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1、复 习商务英语被动句式的翻译被动句在翻译成汉语时,往往要处理成符合汉语习惯的主动句,但少数仍旧保持被动语态,一般的翻译方法有三种:译成汉语的主动式;译成汉语的被动式;译成汉语的特殊结构。,Many means of conducting business transaction have been developed since the last decade of the twentieth century,one of which is the E-commerce.(译成汉语的主动式),自二十世纪九十年代以来产生了许多交易方式,其中一种是电子商务。,2.If the scheme is

2、approved,work on the project will start immediately.(译成汉语的被动式),如果方案被批准,这项工程将立即动工。,翻译练习,3.Trade deficits can be controlled if proper measures are taken.(译成汉语的“予以”,“加以”等结构。),如果采用适当措施,贸易赤字是能够予以控制的。,第十单元 商务英语从句的翻译,商务英语中主要有哪些从句?,商务英语从句的类型包括:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、状语从句(可以表示条件、时间、原因、让步、结果等)和定语从句(包括限定性定语从句和非限

3、定性定语从句)。,What are the differences between English and Chinese attributive elements?,一、定语从句的翻译,What are the differences between English and Chinese attributive elements?我们知道,英语中的定语排列与汉语差异比较明显。英语的定语比较复杂,可以是单词、短语或从句,定语可以前置或后置;汉语中的定语主要是单词和词组,一般放在核心词的前面。,一、定语从句的翻译1.翻译为后置分句 当定语从句比较长的时候,可以考虑翻译成后置分句,或者独立分句,

4、也可以译成外围结构。这种做法的目的是力求使汉语译文的信息完整准确、流畅易懂。例如:Business is a combination of all these activities:production,distribution and sale,through which profit or economic surplus will be created.,一、定语从句的翻译1.翻译为后置分句 当定语从句比较长的时候,可以考虑翻译成后置分句,或者独立分句,也可以译成外围结构。这种做法的目的是力求使汉语译文的信息完整准确、流畅易懂。例如:Business is a combination o

5、f all these activities:production,distribution and sale,through which profit or economic surplus will be created.译文:商务是指生产、配送、销售等一切活动的组合,通过这些活动,创造利润或经济盈余。,2.翻译为前置定语例如:Nations will usually produce and export those goods in which they have the greatest comparative advantage,and import those items in w

6、hich they have the least comparative advantage,2.翻译为前置定语例如:Nations will usually produce and export those goods in which they have the greatest comparative advantage,and import those items in which they have the least comparative advantage译文:各国通常都生产和出口那些他们最具有比较优势的产品,而进口那些他们最不具有比较优势的产品。,3.翻译为连动结构(seri

7、al verb construction)有时定语从句在意义上与主句可以融为一体,译文可将先行词的意义忽略,直接连贯叙述,既忠实于原文,语言也符合汉语习惯。例如:There were components in that shipment which had varied defects that often resulted in performance failure.译文:在那批设备中,有些部件发现有不同程度的缺陷,造成了设备经常运转失灵。,4.翻译为目的状语 如果英语定语从句在语义上表示目的,可以译成汉语的目的状语,并加上关联词语“以”、“以便”、“为了”、“从而”等。例如:Chine

8、se trade delegations have been sent to African countries,who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments.译文:中国派出一些贸易代表团出访非洲各国,以便同各国政府洽谈贸易协议。,5.翻译为原因状语例如:Some of the old clients who left were attracted to competitors by huge up-front bonus.译文:有些老客户不再来了,是因为竞争对手用大幅度直接给奖金的手段把他们拉走了。,6

9、.翻译为结果状语例如:There was something original,independent,and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.译文:这个方案富于创造性、独出心裁,很有魅力,因而博得了他们所有人的欢心。,7.翻译为条件状语例如:No company can afford to keep employees who fail to create enough value for customers to more than cover their own compensation 译文:倘若雇员为顾客创造的价值不足补偿

10、自己的工资福利,那么就没有哪一家公司能雇得起他们。,8.翻译为让步状语例如:1.The shipment,which seemed to be difficult,was already accomplished in time.译文:虽然装运似乎很艰巨,但已及时完成。2.Electronic computers,which have many advantages,cannot carry out creative work,nor can they ever replace humans.译文:尽管电子计算机有许多优点,但是他们不能进行创造性工作,也不能代替人类。,二、同位语从句的翻译 同

11、位语从句通常由that引导;其前面的名词往往是一个表示某种概念的概括性的名词;同位语从句所阐述的内容是它前面那个概括性名词的内容的具体化。翻译时可行的办法是顺译法:先把同位语从句前面的名词翻译成“这种观点/希望/信念/命令”等,然后在该短语之后使用冒号,接着再翻译同位语从句本身;或者在这些概念性的名词之后使用逗号,接下去以“即/也就是/那就是”等引出同位语从句所承载的信息。,例如:1.I will share with President Carter my conclusion that our two countries are destined to grow together for

12、our mutual benefit and for the benefit of all mankind.译文:我要把我的结论告诉卡特总统,即为了我们两国人民的利益,为了全人类的利益,我们双方注定要走到一起。,2.An agreement was never reached for the simple reason that neither side wants to give in.译文:协议没有达成的原因很简单,那就是双方都不让步。,三、状语从句的翻译 英语状语从句可以分为时间、地点、目的、原因、条件、让步等。试翻译以下句子:1.Most forecasters believe tha

13、t unemployment will rise to about 9 percent before it eases next year.2.In Hong Kong,beef sales have just started to go where they were five years ago after plunging to a new low.3.The Hong Kong government has asked global fast food chain McDonalds to withdraw a seasoning for its French fries becaus

14、e it could contain a banned artificial sweetener.,1.Most forecasters believe that unemployment will rise to about 9 percent before it eases next year.2.In Hong Kong,beef sales have just started to go where they were five years ago after plunging to a new low.3.The Hong Kong government has asked glob

15、al fast food chain McDonalds to withdraw a seasoning for its French fries because it could contain a banned artificial sweetener.译文:1.大多数预言家认为,失业率将上升到大约9%,到明年才会有所缓解。2.在香港,牛肉销售量在跌至新低之后刚刚恢复到5年前的水平。3.香港政府已要求全球快餐连锁店麦当劳取消炸薯条中的一种调料,因为这种调料可能含有禁用的人造甜味剂。,4.Although there has been an increase in the use of me

16、tric measurements,miles and feet,tons and pounds are still widely used in the United Kingdom and the United States.(状语从句翻译)虽然公制度量衡的使用已日益普遍,但英里、英尺、吨和磅的使用在英国和美国广为应用。,一般情况下,商务英语中的主语从句翻译成汉语时,可按原文顺序翻译,放在汉语句子的前部;也可视具体情况,采用较灵活的方式,将主语从句放在汉语句子的后面。例如:They have definitely decided to pay a visit to China,but wh

17、en they are to do so hasnt been made clear yet.他们已确定要访问中国,何时成行尚未说明。,四、主语从句的翻译,以what,whatever,whoever,whether,when,where,how,why等词引导的主语从句,在翻译的时候,一般可以按照英语原文顺序来翻译,放在汉语句子的开头(前置法)。例如:(Why these Chinese antique are in a British museum)is an important part of our story today.这些中国古董为什么保存在英国博物馆内是我们今天所讲故事的重要内

18、容。,例如:Whatever measures we adopt must be in conformity with the need of the four moderization.(主语从句)无论我们采取什么措施,都要符合四个现代化的需要。,五、宾语从句的翻译 商务英语中的宾语从句通常由连词“that”、“how”、“who”等引导,一般按照这些宾语从句在原文中所处的位置进行翻译 例如:I would like to point out,however,that our contract does state quite clearly that in the event of unf

19、oreseen circumstances,we cannot be held liable if we are unable to meet agreed delivery dates.该句原文首先是含有一个宾语从句的复合句,这个宾语从句中又包含另一个宾语从句,而后一个宾语从句后面又套着一个条件状语从句。译文:然而我想要指出:我们双方的合同中已经明确规定,如果由于不可预见的因素我方无法按合同约定期限交货,我方将不负法律责任。,Some economists argue that,because of uncertainties about whether and how the relati

20、onship between growth and inflation has changed,and because forecasters have consistently overestimated inflation and underestimated growth in recent years,the Federal Reserve Board is still right to play safe until more data confirm that inflation is reviving.(宾语从句翻译)分析:该句可以分成四个层次:1.主干成分是Some econo

21、mists argue that the Federal Reserve Board is still right to play safe。2.在主干成分中,包含一个宾语从句that the Federal Reserve Board is still right to play safe。3.主干成分还带有两个附加成分,一是由and连接的并列成分:because of and becausein recent years;二是时间状语until more data confirm that inflation is reviving。4.第三个层次的并列成分中,前一个原因状语中含有一个介词

22、宾语从句whether and how the relationship between growth and inflation has changed。,一些经济学家认为:由于无法确定经济增长与通货膨胀之间的关系是否改变以及如何改变,而且由于近年来预测家一直高估通货膨胀而低估经济增长,因此,在更多的数据证明通货膨胀正卷土重来之前,美联储谨慎行动,这种做法还是正确的。,六、表语从句的翻译 商务英语中的表语从句可根据具体情况进行翻译。,例如:The question is whether the goods are to be repacked at Bangkok since the cha

23、rges for special packing are excluded from our price.现在的问题是,既然特别包装的费用没有包含在我方的价格内,这批货物是否一定要在曼谷进行重新包装。,1.As imports are financed by exports,which help to gain foreign currency to import the badly-needed raw materials,technology and equipment,the capacity of a nation to import obviously depends on its

24、export performance.(翻译为后置分句)译文:由于进口依靠出口来融资,出口获得的外汇可用来进口急需的原材料、技术及设备,因此一个国家的进口能力显然取决于其出口业绩。,翻译练习,2.The company therefore sent out teams of service consultants,who customized improvement program for its clients.(翻译为连动结构)译文:于是公司派出了一些咨询服务小组,分别向客户提出了针对性的改善建议。,3.Unfortunately,every country in the world ha

25、s trade barriers which are designed to protect its economy against international market forces.(翻译为目的状语)译文:遗憾的是,世界各国都设置了贸易壁垒,以保护本国经济免受国际市场力量的冲击。,4.The buyer,who had failed to receive the contracted goods,lodged a claim against the seller.(翻译为原因状语)译文:买方因未能收到合同规定的货物而向卖方提出索赔。,5.As I just said,the first

26、 decade in space saw accomplishments in science and technology which affected our concept of the entire universe.(翻译为结果状语)译文:正如我刚才所说,第一个十年在外层空间方面科学和技术都取得了成就,从而影响了我们对整个宇宙的看法。,6.Nowadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may result in serious disease if certain important elem

27、ent are missing.(翻译为条件状语)译文:现在人们已经懂得,如果饮食中缺少了某些重要成分,即使其中不含任何有害物质,也会引起严重疾病。,7.The Great Depression gave rise to the fear that such catastrophes would recur or even that the American economy would live in a state of permanent depression unless radical changes were made in the economic system.(同位语从句)译文

28、:20世纪30年代的经济大萧条曾使人们害怕这种灾难会重演,甚至使人们担心美国的经济会陷入永久性的萧条状态,除非对其经济制度进行彻底的改革。,8.If the current uptrend in the stock market continues,hopes most likely will surge for expanded capital investment and improvement in personal consumption.8.如果股票市场目前的上升趋势持续下去,那么,资本投资的扩大以及个人消费的增加就很有希望大大增强。,翻译练习一、译成汉语的主动式,1.Visitor

29、s are requested to come by appointment.,来访者请提前预约。,2.On such a basis has the question of restructuring the company been raised.,公司重组的问题就是在这样的基础上提出来的。,4.The president was offered some support from his board of directors.,总经理得到了董事会的一些支持。,3.On their domestic stations,the trade issues were reported brief

30、ly.,在他们国内电台的广播中,贸易问题只是轻描淡写地报道了一下。,5.Less paper work is required than in the past by the modern banking industry.,现代银行业需要的纸张作业比过去少。,6.A new way of displaying time has been given by electronics technology.,电子技术提供了一种新的时间显示方法。,7.In no way can the contract be put an immediate end to.,无法立即终止合同。,Helsinki b

31、ecame a flourishing port,and a university was founded at Turku.,8.Negotiating an end to the trade war was first formally raised at the ministerial conference on June 22,1995.,进行谈判以结束贸易战,这是在1995年6月22日在部长会议中首次正式提出来的。,翻译练习二、译成汉语的被动式,1.He was fired for incompetence at the end of the month.,月底,他因自己无能而被解雇

32、了。,2.The company was prohibited from using false advertising.,这家公司被禁止使用虚假广告。,3.In the last few years the region was hit by severe financial crisis.,过去几年里该地区遭受了严重的金融危机。,4.The Chinese engineers who worked in the Philippines were kidnapped by some terrorists.,在菲律宾工作的中国工程师遭到了恐怖分子的绑架。,译为“遭受、遭到、受到、得到、受、挨、

33、叫”。,译成汉语的“把”或“将”字结构,即“施事者把受事者动词补语”。,5.Nationalized in 1951 by a Labor government,the British steel industry was denationalized by the Conservatives in 1953,then renationalized by Labor in 1967.,1951年,工党政府把英国钢铁工业收为国有;1953年,保守党政府把它退归私营;而后,在1967年工党政府又把它国有化。,译成汉语的“予以”,“加以”等结构。,6.Problem of overstaffing should be resolved in good time.,人员过剩问题应该及时加以解决。,7.The corporate financial affairs will be examined by a special committee.,公司财务将由一个特别委员会加以审查。,


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