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1、2、各车间工艺流程简述 Brief explanation of process diagram of each plant2.1 总工艺流程图Chief process flow diagram2.2 各车间工艺流程图Each plants process flow diagram2.2.1 油料预处理车间 Pretreatment plant of oil seed2.2.1.1计量measuring:连续自动计量进入生产线的原料 Measure input material and continuously.清理cleaning:去除油料中草屑、枝叶等农业杂质 Remove

2、 grass, branches, leaves or other agriculture impurity from material;除铁 removing steel:去除油料中的铁质杂质 Remove steel from material2.2.1.4去石 removing stone:去除油料中的砂、石 Remove sand and stone in the material2.2.1.5 软化softening:油料升温和调节水分 Heat material and adjust moisture content2.2.1.6轧坯 flaking::压料成薄片,缩

3、短油路 Press material to flakes to shorten oil path2.2.1.7烘干Drying:坯片受热升温、去水,同时内部组织发生变化 Heat flakes to remove moisture. At the same time internal structure of flakes has been changed.冷却:烘干后坯料温度较高,通过风冷降温,同时去除部分水分 Temperature of heated flakes is high, cool them by air and remove moisture inside.2.

4、2.2 浸出车间Extraction plant2.2.2.1 浸出Extraction:用正乙烷对大豆坯浸泡,萃取其中的油脂,分离出混合油和湿粕 Extract extruded Soya flakes by hexane to get oil and separate oil from wet meal混合油蒸发Miscella evaporation:加热混合油(含正已烷的油脂),使其中的正已烷汽化蒸发 Heat miscella (oil with hexane) to evaporate hexane2.2.2.3汽提Steam stripping:利用直接蒸汽进一步

5、蒸发出油中的正已烷 Evaporate hexane farther by direct steam2.2.2.4 真空干燥 Vacuum drying:在一定温度和真空的条件下,脱除油中水分。Under special conditions of temperature and vacuum, remove water away.湿粕脱溶Wet meal desolventizing:采用加热和蒸烘的方法脱除湿粕中所含的正已烷 By heating and toasting wet meal to remove hexane in the meal2.2.2.6溶剂冷凝回收So

6、lvent condensing and recycling:用冷凝和吸收等方法回收蒸发、汽提、脱溶过程中所挥发的溶剂,回收的溶剂再循环使用By condensation , absorption and other ways to recycle hexane volatizing from evaporation, steam stripping and desolventizing for circulation 系统产生的含溶尾气经石蜡回收后排放。Hexane in the tail gas from extraction system will be absorbed

7、 first, and be vented later.2.2.3 大豆粕包装车间 Soya meal packing plant2.2.3.1输送Transportation::粕从浸出车间输送到粕冷却车间 Transport meal from extraction plant to meal cooling plant2.2.3.2 冷却:粕进入冷粕机再一次得到冷却,以便保证贮藏质量。粉碎Meal breaking: 利用粉碎机粉碎大豆粕,以便贮藏包装 Break Soya meal by breaker for convenient packing and storage2.2.3.4定量包装Quantifying and packing: 按kg/包80kg/包自动打包 Automatically pack meal as 50kg per bag80kg per bag2.2.3.5除尘Dust removing: 设备运转时气流带走一些粕粉,利用除尘器进行捕集 Air coming from machines carries lots of meal powder, and collect them by clone


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