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1、GPK与ABC耦合成本管理系统研究 GPK与ABC耦合成本管理系统研究 Research on Cost Management System Coupling GPK and ABC 【中文摘要】 由于企业经营环境越来越复杂和多变,企业需要一套能及时准确反映这些变化的成本管理系统。学术界在过去的二十多年来一直将其研究重点放在了美国作业成本法ABC上,很少有人关注德国成本会计GPK。但是随着时间推移,ABC在应用过程中暴露了各种弊端;而GPK已在德国企业中成功实施了几十年,显示出顽强的生命力。在此背景之下,本文通过对德国典范会计方法GPK和美国作业成本法ABC的研究,结合二者有益之处,形成耦合的


3、一个短期与长期决策相结合,纵向与横向绩效管理相结合的新型且具有可操作性的成本管理系统,目的是解决GPK对非单位层次作业成本处理模糊、ABC对企业预算和绩效考核薄弱等问题,旨在探索出一套有益于我国成本管理实务的新做法。第五部分是对耦合系统的应用分析,对这个耦合系统应用的先决条件、实施应用的影响以及推广时应注意的问题进行了研究。第六部分讨论了耦合系统对我国成本管理会计的一些启示。 【英文摘要】 Since the situation facing enterprises is becoming more complex and changeable, a new system which can

4、reflect the changed situation is needed. However, academician focused on the study of American ABC, rather than Germany GPK in the past twenty years.And many defects have been shown when applying ABC in practice gradually. But GPK has been used practically for several decades, and show a powerful ab

5、ility.With regard to above, this article studied GPK and ABC, combine the twos advantages to couple a new cost management system which is suitable for Chinese practice, by introducing modern methods abroad and improving cost management continuously. Six parts were exhibited as following:Chapter One

6、discussed the research background, meaning,and reviewed former materials home and abroad.Chapter Two illustrated the fundamental principles of GPK, starting from the accounting institution and circumstance of German, then analysing relevant concepts and how to perform it and why it is can be impleme

7、nted successfully.Fundamental principles of ABC is shown in Chapter Three simply.Chapter Four is a crucial part, comparing ABC and GPK and regarding ABC as a complementary method to couple the two to establish a new cost system based on the existing budget and performance evaluation system of GPK, w

8、hich is easer to be applied because of both short-term and long-term decision consideration, both parallel and vertical performance evaluation. The new system can allocate nonunit level cost accurately, strengthen the budget and performance evaluation system.Chapter Five analysed the precondition an

9、d affluence of GPK and what should be considered when applying.What lessons we can draw from the coupling system for our country are shown in Chapter Six. 【中文关键词】 德国; GPK; ABC; 耦合 【英文关键词】 Germen; GPK; ABC; coupling GPK与ABC耦合成本管理系统研究内容摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 一、引言 7-15 (一) 研究背景 7 (二) 理论价值与现实意义 7-9 (三) 国内外文献

10、回顾 9-13 (四) 本文研究内容框架介绍 13-15 二、GPK的基本理论 15-29 (一) 德国会计制度和会计环境 15-17 (二) GPK相关概念 17-21 (三) GPK的实务流程 21-27 (四) GPK成功推广的原因 27-29 三、ABC的基本理论 29-33 (一) 美国会计制度和会计环境 29-30 (二) ABC相关概念 30-31 (三) ABC核算流程 31-33 四、GPK与ABC耦合系统 33-42 (一) GPK和ABC耦合机理分析 35-39 (二) GPK和ABC耦合系统 39-42 五、耦合系统的应用分析 42-48 (一) 耦合系统使用的先决条件分析 42-44 (二) 耦合系统实施应用的影响 44-46 (二) 耦合系统在不同行业推广时应注意的问题 46-48 六、耦合系统对我国成本管理的启示 48-52 (一) 耦合系统的应用前景 48-49 (二) 耦合系统对我国成本管理的启示 49-52 结束语 52-54 参考文献 54-56 在学期间的研究成果 56-57 后记 57


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