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1、人教版英语七年级上册单元课件,Unit 2 This is my sister.,Unit 2 This is my sister.,1period1(1a-1c)2period2(2a-2d)3period3 Grammer Focus-3c4Period4(1a-1d)5Period5 Self Check(单击上面课题进入对应幻灯片),Unit 2,This is my sister,Section A(1a-1c),This is Liu Xing.,This is his family.,This is his mother.,This is his father.,This is

2、his brother.,This is his sister.,This is his grandfather.,This is his grandmother.,This is his mother.,This is his father.,These are his parents.,That is his grandmother.,That is his grandfather.,Those are his grandparents.,My name is Xia Xue.,This is my brother Liu Xing.,This is my brother Xia Yu.,

3、These are my two brothers.,My name is Xia Xue.This is myThese are my,That is myThose are my,Whos she?Shes.,Guessing,Whos he?Hes.,Whos she?Shes.,Whos she?Shes.,Whos he?Hes.,Whore they?Theyre.,friend,mother,father,grandfather,grandmother,brother,brother,brothers,sister,parents,grandparents,My name is

4、David,Match the words with the people in the picture.,1a,1.mother_2.father _3.parents _4.brothers _5.grandmother _6.grandfather _7.friend _8.grandparents _9.sister _,i,a,c,d,b,g,f,e,h,a,c,b,h,f,e,i,d,g,Listen and circle.,1b,1.mother_2.father _3.parents _4.brothers _5.grandmother _6.grandfather _7.fr

5、iend _8.grandparents _9.sister _,i,a,c,d,b,g,f,e,h,a,c,b,h,f,e,i,d,g,SectionA 1bDavid:Thats my family.Those are my parents.Lin Hai:Whos she?David:Shes my sister.Oh,and these are my brothers.Lin Hai:Whore they?David:Theyre my grandparets.,1c,Pair work Talk about Daves family.,Thats my family.Those ar

6、e my parents.,Shes my sister.Oh,and these are my brothers.,Whos she?,This is her,a picture of Marys family,This is Mary.,father,mother,grandmother,grandfather,brother,brother,sister,These are her-,grandparents,parents,brothers,Unit 2,This is my sister,Section A(2a-2d),family,grandfather,grandmother(

7、grandparents),father,mother(parents),brother(son),sister(daughter),Talk about this family.,This is my father.,This is my mother.,These are my parents.,Im Mary.,This is my grandfather.,This is my grandmother.,These are my grandparents.,单数 复数 this these that thoseit/he/she they is are,注意到了吗?,parents m

8、other father sister brother grandmother grandfather friend grandparents,2a,Listen and circle.,Jenny_Jack _Tom _Bob _Linda _Mary _,2b,Listen and match.,d,a,b,e,f,c,Ask and answer questions about the photo in 2b.,2c,Role-play the conversation.,2d,1.学生自读对话,回答下面的问题:1)判读正误,正确T,错误F.2)3)回答问题,4)英译汉.1)Kate i

9、s Sallys sister?2)Are those Janes parents?3)Who is the boy?4)Have a good day!,Answer the questions:,this is my sister Kate.这是我的妹妹凯特。my sister Kate是同位语Oh,I see.噢,我明白了。3.Well,have a good day!那好,愿你们(一天)玩得高兴!4.Thanks!You,too.多谢了!也祝你玩得高兴。,Explanation,Period 3 Grammer Focus-3c,Unit 2 This is my sister.,Gr

10、ammar Focus 语法焦点,单数,复数,可数名词,如何变化?,1.一般情况下,直接在词尾加-s构成复数形式。,car,backpack,cars,backpacks,book,books,1.,box,2.以s,x,ch,sh等结尾的名词,在词尾加-es构成复数形式。,boxes,class,classes,watch,watches,brush,brushes,2.,3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,应改y为i,再加-es。,family,families,comedies,3.,4.以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,直接在词尾加-s构成复数形式。,boy,boys,day,days,4.

11、,Sum up:,1.一般情况下,直接在名词词尾加-s.,2.以s,x,sh,ch结尾的名词,在词尾加-es.,3.以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,要变y为i再加-es.,4.以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,直接在词尾加-s.,给下列可数名词加复数,bird-card-lady-orange-ruler-friend-boy-watch-girl-case-cat-tree-key-bed-family-party-cup-,birds,ladies,oranges,rulers,cats,boys,girls,cases,watches,trees,keys,beds,friends,familie

12、s,cards,parties,cups,this that he/she/it am/is,these,those,they,are,单数 复数,指示代词,人称代词,系动词,句型转换1.Whats this?复数,Whatre these?,2.Hes a Chinese boy.复数,Theyre Chinese boys.,3.This is a bike.复数句,These are bikes.,指示代词,系动词,可数名词,注意:单数句子转变为复数句子,指示代词、人称代词、系动词、可数名词都要变化为复数形式。,二、句型转换1.This is my mother.,1)变否定句 2)变一

13、般疑问句,并作肯定或否定回答,This is not my mother.Is this your mother?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.,2.That is a car.,1)变否定句 2)划线提问3)变复数句,That is not a car.Whats that?Those are cars.,3a Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.,A:That _ my family.Thats my mother.B:_ he?A:_ my father.B:Whos _?A:Shes _

14、sister.B:And _ they?A:_ my grandparents.,is,Whos,Hes,she,my,whore,Theyre,3b Look at the picture.Make sentences with the words in the three boxes.,thisthatthesethose,myyour,fathermothergrandfathergrandmotherparentsgrandparentsbrothersister,Is/are,3c Bring some family photos to class.Take turns to ask

15、 and answer questions about the photos.,Unit 2,This is my sister,Period4 Section B(1a-1d),This is my-,grandmother,grandfather,mother,father,sister,brother,This is me.,These are my-,grandparents,parents,brothers,sister,This is my sister.,My family,grandmother,grandfather,grandfather,grandmother,aunt,

16、aunt,uncle,uncle,father,mother,I,brother,cousin,cousin,cousin,sister son cousin grandpa mom aunt,grandma,dad,uncle,daughter,daughter,(brother),grandpa,(),(),1a Add the words in the box to the family tree.,mom,son,sister,aunt,cousin,1b.Listen and check()the words you hear.,grandpa _ grandma _ cousin

17、_ dad _ mom _ uncle_ aunt _ brother _ sister _ friends _,Listening,1c Listen again.Which picture are Jiang Tao and Tom talking about?.,Listen again and choose the picture.,Which picture are Jiang Tao and Tom talking about?,Jiang Tao:This is a photo of my family.This is my aunt Tom:Whos he?Jiang Tao;

18、Hes my uncle.Tom:And is she your cousin?Jiang Tao:Yes,shes my cousin,Jiang Shan.And these are her friends.Tom:Whore they?Jiang Tao:Theyre my grandpa and grandma.,1c,play,Draw a picture of your family and friends.Tell your partner about your picture.,Dear Mary,Thanks for the photo of your family.Here

19、 is my family photo!Your friend,Emma,This is my brother,Tony.This is my friend,Lin Fang,This is my sister,Mona.,These are my parents and this is my grandma.,1d,Exercise,Fill in the blanks.(填空)1.Lucy is a girl.She is her fathers _.2.Jim is his fathers _.3.My fathers sister is my _.4.Kates fathers bro

20、ther is her _.5.Tims father is my uncle,so Tim is my _.6.His parents are his _ and _.7.My grandparents are my _ and_.,daughter,son,aunt,uncle,cousin,father,mother,grandfather,grandmother,8.My father has no brothers,and so I havent any _.9.My father has two sisters,and I have two _.10.I am the only c

21、hild of my _.I have no _ or _.,Fill in the blanks.填空,uncles,aunts,family,brothers,sisters,Unit 2,This is my sister,period5 Section B(2a-3b)and Self Check,Playing a game,看谁反应快?,fathers father,grandfather/grandpa,fathers brother,uncle,fathers sister,aunt,fathers mother,grandmother/grandma,uncles son,c

22、ousins mother,cousin,aunt,uncles daughter,cousin,mothers daughter,sister,mothers son,brother,grandfather,grandmother,father,mother,sister,brother,cousin,cousin,aunt,uncle,me,Family tree,daughter,son,Male,Female,BobJackTomEricJohnPaul,Jenny LindaKateJaneHelenCindy,2a Find the male and female first na

23、mes in the unit and write them.,Who are they?,Before reading 读前,2b Read about Jennys family and circle the names.,Hi,Im Jenny.Here are two nice photos of my family.My grandfather and my grandmother are in the first photo.These are my parents,Alan and Mary.In the next picture are my brothers,Bob and

24、Eric.These two girls are my sister Cindy and my cousin Helen.Coco is in my family,too.,While reading 读中,2c Read the passage again and complete the sentences.,My name is _.Alan and Mary are my _.Bob and Eric are my _.Cindy is my _.Helen is my _._ is the name of my dog.,Jenny,parents,brothers,sister,c

25、ousin,Coco,After reading 读后,Read the passage again and answer the questions.,Who is Alan?Jennys father.2.Whats the name of Jennys mother?Mary.3.Who are Bob and Eric?They are Jennys brothers.4.Is Cindy Jennys sister?Yes,she is.5.What is the name of Jennys cousin?Helen.6.Is Coco a boy?No.A dog.,Read t

26、he passage again and answer the questions.,我的狗的名字,the name of my dog,在我家,in my family,在下一张照片中,in the next picture,在第一张照片中,in the first photo,两张我家人的漂亮照片,Key phrases 重点词汇,two nice photos of my family,3a Complete the passage with the words in the box.Then draw a picture of Pauls family.,brothers parent

27、s Cindy family,Hi!My name is Paul.This is a photo of my _.These are my _ and these are my _,John and Bob.This is my sister _.,family,parents,brothers,Cindy,Hi.I am Sally.Here is my family photo.These are my grandparents.This is my father.This is my mother.These are my uncle,Tom,and aunt,Lucy.I have

28、two brothers,Tony and Jim.Who is this boy?Its me!I have a happy family.I love them all.,3b Show your family photo and write about it.,Self Check 自查,1.Group the words for family members you have learned.,male,both,female,father,parents,dad,brother,grandfather,uncle,grandparents,mother,mom,aunt,sister

29、,grandmother,grandpa,son,grandma,daughter,cousin,Self Check 自查,2.Complete the conversation.,Bill:Heres a photo of my family.Dale:_ he?Bill:_ my uncle.Dale:_ this girl?Bill:_ my cousin.Dale:Are _ your parents?Bill:Yes,_ are.And these _ my grandparents.,Whos,Hes,Whos,Shes,those,they,are,Summarize(小结),

30、一、词汇:,mother/mom father/dad,grandfather/grandpa grandmother/grandma,parents,grandparents,uncle aunt,sondaughtercousin,brothersisterfriend,thisthatthesethose,shehepicturephoto,二、重点内容回顾:单数/复数This is my friend.These are my friends.That is my brother.Those are my brothers.2.询问身份Is she your aunt?Yes,she is./No,she isnt.Is he your uncle?Yes,he is./No,he isnt.Is this/that your sister?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Are these/those your parents?Whos he?Hes my brother.Whore they?They are my grandparents.,


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