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1、American Literature,Modernism,1,Section One,American Modernism,Section Two,Modern Poetry,Section Three American Drama,Section Four Modern Novels,American Modernism,(1918,1945),2,American Modernism,?,Backgrounds,of,American Modernism,?,Definition,and,Features,of,American Modernism,3,Background of Mod

2、ernism,1 The Effect of,the First World War,and,the Great Depression,:,2,New Theories and Ideas,a.,German:Karl Marx and Nietzsche,b.,Austrian:Sigmund Freud,c.,William James and Carl Jung,d.,French Impressionism,German Expressionism,and Cubism,4,Impressionism,5,Expressionism,6,Cubism,7,Definition of M

3、odernism,?,During the first decades of the 20th century,modernism became an international tendency in,art and literature.It began in Germany in the,1890s,and spread worldwide,and ended in the,early 1940s.It included a wide range of artistic,expressions such as symbolism,impressionism,post-impression

4、ism,imagism,expressionism and,so on.,8,?,The distinctive,feature,of literary,modernism was its strong and,conscious break with traditional,forms,perceptions and,techniques of expression,and,its great concern with language,and all aspects of its medium.,9,A,Ezra Pound(1885-1975),and,Imagist Movement,

5、(1909,1917),Followers of Pound,B,T.S.Eliot(1888,1965),and,New Poetry Movement,Followers of Eliot,C,E.E.Cummings,(1894,1962),D,Three Types of Poets,Modern Poetry,10,Imagist Movement,?,Definition of Imagism,?,Three,principles,of Imagism,?,Examples,of Imagist poetry,11,The Imagist Movement,(Imagism),?,

6、Led by Ezra Pound and flourished from,1909 to 1917,the movement advanced,modernism in arts which concentrated,on reforming the medium of poetry as,opposed to Romanticism,especially,Tennyson s wordiness and high-flown,language in poetry.,12,The three,principles,followed,by the Imagists were:,?,Direct

7、 treatment,?,Economy of expression,(3)“,Free verse,13,Direct Treatment,?,The subject of the poem must be,expressed in such a way as to resemble it,and reproduce it as closely as possible.,Simple language must be used to create,an image which the reader can,immediately see in his own imagination.,Eac

8、h word must be used with great,exactitude to produce a precise image and,nothing more.,14,Economy of expression,?,No word must be used which does not,contribute directly to the image.The language,must be concentrated.There must be no,drawing of conclusions,no explanations.,15,Free verse,?,No unneces

9、sary words may be,included in order to make meter or a,rhyme.A poem should be composed,with the phrasing of music,not a,metronome.,16,Examples of Imagist Poems,?,In a Station of the Metro,by Ezra Pound,?,The Red Wheelbarrow,by William Carlos Williams,17,In a Station of the Metro,?,The apparition of,

10、these faces in the,crowd;,?,Petals on a wet,black bough.,Ezra Pound,18,The Red Wheelbarrow,So much depends,upon,a red wheel,barrow,glazed with rain,water,beside the white,chickens,William Carlos Williams,19,Ezra Pound(1885,1972),埃兹拉,.,庞德,?,His life,?,His works,?,His contribution,20,His Life,(1),?,Bo

11、rn in 1885 in Hailey,Idaho,?,Brought up in Pennsylvania,?,Studied Romance languages at college and,university,?,In 1908 sailed to Europe and first poetry in,Venice,?,Arrived in London and founded Imagism,?,In 1912 editor of“Poetry”and blue,-penciled,“The Waste Land”,21,His life,(2),?,In 1913 began s

12、tudying Chinese Language,and ancient Chinese culture,?,In 1914 sponsored Vorticism,?,In 1915 finished“Cathay”and began working,on“Cantos”,?,“Homage to Sextus Propertius in 1917,?,“Hugh Selwyn Mauberley”in 1920,?,Treason in World War Two and released in,1958,?,Returned to Italy and died there in 1972

13、,22,His works,?,Personae(1909),人物,?,Exultations(1909),狂喜,?,Cathay(1915),译著华夏,?,Homage to Sextus Propertius(1917),向赛克斯特斯,.,普罗波蒂斯致敬,?,Hugh Selwyn Mauberley,休,.,赛尔温,.,毛伯利,(1920),?,The Cantos,诗章,?,The ABC Reading,(,Literary Essay,),23,?,A,Established Imagism with British poet,T.E.Hulmein 1908;,?,B,Sugge

14、sted 3 principles for Imagism with Richard,Aldington and Hilda Doolittle,?,C,Sponsored Vorticism with painter Windham Lewis,in 1914;,?,D,Leading role in poetic renovation and renaissance,in the first 25 years of the 20th century,?,E,Father of modern American poetry,His contribution,24,New Poetry Mov

15、ement,?,The years 1912,1914 witnessed the,appearance of a new poetic revolution.The new,poets wrote a poetry that defied most of the,accepted rules,and dealt with subjects which,had not been dealt with.They wrote in new,ways and techniques.The new verse was,responsive to the fragmentized nature of,m

16、odern life.,25,T.S.Eliot,(1888,1965),?,His life,?,His works,?,His contribution,?,About his work,26,His life,?,famous American poet,playwright and,critic,?,major figure in New Poetry Movement,?,a key to modern British and American,poetry,27,?,Born in St.Louis,Missouri;received a,good education,especi

17、ally with classic,literature;went to Harvard in 1906;,explored the poetry of the 17th,Metaphysical poets;finished,The Love,Song,in 1911;settled down in England,in 1915 teaching,working as a bank,clerk,writing book reviews,suffering an,unhappy marriage while composing,poetry.,28,His works,?,Poems:,Th

18、e Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock,J.,阿尔弗雷德,.,普鲁弗洛克的情歌,Gerontion,小老头,The Waste Land,荒原,The Hollow Men,空心人,Ash-Wednesday,圣灰节,Four Quartets,四个四重奏,?,Dramatic works:,Sweeney Agonistes;Murder in the Cathedral;,The Cocktail Party,The Confidential Clerk;,29,His contribution,?,a giver of laws and the arbiter

19、of,taste,in new poetry and criticism,?,a literary dictator,in American,literary history.,30,?,His basic themes of his criticism,concerned the relationship between,tradition and individual talent,and,between the past,the present and the,future.,31,?,His famous doctrine on poets and poetry,is,known as

20、 the“impersonal theory”or the,theory of impersonality and objectivity.,One,of the things that this theory emphasizes is,the relation of a poem to the poems by other,authors and suggests“the conception of,poetry as a living whole of all the poetry that,has ever been written”.It explains the,importanc

21、e of tradition and the past.Another,thing that this theory tries to focus on is the,relation of the poem to its author.,32,?,a,He started the reevaluation of poets,like Milton and the Romantics.,?,b,He did more to popularize the 17th-,century Metaphysical poets and late-,19th-century French Symbolis

22、m.,?,c,He emphasized the need to see the,vitality of the literature of the past and,to draw from literary traditions other,than English literature.,33,?,His poetry is difficult to read,:,?,1)For one thing the images and,symbols seem very much disconnected.,?,2)Another difficulty lies in his learned,

23、quotations and allusions.,34,?,His,The Waste Land,(P180-183),?,1)It was composed in the autumn of 1921.,?,2)Its epigraph is taken from the Satyricon of,Petronius representing the motif and the,somber mood of the poem:desperate,struggle to attain salvation.,?,3)Its title draws its significance from t

24、he,Fisher King lengend.,?,4)It reveals his strong historical sense:the,past is of great significance to writers.,?,5)It was a poem of despair for the 1920s and,1930s.,35,E.E.Cummings,?,His life,?,His works,?,His contribution,?,His style,36,His works,Poems:,?,Tulips and Chimneys,郁金香和烟囱,?,XLI Poems,诗四

25、十一首,?,Is 5,是,5,?,No thanks,不谢,?,Complete Poems,全集,?,Drama:,Him,他,Santa Claus,圣诞老人,?,Prose:,The Enormous Room,巨大的房间,-,4 months wrong experience in,prison,Eimi,艾米,-his experience in Russia,Six Non-lectures,六个非讲座,-speeches at Harvard,37,?,His contribution,?,Against traditional poetry with bold,attempts

26、 at composing poems,?,Unique style,?,Cubism&Dadaism-guide his poems,38,His style,?,New spatial arrangement of words;,?,New poems dealing with“un,-,poetic subjects”;,?,His scramble word order in syntactic,anagram;,?,His extension of the semantic possibilities of,words(he chooses to stretch,squeeze,or

27、,intensify by typographical acrobatics or,grammatical innovations);,(,see,an example,on P,208,),39,?,in Just-,?,spring when the world is mud-,?,luscious the little,?,lame balloonman,?,whistles far and wee,?,and eddieandbill come,?,running from marbles and,?,piracies and its,?,spring,?,when the world

28、 is puddle-wonderful,?,the queer,?,old balloonman whistles,?,far and wee,?,and bettyandisbel come dancing,?,from hop-scotch and jump-rope and,40,?,its,?,spring,?,and,?,the,?,?,?,goat-footed,?,balloonman whistles,?,far,?,and,?,wee,41,Three Types of Modern Poets,?,A,:,Chicago Poets,?,B,:,Leading figur

29、es in the poetic,revolution,?,C,:,in-between poets,42,Chicago Poets,?,Vachel,Lindsay,(1879,1931),维切尔,.,林,赛,?,Edgar Lee Masters,(1869,1950),埃德加,.,李,.,马斯特斯,?,Carl Sandburg,(1878,1967),卡尔,.,桑德堡,?,Hart Crane,(1899,1932),哈特,.,克兰,/,克莱,恩,43,Leading figures in the poetic,revolution,?,Ezra Pound,(1885,1972),

30、埃兹拉,.,庞德,?,T.S.Eliot,(1888,1972)T.S.,艾略特,?,E.E.Cummings,(1894,1962),卡明斯,44,Followers of Imagism:,?,Amy Lowell,(1874,1925),艾米,.,洛威尔,?,Hilda Doolittle,(1886,1961),(希尔达,.,杜,利特尔),?,William Carlos Williams,(1883,1963),威,廉,.,卡洛斯,.,威廉斯,45,Followers of T.S.Eliot:,?,Wallace Stevens,(1879,1955),华莱士,.,史蒂文斯,46,

31、in-between poets,?,Robert Frost,(1874,1963),罗伯特,.,弗罗斯,特,?,Edwin Arlington Robinson,(1869,1935),埃德温,.,阿灵顿,.,罗宾逊,47,Chicago Poets,?,Chicago:the revolutionary center against,traditional poetry,?,Poetry,诗刊,(a magazine),?,Adhere to the tradition of Whitman,?,Reflect feelings of laboring people,48,Vachel

32、Lindsay(1879,1931),维切尔,.,林赛,?,“a tramp and a beggar”,?,The Tree of Laughing Bells,笑铃树,?,Rhymes To Be Traded for Bread,换面包的韵文,?,General William Booth Enters into Heaven and Other Poems,?,威廉,.,布什将军入天国及其它,?,The Congo and Other Poems,刚果及其它,-,widely recognized as an exponent of the“new poetry”,Tried to s

33、timulate a popular taste for poetry through a,method that he called“,the higher vaudeville,”in which his,recitations were marked by a dramatic use of gesture and,chant,emphasizing his strong rhythms and syncopation.Eg:,?,Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight,亚伯拉罕,.,林肯走在午夜,;,?,The Congo,刚果,?,The Santa-Fe

34、 Trail,圣诞老人的足迹,49,?,The Chinese Nightingale and Other Poems,中国夜莺及其它,-marked the peak of his artistic achievement:,?,its title poem and The Ghost of Buffaloes,水牛之魂,?,In Praise of Johnny Appleseed,one of his most significant pieces,?,赞扬约翰尼,.,阿普尔希德,?,Later collections with comparatively little value:,?

35、,The Daniel Jazz,预言家的爵士乐,?,The Golden Whales of California,加利福尼亚金鲸,?,Collected Poems,诗集,?,The Candle in the Cabin,小屋里的蜡烛,?,Johnny Appleseed,约翰尼,.,阿普尔希德,?,His prose works include:,?,Adventures While Preaching the Gospel of Beauty,普美之旅,?,A Handy Guide of Beggars,乞丐简便指南手册,?,The Golden Book of Springfie

36、ld,a mystic Utopia based on his gospel of beauty,斯普林,.,费尔德金书,?,The Litany of Washington Street,a book of political essays,华盛顿街连祷,?,His,biography,was written by his friend Edgar Lee Masters,?,Mark Harriss,City of Discontent,an,interpretation of his life and his region,50,Edgar Lee Masters(1869,1950),

37、埃,德加,.,李,.,马斯特斯,?,Kansas-born lawyer in Chicago,?,First entered literature as an avocation,?,A Book of Verse,韵文集,?,Maximilian,blank-verse drama,麦克思米伦,?,Spoon River Anthology,:free-verse epitaph,斯普恩河选集,?,suddenly catapulted into fame,?,The New Spoon River-a bitter commentary on the vicious urban,stan

38、dards of changing America,新斯普恩河,?,Domesday Book,末日裁判书,and its sequel,The Fate of the Jury,陪审团的命运,?,among the best of his later poetry,51,?,other later poetry:,?,Songs and Satires,歌曲与讽刺,?,The Great Valley,大山谷,?,Toward the Gulf,朝向海湾,?,Starved Rock,饥饿的岩石,?,Dramatic poems:,?,Lee,李,?,Jack Kelso,杰克,.,凯尔索,

39、?,Godbey,高德拜,?,Lichee Nuts,里奇怪人,statements of philosophy in the Chinese manner,?,Invisible Landscapes,看不见的风景,?,Poems of People,人们的诗,?,The New World,新世界,panoramas of America and its outstanding figures,?,Illinois Poems,伊利诺里斯诗歌,?,Also wrote prose and novel,52,Carl Sandburg(1878,1967),卡尔,.,桑德堡,?,Americ

40、an modern poet and biographical writer,?,Benefit from his humble personal backgrounds and rich experience,?,Write plain poems for plain people,“,为朴素的人民写朴素的诗”,?,To be sound of the people,成为“人民的声音”,?,Contribution to,colloquial style,of American literature,?,be awarded the American Poetry Society prize

41、 in 1919 and 1920,?,be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his Complete Poems in 1950,?,诗歌全集,53,His works,?,In Reckless Ecstasy,心醉神迷,?,Chicago Poems,芝加哥诗集,?,Famous Imagist poems:,?,Fog,雾,?,Lost,失落,?,The Harbor,港口,Chicago,芝加哥,?,Cool Tombs,清冷的墓,?,I Am the People,the Mob,我是人民群众,?,The People,Yes,人民,是的,?,The

42、American Songbag,美国歌集,-folk songs of cowboys,vagabond and black people,?,Biography of Lincoln(6 volumes),林肯传,?,1 autobiography,?,1 historical novel,?,Cornhuskers,碾米机,?,Smoke and Steel,烟与钢,?,Good Morning,America,早安,美国,?,Collected Poems,诗集,54,Hart Crane(1899,1932),哈特,.,克,兰,/,克莱恩,?,Poor childhood,,,ado

43、lescence and life,?,White Buildings,白色的房屋,-early 23,poems,?,The Bridge,桥,?,He was not approved until 1937.,55,Amy Lowell(1874,1925),艾米,.,洛威尔,?,Female American poet and critic,?,Leading advocator and organizer of Imagist Movement together,with,?,Ezra Pound,?,Amplify Pounds principles for Imagism(36),

44、?,John Keats(1925),济慈传,?,A Dome of Many Colored Glass(1912),彩色玻璃大厦,?,Sword Blades and Poppy Seed(1914),剑刃与罂粟花籽,?,Men,women and Ghosts(1916),男人,女人和幽灵,?,Pictures of the Floating World(1919),浮世图,?,Legend(1921),传奇,56,Hilda Doolittle(1886,1961),(希,尔达,.,杜利特尔),?,Well-known as an American Imagist poet,?,One

45、 major representative of Imagism,?,Once lover and later friend of Ezra Pound,?,H.D.(pen name given by Ezra Pound),?,Trilogy,三部曲,:The Walls Do Not Fall(1944),不倒的墙,?,Tribute to Angles(1945),向天使的献礼,?,The Flowering of the Rod(1946),枝干开花,-,combine personal experience with contemplation on history,Using c

46、lassical images,运用古典意象,:,?,Hymen(1921),海门,?,Heliodora and Other Poems(1924),赫里奥多拉及其它,?,Collected Poems(1925,1940);,诗集,?,Helen in Egypt(1961),海伦在埃及,?,Her long novels:,?,Hedylus(1928),赫迪拉斯,?,Bid Me to Live(1960),叫我活着,57,William Carlos Williams(1883,1963),威廉,.,卡,洛斯,.,威廉斯,?,a most important figure in mo

47、dern American,poetry,?,unique theory on literary composition,?,“say it!,No ideas but in things,.”(Book I,Paterson)“,思想仅寓于事物中”,?,Free verse and,accentual verse,自由体诗、重音诗,?,Famous American poet,58,His works,?,Poem,诗集,诗,?,The Tempers,气质,?,Spring and All,春天及一切,?,A Novelette and Other Prose,一篇中篇小说及其它散文作品,

48、?,Kora in Hell,柯拉在地狱中,?,Collected Earlier Poems,早期诗集,?,Collected Later Poems,晚期诗集,?,The Desert Music,沙漠音乐,?,Journey to Love,爱的旅程,?,Pictures from Breughed,布鲁格尔的名画,?,The Red Wheelbarrow,红色手推车,?,Paterson,佩特森,?,White Mule,小说,白骡,三部曲,?,Many Loves and Other Plays,爱情的梦及其它剧作,?,In the American Grain,美国性格,?,Se

49、lected Essays,散文选,?,Selected Letters,书信选,?,Autobiography,自传,59,Wallace Stevens(1879,1955),华莱士,.,史蒂文斯,?,Unsuccessful lawyer and then worked in insurance company,?,Insurance and poetry,reality and imagination/art,?,value of art and mission of artists,?,duty of poets,?,Harmonium,风琴,(first collection of

50、 his poems at the age of 44),?,Notes toward a Supreme Fiction,关于高度虚构的笔记,?,The Idea of Orders,关于秩序的思想,?,The Man with the Blue Guitar,带蓝吉它的人,?,Parts of a World,一个世界的某些部分,?,Transport to Summer,转入夏季,?,The Auroras of Autumn,秋天的晨曦,?,Collected Poems,诗集,?,Opus Posthumous,遗作集,?,The Necessary Angel,必不可少的安琪儿,6


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