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1、MARTYS STORY,Unit 1 Reading,Marty Fielding in other wordsclumsy bump outgoingadapt adapt to bench,马蒂菲尔丁 换句话说adj.笨拙的 vi.碰撞;撞击adj.外向的;友好的;外出的;离开的vt.使适应;改编 适合 n.长凳,Words and,Expressions,Read after the tape and speak out the Chinese immediately.,cut out microscope out of breath absence fellow annoyannoy

2、ed,切去;省略;停止(做某事)n.显微镜 上气不接下气 n.缺席;不在某处adj.同伴的;同类的 n.同伴;同志;伙伴 vt.使不悦;惹恼adj.颇为生气的,Words and,Expressions,annoyance all in all firm software sit around as well as parrottank,n.烦恼 总而言之 n.公司adj.结实的;坚固的;坚定的 n.软件 闲坐着 和;也adj.鹦鹉 n.(盛液体;气体的)大容 器;缸;大桶,Words and,Expressions,tortoise in many wayspsychology psycho

3、logically make fun ofencouragement conduct,n.陆龟;龟 在很多方面 n.心理(学)adv.心理(学)地;精 神上地 取笑 n.鼓励;奖励 n.行为;品行vt.指挥;管理;主持,Words and,Expressions,1.To summarize the main idea of the passage2.To study Martys optimistic(乐观的)attitude towards life3.To learn to use some useful words,expressions and patterns in the pas

4、sage,Words:suitable,beneficial,adapt,annoy,conduct,resign,congratulate,adequate,accessExpressions:in other words,adapt to,as well as,meet with,all in allPatterns:its to do Its annoyed that,Focus on,What do you think of the life of the people with a disability?,Full of difficulties?,Boring?,Hopeless?

5、,Look,the life of the people with a disability is like this.,The disabled can live as rich and full a life as we healthy people do as long as they get acceptance and encouragement.,Correct!So can I.Do you want to know how I made it?Now read the passage Martys Story.,Skimming for general idea,1.Where

6、 do you think the text comes from?,From a website.,2.What is the tone of the text?A.Sad.B.Excited.C.Positive.D.Negative.,Answer the following questions.,Family village,Check your answer!,Para.1:_Para.2:_Para.3:_Para.4:_Para.5:_,Find out the main idea of each paragraph.,An introduction to Marty and h

7、ismuscle disease,How his disability developed,Marty met a lot of difficulties at school,How his life has become easier,The advantages of his disease,P3 2,Scanning for specific information,1.Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Martys leg?A.Because they wanted to use it as a specimen(标本

8、).B.Because they would transplant(移植)the new muscle.C.Because they could cure the disease by cutting it out.D.Because they wanted to find out the cause of the disease.2.What kind of disease does Marty have?A.He has a mental disease.B.He has an infectious disease.C.He has a muscle disease.D.He has an

9、 eye disease.,Read the passage and choose the best answers.,3.According to the passage,we can infer that _.A.Martys life is full of challengeB.Marty feels lonelyC.Marty feels sorry for being disabledD.Marty will lose heart4.From Marty Fieldings story,we can draw the conclusion EXCEPT that _.A.disabl

10、ed people can live a normal life by their hard workB.most of the disabled people cannot adapt to their disabilityC.disabled people can get stronger and more independentD.disabled people should get more encouragement and concerns,1.Why does Marty say“I am one in a million”?,Because there are not many

11、 people like Marty.He has a muscle disease which even the doctors dont know how to cure.,2.Whats his attitude towards his disability?,He is very outgoing and has learned to adapt to his disability.His motto is:live one day at a time.,How to translate this sentence?,过好当下每一天,Read the passage and answe

12、r the questions.,3.Was Marty born with that disease?,No,he wasnt.he was the same as everyone else until he was ten years old.,4.How has Martys life changed since he was ten years old?,Martys life has changed a lot since he was ten years old.,Before 10,at primary school,after 10,problems,How did he f

13、eel?,He was the same as an ordinary one.,He got weaker and weaker,Hopeless and stupid.,Problems caused by his disability,weak and cant run or climb stairs as quickly as others,2.clumsy and often drop things or bump into furniture,3.cant play football and can only enjoy football matches from a bench

14、at a stadium,4.has missed a lot of school,5.feels stupid because of being behind the others,have an easier life,have a good life,have a busy life,Life has become happy,hopeful and satisfying.,My fellow students have accepted me.The few who cannotignore them.,Find many things to doMy ambition is to,a

15、t high school,Have no time to feel sorry for myself,movies,football matches,pets and a lot of work,Fill in the table.,clumsy and often drop things or bump into furniture,cant play football and can only enjoy football matches from a bench at a stadium,has missed a lot of school,feels stupid because o

16、f being behind the others,invented a computer football game,looks after pets,grow stronger psychologically and become more independent,P3 1,Problems caused by his disability:,What Marty does in spite of his disability:,1 What kind of person do you think Marty is?2 What do you think is the most diffi

17、cult thing that Marty has to deal with in his life?3 What kind of thing does Marty do in order to make his life happy and satisfying?4 What can other people do to help Marty and others like him live a good life?5 Why has his fellow students conduct changed towards Marty?,Answer the following questio

18、ns.,P3 3,1 What kind of person do you think Marty is?,Marty seems to be a fairly positive person who considers he has a good life.He is realistic about his disability,but does not let this stop him doing as much as he can.He is a psychologically strong,independent boy.,Reference answers:,2 What do y

19、ou think is the most difficult thing that Marty has to deal with in his life?,Missing lots of school,not being able to run around and play sports like other boys at his age,people not understanding that he has a disability.,3 What kind of thing does Marty do in order to make his life happy and satis

20、fying?,Marty keeps busy doing things that do not require physical strength,like computer programming.He has friends with whom he can go to movies and football matches and he has lots of pets.He also studies hard.,4 What can other people do to help Marty and others like him live a good life?,They can

21、 accept people with disabilities like Marty for who they are rather thanfocus on their disability.They can encourage them to live rich and full lives.,Because they found that Marty was able to live as rich and full a life as everyone else.,5 Why has his fellow students conduct changed towards Marty?

22、,Careful reading,重难点句式分析,1.I think I had at least a billion tests,including one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope.,宾语从句,定语从句,including sth.,cut sth.out:to remove sth.from sth.larger bycutting,usually with scissors(通常用剪刀)剪掉,去掉如:I cut this article

23、out of the newspaper.,我认为我至少(被别人)做了10亿次试验,其中一次他们在我腿上割下一片肌肉,然后放在显微镜下观察。,1.We get three days off,including New Years Day.2.Our car journey took three hours,including a couple of stops to stretch our legs.3.Many topics are covered in the course,including travel and hotels,food and drink,and shopping et

24、c.4.Its$10.95,not including tax.,including:prep.,including:prep.having sth as part of a group or set,我们放三天假,包括元旦在内。我们开三个小时车,包括中途停了一两次伸伸腿。这个课程中涉及很多话题,包括旅行和住宿,餐饮,购物等。这个是10.95美元,不含税。,5.Eight people,including two children,were injured in the explosion.6.Including weekends,there are only twelve more shop

25、ping days until Christmas.,八人在爆炸中受伤,其中包括两名儿童。算上周末,到圣诞节可购物的时间也就再只有12天了。,including引导的介词短语在句中做补充说明或解释,可位于句子逗号后;或句中;句首。根据其位置及补充说明的对象,可看作是定语、补语、插入语等。,Translation.,Eightpeople,including twochildren,wereinjuredin the explosion.,1.这次爆炸有八人受伤,其中包括两名儿童。,You should cut out the unimportant details.,2.你应该删掉这些不重要的

26、细节。,2.The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me annoyed,and I just ignore them.,定语从句,“make+宾语+宾补”这一结构中,宾语补足语可以由名词、形容词、v-ed、不定式等来充当。Agoodfriendissomeonewhomakesyouhappy.,那些不能看出我内心的人,不会让我感到生气,我只是忽略他们。,annoy v.to make sb.slightly angry 使恼怒,使生气annoyed adj.slightly angry 恼怒的,生气

27、的annoyance n.the feeling of being slightly angry 恼怒,生气,Translation.,She had toshoutto make herself heardabove thesoundof themusic.,1.她必须大声喊,才能盖过音乐的声音,让别人听见。,At that time I often did wrong things which made my parents very angry.,2.那时我经常做错事,令我父母很生气。,Post-reading activities,Talk,his personality proble

28、ms caused by his disability his ways to live a good life what would your life change if you were to develop a muscle disease like Martys,Work with your partner and make a dialogue about Marty,including the information below:,Im Marty Fielding.I have a muscle disease which makes me _ weak _run or cli

29、mb stairs.But I want to tell all healthy children:dont feel sorry for me or _ me.Just accept me.Until I was ten I was the same as everyone else.Then I started to _:I got _ after running a short way,I couldnt play football,and I even couldnt go to school.And every time I returned after _,I felt stupi

30、d because I was behind the others.But I have a happier life at high school.My fellow students _ me.And I found many things I can do,like writing and _._ going to the movies and football matches with my friends,I spend a lot of time looking after my pets._ my disability has helped me grow stronger ps

31、ychologically and become more independent.I believe I can live _ you do.,too to,out of breath,computer programming,make fun of,get weaker and weaker,an absence,as rich and full a life as,In many ways,have accepted,As well as,Fill in the blanks to finish the Summary of the text and then try to retell

32、 it.,注:word 文档点击此处链接,When one door of happiness closes,another opens;but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.当通往幸福的一扇门关闭时,另一扇会打开,但是我们往往太久注视着关上的那扇门而看不到已经为我们打开的那扇门。,When finishing,exchange to see who does the best.,Now 2 mins to test your sp

33、elling.,English-Chinese,bench,microscope,fellow,firm,software,parrot,tank,tortoise,psychology,取笑,改编,惹恼,颇为生气的,外向的,适应,鼓励,心理(学)地,Spelling Bee,Chinese-English,Review,课时重点回顾,cut outall in all in other wordssit around out of breathin many waysadapt tomake fun ofas well as,切去;省略;停止总而言之换句话说闲坐着上气不接下气在很多方面适合取笑和;也,Homework,1.Read the passage again and review the new words and expressions.2.发挥想象,连词成文(50-100字).,clumsy,in other words,adapt,annoyed,make fun of,all in all,encouragement,in many ways,as well as.,


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