal provision, is installati

10、on in reachable height), visible and marked? d) 灭火设备是否太重?是否安装在适当高度,(若没有法律规定,通常是安装在可触及的高度)?是否可以 看到和划上标记? 注意事项: 建筑灭火器配置设计规范GB 50140-2005 513 灭火器的摆放应稳固,其铭牌应朝外。 手提式灭火器宜设置在灭火器箱内或挂钩、托架上,其顶部离地面高度不应大于1.50m;底部离地面高 度不宜小于0.08m。灭火器箱不得上锁。BSCI验厂常见消防安全问题及解决措施(六)消防器材灭火器被杂物阻挡 问题现象: 消防器材灭火器被杂物阻挡. 解决措施: 移走灭火器等消防器材前的一切

11、货物杂物. BSCI条款: B.11.5 Fire protection 防火保护BSCI验厂常见消防安全问题及解决措施(六)消防逃生通道被货物堵塞问题现象: 消防逃生通道被货物堵塞. 解决措施: 消防通道内的一切货物移开,使消防逃生通道保持畅通. BSCI条款: B.11.6 Escape routes (逃生路线). a). Are escape routes/aisles blocked or obstructed?(逃生路线/通道 是否受阻或堵塞?)BSCI验厂常见个人防护问题及解决措施(一)化学品操作员工未佩带PPE问题现象: 接触化学品员工未佩带合适的个人防护用品(PPE). 解决

12、措施: 从事丝印的员工佩带口罩,手套等合适的个人防护用品;保障操作工的健康安全. BSCI条款: B.11.2. a) Is adequate personal protective equipment such as goggles, glasses, gloves, earplugs, boots and protective clothing available at companycost? ( 公司是否购买了足够的个人安全装备,例如眼罩、眼镜、手套、耳塞、靴子和保护衣物?) BSCI验厂常见用电安全问题及解决措施(一)配电箱使用易燃木制品问题现象: 配电箱使用易燃木制品. 解决措施:

13、 改用非易燃材料制作. BSCI条款: B.11.4 Electricity 电力 a) Are electrical installations checked periodically? a) 是否定期检查电力装置? b) Are blank electrical contacts exposed? b) 不在使用的电力接触是否外露? c) Are electrical installations properly fixed so that they cannot easily fall down? c) 电力装置是否安装妥当,以致不会很容易掉下来? d) Are electrical

14、cords correctly fixed or repaired with tape? d) 电线是否妥当地安装或用胶布修补? e) Are encasements of electrical machinery, devices and attachments broken? e) 存放电动机器、用具和附件的箱子是否破烂? f) Is there a danger that electrical installation will energize surrounding installation (e.g. fragile electrical cords close to metal)

15、? f) 电力装置会否对四周的装置构成危险(例如容易破损的电线与金属物距离很近)? g) Are high voltage signs properly installed where needed (e.g. main power point, main fuse box)? g) 当有需要的时候,是否妥当地安装好高电压(例如主要电源插座、主要保险丝盒)的标志? h) Are workplaces obstructed by distribution lines (e.g. electrical cords lying on the floor causing employees to tr

16、ip over them, electrical cordson tables, poorly installed electrical cords creating a risk of strangulation)? h) 工作场所是否被分送线路阻碍(例如地面上的电线可能令员工绊倒,桌面上的电线,安装差劣的电线可能构成勒死的危险)? i) Are power hubs, electrical control stations, fuse boxes lockable? i) 电线插孔、电力控制站和保险丝盒子是否可以上锁? j) Are the boxes made out of non fl

17、ammable material? j) 这些盒子是否用非易燃物料制成? k) Are light fittings, switches, plugs etc. in good condition, not broken and dont cause danger (electrocution) to employees (missing cover forswitches and plugs)? k) 灯光设备、开关掣和插座的状况是否良好,没有损毁,也不会(因为电掣和插座失去覆盖)构成(如电殛)危险? l) Do employees working with electricity have

18、 adequate qualification? l) 工作涉及电力的雇员是否有足够资格?BSCI验厂常见用电安全问题及解决措施(二)配电箱无外保护盖 问题现象: 配电箱无外保护盖. 解决措施: 增加外盖保护装置. BSCI条款: B.11.4 Electricity 电力 a) Are electrical installations checked periodically? a) 是否定期检查电力装置? b) Are blank electrical contacts exposed? b) 不在使用的电力接触是否外露? c) Are electrical installations p

19、roperly fixed so that they cannot easily fall down? c) 电力装置是否安装妥当,以致不会很容易掉下来? d) Are electrical cords correctly fixed or repaired with tape? d) 电线是否妥当地安装或用胶布修补? e) Are encasements of electrical machinery, devices and attachments broken? e) 存放电动机器、用具和附件的箱子是否破烂? f) Is there a danger that electrical in

20、stallation will energize surrounding installation (e.g. fragile electrical cords close to metal)? f) 电力装置会否对四周的装置构成危险(例如容易破损的电线与金属物距离很近)? g) Are high voltage signs properly installed where needed (e.g. main power point, main fuse box)? g) 当有需要的时候,是否妥当地安装好高电压(例如主要电源插座、主要保险丝盒)的标志? h) Are workplaces ob

21、structed by distribution lines (e.g. electrical cords lying on the floor causing employees to trip over them, electrical cordson tables, poorly installed electrical cords creating a risk of strangulation)? h) 工作场所是否被分送线路阻碍(例如地面上的电线可能令员工绊倒,桌面上的电线,安装差劣的电线可能构成勒死的危险)? i) Are power hubs, electrical contr

22、ol stations, fuse boxes lockable? i) 电线插孔、电力控制站和保险丝盒子是否可以上锁? j) Are the boxes made out of non flammable material? j) 这些盒子是否用非易燃物料制成? k) Are light fittings, switches, plugs etc. in good condition, not broken and dont cause danger (electrocution) to employees (missing cover forswitches and plugs)? k)

23、灯光设备、开关掣和插座的状况是否良好,没有损毁,也不会(因为电掣和插座失去覆盖)构成(如电殛)危险? l) Do employees working with electricity have adequate qualification? l) 工作涉及电力的雇员是否有足够资格?BSCI验厂常见用电安全问题及解决措施(三)开关箱无盖无标明开关功能 问题现象: 开关箱无盖无标明开关功能. 解决措施: 增加外盖,每个开关标明其开关功能. BSCI条款: B.11.4 Electricity 电力 a) Are electrical installations checked periodical

24、ly? a) 是否定期检查电力装置? b) Are blank electrical contacts exposed? b) 不在使用的电力接触是否外露? c) Are electrical installations properly fixed so that they cannot easily fall down? c) 电力装置是否安装妥当,以致不会很容易掉下来? d) Are electrical cords correctly fixed or repaired with tape? d) 电线是否妥当地安装或用胶布修补? e) Are encasements of elect

25、rical machinery, devices and attachments broken? e) 存放电动机器、用具和附件的箱子是否破烂? f) Is there a danger that electrical installation will energize surrounding installation (e.g. fragile electrical cords close to metal)? f) 电力装置会否对四周的装置构成危险(例如容易破损的电线与金属物距离很近)? g) Are high voltage signs properly installed where

26、 needed (e.g. main power point, main fuse box)? g) 当有需要的时候,是否妥当地安装好高电压(例如主要电源插座、主要保险丝盒)的标志? h) Are workplaces obstructed by distribution lines (e.g. electrical cords lying on the floor causing employees to trip over them, electrical cordson tables, poorly installed electrical cords creating a risk o

27、f strangulation)? h) 工作场所是否被分送线路阻碍(例如地面上的电线可能令员工绊倒,桌面上的电线,安装差劣的电线可能构成勒死的危险)? i) Are power hubs, electrical control stations, fuse boxes lockable? i) 电线插孔、电力控制站和保险丝盒子是否可以上锁? j) Are the boxes made out of non flammable material? j) 这些盒子是否用非易燃物料制成? k) Are light fittings, switches, plugs etc. in good con

28、dition, not broken and dont cause danger (electrocution) to employees (missing cover forswitches and plugs)? k) 灯光设备、开关掣和插座的状况是否良好,没有损毁,也不会(因为电掣和插座失去覆盖)构成(如电殛)危险? l) Do employees working with electricity have adequate qualification? l) 工作涉及电力的雇员是否有足够资格?BSCI验厂常见用电安全问题及解决措施(四)电源开关箱未关闭 问题现象: 电源开关箱未关闭.

29、解决措施: 电源开关箱外盖关闭,预防电线外露触电危险. BSCI条款: B.11.4 Electricity 电力 a) Are electrical installations checked periodically? a) 是否定期检查电力装置? b) Are blank electrical contacts exposed? b) 不在使用的电力接触是否外露? c) Are electrical installations properly fixed so that they cannot easily fall down? c) 电力装置是否安装妥当,以致不会很容易掉下来? d)

30、 Are electrical cords correctly fixed or repaired with tape? d) 电线是否妥当地安装或用胶布修补? e) Are encasements of electrical machinery, devices and attachments broken? e) 存放电动机器、用具和附件的箱子是否破烂? f) Is there a danger that electrical installation will energize surrounding installation (e.g. fragile electrical cords

31、 close to metal)? f) 电力装置会否对四周的装置构成危险(例如容易破损的电线与金属物距离很近)? g) Are high voltage signs properly installed where needed (e.g. main power point, main fuse box)? g) 当有需要的时候,是否妥当地安装好高电压(例如主要电源插座、主要保险丝盒)的标志? h) Are workplaces obstructed by distribution lines (e.g. electrical cords lying on the floor causing

32、 employees to trip over them, electrical cordson tables, poorly installed electrical cords creating a risk of strangulation)? h) 工作场所是否被分送线路阻碍(例如地面上的电线可能令员工绊倒,桌面上的电线,安装差劣的电线可能构成勒死的危险)? i) Are power hubs, electrical control stations, fuse boxes lockable? i) 电线插孔、电力控制站和保险丝盒子是否可以上锁? j) Are the boxes ma

33、de out of non flammable material? j) 这些盒子是否用非易燃物料制成? k) Are light fittings, switches, plugs etc. in good condition, not broken and dont cause danger (electrocution) to employees (missing cover forswitches and plugs)? k) 灯光设备、开关掣和插座的状况是否良好,没有损毁,也不会(因为电掣和插座失去覆盖)构成(如电殛)危险? l) Do employees working with

34、electricity have adequate qualification? l) 工作涉及电力的雇员是否有足够资格?BSCI验厂常见用电安全问题及解决措施(五)电线铜线裸露触电危险 问题现象: 电线铜线裸露触电危险. 解决措施: 裸露的电线增加绝缘措施. BSCI条款: B.11.4 Electricity 电力 a) Are electrical installations checked periodically? a) 是否定期检查电力装置? b) Are blank electrical contacts exposed? b) 不在使用的电力接触是否外露? c) Are ele

35、ctrical installations properly fixed so that they cannot easily fall down? c) 电力装置是否安装妥当,以致不会很容易掉下来? d) Are electrical cords correctly fixed or repaired with tape? d) 电线是否妥当地安装或用胶布修补? e) Are encasements of electrical machinery, devices and attachments broken? e) 存放电动机器、用具和附件的箱子是否破烂? f) Is there a da

36、nger that electrical installation will energize surrounding installation (e.g. fragile electrical cords close to metal)? f) 电力装置会否对四周的装置构成危险(例如容易破损的电线与金属物距离很近)? g) Are high voltage signs properly installed where needed (e.g. main power point, main fuse box)? g) 当有需要的时候,是否妥当地安装好高电压(例如主要电源插座、主要保险丝盒)的标

37、志? h) Are workplaces obstructed by distribution lines (e.g. electrical cords lying on the floor causing employees to trip over them, electrical cordson tables, poorly installed electrical cords creating a risk of strangulation)? h) 工作场所是否被分送线路阻碍(例如地面上的电线可能令员工绊倒,桌面上的电线,安装差劣的电线可能构成勒死的危险)? i) Are power

38、 hubs, electrical control stations, fuse boxes lockable? i) 电线插孔、电力控制站和保险丝盒子是否可以上锁? j) Are the boxes made out of non flammable material? j) 这些盒子是否用非易燃物料制成? k) Are light fittings, switches, plugs etc. in good condition, not broken and dont cause danger (electrocution) to employees (missing cover fors

39、witches and plugs)? k) 灯光设备、开关掣和插座的状况是否良好,没有损毁,也不会(因为电掣和插座失去覆盖)构成(如电殛)危险? l) Do employees working with electricity have adequate qualification? l) 工作涉及电力的雇员是否有足够资格?BSCI验厂常见用电安全问题及解决措施(六)电线外露2 问题现象: 电线外露. 解决措施: 外露的电线增加绝缘措施. BSCI条款: B.11.4 Electricity 电力 a) Are electrical installations checked periodi

40、cally? a) 是否定期检查电力装置? b) Are blank electrical contacts exposed? b) 不在使用的电力接触是否外露? c) Are electrical installations properly fixed so that they cannot easily fall down? c) 电力装置是否安装妥当,以致不会很容易掉下来? d) Are electrical cords correctly fixed or repaired with tape? d) 电线是否妥当地安装或用胶布修补? e) Are encasements of el

41、ectrical machinery, devices and attachments broken? e) 存放电动机器、用具和附件的箱子是否破烂? f) Is there a danger that electrical installation will energize surrounding installation (e.g. fragile electrical cords close to metal)? f) 电力装置会否对四周的装置构成危险(例如容易破损的电线与金属物距离很近)? g) Are high voltage signs properly installed wh

42、ere needed (e.g. main power point, main fuse box)? g) 当有需要的时候,是否妥当地安装好高电压(例如主要电源插座、主要保险丝盒)的标志? h) Are workplaces obstructed by distribution lines (e.g. electrical cords lying on the floor causing employees to trip over them, electrical cordson tables, poorly installed electrical cords creating a ris

43、k of strangulation)? h) 工作场所是否被分送线路阻碍(例如地面上的电线可能令员工绊倒,桌面上的电线,安装差劣的电线可能构成勒死的危险)? i) Are power hubs, electrical control stations, fuse boxes lockable? i) 电线插孔、电力控制站和保险丝盒子是否可以上锁? j) Are the boxes made out of non flammable material? j) 这些盒子是否用非易燃物料制成? k) Are light fittings, switches, plugs etc. in good condition, not broken and dont cause danger (electrocution) to employees (missing cover forswitches and plugs)? k) 灯光设备、开关掣和插座的状况是否良好,没有损毁,也不会(因为电掣和插座失去覆盖)构成(如电殛)危险? l) Do employees working with electricity have adequat


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