1、258 第三届果蔬加工技术与产业化国际研讨会论文中真空常温快捷脱水技术陈澍1侯梦斌1杨宗龙2(福建省金方舟中医药研究所1 福清隆裕食品有限公司2350004)摘要为了解决多种易变、变质的物料在采用传统加热方法脱水时,易ffj现质量降低问题,特 设计r“巾真空常温快捷脱水技术”。结果显示,本技术能使物料在中真牵环境(213kPa)、常 温状态(2050)、短时间(0 53h)内完成脱水,并能较好保留物料固有的色、香、味、形,同时 使产晶具有良好卫生质量,而H可以采用燃煤、燃油等廉价能源。采用本技术时,其脱水成本与 采用传统加热脱水技术时相比,二者基奉相当或略高。关键词脱水中真空常温1前言在多种产
2、品加工中,脱水工艺常是决定生产效率、产品品质、加工成本的蘑要因素。现 在,工业上通常都采用加热蒸发的方法使物料脱水干燥。但是,传统加热脱水工艺都存在热 传递速度慢,能耗大,效率低;温度高,加热不均匀,产品质量不稳定等难以解决的问题。同 时,传统加热蒸发脱水法虽然热源较廉价,但往往不适于受热易变质的物料的脱水加工。所 以,近年来,医药行业为了保存一些珍贵的生物制品的活性,开发了“真空冷冻干燥”工艺与 设备。但是,真空冷冻于燥工艺复杂,设备要求高,造价昂贵,脱水速率低,耗时长,造成产品 加工成本居高不下,无法推广应用于普通大宗产品的干燥加工。因此,针对那些加热易变质的普通大宗产品,有必要在传统加热
3、脱水工艺技术与真空冷 冻脱水工艺技术之问,寻找一个契合点,获得种性能,价格比相对较优越的脱水新工艺、新 设备。“中真空常温快捷脱水技术”即是一种兼容r传统加热脱水低成本优势与真空冷冻干 燥高品质优势,克服f-者缺点,可以满足多种高要求物料加工需要,性能良好,价格合理的 脱水新技术。2技术说明中真空常温快捷脱水技术,即能在中真空环境中(213kPa),常温状态下(2050C),较短时间(053h)内,使物料完成脱水的工艺技术。 对于加热易变质的大宗产品,采用中真空常温快捷脱水技术,即可获得类比于真空冷冻于燥的良好品质,而且产品脱水效率高,加工成本仅略高于传统加热脱水成本或基本相当。 通过表1的简
4、略对比,可以明显看出“中真空常温快捷脱水技术”具有较理想的性能价格比 优势。中真空常温快捷脱水技术259中真窄常温短时脱水技术的性能、价格优势来源于真空度的合理选择与所用能源的合 理选择(一般而占,采用电能脱水时,脱水成本大于0 8元kgH,O;采用燃煤作为脱水能源 叫,脱水成本小于02元k州:0)。其中,当真空度选择在2341234kPa中真空范围内时, 水在2050即沸腾蒸发(水的沸点与环境气压的关系如表2所示)。对于绝大多数品种的 食品、农副产品、药材等等物料,在如50温度范围内是不易发生热变性的;而且由于物 料处于低氧状态下,也杜绝了氧化变质的发生。同时,当物料处于真空环境中时,由于物
5、料 深层分压大于表面分压,促使物料深层水分向表层迅速扩散,使物料的脱水速率能一直保持 在较快的恒速脱水阶段,大大提高了物料的干燥效率,降低了产品脱水成本。表2 水的沸点与气压的对应值水的沸点()0 5 10 15 20253035加 对应膻(kPa)0 61 O 89 】23】70 2 343 174 24 5 627 37 水的沸点()45 5055 - - 100 对应气压(kPa) 9 5812 3415 74101 32为r保证物料中水分持续脱除,必须不断为物料提供热能,使物料温度保持在不低于该 气压F水的沸点的状态下。由于在巾真空环境中,热对流现象仍十分明显,传热效果好(高 真空环境
6、下无热对流),因此中真空脱水设备对加热装置的要求较为宽松,多种加热装置均 能使用,较容易获得设计要求温度。中真空环境也较高真空环境容易获得。这都为“中真空 常温快捷脱水设备”制造难度和造价的降低奠定了良好基础,并有利于降低脱水成本。因此,中真空常温快捷脱水技术具有脱水效率高,产品质量好,脱水成本低的优点,确保了该技术在多个行业、多种产品加工中的推广应用。3中真空常温快捷脱水设备根据不同产品脱水加工需要,中真空常温快捷脱水没备可设计为批量式生产机型和连 续式生产机型;根据不同产品脱水温度要求以及加热装置的不同,可构成远红外中真空、微 波中真空、热管加热中真空常温快捷脱水设备等等设备类型。其中,连
7、续式微波中真空常温快捷脱水设备的技术水平属于国际领先地位。该设备是 一条由多个相同的功能单元联结构成的生产线,可根据产品产量的多少进行积木式安装,以 达到鼹合理、经济投资的目的。连续式微波中真空常温快捷脱水生产线采用微波加热装置,具有多种独特优势: (1)微波加热具有选择性,会优先选择加热水分子,从而保护了物料中芳香油、天然色素260第三届果蔬加工技术与产业化国际研讨会论文等热敏性成分。 (2)微波加热具有穿透性,可对块状、大颗粒状、膏状等传统加热法难以均匀、快速加热的物料,进行迅速、整体加热。 (3)由于微波加热的物料深层温度高于表层温度,促进了物料深层水分向表层的迁移、扩散、蒸发,可使物料
8、整体脱水效率大幅度提高。(4)微波加热的瞬时高效性,使物料内水分迅速汽化蒸发,造成物料的“微膨化”效果,能大大提高食品、农副产品等干燥后的复水性、速溶性。(5)微波场传递是瞬间性的,因此可以精密控制微波加热程度,并使加热装置极易实现自动化控制。(6)微波独有的在较低温度下的高效、广谱杀菌功能尤其对食品、农副产品而言,可以 使产品获得良好的卫生质量。连续式微波中真空常温快捷脱水生产线每个功能单元的标准设汁为:功率12kW,脱水量lOkg每小时。但是,又由于微波泄漏会对人体健康造成危害,因此对微波加热腔的加”E精度要求极 高;而且微波发生源较常规加热源昂贵,所以微波加热装置的投资较高。若要降低投资
9、成本,叮以采用热水管加热,利用射流泵热水的余热,通过热对流效应加 热物料,也可获得较均匀的加热效果。4中真空常温快捷脱水技术的应用中真空常温快捷脱水技术在很多价值较高的食品、农副产品的脱水加工中均显示出独 特的优势。若能根据不同品种物料特性,合理选择恰当的工艺,设计、使用恰当的脱水设备 机型,将能获得质量、成本更令人满意的加工效果。41在富含糖、胶质类成分的物料脱水中的应用栗果是著名的“干果之王”,富含糖分,易被霉菌寄生而变质,故而栗果鲜果常被脱水千 制,以延长其保质期。但栗果的高糖特性又使之不宜采用传统加热法脱水。因此,可采用连 续式远红外中真空常温快捷脱水生产线进行栗果的脱水千制。经脱水处
10、理4050nfin后, 栗果的含水量即降至加左右,即使产品保持了较好的咀嚼适口性及原有风味、色泽,也有 效延长了栗果保质期,并使产品质量达到国际市场要求标准,而每千克产品的脱水成本仅为060 5f:kg,为扩大栗果产品市场销路,实现栗果更大增值创造了条件。连续式远红外(或微波)中真空常温快捷脱水生产线还可以应用于绿葡萄干、桂圆干、荔枝干、原味红薯干等高糖、多胶质产品的脱水加工,使产品最大限度地保持固有的天然色泽和风味。42在富含易挥发、易分解、易变性等热敏性成分的物料脱水中的应用 传统生产速溶柑橘粉时,多采用喷雾干燥法脱水,但往往造成柑橘粉中维生素C以及风味性挥发油的损失,使产品风味降低。传统
11、工艺为弥补这一缺陷,往往要向柑橘粉中添加 人工合成的维生素和柑橘皮挥发油提取物。若采用连续式微波中真空常温快捷脱水技术生产速溶柑橘粉,不仅能使物料迅速脱水,并使产品产生微膨化、增溶效果,提高了产品干燥后的复水性(速溶性),更保留了产品固有中真空常温快捷脱水技术261的热敏性天然、完全风味、营养,而且具备了良好卫生质量,同时脱水成本也低于传统喷雾干 燥成本。若采用燃煤取代电能,采用由射流泵热水余热加热的热管取代微波加热,不仅可以大大提高设备的脱水能力(脱水量达到lth),也使脱水成本更低。陔工艺以及设备还可用于速溶茶粉、薄荷、绿叶蔬菜、姜粉、蒜粉等产品的脱水干制。43在富含单宁类物质,易发生褐变
12、的物料脱水中的应用 传统生产休闲水果脆片(山梨片、苹果片等等)时,都是将预处理后的水果片经冷冻干燥脱水至水果片含水量约18tj,J,再经油炸膨化。但水果片采用冷冻干燥脱水工艺,设备投 资大,脱水效率低,成本偏高,造成产品价格过高,不适应市场消费要求。因此,有必要改用 中真牢常温快捷脱水技术,配合微波无水漂烫灭酶前处理工艺、微波砂烫膨化工艺生产休闲 水果脆片。经全套工艺以及配套流水线处理,即可得到色泽鲜明、风味浓郁纯正、口感酥脆、不含油 脂的健康绿色而且价格低廉的休闲水果脆片产品。中真空常温快捷脱水技术与其他前处理、后续加工工艺配合,还可应用于多种易发生褐变的物料,例如:低糖红薯干、淮山片、香菇
13、、原笋干等等产品的脱水加工。4 4在黏稠的、传热慢、高温易变质的浆状、糊状、粉状物料脱水中的应用 即食米粉是喂养婴幼儿的主要固体食物,也是许多病患人群、老年人群必需的重要半流质辅助食品。国内的米粉生产企业由于受到传统生产工艺、技术以及生产设备的限制,只能 采用喷雾干燥技术生产粉状米粉产品,或采用转鼓干燥技术生产片状米粉产品。采用这些 传统工艺技术牛产出的米粉产品在质量上远远无法与国外同类产品(例如:美国“亨氏”品 牌)卡H比。因此,要生产出能与国外产品质量相媲美的米粉产品,必须改用中真空常温快捷 脱水生产技术。,采用中真空常温快捷脱水技术生产即食米粉产品时,在生产线设备投资仅为国外同类 生产线
14、投资额的10条件下,即可生产出与“亨氏”产品相同的光滑、均匀薄片状、冲调不结 块、食用后不“上火”、可添加多种全价蔬菜、水果等营养辅料的即食米粉产品,而产品价格较 “亨氏”产品价格降低了20以上。该工艺及生产线还可用于山楂片、果丹皮、纸状果蔬片、魔芋粉、螺旋藻粉等产品的加:。,例如在山楂片的生产中,传统生产工艺是将山楂浆涂布在玻璃板上,采用低温烘箱缓慢 烘T的,生产效率极低,而且产品卫生质量差。若采用中真空常温快捷脱水技术生产山楂 片,不仅产品品质可以达到国际市场要求,更能提高生产效率lO倍以上。45在富含油脂、蛋白质的物料脱水中的应用 禽类脂肪熔点低(约为32),生制品富含蛋白质,极易热变性
15、或受到微生物污染而腐败,因此传统板鸭生制品的制做都选择在秋冬季节,利用自然“霜风”脱水干制。这就造成传 统板鸭产品只能季节性加工,而且生产周期长,卫生质量差,产品无法异地、跨季节贮运、销 售,制约了板鸭加工业的现代工业化发展。因此,应采用批量式远红外中真空常温快捷脱水 工艺、设备取代传统“霜风”干燥,实现板鸭生制品常年化、规模化、现代化生产。经实践证明,板鸭经34小时的中真空常温脱水处理,即可达到终产品水分含量要求,较传统霜风脱水法或热泵脱水法等提高效率1030倍,而且每只板鸭产品的脱水成本仅为262 第三届果蔬加工技术与产业化国际研c可会论文030元左右。批量式远红外(或微波)中真空常温快捷
16、脱水设备还可以应用于生板鸡、生腊肉、香肠、火腿、肉干(脯)、鱼干、虾干、各种贝类干制品(例如:牡蛎、干贝、鲍鱼等)、奶酪等产品的脱水。46在富含活性成分的物料脱水中的应用地龙的药效成分即为其所含的活性生物酶。该成分极不耐热,而且生鲜地龙作为动物 蛋白体也不易贮存,因此需要采用低温干燥法保存全地龙,以获得最高药用价值。但若采用 真空冷冻干燥法干燥全地龙,会使产品成本过高,而且产量较低,不能适应市场需求。所以, 可以采用批量式微波中真空常温快捷脱水设备进行全地龙的干制。经45小时的中真空 常温脱水,即可获得全地龙干品,产品质量及药理校价与真空冷冻干燥的产品相当,而成本 仅为真空冷冻干燥的13左右。
17、该技术、设备还可应用于人参、天麻、蛤士蟆、蜂王浆、固体蜂蜜等等珍贵药材的脱水干制。5结语中真空常温快捷脱水技术与其他工艺配合应用,构成全新的生产技术体系,可以实现多 种产品高品质、高效率、低成本的生产,其应用前景是极其厂阔的。The quick drying technology at room temperature and Middle vacuumChen ShuMengbing Hou Zonglong Yang(JinFangZhou Chinese Medical Herb Research Institute FuJian province,China Fuqing IDngYu
18、 Food Co,Ltd,Fimhou,Fujian province,China 350004)Abstract In order to solve the problem that manifold product(for instance:foodstuff、agricultural pmd uc!、crude drags and SO 011)could be deteriorative when it has been dried ttmoLIgIl the tradition hnating techn ology we exploit the quick dlyig techno
19、logy at room temperature and middle vacllUlll ne 1ethnology works in middle vacutml(213kPa)it could d州the pnxluo at Toom temperature(2050)in 0 53 hoursAnd the technology could use the cheap fud likes coal、oil dc The cost cdmpa而son belween the technology and the tradition heating technology,theres no
20、 large differenceKey words Drying technology,middle vat2uulll,Toom IU-,11lperdllfe1 Introduction。lhe drying technology always decides the efficiency of processthe quality of product and the cost of production at the processIn factory,the tradition heating technology has usually to dry the prod uct,b
21、ut the tradition heating technology not suit to dry the lr,nst of the product that could be detefiora中真空常温快捷脱水技术263 tiveSo the freezedrying technology was exploited,it could preserve the,vitality of the medicinalBut the freezedrying technology not suit to dried the most of the ordinary productWheref
22、ore,we exploit the quick drying technologyat r(g)nl tellperature and middle vacuum,and it has both of the low cost and the high quality at the stile timeThe quick thying technology at FOOlll temperature and middle vacuum could drying the product atFoom temperature(2050)in middle vacuuln(213KPA)in 05
23、3 hoursFrom the table 1we CElll fin(1 out the superiority of the technologyThe function and price sui)eriority of the quick drying technology at rooln temperature and middle vaeuLUll stem from the reasonable selection of the VflCllHnl and the energy sources I)e usedWhell the vacutlnin 2 341234kPathe
24、 water WOuldtianspire at 2050卟etable 2 showsthe relationof the water txfiling lwfint and the atmosphereTable IThe short contrast 0f three technolo#eslechnolt蝌7rheTheThe energyThe changeThe tem ExpendThe quality The cost ofnamealhemre。luire鲫 beof the wa-peratum nftime ofprxJductdryingof NleRtofused t
25、er pha靶the mr dried ()working。m11Pnnlat pluct(hour)(kPa) d邢ng at d叫1ngThequick 2 34Heating Coal、burnt Liquid 如50 0 53 Good 130 dB,ing 12 34equipnm oilohase tot。【hnologynt,the eld:tricitygtlsat drawsucessphasefor Iddlemad nth埘lelIeating air抽ctml htt31t篆墨篙箸The610ElHtricity SolidI”260 524(硎gSHCCeto ga,
26、usDhtechnologvkh叽m豢淼篓264 第三届果蔬加工技术与产业化国际研讨会论文Table 2 The relation 0f the waWr bomng point and the atmosphere型坐盟05101520,253035 40Th8 water boiling61 0 891231702 343 17 4 245 627 37The atmosphem(kPa)0IllatPr l”iling point()45 5055 1()0+rhe aUnccspheTe(kP“ 9 5812 3415 74+ 101 32At 2050and in the vacuu
27、m,the denaturation would not happened on that the most of the foodstuff、agricultural products、crude drags ere,and the efficiency of process would be raised,the cost of production at the process would be reducedDuring the drying process,it lnusl be supplied the energy for evaFn-ationIn the middle vac
28、uum,the convection of the heat energy is also existentSo in the system of the quick drying technology at room tempemtare and middle vaeuull,the most of the tm dition heating equipment could be usedBecause all of these,the systenl would made be easily,tlecosb of the system and the drying process woul
29、d be,educed3 The system of the technology0n the base of the different demands of the product drying prrx?ess or the heating equipment,the system of the quick drying technology at iY)om teinperature and middle vacuum can tse made many typesfor instance:wtiepowaYemiddle vacuum or infraredrniddle vacuu
30、m or heating tubFmiddle vacuum drying system and SO on And the technology level of the microwavemiddle vacuumdrying system leads to internationalThe microwavemiddle vacuum drying system is 811 automation line,this line is made up of some function unitswhich ale connected to boxformed tunnel and 1aid
31、 in a 1ine horizontallyThe function0f the microwave iS as follows:(1)During the product drying process,the nficmwave first heat on the intemal water,the ate。matie and the chmmatophom could be protected(2)The microwave Call quickly heat the inner of the big size product,and prevent browning(3)The nli
32、crowave call raised the drying efficiency(4)The water would obtain huge energy of the microwaveWhen the water transpired,volume expanded1d broke the long fiber of the product,foml the nmltipo,vd struetule,then the micro expremed effect,it Call enhaneed the dismlution of the product(5)The microwave e
33、quipment can be antonmtie eontmlled(6)The microwave has the two functions:heat sterilization and biosterilization,it Sail kill alnlost at!kind of bacterial in the pnxtuet。The design of the microwavemiddle vacuum drying system function unit:the microwave 12kW,the drying ability:10kgh1f could employ t
34、he heating tube equipment,the costs of the system and the drying process wouldbe redueed中真空常温快捷脱水技术 2654The application of the technology(1)lhe technology apply to the product which full of pectin,saccharide,There is a shon exampie thai the drying pmcess of the chestnutlhe chestrlUt full of saeehafi
35、de,arid the chestnut always dried to prolong the storage lifeBut ifdrying the chestnut through the tradition heatdrying technology,that is inadvisable&)in the drying process of the chestnut,could use the quick drying technology at room temperature and middle vaetmln and the mien)wavemiddle vaeuttm d
36、ing system or the irlfhredrniddlevacuum drying systeluWIlen the(hying process l口sted 4050rain,the water content of the chestnut descends to aboutuD of 20For the technology,the quality of the chestnut milS to the international standardThe technology and the system couht also apply to the dry green gr
37、ape、the dry longan、the dry litchi、tbe dry sweet potato etc(2)The technology apply to the product which fldI of the component that is volatile、resolvableThere is a short example thai the drying process of the orange powderIn the tradition prseess,the vitamin C and the naphtha of relish in the orange
38、powder always lost If could use the quick dDing technoh)gy at room temperature and middle vacuum and the microwave middle vaeuunl drying system,the quality of the orange powder must be raised,and the cost of the product nlust be mdocedIf a(h)pt tbe heating tuberTlid(1le vacuum drying system and use
39、coal to dried the orange powder,the yield would be advanced(the drying ability teach to lth),mid the cost of the drying processwould be reducedThe technology and the system could aI“)apply to the tea powder、mint、greenery vegetable、garlicpower、ginger powder eR:(3)The technology apply to the prtwluct
40、which full of the component that would bmwningThereis a shorl example that the drying process of the dry fruit pieceIn lhe tradition pmeess,the fruit piece must he dried with the freezedrying technologyAnd when the water content of the fruit piece descends to about up of 18,then fried the fruit piec
41、eBut the cost of the tradition prrx:ess is very costly,SO itS reasonable and essential that use the quick dry ing technology at room temperature and middle vaeutml and the systenl in the drying process of the fruitpieceCooperate with the other process of fi3reelosum,the technology and the system cou
42、ld also apply to the prrxtuct which could browning like the dry sweet potato、the Chinese yam piece、the dry bamboo shoot、the dry dawdle(4)The technology apply to the product which is seFous or mushy or farinaceousThere is a shaftexamplethat the drying process of the fstfood nutrient ground riceThe fa
43、stfood nutrient ground rice is a kind of cardinal solid food or important semifluid supplementary food foI山e b8bies、the elder and the sick266 第三届果蔬加工技术与产业化国际研讨会论文For thetrietion of the tradition technology and the equipment,the factories of Ctlina cannot piwluce the quality of the fastfocd nutrient
44、ground rice as same as the congener product that produced by the foreign factory“yetIn order lo produce the quality of the fasffood nutrient ground rice could compare beauty with the congener product that produced by the foreign factory likes the USA Henze(Group)Co,Ltd,lhe quick drying teclmology at roonl temperature and nfiddle vaculLrTa must be usedThe system of the quick drying technology at rooln temperature and middle VaCHURl for the pnMuc tion of the fastfood nutrient ground rice;its cost is just 10of the cost that the foreign factoryS prM uct line And the quality of the fastfood nutr