1、企业声誉(中国)调查尊敬的CEO/CFO/COO先生:企业声誉正成为全球企业管理者们越来越重视的话题。为什么要重视企业声誉?谁对企业声誉负责?哪些行动有助于提升企业声誉?您对企业声誉的真实看法是什么?全球领先的伟达公关公司(Hill& Knowlton)已连续五年对北美、欧洲和亚洲顶级企业的CEO/CFO/COO(财富CEO论坛参与者)进行问卷调查,对此进行了非常有价值的研究,并每年发表企业声誉调查报告。详情请见:。为了了解中国企业管理者们对同一问题的看法,经济观察报和伟达公司携手合作,对中国企业的CEO/CFO/COO们进行问卷调查。我们认为您的企业在中国企业中具有代表性,您的观点对我们此次
2、调查非常重要。请您抽出分钟时间,回答后面的问题。您的回答我们将给予保密。为了感谢您的参与,我们将把此次问卷调查结果和全球企业声誉调查2003年报告寄给您,邀请您参加明年的观察家年会,并欢迎您加入全球CEO/CFO/COO大家庭。感谢您的参与!2004年 4月1日企业声誉调查问卷注意:请在相符的答案前的方框内打勾();如未特殊注明,请单选。谢谢您的合作!一、请问贵企业属于 上市企业非上市企业二、请问贵企业属于跨国公司在中国的分公司/办事处中国民营企业中国国有企业三资企业其它三、一般而言,您认为企业声誉对现今中国企业的发展很重要比较重要比较不重要不重要四、贵企业的声誉可以帮助达到下列哪三个最重要的
3、企业目标?(请选择三项)招聘和留住员工提升战略合作伙伴关系增加销售量提升股票价格媒体正面报导帮助减少危机的消极影响提升企业的品牌影响行业标准、行业政策其它 五、除了财务表现(盈利能力)以外,以下哪三个内部因素对您的企业声誉最有影响力?(请选择三项)人力资源价值员工待遇透明度沟通能力创新能力应变能力核心竞争力行业领导地位企业文化产品/服务CEO声誉董事会成员的声誉处理社会环境问题社会公益活动六、以下哪三个外部因素对您企业的声誉最有影响力?(请选择三项)消费者客户股东传统媒体互联网行业分析师财务分析师政府管理部门非营利组织劳工组织七、对企业声誉的威胁可以来自财务以外的各个方面。以下哪三个方面对您企
4、业的声誉产生最大的威胁?(请选择三项)不道德的企业行为产品服务问题破坏企业运作的灾难企业高管个人犯罪不利于企业的官司客户批评媒体负面报导来自互联网的自由批评言论政府批评非营利组织的批评其它 八、在选择继任CEO时,您企业的董事会认为候选人“维护和提升企业声誉的能力”在决定是否聘任他时很重要比较重要比较不重要不重要九、如果一个申请您企业高管层的应聘者原来所在的企业声誉欠佳,您对他的评价和是否雇佣他的决定受到的影响非常大比较大比较小没有十、谁对您企业的企业声誉负有第一责任?CEO董事会其它高层管理部门企业公共关系公共事务部门法律部门市场营销部人力资源部其它 十一、您使用以下哪些正式或非正式的方法(
5、如果有的话)来衡量您企业的声誉?(可多选)财务表现财务分析研究的评价市赢率(对上市企业)公开排名媒体报导互联网的自由评论口碑客户调查股东调查其它 没有标准十二、贵企业在社会责任方面的行为对您企业声誉的影响非常大比较大比较小没有十三、您认为社会责任会帮助企业实现下列哪三个重要商业目标?(请选择三项) 招聘和留住员工提升战略合作伙伴关系增加销售量提升股票价格媒体正面报导帮助减少危机的消极影响提升企业的品牌影响行业标准、行业政策其它 十四、在您的企业,谁对企业社会责任行为负有第一责任?CEO董事会其它高层管理部门企业公共关系公共事务部门法律部门市场营销部人力资源部其它 十五、贵企业是否进行过慈善捐助
6、?是暂时还没有十六、您认为慈善捐助与企业声誉之间的关系非常大比较大比较小没有十七、您认为贵企业董事在企业的商业活动中所起的监管作用非常好比较好比较差非常差十八、近年来不论是在全球还是在中国,对公司治理和董事监督方面都十分关注。您认为这种关注将永久存在于企业的蓝图中只是一时流行十九、在以下加强公司治理的措施当中,您认为哪三个最有效更多的信息披露增加独立董事比例加强对CEO的监督董事长CEO分离更活跃的董事给经营者更少的激励报酬缩短CEO的任期其它 二十、您是否同意更严格的公司治理标准会提高企业道德水平?极为赞成比较赞成比较反对非常反对Corporate Reputation Survey (Ch
7、ina)Note: Please tick (/) relevant answers where applicable. Please tick only one answer when there is no specific instruction to do otherwise. Thanks for your cooperation.Q1. Is your corporation a listed companynon-listed companyQ2. Is your corporation abranch of a multinational corporation in Chin
8、aChinese private corporationChinese state owned enterprisejoint-venture corporation other (please specify) Q3. Generally speaking, what do you think of the importance of corporate reputation for the development of Chinese corporations?Very importantSomewhat importantNot very importantNot important a
9、t allQ4. What are the three most important business objectives that your companys corporate reputation helps you to achieve?Recruiting and retaining employeesPromoting strategic partnershipsIncreasing salesEnhancing your stock priceFavorable media coverageHelping to withstand the impact of a crisisE
10、nhancing brand nameInfluencing industry standards and industry policiesOther (please specify) Q5. Which three of the following internal aspects of your company are the most influential on your companys corporate reputation, other than financial performance?human valuesTreatment of employeesTranspare
11、ncyAbility to communicateAbility to innovateAbility to changeCore competenceIndustry leader statusCorporate cultureProduct / serviceCEO ReputationReputation of Board membersHandling of social /environmental issuesinitiative for the public goodQ6. Which three of the following external forces are the
12、most influential on your companys corporate reputation?CustomersShareholdersTraditional mediaInternetIndustry AnalystsFinancial AnalystsRegulators/GovernmentNGOsLabor UnionsQ7. Threats to a companys reputation can come from a variety of sources other than financial performance. Which three of the fo
13、llowing threats are you most concerned about regarding your company?Unethical corporate behaviorProduct/service problemsDisaster which disrupts operations Personal malfeasance by individual senior executives Litigation / adverse court judgementCustomer criticismMedia criticismInternet criticismGover
14、nment criticismNGO criticismOther (please specify) Q8. In choosing a new successor for the CEO, how much weight does your Board place on the individuals ability to protect and enhance your companys reputation?A great deal of weightModerate amount of weightA little weightNo weight at allQ9. If a cand
15、idate for an officer-level position in your company is coming from a firm with a tainted corporate reputation, how much impact does this have on evaluation and hiring decisions regarding that person?Strong impactModerate impactSmall impactNo impactQ10. Where in your organization is the primary respo
16、nsibility for managing issues of corporate reputation?CEOBoardOther senior managementPublic relations/affairs divisionLegal divisionMarketing divisionHuman resources divisionOther (please specify) Q11. Which, if any, of the following formal or informal measures do you have in place to measure your c
17、ompanys corporate reputation? (Multiple answers can be ticked).Financial performance Financial analyst research / commentaryPrice/earnings ratio Published rankings Media coverageMonitoring InternetWord of mouthCustomer researchShareholder researchOther (please specify) No measuresQ12. How much do yo
18、u feel that corporate social responsibility initiatives contribute to your companys corporate reputation?Significant amountModerate amountA littleNot at allQ13. What are the three most important business objectives that corporate social responsibility helps to fulfill?Recruiting and retaining employ
19、eesPromoting strategic partnershipsIncreasing salesEnhancing your stock priceFavorable media coverageHelping to withstand the impact of a crisisEnhancing brand nameInfluencing industry standards and industry policiesOther (please specify) Q14. Where in your organization is the primary responsibility
20、 for managing initiatives of corporate social responsibility?CEOBoardOther senior managementPublic relations/affairs divisionLegal divisionMarketing divisionHuman resources divisionOther (please specify) Q15. Has your company ever donate to charity?yesnot yetQ16. What do you think of the relationshi
21、p between charity donation and corporate reputation?SignificantModerateA littleNoneQ17. How good a job do you feel corporate boards of directors in China are doing in performing their oversight role in business in general?ExcellentGoodFairPoorQ18. In your opinion, the recent focus on corporate gover
22、nance and board oversight (worldwide and in China) is going to be a permanent fixture in the corporate landscape. is a passing trend.Q19. Among the following measurements for more stringent corporate governance, please select the three that you think will be the most effective in the corporate world
23、 in general.Increased disclosureHigh proportion of independent directorsIncreased scrutiny of CEOsSeparation of chairman /CEOMore active shareholdersLess incentive based compensation for executivesShorter CEO termOther (please specify) Q20. How much do you agree or disagree that more stringent corporate governance standards will lead to improved ethical corporate behavior?Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagree Strongly disagree