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1、Unit1复习课 Festivals around the world,基础知识自测,一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。1._ vt.流泪,harvest,starve,independent,agricultural,admire,drown,wipe,Christian,weep,belief,11._ vt.原谅;饶恕12._ adj.宗教上的;虔诚的 13._ adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的 14._ adj.显而易见的 15._ n.庆祝;庆贺16._ n.祖先;祖宗 17._ n.习惯;风俗18._ n.必要性;需要19._ n.预言;预报;20._ n.广播员;报幕

2、员,announcer,forgive,religious,energetic,obvious,celebration,ancestor,custom,necessity,prediction,二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,以及首字母的提示,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词。1.What do you hope to g_ from the course?2.Missing a meal once in a while never did anyone any h_.3.On a_ at the police station,they were taken to an interview ro

3、om.(到达)4.Jack has passed his examination,so were going out to c_.5.Whole communities s_ to death during the long drought.(饿死),starved,gain,harm,arrival,celebrate,6.Her unhappy childhood was the o_ of her problems later in life.7.The school is widely a_ for its excellent teaching.8.A crowd g_ to see

4、what had happened.9.In my village,it is the c_ for a girl to take her mothers name10.Shes dreaming shell meet a tall,dark,h_ man by chance in the street.,handsome,origin,admired,gathered,custom,三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.The children were wearing traditional _ dress.(nation)2.Mexico gained its _ from S

5、pain in l821.(depend)3.A local poor peasant _ the soldiers through the forest.(leader)4.There is no doubt that the basic needs of the people should be _ first.(satisfy)5.The countrys economy is mainly _ and depends on crops like coffee.(agriculture),national,independence,led,satisfied,agricultural,6

6、.Most British schools organize _ events for the students.(society)7.I tried aerobics(有氧运动)but it was too _ for me.(energy)8.Hes deeply _ and goes to church twice a week.(religion)9.I hate the smell of paint when Im _.(decorate)10.You were _ enough to believe him.(fool),social,energetic,religious,dec

7、orating,foolish,四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。1._ 发生,举行 2._ 节日和庆祝活动3._ 为了纪念4._ 以形式 5._ 打扮6._ 开玩笑,恶作剧7._ 用装饰 8._ 聚集在一起9._ 盼望,期待 10._ 日日夜夜,take place,festivals and celebrations,in memory of,in the shape of,dress up,play a trick on,decorate with,get together,look forward to,day and night,11._ as though12._ ha

8、ve fun with13._ be proud of14._ turn up15._ keep ones word16._ hold ones breath17._ get married to18._ set off19._ remind of20._ throw away,扔掉,好像,玩得开心,为骄傲,出现,露面,遵守诺言,屏息,与某人结婚,出发,动身,提醒某人某事,五、词组运用据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。1.You dont need to _,just to go to the pub jeans and a T-shirt will do.2

9、.The police may never discover what _ that night,because Mr Smith,the only eyewitness,died last night.3.Mom,dont worry about me.I am _ other boys.4.Luckily,help arrived _ a police officer.5.Its acceptable to _ your friends on April 1st.,play tricks on,dress up,took place,having fun with,in the shape

10、 of,6.The government set up a monument _ the heroes who died in the war.7.Im _ hearing from you.8.He behaved _ he hadnt known anything about it.9.Those workers worked _ to finish the task.10._ and count 1 to 10.,hold your breath,in memory of,looking forward to,as though,day and night,重要考点突破,核心单词1.sa

11、tisfy vt 满足;使满意Your reply didnt satisfy me.你的答复我不满意。搭配:熟记下列搭配。(1)satisfy sb./sth.使满意(满足)(2)be satisfied with sb./sth.对感到满意(3)be satisfied to do sth.对做感到满意辨析satisfied,satisfying&satisfactorysatisfied表示某人“感到满意”;satisfying 和satisfactory表示某事物是“令人满意的”。另外,还有一个固定搭配be far from satisfactory表示“远不能令人满意”。,运用 请将

12、下列句子译成英文(1)她花了大笔钱买衣服就是为了满足自己的虚荣心(vanity)。She spends a large sum of money buying clothes just _(2)得到及时的(timely)答复我们感到满意。_(3)他对自己的进步感到满意。_(4)你的答复远不能能人满意。_,Your answer is far from satisfactory.,to satisfy her own vanity,We were satisfied to get a timely answer.,He is satisfied with his own progress.,2.

13、lead n.榜样;首位vi.导致;通向 vt.给(某人)指路;引导搭配:用适当的介词填空。(1)lead _(+n./doing)通向,导致(cause)(2)take the lead _sth/doing sth.在方面带头,领先理解:理解下列句中lead的意义和用法。All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马。With a guide leading the way,we found the village easily.由于有向导引路,我们轻易地就找到了那个村庄。What led you to think so?是什么使你这样想的呢?Will you take th

14、e lead?你领个头好吗?,to,in,拓展:写出下列单词。(1)_ n.领导者(2)_ v.误导(3)_ adj.主要的,处于领先地位的运用:翻译下列句子。勤奋就能成功,而懒惰导致失败。_ 我们的科学家在宇宙探索中处于领先地位。Our scientists _ space research.,are taking the lead in(=leading the way in),leader,mislead,leading,Hard work leads to success,while laziness leads to failure.,3.custom n.c,u 风俗;习惯Soci

15、al customs are vary greatly from country to country.各国的社会风俗大不相同。辨析 custom&habitcustom既可指个人的行为习惯,也可指社会的风俗、习俗;但habit只能指个人的行为习惯。运用 请将下列句子译成英文(1)不同的国家都有自己的风俗习惯。_(2)趁年轻时养成好习惯。_提示 custom 表示“海关”时要用复数:the Customs(海关,关税)。,Every country has its own customs.,Form good habits while you are young.,4.admire vt 钦佩

16、;赞赏;羡慕(=respect)I admire him for his diligence.我钦佩他的勤奋精神。搭配 admire sb./sth.钦佩 admire sb.for sth.因钦佩某人运用 请将下列句子译成英文(1)我钦佩你的坦诚(frankness)。_(2)他倾慕她的美貌。_,He admired(her for)her beauty.,I admire your frankness.,5.apologise(=apologize)vi道歉;认错I apologise for what I said just now.我为刚才说的话道歉。搭配:熟记下列搭配。(1)apol

17、ogise for sth.因而道歉(2)apologise to sb.for(doing)sth 因(做)某事向某人道歉.(3)make/offer an apology to sb.for(doing)sth.因(做)某事向某人表示道歉(4)accept(refuse)an apology 接受(拒绝)道歉运用 请将下列句子译成英文(1)他因让女朋友等了好长时间而向她道歉。_ having kept her waiting for a long time.(2)请接受我诚意的(sincere)道歉。_,Please accept my sincere apology.,He apolog

18、ized to his girl friend for,6.forgive(forgave,forgiven)vt.宽恕用法:表示“原谅某人某事”可接双宾语,如,forgive him his mistakes/rudeness/crimes原谅他的错误/无礼/罪行);若表示“原谅某人做了某事”接for doing sth或for what clause.有时可用作为及物动词。,运用:根据中文提示翻译或完成英文句子。(1)请宽恕我吧。_(2)我们原谅了他的无礼。_(3)原谅我来得这么晚。_(4)他原谅她对他说过的那些话。_ what she had said to him(5)我的意见是最好宽

19、大为怀,不念旧恶。My advice is that _ and forget.,its best to forgive,Please forgive me.,We forgave him his rudeness.,Forgive me for coming so late.,He forgave her for,重要词组1.turn up vi.出现,到达,(未寻)被找到,(好事)突然发生 vt调大(音量),(搜寻后)发现(find)理解:说出下列句中turn up的意思。(1)Several old friends turned up at the reunion.(2)I cant h

20、ear the radio very well;could you turn it up a bit?(3)Im sure your missing watch will turn up one of these days.(4)The police have turned up a lot of new information about the wanted man(通缉犯).(5)Something unexpected has turned up.,突然发生(happen),出现(=arrive,appear),开大(音量),被找到(=be found),发现(=find by sea

21、rching),2.dress up打扮;装饰They dressed up for the wedding.他们为参加婚礼而盛装打扮。辨析 dress,put on,wear&have ondress“给某人穿衣”后接人(sb./oneself)做宾语。put on“穿上(衣物)”,指动作。wear“穿着,戴着(衣物,饰物)”,指结果或状态。have on(=be wearing)“穿着”(不用于进行时态)。运用 用上述词语的适当形式填空(1)The girl is too young to _ herself.(2)Girls like to _ red dress _.(3)He _ h

22、is clothes in a hurry and went out.,put on,dress,have on,3.look forward to(doing)sth.盼望/期待(做)某事I look forward to being forgiven by all of you我期待着得到你们所有人的原谅。运用 请将下列句子译成英文(1)这个孩子期待着周末被带去动物园。_(2)她期待着母亲的早日到来。_,She looks forward to her mothers early coming.,The kid is looking forward to being taken to th

23、e zoo this weekend.,4.hold ones breath 屏住呼吸运用1:翻译下列句子。(1)整个艺术界都在屏住呼吸等待着看这些画能拍卖(auction)到什么价钱。_ to see how much these paintings sell for at auction.(2)我可以憋差不多一分钟的气。_拓展:试一试,默写hold的常用搭配:(1)hold _ 退缩,踌躇;抑制;阻碍;隐瞒(2)hold _(打电话时)等着,别挂断;继续下去(3)hold _ 抓紧,坚持(4)hold_ 维持,抵抗,有可能,The art world will be holding its

24、 breath,I can hold my breath for about one minute.,back,on,on to,out,(5)hold _ 忠于某事物(6)hold _ 保持完整,保持团结(7)hold_ 推迟,耽搁;举起,抢劫(8)hold sbs interest/attention 吸引某人的兴趣/注意运用2:填入适当的介词或副词。(1)She wanted to tell him but pride held her _.(2)Please hold _ your hand if you have any question to ask.(3)Hold _-I hav

25、ent finished yet.(4)In those days the Church held the community _.(5)The Secretary of State must hold _his policy.,up,to,together,to,back,up,on,together,5.as though/if 好像 He speaks English as though/if he were an Englishman.用法 as though/as if 引导的从句中谓语动词既可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气,要看从句的内容而定。运用 请将下列句子译成英文(1)看来她今天

26、不会来了。It seems _(2)她对待这个孩子好像自己的亲生女儿一样。She treated the child _,as though she were her own daughter,as though she is not coming today,6.in memory of 纪念They built this towel in memory of this hero.他们建该塔来纪念这位英雄。He wote a poet in memory of his close friend.他写了一首诗歌来纪念他的好友。联想:填入“in+名词+of”短语中的名词。(1)in _ of 赞扬(2)in _ of 纪念,对表示敬意(3)in _ of 赞同(4)in _of 支持(5)in _ of 负责(6)in _ of 寻找(7)in _ of 占有(8)in _ of(=in want of)需要,need,praise,honour,favour,support,charge,search,possession,Bye-bye,


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