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1、英语专业高年级学生思维能力与跨文化交际能力的培养,文秋芳北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心,普通高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地北京外国语大学 中国外语教育研究中心,发言提纲,对英语专业培养目标的理解英语专业毕业生存在的两个主要问题对问题的思考及解决问题的建议,第一部分,对英语专业培养目标的理解,英语教学大纲:一、培养目标.这些人才应具有扎实的基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关专业知识、较强的能力和较高的素质。也就是要在打好扎实的英语语言基本功和牢固掌握英语专业知识的前提下,拓宽人文学科知识和科技知识,掌握与毕业后所从事的工作有关的专业基础知识,注重培养获取知识的能力、独立思考的能力和创新能力,

2、提高思想道德素质、文化素质和心理素质。(第一页),“以人的发展为本”的原则,60年代-70年代末:以语法结构为纲忽视语言结构的交际功能,只强调结构,而忽视意义;忽视语言交际的真实性,为学结构而学习结构80年代开始:以功能为纲忽视语言交际的真实性,因为单一功能难以完成某个交际任务90年代:强调知识的复合共同弊端 过分强调语言内在的规律与市场需要的知识结构,而不考虑人的全面发展,人生观与世界观,终生学习与研究能力,语言形式 语言内容 知识/技能 知识/思维,英语专业培养目标,语言形式:准确性、流利性、多样性、得体性语法、词汇、语音语调听、说、读、写、译语言内容:言之有物、言之有理知识面宽广人文/科

3、技古代/现代中国/外国,思维能力逻辑思维能力:条理性/精确性/统一性辩证思维能力:灵活性/全面性/深刻性创新思维能力:探索性/多样性/不定性/批判性人生观与世界观自我:自信、自尊、自律;正直、诚实、谦虚;坚强、勇敢;有决心、有毅力、吃苦耐劳.人际关系:平等、仁爱、宽容;善协作,能领导.人与社会的关系:爱国心、责任心、献身精神、尊重多 元文化、民主意识、法律意识.人与自然的关系:环保/生态/可持续发展意识.,终生学习/研究能力善于向别人学习独立学习/自我评价运用字典运用参考书运用图书/网络资料写摘要/记笔记发现问题收集数据,第二部分,英语专业毕业生存在的问题,问题一,“思辩缺席症”,问题二,跨文


5、比较困难。,外语水平与思维关系,外语水平与思维的关系比较复杂与母语与思维的关系有相同之处,也有不同之处有可能用较简单的语言从事相对比较复杂的思维活动,教育与思维能力发展的关系,学生思维能力的发展应该随着教育水平的提高而提高,思维能力发展的阶段性,辩证逻辑思维 形式逻辑思维形象思维,抽象思维,学习内容,输入:多为故事、科普文章、新闻;很少说理性强的论说文输出:日常生活话题、简单议题,学习方法,模仿 记忆 复述,实证数据,中国大学生英语写作能力发展的规律与特点(教育部人文社科项目01JA740030)中国大学生英语口语能力发展的规律与特点(社科项目04BYY039),中国大学生英语写作能力发展的规

6、律与特点,研究对象14年级英语专业学生120 out of 236:每个年级随机挑选30名学生,数据收集,2002年春季开学初,写作课教师分别在各自的班级要求学生就所给的题目在50分钟内写出300字左右的作文。,作文要求,有些人认为接受教育就是上大学,或者是得到一份好工作的必备条件,但是大多数人认为教育是终身之事。你认为教育对现代成人的重要性是什么?以终身教育为题写一篇300字左右的作文。,数据分析,作文内容参数文章切题性:审题观点明确性:立意篇章连贯性:布局说理透彻性:论述,文章切题性,关键概念终身教育现代成年人概念之间的关系终身教育对现代成年人的重要性,切题性上存在的问题,对关键概念加工深

7、度不够,准确性不高对概念之间的关系理解不准确,Misinterpret the key concepts,Lifelong education EducationA modern adult person a person,Lifelong education education,Ones life is limited,but the knowledge isnt.We cant learn all the knowledge in our lifetime but we can have our lifetime full of knowledge.Education is a metho

8、d to get knowledge and has lots of positive effects on us(No.3 Grade One),A modern adult person a person,In a word,education does a lot of good to children as well as modern adult persons.For everybody,it is a lifelong process which should be persisted in.(No.27,Grade 3),Misinterpret the relation be

9、tween the concepts,Briefly,education can be divided into three major processes in ones life.In the primary process,especially in ones studying period,a person must study from the basic and simple home education to the systematical school and college studiesIn the second process,people are to establi

10、sh ones career(No.15,Grade 4),Relevance,1.7%(2)(totally irrelevant)21.7%(26)(education)23.3%(28)(what a lifelong education is)25%(30)(a person)28.3%(34)(correct),Problems in Sufficiency,illogical reasoningInappropriate examplesWithout supporting evidence,Illogical reasoning(1),In a word,if making mo

11、ney is a lifelong process,why education cannot be a lifelong process.After all,it can help you make money,isnt it?(No.2,Grade 1),Illogical reasoning(2),If there were no education in the world,there would be no people in the world because education teaches us the common sense of the world.(No.15 Grad

12、e 2),Inappropriate examples,For some reasons people may quit school at early ages.However,they can actually find that the chances of getting educated lie in their whole life.For instance,many people who have physical disadvantages,like Zhang Haidi,keep seeking knowledge(No.18 Grade 4),Without suppor

13、ting evidence,Moreover,the world is approaching an information age with great changes that take place every day.What once has already learned is far from enough to use in social life.Unless they regard education reception as a lifelong process(No.18 Grade 4),Sufficiency,15.8%(19)(illogical reasoning

14、+no substantiation)16.7%(20)(partial reasoning logical+no substantiation)26.7%(32)(Logical reasoning+no substantiation)26.7%(32)(logical reasoning+partial substantiation)14.1%(17)(logical reasoning+complete substantiation),Counter argument,These pieces of evidence cannot prove English majors are poo

15、r in thinking We do not know how they think in Chinese.We do not know how other majors write on this same topic.,Question,If English majors produce such compositions for four years,what kind of impact on their thinking development?,Analogy,Imagine two groups of secondary school graduatesEnglish majo

16、rs are in a dark room for four years while other majors in the daylight for four years.What will happen to these two groups of students?,问题二,跨文化交际能力不强,Rules in intercultural communication,The rules of the target language are not the norms for intercultural communication in many cases.The rules are r

17、esulting from the interaction of the cultures of interlocutors.,Intercultural rules,L6L7L8L9L10,L1L2L3L4L5,Open,dynamic,on-line generated,Scenarios,1.One Swedish manager is talking to one Chinese staff member in a branch of Erisson in Nanjing2.One Japanese employer is talking to one Mexico employee

18、in English in a branch of Toyota in California.3.One Australian,one Canadian,one American,one Chinese,one Korean,one Indian,one Japanese,one Malaysian,one Israeli and one Norwegian are having a discussion on a joint research project for the first time.The Norwegian is the team leader.,Warschauer(200

19、0)When he worked in Cairo,Egyptian colleagues regularly revised the English language written correspondence of Americans to help ensure that it met the standards of pragmatics and politeness of English language communication in Egypt,even if that communication was directed from one American to anoth

20、er.,Intercultural competence,Speaking abilityFlexibility Clarifying/Negotiating Willing to compriseTolerance Empathy Egalitarian attitude Listening abilitySensitivity Multi-perspective Knowledge of dif.cultures,第三部分,解决问题的建议,建议一,必须要有好教材,高等院校英语专业立体化系列教材,教育整体性语言能力,思维能力,知识面,人生观/世界观,终生学习能力语言国际性 多元文化交际双向性 中外文化的平衡英译中/中译英资源立体性内容可教性,建议二,必须迅速提高教师专业化水平,提高教师专业化水平,重新认识语言的三重功能有意识提高教师本身的思维能力与跨文化交际能力改革教学方法,交际功能信息功能思维功能,课程体系的创新性课程内容的系统性课程设置的平台性课程结构的贯通性教学资源的多元性材料组织的真实性课程建设的技术性,


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