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1、大学英语专题辅导,专题一:重点语法部分,第一章 虚拟语气,虚拟语气是动词的一种特殊形式,用来表示一种假设、意愿、建议、请求等不可能成为事实的情况。1虚拟语气用于非真实条件句 非真实条件句,往往表示一种不真实的假设。一般地,非真实条件句由连接词If引导,但也可以省略,还有其它一些形式的非真实条件句。,11谓语动词的各种形式在If引导的非真实条件句中,谓语动词具有以下特殊形式:,与现在 从 句 did,were,V-ed事实相反 主 句 would(should,could,might)+v.与过去 从 句 had+V-ed/been 事实相反 主 句 would(should,could,mig

2、ht)+have+v-ed对未来的 从 句 were to/should+v 虚拟推测 主 句 would(should,could,might)+v.,1.1.1.和现在事实相反的非真实条件句,这类非真实条件句表示和现在事实相反的情况。比如:-I would/should certainly go if I had the time.如果我有时间,我一定会去的。-If I were your father,I would criticize you more severely.如果我是你父亲,我会更严厉地批评你。,-How nice it would be if you could stay

3、 a bit longer!如果你能久留些日子,那多好啊!-If I knew his address,I would be able to write to him.如果我知道他的地址,我就能给他写信了。-If he were here,he might be able to help.如果他在这里,他或许会帮忙的。,1.1.2.和过去事实相反的非真实条件句 这类非真实条件句表示过去未发生的事情,和过去事实相反。比如:,-If I had left a little earlier,I would have caught the train.如果我早一点离开的话,我就会赶上火车了。-The

4、mans life might have been saved if he had been sent to a better hospital.如果把那个人送到一家更好的医院的话,他也许回被救活的,-I could have done better if I had been more careful.我要是更细心一些的话,会做得更好的。You wouldnt have caught cold if you had put on more clothes.你如果多穿些衣服,就不会着凉了。,1.1.3.对未来事情的虚拟推测 这类非真实条件句表示对未来事情的虚拟推测。-If I were to/

5、should do it,I would do it in a different way.,这类非真实条件句表示对未来事情的虚拟推测。-If I were to/should do it,I would do it in a different way.如果我去做这事的话,我会用不同方式去做的。-If this were to happen again,we wouldnt let you off so easily.如果这样的事情再次发生,我们不会如此轻易的放过你的。-If they should dare to invade our country,we would wipe them

6、out completely.如果他们胆敢侵略我们国家,我们会将他们全部消灭掉。,1.1.4.省略If的非真实条件句 虚拟条件句中的连接词if省略时,要把were,had,should移到从句的主语之前。比如:,-Were I rich(=if I were rich),I would give you some money.如果我富有的话,我会给你一些钱的。,-Had I had more time(=If I had had more time),I would have finished my homework.如果我有更多些时间,我一定已经完成家庭作业了。-Should he come

7、 early(=If he should come early),tell him to wait for his wife.如果他来得早,告诉他等候他的妻子。,1.1.5.错综时间非真实条件句 主句表示的动作和从句表示的动作所发生的时间不一致时,动词的形式要根据表示的时间进行调整,如果从句表示过去,而主句表示现在,或者从句表示现在,而主句表示过去,可以使用混合虚拟形式.,-If she had taken the doctors advice,she wouldnt be in hospital now.如果她听从医生建议的话,现在也就 不会住院了。,如果汤姆通过了大学考试,他现在就在这所大

8、学里学习了。-If she wasnt so busy now,she might have joined us in the work.如果她现在不那么忙,她或许会参加我们的工作。,-Tom would be studying at the university now if he had passed the entrance examination.,1.1.6.含蓄条件句英语中有些句子从形式上看不包含条件从句,但在意义上却是非真实条件句,这类句子称为含蓄条件句,这样的句子可分为三类,1.省略整个条件句-Such mistakes could have been avoided.(省略了

9、if we had been more careful).这样的错误本来是能够避免的。-I should have caught the train.(省略了if I had left a little earlier)我本应该赶上火车的。,2.用介词或介词短语表示的非真实条件句-But for air and water,no living thing could exist.没有氧气和水,任何生物都不能生存。-Without steel,there would be hardly any industry to talk about.没有钢,几乎任何工业都无从谈起。-I would hav

10、e done the same in that position.我要是处于那个位置,也会那样做的.,3.通过上下文来表示非真实条件句-I was ill that day,otherwise I would have come to see you.那天我生病了,否则我就来看你了。-You cannot do that.It would ruin your life.你不能那样做,那会毁了你的一生。-Tom just gives up everything for her.Herry wouldnt be that silly.汤姆为她放弃一切,亨利才不会那么傻呢。,1.2.虚拟语气用于宾语

11、从句 1.2.1.句型“wish that”在wish后的that宾语从句中:1.如果表示对现在的愿望,从句谓语要使用过去时:(1)从句谓语动词如果是be,则用were形式。(2)从句谓语动词如果是行为动词,则用过去时形式。-I wish I were a bird.但愿我是只鸟儿。-I wish you didnt talk like that.但愿你没有那样说。,2.如果表示对将来的愿望,从句谓语动词用“would(could,might)+动词原形”的形式。-I wish you would do the favor for me.但愿你会帮我这个忙。-I wish I could sp

12、eak several languages.但愿我会说好几种语言。,3.如果表示对过去没有实现或不可能实现的愿望,从句谓语动词用过去完成时形式“had+done/been”形式。-I wish you hadnt made so many spelling mistakes in the last exam.但愿上次考试你没出那么多拼写错误。-I wish that I had listened to your advice.多希望我那时听了你的话。,1.2.2.句型“主语+引起虚拟的动词+含虚拟语气的宾语从句”,1.英语中有很多表示愿望、请求、命令、建议等意义的动词,当它们作为谓语引导宾语从

13、句时,从句谓语必须用“(should)+动词原形”的形式.常用的这类动词有:,demand,insist,suggest,command,request,order,propose,desire,require,urge,maintain,deserve,recommend,intend,move,ask,prefer,advise,decide等等。-The teacher insisted that all the students(should)be on time.老师要求学生们准时到校。-He suggested that the regulations(should)be revi

14、sed.他建议修改规则。,The lawyer asked that the case(should)be postponed for one month.律师要求案子往后推迟一个月。但是,请注意:1.在书面语中,should 常常可以省略,在TOEFL考试中,should必须省略。,2.在动词expect,believe,think,suspect等的否定形式或疑问形式后,其宾语从句的谓语可用虚拟语气,其形式为“should+动词原形或完成时用来表示惊讶、困惑、怀疑、不满等情绪。比如:-I never expected that the problem should be so compli

15、cated.我从未想到问题会如此复杂。-They just couldnt believe that the new stadium should be so big.他们简直不能相信新的体育馆会如此大。-I dont think he should have done the favor for you.我觉得他是不会帮你忙的。,1.3.虚拟语气用于主语从句 1.3.1.句 型 1.表达虚拟语气的主语从句的一般形式为:It is/was+引起虚拟语气的形容词或过去分词+含虚拟语气的主语从句2.这类主语从句常常用于表示要求、建议、命令、请求、提议等,其谓语形式往往为“(should)+动词原形

16、”的形式。在美国,常省略should,而在英国,则往往不省略should。,比如:-It is necessary that the machine(should)be oiled everyday.机器必须天天上油。-It is desired that every student(should)pass the exam.要求每位学生都得通过考试。,1.3.2.可以引导这类虚拟语气的主语从句的形容词和过去分词,1.一般形容词important,necessary natural,possible,essential,vital,appropriate,better,best,imperat

17、ive,probable 等等。,It is important/vital/necessary/essential that the environment(should)be protected.2.表示惊讶、厌恶、不解等意义的形容词:用来强调“惊讶”的语气。,pity,interesting,strange,odd,amazing,astonishing,surprising,annoying,ridiculous,absurd,sorry,shocked,astonished,unthinkable,incredible 等等。,-It is amazing that he(shoul

18、d)finish the work so soon.-It is a pity/interesting/strange/odd/surprising/annoying/absurd/ridiculous that a man like him(should)make such a foolish mistake.-I am sorry/shocked/astonished that he(should)feel that way.在这里,should用于强调“惊讶”的意义。,3.“特殊”形容词,这些形容词往往与上面所列的能引起虚拟语气的动词相对应。如:advisable,desirable,u

19、rgent,preferable 等等。-It is desirable that the classroom(should)be cleaned in an hour.希望教室在一个小时内打扫干净。-It is advisable that another university(should)be set up.建立另一所大学是行得通的。,4.动词过去分词,这些分词也往往与上面所列的能引起虚拟语气的动词相对应。比如:desired,advised,decided,required,requested,proposed,ordered,demanded,insisted,arranged,mo

20、ved,suggested等等。It is recommended/decided/requested/suggested that the rules(should)be protected.,1.4.虚拟语气用于状语从句 1.4.1.由as if/though 引导的表语从句和方式状 语从句 1.其谓语形式跟wish后的宾语从句中的谓语形式一样,有如下形式:(1)如果表示与现在事实相反,从句谓语要使用过去时,即:从句谓语动词如果是系动词be,则用were形式;如果是行为动词,则用过去时形式。(2)如果表示与过去事实相反,从句谓语用过去完成时形式“had+动词的过去分词”,也可用“could

21、/would+动词的完成时”形式。(3)如果表示与将来事实相反,从句谓语为“would(could,might)+动词原形”的形式。,2.举例-He looks as if he were ill.他看上去仿佛病了。-This machine operated as though it had been repaired.这机器运行良好,仿佛修理过一样。-They talked as if they had been friends for years.他们交谈起来似乎是多年的朋友一样。-It seems as if it were spring already.现在仿佛已经是春天了。,1.4

22、.2.由某些连词引导的让步状语从句 以下连词可以引导让步状语从句:lest,for fear that,whether等。-He took his raincoat with him lest it should rain.他随身带上雨衣,生怕下雨。-We hid behind some bushes for fear that passers-by should see us.我们躲在矮树后,以防过路人看见。-All matter,whether it be gas,liquid or solid,is made up of atoms.所有物质,无论是气体、液体、还是固体,均由原子组成。,

23、1.4.3.由某些连词引导的条件状语从句 1可以引导含有虚拟语气的条件状语从句的连词有:in case(假使,说不定)unless(除非,如果不)supposing(假如)providing(倘若)on condition that(如果)2.这类条件状语的谓语动词可用动词的过去时形式,也可用“(should)+动词原形”或“may(might,could,would)+动词原形”的形式。,3.举例-I will get some beer in case John should come here.我会弄些啤酒,以便约翰来这里。-Unless he were my friend,I shou

24、ld not expect his help.如果他不是我的朋友,我不会期待他的帮助。-Supposing he never came!What would you do then?假设他不来!你们将怎么办呢?-Providing you had the opportunity to go abroad.Where would you go?假若你有机会出国,你会上哪儿去?,1.4.4.由某些连词引导的状语从句 1.可以引导含有虚拟语气的目的状语从句的连词有:in order that;so that 2.这种目的状语从句的谓语动词用“may/might 或can/could+动词原形”形式。

25、1.举例-She listened carefully in order that she might discover exactly what he wanted.她仔细听着,以图发现她真正想要的东西。-She took the front seat so that she could/might hear more clearly.她坐在前排以便听得更清楚些。,1.4.5.由某些代词或词组引导的让步状语从句1.可以引导含有虚拟语气的让步状语从句的代词或词组有:wh-ever 型代词,no matter wh-型词组。2.这种让步状语从句的谓语动词通常用“(may)+动词原形”的形式;若指

26、过去的动 作,则用(may)+have done。,.举例-Whatever defects he may have,he is an honest man.无论他有什么缺陷,他都是一个诚实的人。-I wont let you in whoever you may be.无论你是谁,我都不会让你进来。-Come what may,well go ahead.无论发生什么情况,我们都要干下去。-You mustnt be proud,however much you may have achieved.不管你取得了多大成就,都不应骄傲。,1.5.其它表示虚拟语气的句型 1.5.1.虚拟语气用于表

27、语从句和同位语从句1.当表语从句的主语和同位语的先行词是能够引起虚拟语气的抽象名词时,从句必须用虚拟语气.其形式为:从句的谓语动词用“(should)+动词原形”的形式。2.能够引起虚拟语气的抽象名词(1)一般名词:idea,motion,plan 等等。(2)与那些能够引导虚拟语气的动词相对应的名词。比如:advice,demand,desire,order,proposal,preference,requirement,suggestion,decision,recommendation 等等,-Your suggestion that he be invited was rejected

28、.你的关于邀请他的建议被拒绝了。-My suggestion is that he(should)take part in the game.我建议让他参加比赛。-What do you think of my proposal that we(should)go to watch the game next Sunday?我建议下周日去看比赛,你们认为如何?,1.5.2.一些特殊句型1.句型“had hoped/thought+宾语从句”表示“过去未实现的愿望或想法”,有“本来希望,本来以为”之意,从句谓语要 用“would+动词原形”的形式。-Mike had hoped that she

29、 would answer his letter.迈克本来以为她会回他信的。,2.句型“would rather/would sooner/would(just)as soon+从句”这种句型后面常接省去that的从句,从句谓语用过去时表示还不是事实,用过去完成时表示发生在过去的但没有实现的事情。-I would rather they came tomorrow.我希望他们明天来。-I would rather they had come yesterday.我真希望你昨天来了。(其实没有来)-I would just as soon you posted the letter right

30、away.我真希望你立即把这封信寄出去。,3.句型“It is(high,about)time(that)”这种从句谓语使用“should动词原型”时,表示对现在事实的虚拟;使用动词的过去时,是对未来的虚拟推测;现在一般使用后一种形式。比如:-It is time(that)we went to bed.-It is high time(that)we put an end to this controversy.,4.句型 If only If only 表示“但愿”、“要是就好了”之意,其用法和句型“I wish”基本相同,只是更富有感情色彩,与should连用,表示一时很难实现的愿望。-

31、If only I could fly!我要是会飞就好了!-If only I would pass the final exam!但愿我能通过期末考试!-If only the rain would stop.这雨要是停下来就好了。,.虚拟语气可以用于otherwise 或or引导的并列分句-I dont know his address;otherwise I would write him earlier.我不知道他的地址,否则我早就给他写信了。-I didnt know his address;otherwise I would have written him earlier.以前我

32、不知道他的地址,否则我早就给他写信了。,.虚拟语气用于表示祝福、愿望、诅咒、禁止等意义。-May you be happy!祝你幸福!-Long live the Peoples Republic of China!中华人民共和国万岁!-God bless you!上帝保佑你!-God damn you!该死的!-Heaven forbid!天理不容!-So be it.但愿如此就这样吧。-Devil take him!混蛋!,7.虚拟语气用于使语气变得委婉和客气-Would you mind opening the window for me?你能给我打开窗子吗?-Id like to go

33、 with you.我和你去。-You might as well put the meeting off for a few days.你们不妨把会议推迟几天。-The leadership wouldnt allow it.领导上恐怕不会同意。,练习1:1.I wish I_ you better.A.know B.knew C.will know D.have known2.I wished it _ but it did.A.occurred not B.had not occurred C.would not occur D.did not occur3.If only I _ th

34、e answer,I would have told you.A.knew B.have known C.would know D.had known4.If I _ tomorrow,what would we do?A.will not rise B.would not rise C.did not rise D.had not rise,5._,I would take an umbrella with me.A.Had I been you B.I were you C.Were I you D.I had been you6.Unless you learnt German,ther

35、e _ little point in your going to a German university.A.would be B.will be C.can be D.wouldnt be7.Its high time _ him a severe lesson for being often late.A.you give B.you gave C.youll give D.you should give,8.If we did not have atmospheric pressure,we automobile tires.A.can not have B.could not hav

36、e C.will not have D.are not having9.The doctor suggested that your brother his right hand.A.avoid to use B.avoid using C.has avoid using D.avoided to use10.I would be grateful if you the arrangements for me.A.make B.were to make C.made D.would make,11.If there a fire,ring the number 119.A.is B.were

37、C.should be D.be12.It is important that each of you _ a notebook to class with you every day.A.will bring B.must bring C.brings D.bring13.We recommend that work _ at once.A.start B.starts C.will start D.started 14.The radio is too noisy.I wish you _ down.A.will turn B.would turn C.are to turn D.can

38、turn,15.If you hadnt told me about it,I _ unaware of the facts now.A.would still have been B.m still C.would still be D.was still 16.Id just as soon _ rudely to her.A.that you wont speak B.you not speaking C.you not speak D.you didnt speak17.Ben would have studied medicine if he _ to a medical schoo

39、l.A.could be able to enter B.had been admitted C.was admitted D.were admitted,18.If Bob _ with us,he would have had a good time.A.would come B.would have come C.had come D.came19.We had hoped that Mary _ well again.A.will soon be B.had soon been C.is soon D.would soon be20.If you had taken the medic

40、ine yesterday,you _ so bad now.A.wouldnt have felt B.dont feel C.wouldnt be feeling D.arent feeling,21.If he were really honest,he _ the truth at last meeting.A.would tell B.told C.should have told D.must have told22.But for the storm,I _ home before night.A.would be B.was C.would have been D.had be

41、en23.If it had not been for lily,I _.A.shall not have understood it B.wouldnt understand it C.might not have understood it D.do not understand it,24.It is necessary that the course in general science _ taken before the chemistry course.A.is B.be C.to be D.will be25.If it had not been for the storm w

42、e _ much earlier.A.should arrive B.should have arrived C.would arrive D.might arrive26.It is vital that you _ our competitors to know our plans.A.do not permit B.will not permit C.not permit D.have not permitted,28.May I beg that you _ any decision in this matter until I see you?A.do not make B.will

43、 not make C.not make D.did not make29.The students request that they _ given less homework.A.be B.are C.will be D.were30.He talks as if he _ everything.A.knows B.has known C.knew D.will know31.-Whats Marys second name?-How _ I know?A.can B.should C.do D.could,32.If you _ a moment,Ill go and tell the

44、 manager that you are here.A.will wait B.waited C.wait D.were to wait33.You will lose weight if you _ on a diet.A.will go B.went C.go D.had gone 34.If you _ the movie last night,you wouldnt be so sleepy.A.havent watched B.didnt watch C.wouldnt have watched D.hadnt watched,35.I am sorry that he _ the

45、 offer.A.should refuse B.has refuse C.refuses D.should have refused36.If the doctor had been available,the child _.A.would not die B.would not have died C.could not die D.could not have die37.He wore a mask so that no one _ him.A.can recognize B.may recognize C.recognize D.should recognize,38.I didn

46、t know his telephone number;otherwise I _ him.A.telephoned B.had telephoned C.would have telephoned D.was telephoning39.Had she been given some information,she _ the question.A.would answer B.could answer C.could have answered D.answered40.We hung out a lantern lest he _ lost in the mist.A.gets B.ge

47、t C.will get D.got,41.It is best that you _ your trip at once.A.cancel B.canceled C.will cancel D.are to cancel42.I feel very uncomfortable.I wish I _ so much.A.do not eat B.did not eat C.had not eaten D.have not eaten43.The picture exhibition bored me to death.I wish I _ to it.A.had not gone B.have

48、 not gone C.did not go D.can not have gone,44.At the thought he shook himself,as though he _ from an evil dream.A.woke B.wakes C.would wake D.had woke45.I wont let you off whoever _.A.you are B.you will be C.you may be D.you be46.Your examination results were quite satisfactory,but _ if you had spen

49、t less time in playing basketball.A.wouldnt they be better B.wouldnt they have been better C.hadnt they been better D.werent they better,47.No matter what _ I am determined to do what I think it right.A.you say B.you will say C.you said D.you may say48.It was suggested that this naughty boy _ A.will

50、 be punished B.could be punished C.was punished D.be punished 49.If Watergate _ Nixon would not have resigned from the presidency.A.had not occurred B.was not occurred C.did not occur D.would not occur,50.It is astonishing that a person of your intelligence _ be taken in so easily.A.could B.should C


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