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1、外贸老客户跟进篇一:八种外贸跟踪邮件范文 巧妙锁定客户 八种外贸跟踪邮件范文 巧妙锁定客户 1,报价后好几天没回复。可以询问是否收到,收到了对价格有什么看法?对产品有什么建议?。 Sample one: Dear xx Sorry to trobule you. Several days no news from you have you got my enquiry for xxxx ? Fullyunderstand that you are too busy to reply us.But we are still awaitfor your comments.We need your

2、feedback to go ahead. Thank you inadvance. Many thanks and best regards. xxx 2, sample 1 发出去后如果客户还没回复就这样跟进。因为报价单里面有对价格限制有效期所以可以以此跟踪 Sample two: Dear xxxx Hope everything goes well ! We are in receipt of your inquiry dated on xxx and quote you as follow: XXXXXXX . pls kindly check whether price is wo

3、rkable ? Becasue price will be invalid on xxxx. Wish we will promote business. Best regards.3, 如果碰到节假日也可以跟踪下。 sample 3 Dear XXXX Sorry for re-troubling you. pls find my pervious email below.Could you kindly check by return today ?Because we will on holiday from xx to xx and my email access may be li

4、mited. Thank you in advance. Bset regards. XXXX 4,如果客户遇到客户国家节日也可以借此恭维一番。加深映像。 Sample 4 Dear xxxx Happy xxx and we wish you, your family, company enjoy your holidays. As for xxx, if you need any info,pls contact me at any time. We will try our best to satisfied with your requirements. May god bless y

5、ou and have a nice day. xxxxxx 5,然后就是交货期,稍微的给他一点压力,催促他尽快下单。 Dear xxx Hope you everything goes well. I sent you the quotation for xx in last email and the delivery time is xx days .could you pls kindly check and confirm the order soon. We need plent of time to arrange mass production and keep the shi

6、pment on time. Many thanks and best regards.6, 时不时的问下是否有新的询盘或者订单 Sample 6 Dear xx I hope you are doing good. Have you got any new orders ? pls keep me posted if yes, i will sendyou our updated price for your review. Best regards. xxxx 7, 新产品上市是你大展拳脚的时候了,用的好很厉害的哦。 Dear xxx Good morning ! It is glad t

7、o inform you that we have lanched xxx ,which with xxxx优势特点 such as perfect design, low noise, light weightxxxx. Attached with xx and xx for your reference and pls have a try in yourmarket if possible. Best regards. xxxx 8,跟新报价单也可以说下。 Dearxxx How are you ? Long time no contact and hope everything goe

8、s weill with you.Our products and quotation had updated .Would u pls check our new quotation with new items in attachments ?If have any questions,pls contact me freely.Best regards. xxxx9,如果再不行的话,就打个远洋电话,问明白具体原因。一般客户都会说明的。报价后没得到回复是又很多原因的 可能你价格没报好. 可能客户在考验你的耐性,可能客户很忙一时间忘记了想找你的邮件找不到资料,也可能XXXX反正就是你还没真正

9、进入客户的视线。篇二:外贸邮件如何跟进客户 分析下原因,一般情况下我会再写封追踪信给他: Hope you are fine, my friend. It is regret that I haven't received any information from your side. May I have your idea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply. As we don't want to lost a good customer like you! If t

10、here is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. Hope to establish long-term friendly business relations with your esteemed compan y. 如果客人还没有回信,一周后再问客人不回信的真实原因.(一般情况,70%的客人会告诉你他的原因) Glad to contact you again! Have you kindly checked my offer? Hope they are workable for you

11、r market! Sorry to say that we still don't receive any information from your side. I would appreciate for your any comment about our offer, including price, quality, and service. No matter if it is positive answer, it is great help for us to meet your requirement. Waiting for your favorable repl

12、y soon! 之后的日子里,可以尝试新产品的报价,刺激下客人的神经. 我通常是这样写的: Good day! My quotation of gas water heater you might have received and checked. Could you kindly advise your comments at your earlier convenience? If the products arent what your are expecting, please advise me your details requirement, I will re-offer A

13、SAP. I am of service at any time! 但是,不同的客人,我会变换着写邮件,让客人知道我们公司,产品的存在我不会把客人缠得太紧,约十来天给他一封邮件我通常这样回复的: Dear *, Wish you have a nice day! May I ask whether you have received my quotation? Now I am sending it again, if you have any other ideas. Please feel free to contact me. We will do much better if you

14、can give any advices to us. I am waiting for your reply ASAP. Best regards Aine 但是,想成功可不是容易的事情 Dear sir have you received our quotation of ., if you have any further question, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are waiting for you comment about our quotation. We hope that we can establish a

15、 good business relationship with you in the nearest future. Your prompt reply will be appreciated.回复A:直接去函敦促 Dear Hugo Chu, Wish everything well with you and your esteemed company ! We are in receipt of your letter dated Aug 10 , and as requested was expressed you 3 catalogues for our refrigeration

16、goods. We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection. Wish we will promote business as well as friendship! Best wishes! Kevin 回复B: 先写邮件问清情况。本人觉得先写邮件问清情况,简单的询问,如HAVE YOU RECEIVED MY P/I, IS THERE ANY QUESTION OR PROBLEM WITH YOU? 再问何时开L/C 或汇订金过来.如客户没回复,那你应该(很有必要

17、)打个电话过去问清情况。是价格问题还是临时发生改变? 客户是中间商,还在等最终客户的确认?还是其它问题?然后根据情况做一些措施看能否挽回这一张订单。 Dear Sir, Good morning! Hope you have got a wonderful weekend! For several days no news from you, my friend. Now I am writing for reminding you about our offer for item of * dated * * * according to your relative inquiry. Hav

18、e you got (or checked) the prices or not? (You can add some words to introduce your advantage of your product or something else to attract the customer). Any comments by return will be much appreciated. It will be our big pleasure if we have opportunities to be on service of you in near future. Look

19、ing forward to your prompt response, Thanks and best regards, Yours Faithfully Kevin 回复C:如果仍然没有回音的话,可以在一、两个月后再写一封信。 Dear Sir, Now I am writing for keeping in touch with you for further business. If any new inquiry, welcome here and I will try my best to satisfy you well with competitive prices as pe

20、r your request. By the way, how about your order (or business) with item *? If still pending I would like to offer our latest prices to promote an opportunity to cooperate with each other. Thanks and best regards, Kevin篇三:外贸跟进客户最有效的方法 外贸如何跟进客户? (2009-08-01 08:25:19) 转载 标签: 分类: 外贸大家谈 外贸跟进客户 中国制造网 外贸报

21、价 外贸跟进 财经 实例: 在11月的广交会上,遇见了一个客户。谈的不错,也寄了样品过去。说很多客户都是寄了样边没了回音。无论怎样,跟进工作总是要进行。想问下啦,邮件该如何跟进呢?就是如何开口询问客户那边对产品的反馈信息呢? 问题指导: 一般情况下如果没订单催了也没多大用,不过一定要问。客人对你的产品和公司感兴趣他自动会联系你的,不管时间长短;如果是对你们压根儿不敢兴趣的客户再跟进也不会合作,顶多就是落个好印象。我一半都是随意轻松的跟进,但是有没有单我心里都已经有底了。一般来说要注意跟进而不要催客户,不给客户造成压迫感。先确认是否收到样品. 如收到,是否有疑问等.基本上这样,让客户认可产品后再

22、谈下一步问题.如客户不满意,可发一些在客户市场卖得比较好的产品图片供参考. 寄出样品后就应该给客户发封e-mail,然后告诉他大致的到达时间。如果过了预计时间一周都没有消息,就可以再发一封e-mail问问他对那些样品的看法。如果还没有回复,那就基本上只能放弃了。因为基本上可以断定那个客户暂时不愿意合作。 实战经验 1. 作生意,首先要了解,最好要精通自己的产品。这一点对新人来说尤其是很重要,如果产品都不熟悉的话,肯定在和客户交往的时候很被动。我寄出样品后一般等客人的回复。部分客人收到样品后会回复收到你们的样品的消息,如果到后几天还没有回复,我会问:How do you feel our sam

23、ple?Looking forward to hearingfrom you soon.然后等消息。其实遇到这样的事情无一定论的,客户是自己谈的,要根据具体问题,具体分析。 我来公司的时候,就给自己下了个死任务,一个月内熟悉产品,要求做到最主营产品了解非常透彻,然后在此基础上有所延伸。当然我说的了解非常透彻也是不大可能的,毕竟一个月的时间太短。那至少大路边的问题都应该知道。 也许大家会说上班就那点时间,哪里来的时间啊。没有时间找时间。尤其是对做业务的我们来说,在最初的几个月里一定不要吝惜花费时间,也不要太计较这些。也许老板没有让你加班,为了以后有更好的发展,那就利用可以利用的时间来吧。现在网络

24、发达了,我们不会的问题可以及时问网友或者同行。这样边学边用,用不了多久就能上手。 2. 知识有了,其次就是方法。电子商务的平台有好多。我们不能单纯的依靠某一个网站来 做业务,就是广泛的撒网。但是要有重点,不要让自己的苦劳白白废掉。很好的贸易平台有中国制造网,各行各业的专业网站,及国外的网站。可以用任何一个搜索引擎来搜索。当然常用的还是狗狗和百度。搜索的方法也有好多,这些经常出现在各个贸易论坛上,没事大家可以找来学学。 3.有重点地找好贸易平台并发布相关的供求信息之后,就会有不少的询盘。这些询盘有有用的,也有没有用的。为了节省时间提高效率,要有选择性的去回复。回复了并不是万事大吉,有好多的客户给

25、你发了询盘,但是你给他的回复他并不一定能够看到,即使看到,也不一定就那么有印象。即使有印象你的价格等等也不一定合适。所以这只是万里长征开始第一步。给客户回复之后要不断地跟进,根据市场行情不断的给客户提供相关的信息。不一定每一封邮件都是给他报价,也可以给他谈一下当今的行情或者比较感兴趣的话题。 我在以前的文章中提到的那个澳大利亚客户,最初我们就是和朋友一样交往。我知道他需求我们的产品,量也可以,刚开始我针对性的根他说了一下,然后说了一下我们的价格等等。隔三差五的有什么价格方面的变动写邮件告诉他。其他的时间我们都在谈论其他的事情。比方说他喜欢北京的烤鸭,我去北京的时候专门到天安门广场那边去看了那家

26、有名的WwW.cSpengBo.cOm 蓬 勃范 文网:外贸老客户跟进)烤鸭店然后写邮件告诉他。还有他知道我喜欢学习英语,而我的环境不是很好,他说下次来的时候给我带一些资料和dvd。这样我们在谈论中成了没有蒙面但是却有很多共同语言的朋友。他曾经告诉我8月份要来中国,我利用下班的时间跑到本市几家高级宾馆跟前排了好多的照片给他寄过去,让他自己选择宾馆。做这些事情并不难,但是对客户来说他们却很感动于这个。后来,有几天产品降价,正好是他的目标价格,我写了一封邮件。五分钟后他就回了,他要一个柜的产品,然后就是谈论需要注意的问题,箱唛,信用证确认,船期等等。三天后他就开过信用证来了。谈这个客户几乎是用邮件


28、方做得还不够好,还不够多。 客户永远是上帝。 给客户报价后如何跟进(二) 外贸报价后跟进客户英文邮件实例 在平时商务往来中,本人发现很多客户在对公司某个产品价格询盘后,我及时给予报价,但是报价后就一直没有客户的反应,没有见有订单。像这种情况下,作为一个销售人员,应该如何处理呢?应该写什么内容的邮件去给客户以求进一步跟进呢?应该在发出报价后几天内发出邮件比较合适呢? 针对这些问题,本人提出以下三个解决方法,如果哪位网友有更好地办法,不妨拿出来让大家一起参考。 回复A:直接去函敦促 Dear Hugo Chu, Wish everything well with you and your este

29、emed company !We are in receipt of your letter dated Aug 10 , and as requested was expressed you 3 catalogues for our goods . We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection . Wish we will promote Business as well as friendship! Best wishes ! Aaron 回复B: 先写邮件问清情况。

30、本人觉得先写邮件问清情况,简单的询问,如HAVE YOU RECEIVED MY P/I, IS THERE ANY QUESTION OR PROBLEM WITH YOU? 再问何时开L/C 或汇订金过来.如客户没回复,那你应该(很有必要)打个电话过去问清情况。是价格问题还是临时发生改变? 客户是中间商,还在等最终客户的确认?还是其它问题?然后根据情况做一些措施看能否挽回这一张订单。 Dear Sir,Good morning! Hope you have got a wonderful weekend! For several days no news from you, my frie

31、nd. Now I am writing for reminding you about our offer for item of * dated * * * according to your relative inquiry.Have you got (or checked) the prices or not? ( You can add some words to introduce your advantage of your product or something else to attract the customer). Any comments by return wil

32、l be much appreciated. It will be our big pleasure if we have opportunities to be on severice of you in near future. Looking forward to your prompt response, Thanks and best regards,Yours Faithfully Aaron 回复C:如果仍然没有回音的话,可以在一、两个月后再写一封信。 Dear Sir, Now I am writing for keeping in touch with you for fur

33、ther Business. If any new inquiry, welcome here and I will try my best to satisfy you well with comptetitive prices as per your request. By the way, how about your order (or Business) with item *? If still pending I would like to offer our latest prices to promote an opportunity to cooperate with each other. Thanks and best regards, Aaron15


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