2816.B XXX大型房地产集团竞争策略的研究外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc

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1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录1房地产营销的基础知识.11.1营销的概念.11.2 房地产的发展.12 房地产营销管理.42.1房地产营销环境.42.2房地产营销管理分析.43现状与问题分析.63.1从房地产市场管理者的角度看问题的起因.63.2从房地产开发商的角度看问题的起因.64对策研究.81 Real estate marketing elementary knowledge.9 1.1 Marketing concepts.91.2 Real estate development

2、.102 Real estate marketing management.13 2.1 Real estate marketing environment.13 2.2 Real estate marketing management analysis.133 Present situations and problem analysis15 3.1 Looks at the question from the real estate market superintendentsangle the cause15 3.2 Looks at the question from the prop

3、erty developer angle the cause164 Countermeasures research.17房地产开发是支持人们日常生活的基矗社会主义市场经济体制的制定,使得房地产业成为市场经济活动的主体成员,面对市场的风云变幻,房地产企业要想抓住机遇,迎接挑战,必须树立现代的营销观念,掌握现代的营销技术。我国的房地产营销环境与营销管理虽然经过二十年的市场观念熏陶,但是我国的房地产在诚信问题、营销创新、产品创新、以及管理体制等方面与国际接轨上有距离。1房地产营销的基础知识1.1营销的概念市场营销译自英文marketing一词。最早产生于美国,1960年美国市场营销协会(AMA)定

4、义委员会的定义:市场营销是把产品或服务从生产者引导到消费者或用户所进行的一切企业活动。房地产市场营销是通过房地产市场交换满足现实的或潜在的房地产需求的综合性的经营销售活动过程。它有以下几层涵义: 1、房地产市场营销的目的是满足消费者对房地产商品和劳务的需求。2、既包括现实需求也包括潜在需求。3、房地产市场营销的中心是实现商品的交换,完成销售活动。4、房地产营销的手段是开展综合的营销活动。房地产营销是市场营销的一个重要分支,是建立在市场营销理论体系上的。在房地产营销的运用上主要由政府管理部门和房地产开发商。政府部门主要作为市场管理者对市场行为的监督以及对房地产开发商进行指导,披露市场供给需求信息

5、,制定相关策略以利于社会稳定和经济发展。房地产开发商主要是发现市场机会,进行营销管理活动。1990年,美国企业营销专家劳特朋提出了4C理论,4C即消费者的欲望和需求、消费者获取满足的成本、消费者购买的方便性、企业与消费者的有效沟通。4C理论的营销主张重视消费者导向,其精髓是由消费者定位产品。 1.2 房地产的发展长久以来国内对住房的要求就是能够遮风避雨就行了,但是,随着社会的发展以及我国城市化进程的加快,房地产市场不仅仅局限于提供给人们遮风避雨的场所,而在引领住宅文化潮流上更是不遗余力。房地产有其区别于其它产品的特点。房地产的特点:1、地域的固定性和耐久性土地是房地产产品最重要的生产资料,由于





10、、在城镇和农村都存在较大的差距。在房地产营销实践中,这些地区与民族的差异是不可能被忽略的。现代地产营销理论是现代营销理论与地产营销实践的结合,只有在平衡分析中国的实际情况才能在营销实践中做得更好。2 房地产营销管理2.1房地产营销环境房地产营销环境分析是整个营销活动的首要环节,是房地产企业进行营销决策、实现营销目标的基础。现代营销的观念的核心是以消费者为中心,企业营销活动的出发点是消费者的需求。要分析研究并满足消费者需求,必须对市场营销环境作透彻分析。房地产市场营销环境分析就是影响房地产企业的市场和营销活动的参与者和影响力。它是房地产企业的生存空间,是企业营销活动的基础和条件,其显著特征是营销



13、企业形象进行促销的商品通常在楼盘中是比较优秀的或者是比较有特点的,而我们在进行促销的时候将会着重宣传这样一种特点,这样的话就能够在消费者的心目中加深印象。3、诱导需求、扩大销售企业进行促销就是拿出一些优惠条件,刺激那些想买又不想买的消费者,促使他们下定决心购买。通常进行促销不能单纯的采用一种方法,在很多企业中会使用几种促销方式同时进行或者组合进行实用。往往企业会根据企业自身的情况进行一些创新。 3现状与问题分析本章节我们试图通过从不同的市场参与主体的角度探讨出现相关问题的因素,从而为提供解决方案作参考。而对于市场营销理论的应用主要由政府相关管理部门和企业的市场营销部门。他们看问题的角度是不一样






19、件都要上一个台阶。5、为了解决房地产业领导者的问题主要从抓强领导者的观念更新入手,只有观念更新了才能主动学习先进的市场营销理论,我国的政府领导者正在实行年轻化,这样能够促使领导增强危机感,时时刻刻不忘为他人服务,为社会服务。房地产管理部门应该努力扶持国内的一些名牌地产商,使其在为市民提供优质价廉的住房产品上与政府密切合作,既有利于改善城市建设,优化城市规划,又有利于提升市场的诚信程度。目前我国房地产业正处于一个崭新的发展阶段,房地产营销是其一个重要的方面,所以营销策略对房地产行业而言有着很重要的现实意义。The Marketing Plan:William A. CohenReal estat

20、e development is support for the peoples daily lives-47 socialist market economic system development, make the real estate market has become the main economic activity members, in the face of the changing market. real estate enterprises are to seize the opportunities and meet the challenges, we must

21、 adopt modern marketing concepts, master of modern marketing techniques. Chinas real estate marketing and sales management environment even after 20 years of market concepts nurtured, But in Chinas real estate integrity, marketing innovation, product innovation, and the management structure with the

22、 international community on distance.1 Real estate marketing elementary knowledge1.1 Marketing concepts The market marketing translates from an English marketing word. Most early produces to US, in 1960 the American market marketing association (AMA) defined the committee the definition: The market

23、marketing is the product either the service from the producer guidance all enterprise activities which carries on to the consumer or the user. The real estate market marketing is satisfies the reality or the latent real estate demand comprehensive management sale campaign process through the real es

24、tate market exchange. It has following several implications:1、 the real estate market marketing goal is satisfies the consumer to the real estate commodity and the service demand. 2、already includes the realistic demand also to include the latent demand. 3、the real estate market marketing center rea

25、lizes the commodity exchange, completes the sale campaign. 4、 the real estate marketing method is the development comprehensive marketing activity. The real estate marketing is a market marketing important branch, is the establishment in the market marketing theory system. In in real estate marketin

26、g utilization mainly by government control section and property developer. The government department mainly carries on the instruction as the market superintendent to the market behavior surveillance as well as to the property developer, disclosed the market supplies demand information, the formulat

27、ion correlation strategy favor social stability and the economical development. The property developer mainly is discovered the market opportunity, carries on marketing management. In 1990, the American enterprise marketing expert worked the special friend to propose 4C theory, 4C was consumers desi

28、re and the demand, the consumer gains the convenience which the satisfied cost, the consumer purchased, the enterprise and consumers effective communication. 4C the or y marketing advocated takes the consumer to guide, its essence is locates the product by the consumer. 1.2 Real estate developmentSi

29、nce long-time domestic has been can obstruct the wind to the housing request to take shelter from the rain good, but, along with societys development as well as our country urbanization advancement speeding go up, the real estate market not merely limits to provides obstructs the place to the people

30、 which the wind takes shelter from the rain, but in eagerly anticipates in the housing culture tidal current is spare no effort. The real estate has it to distinguish between other products characteristics: 1、the region constancy and the durable land are the real estate product most important produc

31、er goods, as a result of land permanence and constancy, therefore the real estate place is fixed. Moreover the real estate natural life-span usually all passes for 50 years, when American Revolution constructs the house till was using, very many real estate all were reconstruct as are salt of the ec

32、onomical factor or abandon.2、the land resource relatively the scarce land resource is the non-renewable resources, the humanity causes the partial land resource in the transformation natural process to suffer the destruction. Along with the population increase, the humanity is going further to speed

33、up the land utilization the step, but we only have a family, Earths land area cannot have the big increase, although through filled in the sea to make the people to increase the area in some economical developed areas, but, in the world the desert area increased is an large, the humanity will be abl

34、e to change more and more in future may using the land area little. 3、in the use value income, may not vicarious and continuing forever persons one day has 1/3 time be uses in the dormancy, but in persons one day keeps in the building the time also by far to continue. Today, although the science and

35、 technology exceptionally is developed, but the humanity has not still been able to invent one kind of product to substitute the real estate to live the important status in the human it . 4、the exchange relates the high value and the increment real estate product is the many kinds of goods produced

36、by labor synthesis, its needs producer goods type and quantity many, needs the craft to be complex, therefore this has decided the real estate value high charact eristic. At the same time, because uses in the real estate product production land resource is non-renewable, uses the land resource in th

37、e humanity in the process, the land resource will be able to appear the thing take to hope as the expensive rule. However, at the same time the real estate increment also is decided to peoples psychology anticipated. As a result of the real estate own characteristic, the real estate market supplies

38、and the market demand also have distinguishes between other products characteristics. Real estate market demand characteristic: 1、 the real estate demand widespread basic necessities of life are peoples indispensable basic life activity. Regardless of is uses in to live or produces, the people all n

39、eed the real estate product. 2, the market demand multiple persons individuality characteristic had decided the request has the different real estate product to satisfy its different request, is useful is also useful to the production to the investment. 3、the market demand continues forever natural

40、this is in the real estate use value necessity and may not the vicarious decision, because the real estate is the people lives with the social product material base. It cannot eliminate because of the technical progress, but is along with the people living standard enhancement, the social civilizati

41、on progress, the people more and more are also high to the real estate product request.4、market demand financing because the real estate price is expensive, the people completely pay the funds with difficulty ,this has produced by the loan and credit support financing. 5、the real estate expends the

42、long term real estate is the high value product, simultaneously its life very is also long, therefore the real estate expense is long term. 6、 market demand rich elasticity. Real estate market supplies characteristic: 1、the market supplies lack the elasticity because the real estate has the position

43、 fixedly, land resource scarce, the use value may not vicarious and the development construction cycle long characteristic, no matter the market demand quantity has in a big way, the price has high, the market supplies quantity is impossible in the short time to have comparatively sweeping change. 2

44、、the market supplies regional real estate product place constancy had decided the real estate product only can provide to its production place, therefore in the real estate circulation process only has but does not have the thing class. 3、 the market regulation not complete our country real estate m

45、arket now still had the part was the public housing, moreover some are as have not still provided the housing according to the stipulation to supply the common reserve fund. Peoples ingrained housing idea is hinders the market advancement the key, now still had many people to think the housing shoul

46、d free provide by the government, this with difficulty starts the housing the expense development, the market control action is not obvious. Because our country economical development quite is slow in the eastern part coastal area quite quick mid-west, therefore our country real estate market maturity in t


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