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1、代理记账对中小企业发展带来的帮助摘要在中小企业融资构成重要部分的澳大利亚经济和代理记账会计师是他们的主要服提供商,为什么中小企业需要代理记账服务和代理记账机构能给企业带来怎样的好处,人们知之甚少。本文通过我们对代理记账机构和其咨询服务的了解,来促进澳大利亚中小型企业的发展。环境相对不受管制的中小企业提供了独特的机会去检验市场的专业服务。中小型企业,例如,可以选择被审核, 他们面临的代理水平是有明显的变化的。文章通过对澳大利亚中小型企业两次问卷调查数据的分析。当理论表明代理审计是一个符合成本效益的措施,就如何解决这一矛盾是自愿的,但不是为内部审计。虽然内部和外部审计之间的关系还不是很明朗, 但发


3、的主要目的是帮助中小企业公司提高业绩,他们认会计咨询服务是代理记账机构为自己超越竞争对手而提的意见。这就是代理记账服务的好处。关键字:中小企业、会计、审计、代理记账会计提供了一个更大范围的服务(不仅限于审计)代理记账会计师传统上提供了一系列的审计服务(例如税收、编制及审核),但是近几年会计市场经历了一个专业服务的变化,和代理记账会计相比,扩展了服务范围,为了支持信息需求的变化,他们内外两种利益相关者为提供需求。特别是,他们已经研制出广泛提供会计咨询服务的技术。本部分开始记录了不断发展的市场专业服务的出现, 2.6.1重点谈会计咨询服务(部分)。这是继以描述的代理记账业务的性质 (2.6.2节)

4、。 文学利益为企业调查了代理记账机构。2.6.1部分建立会计咨询服务通常被提升为信息服务。然而,尽管近期有所提升,很少有研究试图衡量客户来自代理记账机构提供的会计咨询与服务的利益。而第2.2条理论上讨论了潜在审计价值、提供会计咨询与服务的效益的关系尚不清楚。本章2.6.3节,我从探索潜在理论的角度解释了自愿进行代理记账。在第五章中,我检查了实证利益(价值)的代理记账会计师,同时提供审计和咨询在中小企业的应用。 现在由代理记账会计师提供超出传统审计和记账之外,还有更广泛的服务,把市场更好地理解为是引起的更大服务范围的审计。这些新兴的审计服务方面,特别是服务,如商业咨询之间的关系尚不清楚。本章2.

5、6.4节,我提出了一个理论关于记账和会计咨询的探讨。在结束部分,2.6.5中小企业环境(部分),简要回顾有关监管变化而引起的代理记账和会计咨询。本文在第4章,我考察了审计和会计咨询之间的关系在中小企业的应用进行了实证。 不断发展的专业会计服务代理记账机构提供合法的服务(例如税收、编制及审核),以满足法规的要求或合同的约束。这些传统的服务是解释财务数据在现存的规则和标准化格式(如:一般公认会计原则) 的共同主题。自20世纪80年代以来代理记账机构已经有所变化,提供专业的会计服务成为主要且不断增长的业务(Fogarty张秀珍。2006年)。为了支持客户的广泛需求,代理记账机构提供了广泛的会计咨询服

6、务(Fogarty张秀珍杂志。2006;格林伍德孙俐。2002)。中的附录一的理论范式,提出了20世纪80年代以来关键专业领导人为新服务模型,根据Fogarty讨论学组。(2006),格林伍德孙俐。(2002),艾略特和雅各布森(2002),艾略特(2002),会计师协会(2000),玫瑰和Hinings(1999),艾略特(1994)。 代理记账会计不再把自己“只不过是普通的会计”;他们也认为他们自己的会计咨询与服务,扩大了其业务范围(格林伍德孙俐。2002年出版)。自然改变信息需求的客户端进行本恩孙俐。(1997),报道说,用最受欢迎的代理记账机构来提高客户满意度,能使代理记账机构更积极参


8、会在英格兰和威尔士(ICAEW),在近年来大量服务推广会员的业务支持除了传统的监督服务。格林伍德孙俐。(2002)同样记录了事实,20世纪90年代初期以来,加拿大会计行业的信息除了代理记账会计还有会计咨询业务。 回顾了许多会计实践提出了信息在澳大利亚的自己的营销文学揭示了一个相似的趋势。包括大的和小的实践多学科的典型结构,为促进传统型会计服务和一系列会计咨询等服务。(见附录2总结了非宣传品,大的4个样品的中小会计公司)。而大四最近减少元素(在咨询专才,他们提供给他们的保证客户的交易)在回应关注审计的独立性,仍有侧重在会计咨询在会计公司。这是说明了以下的陈述离开公司的自己的网站(详细概述附录1)


10、1)认为小会计师事务所,也是唯一的从业人员可能扮演一个很重要的角色,虽然小,各实践舞台。 会计咨询与服务在这一节,我的轮廓的各类标签用来描述会计咨询,我本质的界定会计咨询。一个外部的会计服务也提供会计建议可能被描述为“会计咨询服务”(BAS)“会计咨询服务”(MAS),“会计咨询服务”(MCS),或,当公司提供的外部审计师的,“非审计服务”(NAS)。各项专业标准采用术语“会计咨询服务。在澳大利亚,APS 8声明:“会计咨询服务实践提供专业的服务是指过程中指导客户辅导或在任何一方面的业务管理客户是否从事商业、工业、政府和非盈利制造企业的总称”(AUASB,美国生理学会8,降落伞3,1989年9


12、业繁荣。会计建议可能会提供相关信息decision-useful要么具体操作和财务业绩。建议针对提高经营业绩可能被划分为“计划和对回顾运作”(即工作评估、基准)或“系统回顾”(也就是,控制系统,它资源或风险管理方式)。建议针对提高财务业绩(例如,以促进生长或生存财经)可能会被进一步划分为“企业财务金融相关活动”(也就是,引进资金来源,企业转型,采购厂房和设备)和“财务计划”(即意见养老保险、保险或投资)。参考文献:见原文T/2008/24 (Ask at Level 2 Information Desk, UNSW Library)The benefits of services provid

13、ed by external accountants to small and medium sized enterprises. Carey,Peter John AbstractWhile Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) constitute a significant segment of the Australian economy, and external accountants are their major service providers, little is known as to why SMEs purchase s

14、ervices from external accountants and what benefits they derive from those services. This thesis develops our understanding and investigates the benefits provided by external accountants, through auditing and business advisory services, to Australian SMEs. The relatively unregulated SME environment

15、provides a unique opportunity to examine the market for professional services. SMEs, for example, can choose to be audited or not, and there is significant variation in the level of agency conflict they face. This thesis analyses data collected from two surveys of Australian SMEs. While theory sugge

16、sts that auditing is a costeffective response to agency conflict, measures of this conflict are found to be associated with voluntary demand for external auditing, but not for internal auditing. Though the nature of the relationship between external and internal audit is unclear, a negative associat

17、ion is found between the two, suggesting substitution between these services. Whereas external audit is provided to reduce agency conflict, internal audit may be substituting for other services, unrelated to agency issues, such as providing useful information for decision making. I also investigate

18、the economic benefit SMEs derive from auditing by measuring whether audited SMEs pay a lower interest rate on their major institutional borrowings compared with unaudited SMEs, or demonstrate superior performance. I find no evidence of a direct economic benefit on either of those measures. External

19、accountants have responded to increasingly broad-ranging market information needs by providing an expanded range of business advisory services, and this thesis also investigates the relationship between external audit and business advice in the context of this changing market. Despite theory suggest

20、ing a complementary relationship, SMEs spend less on business advice when they also buy an audit, and this finding persists irrespective of agency considerations. The main purpose of business advice is to help improve firm performance, and SMEs buying business advice are found to perceive their busi

21、ness to be outperforming their competitors. This suggests a benefit associated with these services.Keyword(s) :Small business,Accountants,AuditingExternal Accountants Providing a Broader Range of Services (Beyond Compliance and Monitoring) External accountants have traditionally provided a range of

22、compliance and monitoring services (e.g. taxation, compilation and audit), but the market for professional services has undergone a major change in recent years, and external accountants have accordingly expanded the range of services they offer in order to support the changing information needs of

23、both external and internal stakeholders (Fogarty et al. 2006; Greenwood et al. 2002). In particular, they have developed expertise in providing broad-ranging business advice. This section begins by documenting the evolving market for professional services, focusing on the emergence of business advic

24、e (Section 2.6.1). This is followed by a description of the nature of business advice (Section 2.6.2).Literature investigating the benefit brought to clients by external accountants is relatively sparse. Section 2.6.1 establishes that business advice is normally promoted as a value-adding service. H

25、owever, in spite of recent trends toward it, few studies have sought to measure the benefit a client might derive from the purchase of business advice from their external accountant. While the theoretical discussion in Section 2.2 outlines the potential value of an audit, the benefit associated with

26、 business advice is less clear. In Section 2.6.3 of this chapter, I explore potential theoretical explanations for the voluntary purchase of business advice. In Chapter 5, I examine empirically the benefit (value) of the external accountant providing both auditing and business advice in the SME envi

27、ronment.The broader range of services now supplied by external accountants extends beyond traditional monitoring and compliance activities, and the market for auditing is betterunderstood when auditing is considered in the context of this broader range ofservices. Relatively little is known about th

28、e relationship between auditing and these emerging services, particularly a service such as business advice. In Section 2.6.4 of this chapter, I provide a theoretical discussion of the likely relationship between auditing and business advice. This section ends with a brief review of regulatory chang

29、es concerning the joint provision by the external accountant of auditing and business advice in the SME environment (Section 2.6.5). In Chapter 4 of this thesis, I explore empirically the relationship between auditing and business advice in the SME environment. The Evolving Market for Professional S

30、ervices External accountants have long provided historically-oriented compliance and monitoring services (e.g. taxation, compilation and audit) designed to satisfy regulatory requirements or contractual constraints. The common theme of these traditional services is the interpretation of financial da

31、ta within existing rules and standardised formats (i.e. GAAP).Since the 1980s external accounting firms have changed, with professional business services becoming a major and growing area (Fogarty et al. 2006). In order to support a broader range of client information needs, external accountants hav

32、e built expertise in the provision of wide-ranging business advice (Fogarty et al. 2006; Greenwood et al. 2002). In Appendix 1, I outline the rationale presented by key professional leaders since the 1980s for the new service model, based on discussions in Fogarty et al. (2006), Greenwood et al. (20

33、02), Elliott and Jacobson (2002), Elliott (2002), AICPA (2000), Rose & Hinings (1999), and Elliott (1994). External accountants no longer regard themselves as “just accountants”; they also consider themselves business advisors servicing an expanded range of client needs (Greenwood et al. 2002). The

34、changing nature of client information needs is illustrated by Behn et al. (1997), who reported that the most popular suggestion by financial controllers wishing to improve audit client satisfaction was for the external auditor “to be more proactively involved in business, providing services beyond G

35、AAP and GAAS compliance and making value-added suggestions” (p100). By broadening their range of competencies to include business advice, external accountants have grown their revenue base by attracting new clients, as well as by selling additional services to existing clients. The current public me

36、ssage in the marketing literature of the Australian accounting profession serves to illustrate the broader service focus. The business expertise of the external accountant is apparent in the current advertising promotions of the profession: “Take a different view”, “We mean business” (CPA Australia;

37、 2007) and “Employ our thinking” (ICAA; 2003). The recent campaign by the ICAA (2007), “Number one in numbers”, signals a re-investment in the core strength of the profession, but the theme of the external accountant as a business advisor continues to resonate through the campaign. Berry et al. (200

38、6) indicate that external accountants in the UK, particularly the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), have in recent years been heavily promoting members services for business support in addition to traditional (monitoring) services. Greenwood et al. (2002) similarly doc

39、ument the fact that since the early 1990s, the Canadian accounting profession has presented the message that the external accountant is also a business advisor.A review of the message presented by many accounting practices in Australias own marketing literature reveals a similar trend. Both large an

40、d small practices typically promote a multi-disciplinary structure, offering both traditional services and a range of business advisory and other services. (Appendix 2 summarises the promotional material of the Big 4 as well as a sample of small and medium-sized accounting firms). While the Big 4 ha

41、ve recently scaled back elements of their consulting practices (where provided to their assurance clients) in response to concerns over auditor independence, there remains a strong focus on business advice within the accounting firms. This is illustrated by the following statements taken from the fi

42、rms own websites (outlined in detail in Appendix 1). “Its what drives us to deliver clear and practical advice to help our clients grow and succeed in their chosen field” (.au; August 2006); ”We focus on solving business issues rather than selling services”, “we invest heavily in our culture, in dev

43、eloping our people, and in continually building their technical skills, business acumen and industry experience“ (.au; August 2006).Small and medium-sized external accounting practices retain a strong focus on traditional services (Fogarty et al. 2006), but consistent with the Big 4, the message pre

44、sented by their websites identifies business advice as a core service (see the detailed description in Appendix 2). Farrell (1998) argues that despite early reluctance, by the late 1990s even small accounting practices were evolving into larger, more broad-based strategy and business consulting prac

45、tices focusing on niche industries. Frank et al. (2001) argue that small public accounting firms and sole practitioners are likely to play a significant, though smaller, role in the multi-disciplinary practice arena. The Nature of Business AdviceIn this section I outline the various labels used to d

46、escribe business advice, and I define the nature of business advice. The services of an external accountant who also offers business advice might be described as “business advisory services” (BAS) “management advisory services” (MAS), “management consulting services” (MCS), or, when provided by the

47、firms external auditor, “non-audit services” (NAS). The professional standards adopt the term “management consulting services”. In Australia, APS 8 states: “Management consulting services practice means the rendering of professional services in the course of assisting or advising clients in any aspe

48、ct of business management whether the client is engaged in commerce, industry, government, semi-government or non-profit making enterprises”( AUASB, APS 8, Para 3,1989)In the SME environment, business advice may be used to gain specialist knowledge, fill a gap in internal staff or management experti

49、se, for specific and one-off tasks, and to develop new internal procedures and processes (Bennett and Robson 2005; Robson and Bennett 2000). Firth (1997) defines a management consulting service as the hiring of an outside firm to make recommendations and/or plan and implement some course of action. Virtually all management consulting services could


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