1、,Anwar Sadat Assassinated at CairoMilitary Reviewe 1.Watch the news video again and find thescene that mentioned in the text,2 Translate the first and the lastparagragh埃及总统安瓦尔萨达特,这位试图带领阿拉伯世界走向与以色列实现中东持久和平的当代法老,昨天检阅部队时,被几名士兵用自动步枪和手榴弹击中身许多阿拉伯国家得知他的死讯后,都高兴不已。利比亚首都黎波里街头,人们还跳起了舞。黎巴嫩总统沙非克瓦赞概括阿拉伯人的情感时如是说:“
2、是戴维营害死了萨达特。,Chapter Three新闻的语篇形式,1.The body structure of a news storyPartsFormHeadline,lead,bodyiverted pyramid formPyramid form,1.The body structure of a news storyInverted pyramid(also called inverted triangle)the most important aspect of a story is higher up inthe body of the story,while other information is writtenlower down in order of importance,