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1、On the Rhetorical Techniques in Walden论瓦尔登湖中的修辞技巧AbstractHenry David Thoreau, an important writer in American literature in the 19th century, was also a representative of transcendentalism. He advocated that people should disentangle themselves from the complicated life and return to nature. Thoreau

2、 put all his love of nature and his thinking of life into his great work Walden. Walden, which was the classical sample of American prose, was called “The Green Bible”. Its unique language style attracts lots of readers. Thoreau combined the homey folksy talk with erudite allusions, creating a tone

3、that was both casual and majestic. In this book, several kinds of rhetorical techniques included the analogy, personification, irony, humor and symbolism make the work not only more outstanding in its word style, but also more precious in the literary value. This paper will centre on those technique

4、s in this great prose with the method of example analysis, combining the creating background of Walden, and elaborate the unique meanings of those techniques. Through these examples, we will see Thoreaus great natural and environmental viewpoints clearly.Key words: Walden; Thoreau; rhetorical techni

5、ques 论瓦尔登湖中的修辞技巧内容摘要亨利戴维梭罗是19世纪美国文学史上一位重要的作家,也是先验主义的代表。他提倡人们应从复杂的生活中解脱出来回归自然。梭罗把对自然的热爱和对生活感悟全部融进他的伟大作品瓦尔登湖中。瓦尔登湖作为美国散文的经典之作,被称为“绿色圣经”。它独特的语言风格吸引了无数读者。梭罗将居家式的亲切语言和旁征博引结合起来,创造了一种既随意又庄重的风格。在这本作品中,比喻、拟人、讽刺、幽默和象征等修辞手法的运用不仅使作品在语言风格上更加突出,也使其在文学价值方面更加弥足珍贵。本文将以作品中使用的修辞手法为中心,采用释例法并结合瓦尔登湖的写作背景,阐述这些手法的独特含义。通过这些

6、例子我们会清楚地了解梭罗伟大的自然观和环境观。关键词:瓦尔登湖;梭罗;修辞手法On the Rhetorical Techniques in WaldenThesis StatementThe rhetorical techniques included the analogy, personification, satire, humor, and symbolism are used in Walden which make the language more vivid, elegant and profound.OutlineIntroductionThe Rhetorical Tec

7、hniques in WaldenA. Analogy1. Examples of Analogy2. Advantages B. Personification 1. Examples of Personification2. Advantages C. Satire and Humor1. Examples of Satire and Humor2. Advantages D. Symbolism1. Examples of Symbolism2. Advantages ConclusionWorks CitedLei Mei. “Returning to NatureThoreau an

8、d His Walden Pond.” Science Technology Information 7 (2008): 186.Myerson, Joel. The Cambridge Companion to Henry David Thoreau. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2000.Thoreau, Henry David. Walden. Shanxi: Shanxi Peoples press, 2005.丁往道, 吴冰, 钟美荪. 英语写作手册M. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2005.凌翔. 让

9、语言散发迷人的光芒读梭罗的瓦尔登湖J. 军事记者, 2008(10): 48-49.梭罗. 瓦尔登湖M. 李津译. 天津: 天津科技翻译出版公司, 2008.吴伟仁. 美国文学史及选读M. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2007.武健. 瓦尔登湖之美J. 语文, 2007 (10): 4-6.翁德修, 毕丽君. 瓦尔登湖的篇章结构及象征意义J. 辽宁师范大学学报, 2004(1):105-107.央泉. 边城与瓦尔登湖中水意象比较研究J. 江西社会科学, 2007(8): 100-103.殷齐琦. 瓦尔登湖自然世界的缩影J. 科教文汇, 2009 (1): 209-210.曾呢娟, 徐雪梅.

10、 瓦尔登湖修辞特色赏析J. 重庆交通大学学报, 2008(12): 54-56.张建国. 梭罗瓦尔登湖语言风格探析J. 河南商业高等专科学校学报, 2005(5): 106-107, 129.毕业论文 (设计) 评价表一、 内容提要:Henry David Thoreau,an important writer in American literature in the 19th century, was also a representative of transcendentalism. He entered Harvard at the age of sixteen and gradua

11、ted with a great achievement. In 1845, he started his famous economic experiment. He built a little hut on the lakeside of Walden Pond, living a solitary life at there. He recorded his life experiences and thoughts in his famous work Walden which was the classical sample of American prose. He advoca

12、ted that people should disentangle themselves from the complicated life and return to nature. His purpose was absolute. He hoped that people could slow down their busy steps to pursue a true meaningful life. Thoreau also opposed peoples reckless destruction of nature. He thought those destruction wo

13、uld be harmful to human finally. In this great work, Thoreau narrated it in the first people. Sometimes he seemed to be writing a diary, recording the days events; other times he widened his scope to include the whole cosmos and all eternity. Thoreau combined the homey folksy talk with erudite allus

14、ions, creating a tone that was both casual and majestic. In this book, several kinds of rhetorical techniques included the analogy, personification, irony, humor and symbolism make the work not only more outstanding in its word style, but also more precious in the literary value. The Waldens success

15、 is inevitable in such industrialized society. It recalls peoples consciousness of protecting nature, so that people realize that if they destroy nature for their greed, they will also destroy themselves in the end.This paper will provide people with a special angle of view to study this work. It wi

16、ll center on the rhetoric techniques included the analogy, personification, satire, humor, and symbolism. It will discuss those techniques in this great prose with the method of example analysis, combining the creating background of Walden, and elaborate the unique meanings of those techniques. Thos

17、e rhetoric techniques used in Walden not only make the language more vivid but also deeply reflect the profound meaning. Through those examples, we will see Thoreaus great natural and environmental viewpoints clearly.毕业论文 (设计) 答辩记录一、答辩者对论文的概述:Henry David Thoreau, an important writer in American lite

18、rature in the 19th century, was also a representative of transcendentalism. In July, 1845, Thoreau decided to move into the woods. He built a hut on Emersons land at Walden Pond. Through the simple and self-reliance life, he got enough happiness as he accepted the baptism of nature. Then the book Wa

19、lden was published in 1854.It mainly summed up his experiences about this enjoyable life. Thoreau was surprised by the vigorous and prosperous lives in the woods. He put all his love of nature and his thinking of life into this great work Walden. Walden, which was the classical sample of American pr

20、ose, was also called “The Green Bible”. Its unique language style attracts lots of readers. Thoreau combined the homey folksy talk with erudite allusions, creating a tone that was both casual and majestic. In this book, several kinds of rhetorical techniques included the analogy, personification, ir

21、ony, humor and symbolism make the work not only more outstanding in its word style, but also more precious in the literary value. We cant deny that the Walden is a really sincere and great work. Its elegant words indicate deep meaning which are worth digesting. The ingenious structure, the absorbing

22、 rhetoric techniques and the inspiring thinking bring the Walden to a classic. This paper will centre on those rhetoric techniques in this great prose with the method of example analysis, combining the creating background of the Walden, and elaborate the unique meanings of those techniques. And Thos

23、e wonderful rhetoric techniques also reflect Thoreaus attitudes towards the life and the nature. From them, we can know that Thoreau is worthy of a genius writer. 二、答辩小组提出的主要问题及学生的回答情况:Q1: Do you agree that the experiment Thoreau takes up at Walden demonstrates his indifference to the society?A1. No

24、, I dont think so. Thoreaus retreat to Walden Pond is never framed as an attempt to flee humans, and he explicitly points out that he visits Concord several times a week, that he enjoys entertaining visitors in his shack, and that he has more guests at the pond than ever before. He never shows any s

25、igns of indifference to humanity. On the contrary, his prophetic tone at the end of the work displays a huge moral investment in the fate of his fellow men.Q2: Whats the symbolic meaning of the Walden Pond?A2. The Walden Pond hides in the deep forest, surrounded by the pleasing landscape. Thoreau sh

26、ows his love to it between the lines and describes it carefully. And the meanings of Walden Pond are various because of its transparent and reflective quality. I think the small body of water mainly symbolizes the vitality and tranquility of nature and also symbolizes Thoreaus withdrawal from the so

27、cial conventions and obligations.Q3: Briefly talk about Thoreaus writing features in this work.A3. In his Walden, he uses a lot of rhetoric techniques. He is a subtle punster and ironist, as when he describes the sun as “too warm a friend,” or when he calls the ability to weave mens trousers a “virt

28、ue”. He uses poetic devices, such as personification, not in a grandiose poetic manner, but a casual and easygoing one: when he drags his desk and chair out for housecleaning he describes them as being happy outdoors and reluctant to go back inside. His richly style is brilliantly combined with a down-home feel, so that Thoreau moves from quoting Confucius to talking about woodchucks without a jolt. 答辩记录人:张明 2009年6月6日


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