B XXX公司的ERP应用及对策研究外文参考文献译文及原文DOC.doc

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1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录外文文献译文11 ERP的定义及国内应用现状12 ERP应用成功率低的原因22.1 ERP系统太复杂烦琐22.2 ERP系统投资巨大22.3 ERP系统实施周期长变化多32.4 ERP系统技术含量高32.5 企业无法确保实施ERP所需数据的准确性和时效性32.6 企业尚未对应用ERP的前期准备有充分认识32.7 对于ERP软件的选择问题没有足够的调研与论证43 对策研究43.1 全面提高企业人力资源素质43.2 明确的ERP应用目标是提高应用水平和应用效益的

2、关键53.3 业务流程重组是成功应用ERP的基础53.4 充分发挥咨询监理的作用实现ERP目标63.5 建立ERP应用绩效评价体系63.6 结合国情厂情进行ERP正确选型74 案例分析75 结论10外文文献原文111. ERP definition and application of domestic112. ERP application of the low success rate of the reasons122.1 ERP system is too complex and complicated122.2 ERP System huge investment122.3 ERP

3、system is implemented over a long life cycle changes132.4 ERP systems with high technological content132.5 Inabilities to ensure the implementation of ERP for data accuracy and timeliness132.6 Enterprise ERP application has yet to the preparations of a full understanding142.7 ERP software for the se

4、lection without sufficient research and demonstration123. Countermeasure research153.1 Comprehensively improve the quality of human resources in enterprises153.2 ERP application of a clear objective is to increase the level of application and application efficiency of the key163.3 Business Process R

5、eengineering is the successful application of ERP173.4 Into full play the role of the Commissioner of the Advisory ERP goal183.5 The establishment of ERP Application Performance Evaluation System183.6 Combined national factory conditions for the correct ERP Selection194. Case Studies205. Conclusion2

6、2外文文献译文1 ERP的定义及国内应用现状走国际化、规范化、规模化的道路,是企业发展的必然,而要做到这一点,ERP的引入是必不可少的。那么,究竟什么是ERP呢?从本质上理解,ERP是以信息技术为物质基础、计算机软件为载体的一种先进管理思想的实现形式。说具体一点,其核心思想就是要根据客户订单或是市场销售预测来确定有关产品的独立需求,进而求出相关需求,并最终精确地安排企业的生产计划。随着市场竞争的日益加剧,企业原有的管理体制已经不能适应市场的发展,通过单一环节或层次的管理已不足以解决所面临的复杂管理问题,整合和系统化的管理已成为具备一定管理基础的企业的普遍选择。而ERP注重企业管理的全面性、系统

7、性,重视企业与外界的关系,支持全球化经营等,同时ERP还能使厂商以更低的成本为客户提供更多的服务。基于这些原因,ERP成了企业解决目前问题的选择。ERP在我国已有20年的历史,到1998、1999两年ERP在国内的知名度更是空前高涨,各种各样的信息铺天盖地,新闻界也在推波助澜,厂商不遗余力,企业用户更是热情很高,这其中也不乏有厂商故意炒作之嫌,但毕竟说明ERP确实不是等闲之辈。从统计指标就可以看出一二,据不完全统计,98年中国的ERP市场销售额就达到了4.2亿元,而99年虽受东南亚金融风暴的影响,导致其发展速度延缓,但仍然有8亿元的销售额。2 ERP应用成功率低的原因虽然ERP有着众多的优点和

8、广阔的发展前景,但一个不容忽视的问题却始终摆在我们的面前,这个问题就是ERP在具体应用中的成功率非常低,而且有应用成功率是0的说法。这种说法可能有点耸人听闻,但ERP在国内应用的成功率低却不容质疑,即使在国外其成功率也只有20%。那么到底是什么原因导致这种结果呢?当然造成这种状况的原因是很多的。2.1 ERP系统太复杂烦琐ERP是蕴涵着一种先进管理思想的大系统,因此很难与我国企业现有的管理体制相匹配,让ERP去适应企业显然是不现实的。因而,实行企业内部的业务流程重组(BPR)是必不可少的。另外,不可避免的可能要进行机构重组,这在当前国内的多数企业中还不是非常顺利就可以实现的。很多企业未能从本质

9、上充分认识ERP项目是一个企业管理系统工程,而仅仅视其为企业信息化建设工程,以致实际应用中既没有结合我国尚未完全实现工业化,广大企业长期处于管理粗放、落后的实际状况,从而立足于深化改革和管理创新;也没有把应用ERP与应用其它现代企业管理思想和方法紧密结合起来,相辅相成,互为作用。2.2 ERP系统投资巨大实施ERP系统绝非是少量的投资就可以打发的事情,而且预计的投资可能在实施过程中变得捉襟见肘,追加投资的事情是很正常的。单纯软件的投资就很可能以数百万计算,而硬件的投资绝对更不是个小数目。一家专门进行计算机软件和电子商务市场调查的机构对美国年营业额在5亿美元以上并采用了ERP系统的公司进行的研究

10、结果披露,ERP系统采用成本超过预计成本178%,安装时间超过预计时间的230%。2.3 ERP系统实施周期长变化多企业自身的改革、市场环境的改变、金融秩序的变动等,这些都有可能对正在实施的ERP系统造成或多或少的影响,有时可能是致命的。再比如,大家都知道,现在IT技术的更新换代早以超过了摩尔定律的定义,在实施过程中,硬件的先期投入可能在系统尚未成功完成之前,就变的用也不是,不用可惜的地步了。2.4 ERP系统技术含量高一般情况下,了解并掌握系统的全部是不可能的,只有发扬团队合作精神,企业上下一条心,才能有可能获得效果,这样就要求企业的管理人员和员工,必须提高自身素质,而做到这一点也并非易事。

11、高层管理人员对他们在安装使用这套系统的过程中应扮演的角色没有把握。管理人员关注的焦点是企业的目标和日常事物,而系统技术人员关注的是程序,双方都对各自领域里的知识不熟悉,无法沟通。2.5企业无法确保实施ERP所需数据的准确性和时效性运行ERP系统所需的各种基础数据的准确性和时效性普遍较差。这是因为我国目前企业管理水平低下,亟需提高;另一方面也充分反映了这些企业对基础数据的准确性和时效性与提高我国企业管理水平和ERP应用成功率的关系缺乏足够的认识。2.6 企业尚未对应用ERP的前期准备有充分认识大多数企业ERP项目需求分析只是一些简单的问题归类,没有全面、深入分析造成这些问题的根本原因,以及解决这

12、些问题的方法和措施。也就是说,企业现行管理中哪些问题是ERP能解决的,哪些问题是ERP不能解决的,需要同步运用其它相关管理思想和方法才能搞清楚并加以解决,达到标本兼治的目的。2.7 对于ERP软件的选择问题没有足够的调研与论证是国外的,还是国内的;是现有的商品化软件,还是根据企业的实际情况自主或合作开发量身定做等,企业可能没有充分的理由做出正确的选择。即使所选择的ERP系统与企业自身的情况非常吻合,仍旧存在着如软件的语言、安装、员工培训等问题。这些因素都是客观存在的,正确的态度是勇敢地去面对,如果确实要上ERP系统,那么就要对ERP的各个方面进行充分的理解与掌握,做到心中有数,才能为成功地应用

13、ERP系统开个好头。3 对策研究由于以上诸多原因使得ERP不是简单的花钱买来软件就可以,还要进行更多的准备工作,在各个方面均做好充足的思想准备。要成功应用ERP系统,在实施ERP的过程中,应该在以下几个方面重视起来。3.1 全面提高企业人力资源素质企业领导者或决策者要具备应用ERP系统的素质。这体现在:首先,企业领导要具备创新思维与改革的决心,由于在应用ERP系统的过程中一定会发生传统管理方式和现代管理方式发生冲突的情况,这时候需要的是决策者能有魄力在企业自身的基础上通过改革来使企业适应ERP系统,而不是要ERP系统来适应企业。其次,要求企业的决策者不仅要对企业本身的情况能非常熟悉地掌握(这一


15、,也不能因为某几个人而改变系统总体的运作方式。因此,企业在应用ERP之前和过程中均需不断地进行员工培训,进一步提高企业员工,特别是厂长、经理们的现代企业管理意识,项目风险意识以及对ERP、BPR作用与特点的全面认识。3.2 明确的ERP应用目标是提高应用水平和应用效益的关键不管做什么事都要有明确的目标。ERP在我国应用之所以未能取得预期效果,其中一个很重要的原因就是应用目标过于定性、空泛,难以具体实施和控制。制定一个明确、量化的ERP应用目标是一件难度很大的事情,整个过程需要企业厂长(经理)、各级管理人员提高思想认识,通过系统分析及引入管理咨询才能有效地完成。ERP应用目标的主要内容应是企业通

16、过ERP应用,促使企业在生产经营管理方面有哪些改进、提高和创新。应用目标一旦制定后,必须按期、按质实现,同时该目标也将作为企业ERP应用绩效评价的重要依据。3.3 业务流程重组是成功应用ERP的基础ERP的核心是实现对企业整个供应链各个环节的管理,应用ERP与企业的管理模式、管理方法、业务流程,过程控制有着密切的关系,因而存在着许多不协调的问题。如果这些问题在建立ERP系统的同时不能得以有效的解决,那么企业仅通过应用ERP也不能有效的提高管理水平、整体素质和经济效益。因此,应用ERP必须要实行业务流程重组(BPR),确保企业有一个科学、规范的管理基础。业务流程重组侧重企业业务流程的整体优化,是

17、针对西方企业中分工过细而进行的改革,对于我国大多数企业长期处于管理粗放、分工不清、职权不清,以及现阶段我国ERP应用水平普遍较低的状况而言就显得更为必要。所以我们要结合实际,灵活运用国外经验,塑造出适合中国国情的业务流程方案。3.4 充分发挥咨询监理的作用实现ERP目标目前有许多ERP厂商,为了推销自己的产品,不顾企业利益,极力夸大产品的功能,等到企业盲目购买了产品之后,又不能提供很好的售后服务和应有的技术支持,给企业造成极大损失。因而,必须发挥政府、行业协会,尤其是咨询、监理公司的作用。企业管理咨询是一种以智力形式,客观、公正、独立地为企业提供服务的新兴行业。能使企业了解发展和管理中的薄弱环


19、包括ERP项目全过程,而不仅仅是ERP项目软件实施部分。3.5 建立ERP应用绩效评价体系项目成功与否取决于最初所设置的目标,目标达到了即应用效果很好,项目是成功的。随着ERP应用的不断深入,要依据初期所制定的目标建立ERP应用绩效评价体系,积极开展项目评价工作,通过定量计算、定性分析和客观公正的评价,从不同的角度科学地揭示ERP应用效果。ERP应用绩效评价体系主要由评价制度体系、评价指标体系和评价组织体系三个部分组成。由于ERP项目是一个企业管理系统工程,因此我们在建立评价指标体系时一定要包含反映企业的管理思想、管理方法、管理模式、管理基础、管理机制、业务流程、组织结构、员工素质、信息处理以

20、及反映企业综合能力和过程控制状况的经济指标,重点突出企业通过应用ERP后在管理方面有哪些改进、提高和创新。评价组织体系中专家应以管理专家为主。3.6 结合国情厂情进行ERP正确选型ERP源于企业生产经营管理实践,又在广泛的应用实践中得以不断的提高和完善,显然,这种思想和方法与社会生产关系和社会生产制度没有直接关系,属生产力范畴,旨在提高企业的管理水平和生产力,大力推广应用ERP,并使其迅速转化为现实生产力,是世界各国企业所共同追求的目标,只要适合企业需求并有效地实施,ERP是不分国籍、不分大小的。综观目前ERP软件市场,有国内的,有国外的,从成熟度看,有新开发的和由MRP演变来的,从规模来分有

21、大型、中型、小型。企业上马ERP一定要结合国情、厂情作好选型工作。选择适合自己的ERP不是易事,企业要根据自己的实际情况,制定好目标与投资计划,重点比较性能、价格、服务三方面。选型不能按计划执行的企业,应用效果也不可能理想。4 案例分析恩威集团作为一家民营的高科技跨国企业集团,其在计算机管理方面的投资和企业对计算机管理的重视程度是超前的。现在,恩威集团已初步成功应用了ERP系统,获得了应有的效益,尝到了计算机应用的甜头。然而,就是这样一家企业,也曾在应用中走过了多次弯路。从一开始,对于应用ERP系统,企业的领导集团有决心,相关部门和人员有激情,首先具备了“人和”的条件,企业又先后投了近千万元的



24、浪潮国强系统与恩威集团的应用被最终选定,直接面向大型集团企业开发提炼而成的浪潮国强管理软件给恩威集团带来了又一次机会。认真分析和总结了前两次失败的教训后,恩威集团管理层也认识到了真正实施并应用好一个先进的软件并不是一件非常容易的事,因此这次在选型和应用方面也更加谨慎小心,一步一个脚印地开始了浪潮国强管理系统的应用。目前,恩威集团的整个应用已初见成效,电子数据已成为企业运转的重要依据,除部分辅助账本外,手工记账已完全丢弃,业务处理快速、高效,企业形象大大提高。5 结论总之,应用ERP是促使我国企业管理科学化、合理化、规范化的有力手段,只要我们科学、合理地应用这种方法,就能使企业业务流程趣于合理化

25、,管理水平明显提高,进而增强企业的竞争能力、生存能力和发展能力,在二十一世纪全球竞争中立于不败之地。 Martinsons, M.G. Chinese Business Processes-Engineering .International Journal of Information Management, 2004外文文献原文1. ERP definition and application of domestic Go international, standardized, large-scale road is the inevitable development of enter

26、prises, and to do this, the introduction of ERP is essential. Well, what is ERP? In essence understanding of ERP information technology as the material foundation, computer software for an advanced vector management thinking of the form. Said specifically, its core idea is to customer orders or sale

27、s forecast to determine the demand for products independently, We can get the related demand, and ultimately the precise arrangements for the production plan. As market competition increasing, enterprise management system can not meet the market development, through a single link, or the level of ma

28、nagement has been insufficient to resolve the complex management problems, Integration and systematic management has become possess the necessary management infrastructure of the enterprises generally choose. ERP and enterprise management focus on the comprehensive, systematic, attached importance t

29、o relations with the outside world, globalization operations, ERP can also enable manufacturers to lower the cost of providing our customers with more services. For these reasons, enterprises have become ERP solution to the present problem of choice. ERP in China has 20 years of history, until 1998,

30、 In 1999 two domestic ERP visibility is at an all-time high, all kinds of information, instead, the media also added fuel to the fire by manufacturers efforts, corporate users are very enthusiastic. These are some manufacturers have deliberately escalated suspected, but after all it is not the note

31、ERP important person. From the statistical indicators to be released on January 2, according to incomplete statistics, 98 Chinas ERP market, sales reached 4.2 billion and 99 despite the Asian financial crisis, leading to delay its development pace, but there are still 800 million in sales. 2. ERP ap

32、plication of the low success rate of the reasons Although ERP numerous advantages and broad prospects of development. But one issue that should not be overlooked has been placed in front of us. The problem is the specific application of ERP in the success rate is very low, but the rate of successful

33、 application of the argument is 0. This may be a bit alarmist, but in the domestic ERP application of the low success rate can not be questioned, even abroad its success rate is only 20%. So in the end what are the factors leading to such an outcome? Of course the cause of this situation is many rea

34、sons. 2.1 ERP system is too complex and complicated ERP is an advanced Inherent in the thinking of the management system, it is difficult to Chinese enterprises and the management system of the existing match for enterprises to adapt to the ERP is obviously unrealistic. Thus, the enterprises within

35、the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is essential. In addition, the inevitable may be a need for reorganization. in the majority of the current domestic enterprises is not a very smoothly can be achieved. Many enterprises have not been able to fully understand the nature of ERP is a business man

36、agement system, but only where the information construction projects, so practical application in China is not yet fully realized industrialization, the majority of enterprises in extensive management, behind the actual situation, based on the deepening of reform and management innovation; That will

37、 not be applied to other ERP and application of modern enterprise management ideas and methods to closely integrate and complement each other mutually reinforcing. 2.2ERP System huge investment ERP system implementation is by no means a small investment can kill things, and the projected investment

38、may in the process of its implementation have been stretched and invest things are quite normal. Pure software investment is likely to millions, and the hardware investment is absolutely more than a small number. A specialized computer software and e-commerce market survey agencies of the United Sta

39、tes, the turnover of over 500 million U.S. dollars and use ERP system are the results of the study revealed that the introduction of cost ERP system is expected to cost more than 178%. Installation time is expected to exceed 230% of the time. 2.3 ERP system is implemented over a long life cycle chan

40、ges Enterprises own reform, the market environment changes, and changes in the financial order. These are likely to have implemented ERP systems affected to a certain extent, it may sometimes be fatal. For instance, we all know, IT technical upgrading morning over the definition of Moores Law, In th

41、e process of its implementation, hardware frontload the system may not be completed successfully before, it does not change the use, unfortunately not realized. 2.4 ERP systems with high technological content Under normal circumstances, understand and grasp the full system is not possible, only carr

42、y forward the spirit of teamwork, Enterprises next one, it might be able to obtain results, and as such it requires the management and staff. must improve our own quality, and do this is not an easy task. Senior management of the installation of this system in the course should play no role grasp. M

43、anagement is the focus of attention of the enterprises objectives and refine, and the systems technical staff is concerned procedures, both on their respective areas of expertise are not familiar with, unable to communicate. 2.5 inabilities to ensure the implementation of ERP for data accuracy and t

44、imeliness ERP system for the operation of basic data accuracy and timeliness of generally poor. This is because Chinas current low level of corporate governance, the urgent need to raise; the other hand, it fully reflected these enterprises based on data accuracy and timeliness and enhance our busin

45、ess management and E RP success rate of the lack of sufficient awareness. 2.6 Enterprise ERP application has yet to the preparations of a full understanding Most ERP projects demand analysis just some simple questions classification, and no comprehensive, these in-depth analysis of the causes of the

46、 root causes of the problems and to solve these problems and measures. That is to say, enterprises in which the current management is the ERP solution, which can not solve the problems of ERP, simultaneous use of other needs related management ideas and methods can understand and resolve to achieve

47、the objective causes. 2.7 ERP software for the selection without sufficient research and demonstration Foreign, or domestic; Of the existing commercial software, or according to the actual situation of independent or cooperative development of tailor-made. Enterprises may not have sufficient reason

48、to make the correct choice. Even the choice of ERP system and the enterprises themselves very well and there is still a language such as software, installation, staff training and other issues. These factors are objective and correct attitude is bravely face, if indeed be on the ERP system, then they would have the right ERP all aspects of the


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