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2、的飞行训练资源系统,对提高飞行训练质量具有重要意义。该系统实现了不受空间和时间限制,高度统一教学材料,从而实现飞行训练教学标准化的。在提供标准化的教学资源的同时,该系统还集成了课件评论、热度统计等功能。论文通过对飞行训练资源系统重要性的分析,以及对建设飞行训练教学资源建设的必要性进行详细介绍上的基础上,阐述了建立基于B/S架构的飞行训练教学资源系统的重要性、必要性、以及可行性。同时,论文还介绍了实现该系统的相关技术、手段,并在软件上实现了系统的全部功能。最后,论文还对该系统的应用及以后的发展进行了研究和展望。【英文摘要】The civil aviation of China has made

3、impressive progress over the past decades. This situation has resulted in a fast increasing demand of good pilots. So it need a higher requirement of the pilot flying teaching and training methods.With improvements of network and multimedia technology, networks bring great influence to traditional t

4、eaching model and teaching method of college education. The latest computer technology, networks, and multimedia were used, to make the teaching materials a more vivid and image presented in front of students. It beyond the limits of space and time, has become a powerful tool of flight teachings sta

5、ndardization construction.We designed a new flight teachings resource system which based on B/S model. The new system which is based on network technology, training programs and examination standards, and it has a great meanings to improve the quality of flights teaching. Beyond the limits of space

6、and time, high-integrity of teaching material, makes this system to reach the ends of standardization. Also, it integrates the function of user-comment, statistics and so on.The paper analyze the importance of the flight teaching resources networking, and the necessary of teaching resources and cons

7、truction details on the flight training. It also describes the importance, necessity, and feasibility of the designed system which based on B/S model. Then it introduced some system-related technologies, and tools, and achieved the full features of the system on software. At last, it outlook the fur

8、ther studies about this system application.【关键词】B/S架构 飞行训练教学资源 网络教学 热度统计【英文关键词】B/S Model Flight teaching resource Network educational Frequency statistics【目录】基于B/S架构的飞行训练教学资源系统研究与实现摘要4-5ABSTRACT5第一章 绪论9-151.1 选题背景及意义9-111.2 研究现状和趋势11-141.3 论文的组织结构14-15第二章 飞行训练教学资源系统的需求分析15-212.1 系统开发原则152.2 需求分析内容15

9、-162.3 需求分析的对象及形式162.4 需求分析的结果分析16-182.4.1 功能性需求16-182.4.2 非功能性需求182.5 系统的开发环境18-192.6 系统的运行环境19-202.6.1 硬件环境192.6.2 软件环境19-202.7 本章小结20-21第三章 系统实现的相关技术21-333.1 开发模式21-243.1.1 C/S 模式21-233.1.2 B/S 模式23-243.2 ASP 及相关技术24-253.3 ADO 及相关技术25-273.4 数据库技术27-323.4.1 数据库的概念及发展27-303.4.2 SQL Server 2000 简介30

10、-323.5 上传及下载技术323.6 本章小结32-33第四章 系统的总体设计33-474.1 系统建模33-354.2 系统的流程设计35-374.3 系统功能模块设计37-394.3.1 基础管理模块37-384.3.2 会员管理模块384.3.3 内容管理模块38-394.4 数据库分析与设计39-454.4.1 数据库设计39-404.4.2 数据库逻辑设计40-454.5 网络拓扑设计45-464.6 本章小结46-47第五章 系统的详细实现47-665.1 用户管理的设计与实现47-515.1.1 用户登录的实现47-505.1.2 用户注册的实现50-515.2 搜索功能的设计

11、与实现51-545.3 热度管理功能的设计与实现54-595.4 上传功能的设计与实现59-615.4.1 上传课件格式统一59-605.4.2 课件的上传60-615.5 关键技术问题及解决方案61-655.5.1 网络安全615.5.2 权限的设置61-625.5.3 热度统计模块62-645.5.4 搜索功能设计645.5.5 网页设计64-655.6 本章小结65-66第六章 系统测试66-716.1 软件测试66-676.2 本系统的软件测试67-706.2.1 教学资源系统功能测试676.2.2 教学资源系统性能测试67-686.2.3 教学资源系统用户界面测试686.2.4 网络安全测试68-706.3 本章小结70-71第七章 总结与展望71-72致谢72-73参考文献73-75


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