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1、Introduction to Global Economic Environment,Jiang Yu,课程介绍,本课程为商务英语专业的专业基础课程,目的在于培养学生既能熟练掌握语言技能、具有扎实语言功底和交际能力,又能通晓国际经贸知识和规范,从而形成集系统商务学科知识、英语语言知识、跨文化交际能力和商务操作技能于一体的复合型国际商务英语人才。该门课程主要采取教师教授辅助于案例讨论和学生自学的方式,共计32个学时,2个学分,为考试课程,采取闭卷、百分制形式。试卷成绩占总评成绩的70%,平时成绩占总评成绩的30%。其中平时成绩由作业成绩、出勤情况、课堂表现等几部分构成。,主要教材及参考书目:,

2、参考书籍:1、西方经济学,高鸿业 主编,2007年4版,中国人民大学出版社2、经济英语 刘赛力,中国人民大学出版社3、经济英语陈建平,(美)肖梅克 主编,2009年,苏州大学出版社,教材:国际经济导论王关富主编,高等教育出版社,2002.8,Contents,Part 1 Managing the EconomyPart 2 The Framework of World TradePart 3 International Monetary RelationsPart 4 Global Competitive EnvironmentPart 5 Other Relevant Environmen

3、t,Part 1 Managing the Economy,Economic history tells us that the economy never grows smoothly.Macroeconomic policy has the following objectives:A reasonable rate of economic growth;High employment;Stable price;Satisfactory balance of payments;Equilibrium and an equitable distribution of income.,Chap

4、ter 1 Measuring Economic Success,Chapter overviewAn ideal market economy is one in which all goods and services are voluntarily exchanged for money at market prices.Such a system squeezes the maximum benefits out of a society s available resources without government intervention.The government has t

5、hree roles:Correct market failures;Redistribute income;Achieve economic success.,Objectives of Macroeconomic Policy,Economic Growth:nominal and real GDP(GNP,DI,etc.)High Employment:The unemployed Unemployment Rate=The labor forceStable Price:CPI2-CPI1 Inflation Rate=CPI1,1.Economic growth and its me

6、asurement,Gross domestic product(GDP)is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a year.GNP is the total output produced with labor or capital owned by the residents of a country during a year,while GDP is the output produced with labor and capital

7、 located inside a country during a year.,最终产品和中间产品,最终产品:一定时期内生产、同期内不再加工、可供最终消费和使用的产品。,不重复出售、转卖或进一步加工,中间产品:不能最终使用或消费,还要在以后生产中进行再加工的产品。,实际区分最终与中间产品非常因难。煤用于家庭取暖与作饭时是最终产品,作为发电与炼钢的原料时又是中间产品。,最终产品与中间产品,结论:最终产品在各生产过程中的价值增值该最终产品的价值避免重复计算,只计算附加值,GDP,外商公司在本国的企业与员工的收入,本国国民及企业收入,GNP,本国人民及企业收入,海外的本国人民及企业收入,GNP与G

8、DP的区别,GNP按照国民原则。以本国公民为统计标准。包括居住在本国的本国公民、暂居外国的本国公民。GDP按照国境原则。以地理国境为统计标准.包括居住在本国的本国公民、居住在本国的外国公民。,中国诺基亚公司归芬兰人所有,所以该公司在中国经营得到的利润,虽是中国GDP一部分,但不被统计为中国GNP,而应归入芬兰GNP。中国海尔在美国工厂的利润,应作为美国GDP一部分,但应被统计为中国的GNP。随着国际经济联系加强,重视地域范围的GDP相对重要性上升。,西方经济学宏观第12章 13,GNP与GDP的联系,GNP外国公民在本国生产的最终产品的市场价值 GDP本国公民在国外生产的最终产品的市场价值。,

9、如果GNPGDP,说明本国公民在国外生产的最终产品的市场价值外国公民在本国生产的最终产品的市场价值。,如果GNPGDP,说明本国公民在国外生产的最终产品的市场价值外国公民在本国生产的最终产品的市场价值。,There are two ways to measure GDP:Nominal GDP is measured in current market prices;Real GDP is calculated in constant or invariant prices.The GDP deflator measures the current level of prices relati

10、ve to the level of prices in the base year.It tells us the rise in Nominal GDP that is attributable to a rise in prices rather than a rise in the quantities produced.Economists use GDP deflator as a measure to monitor the average level of prices in the economy.GDP deflator=Nominal GDP/Real GDP,名义GDP

11、与实际GDP,1978年,2011年,住房的产量:8间住房的单价:20万元,住房的产量:6间住房的单价:120万元,名义GDP:820160万,名义GDP:6120720万,实际GDP:620120万,中国的名义GDP,1978年,2011年,比较1978年与2007年,中国的名义GDP增加了近130倍,但由于通货膨胀的因素,实际GDP增加的可能没有这么多。,471564亿元,Potential GDP represents the maximum amount the economy can produce while maintaining reasonable price stabili

12、ty.Potential GDP is also sometimes called the high-employment level of output.GDP gap is the difference between actual GDP and Potential GDP.,一般,GDP缺口越大,说明经济发展越没有效率。,国内生产总值的计算,三种核算方法:生产法、支出法和收入法。生产法的理论依据:将参与生产的各部门各环节所创造的增值加总,即为生产法核算的GDP,收入法GDP计算公式工资利息租金+税前利润 折旧 间接税 企业转移支付,支出法:GDPCIG XM,20,计算GDP的方法最终

13、产品法:最终产品价值和。价值增值法:计算在生产不同阶段增加产值,即计算销售产品收益与为生产该产品购买的中间产品费用之间差额。GDP作为流量,仅度量某一个时期(例如一年内)新生产产品价值,不计算以前时期产值。,GDP=增加值=最终产品的市场价值,NI represents the total incomes received by labor,capital,and land.It is constructed by subtracting depreciation and indirect taxes from GDP.NI equals compensation of labor,renta

14、l income,net interest,income of proprietors,and corporate profits.,1 美国 15,064,8162 中国 6,988,4703 日本 5,855,3834 德国 3,628,6235 法国 2,808,2656 巴西 2,517,9277 英国 2,480,9788 意大利 2,245,7069 俄罗斯 1,884,90310 印度 1,843,382,世界GDP2011排名,1 卢森堡 10 8832 2 挪 威 84444 3 卡塔尔 76168 4 瑞 士 67246 5 阿联酋 59717 6 丹 麦 56147 7

15、澳大利亚 55590 8 瑞 典 48875 9 美 国 4728410 荷 兰 47172,世界人均GDP2011排名,91 阿尔及利亚 4435 92 马其顿 4431 93 中 国 4382 94 波 黑 4319 95 突尼斯 4200,2.High Employment,Low Unemployment,Unemployment rate:the number of unemployment divided by the total labor force.The labor force includes all employed persons and those unemploy

16、ment individuals who are seeking jobs.It excludes those without work who are not looking for jobs,that is,those who are keeping house,retired,too ill to work,or simply not looking for a job.,Types of Unemployment,Frictional Unemployment exists because of the incessant movement of people between regi

17、ons and jobs or through different stages of the life cycle.Structural Unemployment indicates a mismatch between the supply of and the demand for workers.Cyclical Unemployment exists when the overall demand for labor is low.,The Types of Unemployment can helps economists diagnose the general health o

18、f the labor market.High level of Frictional or Structural Unemployment can occur even though the overall labor market is in balance;Cyclical Unemployment occurs during recessions,when employment falls because of an imbalance between aggregate supply and demand.,Natural rate of unemployment,also some

19、times referred to as the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment,is the normal unemployment rate that can be sustained for long without upward pressure on inflation.,Job fairs,Impacts of unemployment,It is an economic problem because if represents waste of a valuable resource.It is a major s

20、ocial problem because if causes enormous suffering as unemployed workers struggle with reduced incomes.Okuns Law states that for every 2 percent that GDP falls relative to potential GDP,the unemployment rate rises about 1 percent point.,失业对个人的影响:自愿失业,带来闲暇享受或者寻找到更适合自己的工作非自愿失业,使收入减少,生活水平下降,甚至增加犯罪。,不同事

21、件引起的紧张感(美国),失业对社会的影响:政府要增加福利支出,造成财政困难;影响社会稳定;使实际GDP减少.,3.Stable prices,The CPI measures the cost of a fixed market basket of consumer goods and services bought by the average urban consumer relative to the cost of that bundle during a particular base year.,关于居民消费价格指数统计,我国编制价格指数的商品和服务项目,根据城乡11万户居民家庭消

22、费支出构成资料和有关规定确定,目前共包括八大类,251个基本分类,约700个代表品种。居民消费价格指数就是在对全国550个样本市县近3万个采价点进行价格调查的基础上,根据国际规范的流程和公式计算出来的。从2011年1月起,我国CPI开始计算以2010年为对比基期的价格指数序列。这是自2001年计算CPI定基价格指数以来,第二次进行基期例行更换。,中国CPI构成和各部分比重 2011年最新调整为:,1.食品31.79%2.烟酒及用品3.49%3.居住17.22%4.交通通讯9.95%5.医疗保健个人用品9.64%6.衣着8.52%7.家庭设备及维修服务5.64%8.娱乐教育文化用品及服务13.7

23、5%,Inflation can be defined as a process of continually rising prices.Deflation occurs when prices decline continually.,Rate of inflation of consumer prices in percentage:CPI(this year)-CPI(last year)CPI(last year),100%,Categories of inflation,Low inflation occurs when prices rise slowly and predict

24、ably.we might define this as single-digit annual inflation rates.people trust money and are willing to hold on to money.,Galloping inflation means inflation in the double-digit range a year.in these conditions,most contracts get indexed to a price index or to a foreign currency.money loses its value

25、 very quickly,so people hold only the bare-minimum amount of money needed for daily transaction.Financial markets wither away as capital flees abroad.People hoard goods,buy houses,and never lend money at low nominal interest rates.,Hyper-inflation strikes an economy when prices are rising over a hun

26、dred percent or a thousand or a million or even a trillion percent a year.Prices are virtually meaningless and the price system breaks down.In general,a fast-growing economy usually experiences a higher price level than a slowly growing one.,2009年初津巴布韦通胀率已经达到百分之十亿,居全球之冠,而1美元可兑换250万亿津巴布韦元。,Causes of

27、inflation,The rate of inflation that rises steadily around a certain rate annually is called inertial rate of inflation.Demand-pull inflation occurs when aggregate demand rises more rapidly than the economys productive potential,pulling prices up to equilibrate aggregate supply and demand.Inflation

28、resulting from rising costs during periods of high unemployment and slack resource utilization is called cost-push inflation.,Impacts of inflation,An unexpected jump in prices would impoverish some people while enriching others.In addition to income redistribution effect,Inflation affects the real e

29、conomy in two specific areas:total output and economic efficiency.,在国民党统治时期,国民政府肆意滥发纸币,结果造成长期恶性通货膨胀。据统计,从抗日战争爆发到国民政府崩溃(1937-1949)的十二年间,纸币发行量累计增加了1400多亿倍,致使同期物价上涨了85000多亿倍,达到古今中外罕见的程度。货币购买力一落再落,最后几乎变成废纸。有人曾经做过这样的统计,以100法币购买力为例,1937年可买2头牛,1938年为1头牛,1939年为1头猪,1941年为1袋面粉,1943年为1只鸡,1945年为1条鱼,1946年为2个鸡蛋,1

30、947年为1个煤球,1948年8月国民党货币改革时为3粒大米。至此,全国广大劳动人民陷于极端痛苦和贫困的境地。,Fighting inflation,One way to cure inflation involves the implementation of tight macroeconomic policy(tightening money supply),which requires contracting economic activity and raising unemployment.Another technique for adaptation to inflation

31、is to“index”the economy.Indexing is a mechanism by which wages,prices,and contracts are partially or wholly compensated for changes in the general price level.cost of living adjustment,tax system,rents,and long-term industrial contracts.,The adaptation to inflation shock will range paradox:the more

32、a society insulates its members from inflation,the more unstable inflation is likely to become.When general policies fail,countries resort to incomes policy to reduce inflation as well.However,no policy is complete and perfect.Most nations therefore seek a golden mean between completely stable price

33、s and high inflation.,4.Potential conflicts between goals,The relationship between the unemployment rate and the inflation rate was discovered by AWPhillips,who studied carefully the data on unemployment and wages between 1861-1957 in the United Kingdom.,The short-run Phillips Curve,Key terms:Macroe

34、conomic vs.Microeconomic;GDP;economic growth;GDP deflator;GDP gap;net export;value-added;GNP;NI;DI;Unemployment rate;Frictional Unemployment;Structural Unemployment;Cyclical Unemployment;Natural rate of unemployment;The labor force;Okuns Law;CPI;Inflation;Deflation;Low inflation;Galloping inflation;

35、Hyper-inflation;inertial rate of inflation;Demand-pull inflation;cost-push inflation;Indexing;The short-run Phillips Curve;golden mean;tight macroeconomic policy;income redistribution;Potential GDP;Nominal GDP;Real GDP;business cycle;market economies;actual GDP;real economy;average annual growth rate;trade surplus;trade deficit.,


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