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2、ever),(无论)谁,宾语,whose,谁的,定语,连接,副词,when,什么时候,状语,where,在哪里,why,为什么,how,怎样,二,、从属连词的选择和技巧,1).That was _ we did this morning.,1.,找出主句的谓语(或系动词),确定是什么从句。,2.,分析从句的句子成分,缺什么,补什么,(,),?,缺宾语,?,考虑,连接代词,what,2).I wondered _ you were so angry.,1.,找出主句的谓语(或系动词),确定是什么从句。,2.,分析从句的句子成分,缺什么,补什么,(,),别忘了:缺状语,考虑,连接副词,why,总之

3、,:,分析从句的句子成分,缺什么,补什么;,不缺句子成分,不缺意思,就选,_,。不,缺句子成分,只缺“是否”,,就选,_,或,if,。缺主语,/,宾语,/,表语,就选连,接,_,词,如,what,who,whom,which,等;,缺状语,就选连接,_,词,如,when,where,why,how,等。,that,whether,代,副,三、名词性从句之,从属连词常考点,考点,1 ifwhether,的选用,知识回顾:只能用,whether,不能用,if,引导的名词性从句:,(1),引导,从句并在句首时;,(2),引导,_,从句和,同位语从句,;,(3),引导,_,词后的宾语从句,;,(4),

4、从句后紧跟着,_,时,;,(5),后接,不定式,时,(whether to do);,主语从句,表语从句,介,or not,1.,I asked her _ she had a bike.,2.It is doubtful _ he will come here.,3._ he will come is not clear.,4.The question is _ hell come.,5.I havent decided _ to go there.,6.It all depends on _ they will support us.,7.I dont know _ or not he i

5、s well.,8.I have no idea _ the meeting will be put off.,考点,1 ifwhether,的选用,ifwhether,ifwhether,Whether,whether,whether,whether,whether,whether,考点,2 thatwhat,的选用,知识回顾:,1.,that,在名词性从句中,_,任何成分,,只起连接作用,即当从句是完整的也不缺任何意义时,,就选,that,。,2.,what,在名词性从句中,充当,成分,可作从句的,主语、,宾语或表语,.,what,的含义是:“什么”、“所,的人,/,地方,/,样子”等。,

6、不充当,1.,_ he wants is encouragement.,2.The fact is _we have no time.,3.Please tell me_ has happened to her.,4.He is no longer _he used to be.,What,考点,2 thatwhat,的选用,that,what,what,考点,3 whichwhat,的选用,知识回顾:,what,表示泛指的事物,常译为,什么,或,所,的事物,;,which,表示某个范围内的“哪一个,(,些,),”。,1.,I want to buy something for my moth

7、er,but I,dont know _ to buy.,2.It is still unknown _ team will win the,match.,what,考点,3 whichwhat,的选用,which,考点,4 because,why,的选用,知识回顾:,1.,Thats because.,那是因为,(,强调原因,),;,Thats why.,那是,的缘故,(,强调结果,),。,2.,在表语从句中,当,reason,做主语时,引导词只能用,_,不能用,because,。,固定句型:,The reason why(,定从,)is that,的原因是。,why,1.He failed

8、 the exam.Thats _ he didnt,study hard enough.,2.Tom is ill.That was _ he was absent,from school this morning.,3.The reason _ he was late was that he,missed the train by one minute.,because,考点,3 whichwhat,的选用,why,why,考点,5,连词,that,的省略,知识回顾:,1.that,引导的主,、表、同位从句,不省;,2.,而,that,引导的宾从可以省。但当动词后带有多个,that,引导的

9、,宾语从句时,第一个宾语从句可省,,其后的宾从不能省,。,3.,在,that,引导的宾语从句中,,从句中又包含从句时不能省。,1.I dont know,that,he has come back from HongKong.,2.I believe,that you have try your best and that,you can come to,the top of the class.,3.He said that,although he felt ill,he wouldnt leave earlier.,The truth is that,he came here on foo

10、t instead of by bus.,5.The news that,our team has won the match is true.,下列句中的,that,哪些是可以省略的?,(),(),做题三步曲,步骤一:首先把主句和从句区分开来。,步骤二:确定从句类型,分析从句缺何种成分。,步骤三:根据主从句的逻辑关系,选择恰当的从,属连词。,Translation,1.,问题是我们是否可以信任他。,2.,我刚发现,那个下午我得参加一个重要会议。,3.,我不论做什么我都将做得很出色。,I will do a good job in _.,The question is whether we c

11、an believe in him.,I have just found _,_.,that I have to attend an important,meeting,whatever I do.,单句改错(每句一错),1.That,he,wants,to,tell,us,is,not,clear.,2.The,fact,is,he,told,a,lie,to,me.,3.He cant decide if to stay here another day.,What,that,whether,4.As is known to all that paper was first invente

12、d in,China.,It,Dear teachers,,,_makes us depressed _ we will graduate from,Lianshan Middle School.The reason why we are so sad is,_ we will have to say goodbye to our lovely teachers,and classmates.,The days we spent together are full of joys and tears._,you are always so strict with us made me hate

13、 you.However,you are also ready to give your hand to_ turns to you,for help.Now we understand _you have tried to do for,us._ you do and say is of great help to us.,We dont care about _we can survive the struggle,National Entrance Exam or not._ we cherish is,_we have enjoyed the process.,Thanks for your teaching!Best wishes!,Yours,Homework,


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