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1、第三册重点词组,do ones best(to do)leave sth aroundset a good impression stand close tointroduce oneselfaddress sb asmanage to do leave a good impression on uslet me check if Mr wang will be free,尽力 乱丢留下好印象站的近 自我介绍 称呼某人为成功做某事 给我们留下好印象让我看看 王是否有空,在上给出建议坚持做某事原谅某事做某事感谢做某事避免做某事与某人保持联系不要以貌取人听从某人的劝告为某人树立榜样满足,give

2、some advice oninsist on doing sthpermit sb to do sthadvise/allow/permit doing(无某人)excuse sbs doing sthappreciate doingavoid doing sthkeep in contatct with sb dont judge a person by his appearancefollow ones adviceset an example to sbmeet the need of,be in need ofexperience=go throughtake advantage o

3、fa great manyMy pleasureFollowed by students,the teacher came into the classroomdevote oneself to doingget down to doinghesitate to do sthpermit sb to do sth=permit doing sthbe in charge ofhave a break,需要经历利用 许多+可数名词不用谢(帮助后)被学生跟着,老师走进教室。奉献某人毕生精力于着手做不愿意做某事负责休息,have s few days offget sth doneits about

4、 a-minute walk from hereIt couldnt be better require sb to do sth require doing=need doing If you dont you,neither will Itie your hair upwere I you,Its advised that+虚拟its time+虚拟语气(一般过去时)Much attention should be paid to+doingWhat surprised us most was that be supposed to,休假几天完成某事要求某人做某事需要(被)做 把头发扎起来

5、 如果我是你最令我们吃惊的是应该,be supplied with=be equipped withbe responsible foradjust tomake a request forrequest(ask)sb to do sth have difficulty in doing sthShe is by far the bestas far as I knowin the way ofa bit of milk,配备对负责人调整以适应请求请求某人做某事她显然是最好的就我所知阻碍一点牛奶,assign sth to sbthe reason whyis that the reason

6、for sthin the direction ofwith the door closedbe late for workcan I take a few days off?distribute sth to take ones orderother thanas follows,分配某物给某的理由朝的方向门关着上班迟到能请假吗?分发东西给点菜 除之外如下,Dont hesitate to ask me,if you have any question.how do you employ(use)your spare time?including myself=me includedto s

7、ome extenttake up too much spacecarry out a plan All roads lead to Rome He is likely to come here on time,有任何问题,随时可以问我。包括我 他可能会准时来,the trouble I had(in)doing sththe missing boy=the lost boyin a clockwise direction the reason for his success is that he worked hard.make every effort to doHow would you

8、 like your steak done?have no choice but to do sth.,以顺时针方向他的成功理由是工作努力。努力做某事,we must take advantage of our time to learn our English well.What great difficulty(I have)finding your home,我们必须利用好时间学好英语。,check inhave a reservationcheck outfeel free to do sth.be on saleget further informationtake turns to

9、 do sth.play an important role in,登记签到 有预定结账离开随意做某事在甩卖得到更多消息轮流做 在 方面起重要作用.,be in short ofgive awaylook out forbe vital to the success It all dependsturn out,缺少泄露留心寻觅对于成功很重要看情况结果是;生产,explain sth.to sb apologize to sb for sth.break down under warranty sound as ifmake a complaintbe satisfied with,给某人解释

10、某事因某事向某人道歉坏了,出了故障在保修期听起来似乎 抱怨对感到满意,exchange sth.for sth.take measures be unable to do sth.turn a deaf ear tomuch to my regret with the intention of doingIts ones duty to do sth.leave it with me,拿与交换采取措施不能够做某事置若罔闻深感遗憾打算做做是某人职责交给我处理吧,make preparations The major reason the similar meaning be in complet

11、e agreement with sb.get things done play a role in be based on,做准备主要的原因 相似的意思 完全同意某人的看法让某事被做在中起作用以 为基础,think highly ofturn upturn to sb.a large amount of money at a speed offor this reasonbe concerned aboutrecommend doing sth.recommend sb to do sth make good/full use of It is never too late to stop

12、smoking.,高度赞扬出现向某人求助一大笔钱以速度因为这个原因 担心推荐做某事建议某人做某事充分利用,Its goes without saying that teamwork player plays an important role in our companys development.No one can be the best at everything.Unity is strength Many hands make light work.I take your point,but thats not the way I see it.,团结就是力量。众人拾柴火焰高,suf

13、fer fromits no wonderunstable chairwalk intorule of thumbkeep in mindbe in good condition given one more week,遭受 之苦;患病这就难怪、毫不奇怪了不稳的椅子 走动时无意中撞到经验法则牢记在心处于较好的状态多给一个星期,be similar towarn sb.not to do sthif necessarytake sth lightlyconsider as/to bemeet the needs of spare no pains to do As far as I know,和相似告诫某人不要做某事如果有必要对掉以轻心认为是满足的需求不遗余力地去做就我所知,apply for the position I graduated fromscrew upmajor indate back to=date fromwork on a teambe devoted toin reply to,申请职位我毕业于搞砸主修始于团队合作献身于答复,Thanks,


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