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1、必修 Unit 5 Theme parks,要点考点梳理,1._ n.纪念品2._ n.主题;题目3._ n.商标;牌子4._ n.生物;动物5._ n.行动;事迹6._ n.发动机;引擎7._ adj.独一无二的;仅有的,souvenir,theme,brand,creature,deed,engine,unique,重点单词,8._ n.摇摆;秋千 vt.&vi.摇摆;摆动9._ n.移民;殖民者_n.定居;解决10._ adj.中心的;中央的_ n.中心;中央,swing,settler,settle,central,center,11._ n.少数;少数民族(反义词)_n.多数12._

2、 vt.保存;保留 n.保护区_n.保存;保留13._ n.翻译;译员_ vt.翻译_n.翻译,minority,majority,preserve,preservation,translator,translation,translate,14._ n.幻想;怪念头_adj.奇异的;空想的;极好的15._ n.允许进入;承认;入场费_vt.承认;允许进入16._ adj.不同的;各种各样的_n.多样;种类;多样化,fantasy,fantastic,admission,admit,various,variety,17._ n.旅游;旅游业_ v.旅行;旅游_n.游客18._ vt.&vi.前

3、进;促进;提前 n.进步;前进_adj.高级的;先进的,tourism,tour,tourist(=traveller),advance,advanced,19._ n.长度_n.宽度_n.高度_n.深度20._ n.吸引;有吸引力的事物_vt.吸引_adj.吸引人的;有魅力的;引人注目的,length,width,height,depth,attraction,attract,attractive,1.种种;各种各样的_ 2.以为基础_3.赚取利润_ 4.给某人提供某物_5.打理农场_ 6.难怪;不足为奇_7.仿造;根据模仿_,a variety of,baseon(=be based on

4、),make a profit,provide sb.with sth.,run a farm,no wonder,be modelled after,重点短语,8.提前_9.接近_ 10.消遣;自我娱乐_11.以而闻名/著名_12.实现_13.无论还是 _14.玩得开心_,in advance(=ahead of time),get close to,amuse oneself,be famous for,come true,whetheror,have fun,15.(进行)旅行_ 16.活跃起来_ 17.面对面_ 18.对熟悉/了解_ 19.参与;介入_ 20.提醒某人 _,take a

5、 trip,come to life,face to face,be familiar with,involve in(=get involved in),remind sb.of,1.It will bring you into _ magical world and make your dreams come true,_ travelling through space,visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favorite fairy or Disney cartoon character.它可以把你带进一个魔幻般的世界,使你梦想成真,不管是太空

6、旅行,参观海盗船,还是见到你最喜爱的童话人物或迪士尼卡通人物。,a,whether,优美句子,2._ all these attractions,_ _ tourism is increasing _ there is Disneyland.有这些吸引人的东西,难怪凡是有迪士尼乐园的地方旅游业就发展。,With,no,wonder,wherever,3.The amazing,up-to-date information _ _ many opportunities for hands-on learning makes the world _ _ _ in a completely new

7、way for visitors.这些让人惊讶的最新的信息加上大量动手实践的机会,让世界以一种全新的方式展现在游人面前。,together,with,come,to,life,4.Futuroscope is _ _ for individuals,_ _ is the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.观测未来主题公园不仅适合个人,也适合学生出游,因为它是娱乐与学习的完美结合。,not,only,but,also,5.Whichever and _ you like,there is a theme park _ you.无论

8、你喜欢哪一个,不管你喜欢什么,都会有一个适合你的主题公园!,whatever,for,The theme park you are _(probable)most familiar with is Disneyland.can be found in several parts of the world.It will bring you into magical world and make_ dreams come true,whether(travel)through space,visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favourite fairy

9、 tale or Disney cartoon character.,probably,It,a,your,traveling,课文语法填空,As you wander around the fantasy _(amuse)park,you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street.Of course Disneyland also has many exciting rides,_ giant swinging ships to terrifying free-fall drops._all these a

10、ttractions,no wonder tourism is increasing _ there is a Disneyland._ you want to have fun and more than fun,come to Disneyland!,from,With,wherever,If,amusement,重点难点突破,1.amusement n.消遣;娱乐;乐趣自我检测 用所给词的适当形式填空或完成句子。(1)In general,reading was the only _(amuse)for me.(2)_(让我们感到非常逗的是),the boy acted an old w

11、oman.,amusement,Much to our amusement,(3)She _(自娱)by reading detective stories.(4)His various fantasies turned out to be quite _(amuse).,amused herself,amusing,amuse sb./oneself 逗乐某人;自娱to ones amusement 令人感到发笑的是,归纳总结,写作运用 翻译合并下列句子。(1)怪不得他们都被娱乐公园里的卡通人物给逗乐了。No wonder they were amused by the cartoon ch

12、aracters in the amusement park.(2)这个娱乐公园坐落在市中心。This amusement park is located in the heart/middle/center of the city.,(用非限定性定语从句)合并:No wonder they were amused by the cartoon characters in the amusement park,which is located in the heart/middle/center of the city.,2.be famous for 以而著名自我检测 用适当的介词填空。(1

13、)The amusement park is famous _ its unique attractions.,for,(2)Professor Tan is famous _ a translator.,as,归纳总结,区别:be famous as 作为而出名,写作运用 翻译合并下列句子。(1)香港以各种各样的主题公园而出名。Hong Kong is famous for its various kinds of theme parks.(2)香港每年吸引大量来自全世界的游客。Hong Kong attracts a large/great number of tourists from

14、throughout the world every year.,(用形容词短语作状语)合并:Famous for its various kinds of theme parks,Hong Kong attracts a large/great number of tourists from throughout the world every year.,3.be modeled after 根据模仿;仿造自我检测 用适当的代词填空或完成句子。(1)This building _ _(是仿照一个博物馆建的).(2)His painting style was modeled after _

15、 of Picasso.,that,(3)She has _ _(为我们做了好榜样)in the study of English.,made a good model for us/,set a good example to us,follow the model 学习榜样make a model=set an example 做榜样model worker 模范工人,归纳总结,写作运用 翻译合并下列句子。(1)澳大利亚以悉尼歌剧院(the Sydney Opera House)而闻名。Australia is famous for the Sydney Opera House.(2)悉尼

16、歌剧院是仿照船帆而建造的。The Sydney Opera House is modeled after boat sails.,(用非限定性定语从句)合并:Australia is famous for the Sydney Opera House,which is modeled after boat sails.,4.get close to 接近;靠近自我检测 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。(1)The firefighters managed to _(靠近)the burning building.,get close to,(2)Today a great many people

17、 like to go outing to _(接近自然).(3)We should _(养成的习惯)keeping good hours.,get close to nature,get into the habit of,(4)Do you think you can _ _(撒谎不受惩罚)?(5)It is difficult for a foreigner to _ _(理解)Chinese idioms.,get rid of 摆脱;去除get into the habit of 染上的坏习惯get through 接通(电话);(设法)做完;通过get away with 被放过;

18、(做坏事)不受惩罚get the hang of 熟悉;掌握;理解,归纳总结,写作运用 翻译合并下列句子。(1)人们面对很多紧张的工作和生活带来的压力。People face much pressure from the stressful work and life.(2)人们喜欢接近大自然放松和娱乐自己。People prefer to get close to nature for relaxation and amusement.,(用现在分词作状语)合并:Facing much pressure from the stressful work and life,people pref

19、er to get close to nature for relaxation and amusement.,e(back)to life 苏醒过来;活跃/振作起来自我检测 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。(1)With the help of the doctor,the diver _(苏醒过来)before long.(2)Wei Fangs coming made the whole class _(活跃起来).,came to life,come to life,(3)In the course of the experiment,he _(碰到)a series of new pr

20、oblems.(4)Could you tell me how does the misunderstanding _(发生)?,came across,come about,come to an end 结束come across 碰到;偶然遇见come out 出版;开花;发芽come about 发生;改变方向come up to 达到;上来,归纳总结,写作运用 翻译合并下列句子。(1)春天临近了。The spring approaches.(2)陆地上的一切开始恢复生机。Everything on the land begins to come(back)to life.,(用时间状语

21、从句)合并:As the spring approaches,everything on the land begins to come(back)to life.,6.in advance 提前自我检测 用适当的介词填空或完成句子。(1)They acknowledge that China _(正在快速进步)in science and technology.(2)Well do our best to catch up with _(世界先进水平).,is advancing rapidly,the advanced world levels,(3)Unexpectedly,everyt

22、hing was arranged _(提前).(4)He is far in advance _ his class.,in advance/ahead of schedule/time,of,同义:ahead of schedule/timein advance of 超过;在之前/前面advance vi.&n.前进;进步advanced adj.先进的;高级的,归纳总结,写作运用 翻译合并下列句子。(1)你们能提前完成这项工程。You can complete the project in advance.(2)你们将获得额外奖励。You will be offered an extr

23、a reward.(用现在分词短语作状语)合并:Completing the project in advance,you will be offered an extra reward.,写作句型运用,1.whether.or.无论还是,说明 可引导名词性从句和让步状语从句。,仿写 根据汉语意思完成句子。它对我们有害还是有益还有待观察。_ remains to be seen.不管她是好还是坏,我都不会让你为她担忧。I wont have you worry about her _.,Whether it will do us harm or good,whether shes well o

24、r ill,(3)无论下不下雨,我们星期六一定踢足球。Whether or not it rains/Whether it rains or not,were playing football on Saturday.(4)告诉我你有没有对英语感兴趣。Tell me whether or not youre interested in English.,2.If driving=If you are driving,仿写 根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)我在街上散步时遇到了我的英语老师。While walking in the street,I met my English teacher.(2)

25、在听课时,要专心听老师讲。While/When listening to the teacher,we should pay much attention.,运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。他付出了这么多努力,难怪他收到这么多著名国外大学的录取通知书。With all the efforts he made,_ _ abroad.,he was admitted to so many famous,no wonder,universities,3.(Its)no wonder(that)是不足为奇的;难怪(it is not surprising that),她的父母总是偏心她弟弟。她不像别的同学那么心急回家也就不足为奇。His parents always _ her brother._ that she shows not as much anxiety to go home as the other classmates.,show preference to,Its no wonder,


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