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1、The infinitive不定式,不定式由“to+动词原形”构成,其否定形式是“not/never to do”,不定式可以带宾语或状语构成不定式短语,没有人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化。不定式可以作主语、宾语、状语、表语和定语,但不能单独作谓语。不定式的逻辑主语有时用“for+名词或代词宾格”构成。,不定式,结构:to do(否定)not/never to do,二.时态与语态,不定式,to do,to be done,to be doing,to have done,to have been done,to have been doing,-,-,(1).They pretende

2、d not to see us.,(2).He pretended to be sleeping.,(3).She pretended to have known it before.,(一般式表示与谓语的动作同时发生/在它之后.),(在谓语动词发生的同时,不定式的动作也正在进行),(完成式表示动作发生在谓语动作之前),(4).Were happy to have been working with you.,(完成进行式表示谓语动作发生之前,不定式的动作一直在进行而且可能之后也继续),动词不定式的时态,想一想,He pretends to be ill to sleep in class.,

3、一般式(to do),He pretends to be listening when asked.,进行式(to be doing),不定式的一般式所表示的动作(状态)同时(或几乎同时)发生,或之后发生。,如果谓语表示的动作(情况)发生时,不定式所表示的动作正在进行。,He pretends to have understood the lesson.,完成式(to have done),表示不定式动作发生在谓语动作之前。,动词不定式的句法功能,To have an ice cream is cool.,I want to see you this evening.,All you shou

4、ld do now is to remember todays lesson.,I want a pen to write with.,He lowered his head to sleep.,He asked his partner not to copy the homework.,主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,宾补,重点!,Remember them!,一、-ing形式与不定式的区别,不定式一般表示某个一次性的、具体的、未做的动作;而-ing形式则表示习惯的(泛指的)动作或一件已知的事或经验。,Getting up early is a good habit.,To finish th

5、e work in a week is impossible.,二、不定式做主语,一般用it当形式主语,把作主语的不定式短语后置。,但在下列句型中常用-ing形式作主语。,It is impossible to finish the work in a week.,It is/was,not any use/good,of little use/good,useless,+doing sth.,no use/good,若主语和表语都是非谓语动词,应保持形式上的一致。Seeing is believing.To see is to believe.,It is no use crying ove

6、r spilt milk.It is of little good staying up too late every day.,注意,1)有些动词要求只接不定式作宾语:hope wish want agree promise demand ask refuse manage learn decidepretend choosefail dare offer help,三个希望两答应,两个要求莫拒绝,做到学会作决定,不要假装在选择,没敢提出来帮助,三、不定式和ing形式作宾语的区别,2)有些动词只接ing作宾语,常见的有:resist、object to、delay、look forward

7、to、enjoy;mind、imagine、practise、suggest、appreciate.,抗议推迟盼喜报,心想练成荐欣赏,Bear them in your mind!,四、不带to的不定式作宾补,四看,watch,see,observe,notice,I heard them sing a pop song.The teacher made me answer the question.We watched them play football.,如果上述结构变为被动语态,不定式就由原来的宾语补足语变为主语补足语,此时动词(let,have无被动语态)后原来不带to的不定式要加t

8、o。如:He was seen to go upstairs.He was made to do his work.,Be careful!,五、介词except/but 之后接不定式时,如果介词前有实意动词do的各种形式则except/but 后接不带to 的不定式;反之,如果except/but前没有实意动词do,则不定式带to。Cai has no choice but to do the homework.Cai does nothing but sleep every day.,六、作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点工具等,不定式后面须有相

9、应的介词。He is looking for a room to live in.,不定式所修饰的名词如果是time,place或way,不定式后面的介词习惯上要省去。He had no money and no place to live.,七、something,anything,nothing,everything等复合不定代词常用不定式做后置定语。,1)Have you anything to send?你有什么东西要寄吗?(不定式to send的动作执行者是you)2)Have you anything to be sent?你有什么要(我或别人)寄的东西吗?(不定式to be se

10、nt的动作执行者是已被省略的me或someone else),注意比较,To tell the truth,I am not happy at the moment.,八、独立结构,to be frank,to be honest,to tell the truth,九、不定式的省略,(1).不定式中的动词上文已出现过,下文要 省略该动词.,-Would you like to go with me?-Id like to.,(2).不定式是to be 结构,be 不可省.,-Would you like to be a teacher?-Id like to be.,十、固定句型:,had

11、better/had best+(not)do sth.Why(not)do sth.?prefer to do/prefer doingprefer+n./doing A+to+n./doing Bprefer+to do A rather than do Bwould rather(not)do sth.would rather do A than(do)Bwould rather+句子(过去式)(虚拟语气)要做,不定式运用口诀 本领最多不定式,主、表、宾、补、定和状。样样成分都能干,只有谓语它不敢。大家千万要当心,有时它把句型改,作主宾时用“it”,自己在后把身藏。七个感官三使役,宾补要

12、把to甩开;疑问词后接上它,宾语从句可充当;逻辑主语不定式,不定式前for sb.;to前not是否定,各种用法区别开。,Use your head!,高考题回放,1.My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate _ from you sometime.A.to have heard B.to hear C.for hearing D.hearing2.Robert is said _ abroad,but I didnt know what country he studied in.A.to have studied B.to b

13、e studying C.to study D.to have been studying,3.In Australia he made a lot of friends _a very practical knowledge of English.A.get B.getting C.to get D.got4.They are considering _ before the prices go up.A.of buying the house B.with buying the house C.buying the house D.to buy the house,5.Paul doesn

14、t have to be made_.He always works hard.A.study B.to study C.studied D.studying6.The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _.A.to be heard B.to have heard C.hearing D.being heard,(0.47),2007卷9,7.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains _ whe

15、ther they will enjoy it.A.to see B.to be seen C.seeing D.see8.It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows _.A.it what to do with B.what to do with it C.what to do it with D.to do what with it,9._ late in the afternoon,Bob turned off the alarm.A.To sleep B.Sleeping C.Sleep D.

16、Having sleep10.Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview._ the answers ready will be of great help.A.To have had B.Having had C.Have D.Having,=To have,exercise,My teacher was made _ his teaching because of poor health.giving up B.to give up C.give up D.given up2.The sentence wants _ once more

17、.explained B.to explain C.being explained D.explaining3.The Arctic is considered _ the northern part of the Atlantic.having been B.to have beenC.to be D.being,B,D,C,4.The Emperor ordered the wonderful cloth _ for him without delay.to have woven B.to be wovenC.to be weaving D.to weave5.I found the Ge

18、rman language hard _.learned B.learning C.to be learned D.to learn6.The light in the office is still on.-Oh,I forgot _.turning it off B.turn it offC.to turn it off D.having turned it off,B,D,C,几对易混淆的词组:stop to do sth.停止去做某事 doing sth.停止正在做forget to do sth.忘记去做 doing sth.忘记已做了remember to do sth.记得去做

19、doing sth.记得曾经做,7.-How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?-The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers.to solving,making B.to solving,madeC.to solve,making D.to solve,made8.-What do you think of the school?-It is a very good _.school to study i

20、n B.school for children to studyC.studying school D.school to study,B,A,9.-Did you get a job?-No,I _,but its no use.expected B.tried to C.managed to D.planned10.We find it impossible for the work _ ahead of time.to finish B.finishing C.being finished D.to be finished11.-I usually go to Shanghai by t

21、rain.-Why not _ there by boat for a change?to try to go B.try going C.to try going D.try to go,B,D,B,12._ a living,she had to work from morning till night.To make B.MadeC.Making D.To have made13.I would rather starve to death than _ for food.beg B.begging C.begged D.to beg14.The boy pretended _ when

22、 his mother entered.reading B.to read C.to be reading D.being read,A,A,C,1爱和被爱都是最大的幸福。_ are both great happiness.2中国人民决不会征服。The Chinese people refuse _3据说他已经完成了他的工作。He is said _.4 根据报道他们已安全到达。They are reported _,To love and to be loved,to give in/be conquered,to have finished/completed his work,to have arrived safely,5 我想叫人立刻修理这辆自行车。I want this bike _.6 玛利仿佛已经告诉这件事了。Mary seemed _.7众所周知,奥运会上他被授予了一枚金牌。He is known _ a gold medal at the Olympic.,to be repaired at once/immediately,to have been told about it,to have been given,


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