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1、Construction Plan施工方案Construction Plan施工方案Section 1.0Plasterboard Partition on Metal Stud第一节轻钢龙骨隔断施工方案1。1 Requirement of Materials, Components andFittings材料及构配件要求 Each kind of stud, fittings and surface materials should accord with the current requirement。 Re-testing will be conducted when more than

2、 500 square meters manmade boards are used. Provide test report of TVOC and formaldehyde for waterbased adhesive。各类龙骨,配件和罩面材料及胶粘剂的材质应符合现行要求。人造板材使用量大于500平米时应进行复检;水性胶粘剂必须有TVOC和甲醛检测报告. Filled with insulation material: The glass wool, rock wool, etc。 should be consistent with the design requirements填充隔音

3、材料:玻璃棉,岩棉等应符合设计要求.1。2Main Equipment and Tools主要机具 Electrical machine & tools: Electrical saw, Hand-held electric drill, impacting drill, DC welding machine, and cutting machine电动机具:电锯,手电钻,冲击电钻,直流电焊机,切割机。 Manual tool: manual saw, pliers, riveter, screwdriver, level and steel level手动工具:手锯,钳子,拉铆钳,螺丝刀,靠

4、尺,钢水平尺。1。3 Metal Stud Installation龙骨安装The type, size, color of the materials and the structure fixing method of the partition should comply with the design。 隔断工程应用材料的品种、规格、颜色以及隔断的构造固定方法应符合设计要求。As per the drawings, setting lines on the cleaned floor for the wall locating and drawing out the locations

5、 of doors, windows and preformedopenings.按图纸要求,在清洁干净的地面上放墙位线定位,并标出门、窗及预留孔位置,确定墙体位置Install the top and bottom studs at the wall location, screws shall be used to fix the studs and the space between screws is 600mm。在墙体位置上安装沿地、沿顶龙骨,固定龙骨采用螺钉固定,螺钉间距为600mm。The vertical studs will be installed into the top

6、 and bottom studs, adjusting the dimensions and verticality, the vertical studs by the walls will be fixed by screw every 800mm and the other vertical studs by rivets. When the studs located at doors, windows and the preformed openings, additional studs will be added and to be fixed by rivets。竖向龙骨的上

7、、下两端插入沿地、顶龙骨,按要求调整尺寸,放垂直,靠墙两边的竖龙骨,用螺钉将其固定,钉距800mm,其它龙骨采用抽心铆钉固定。但当龙骨位置在门口、窗口或其他预留孔时,主要加撑并用铆钉固定。1.4 Gypsum Board 石膏板安装 Installation安装The gypsum board should be installed in vertical and the sealed edge of the board should be parallel with the vertical metal stud. 25mm screws should be installed to fir

8、m the gypsum boards on metal stud along the centerline of the vertical stud flange将石膏板边(有封口的一边)与竖向龙骨平行。对准竖向龙骨翼缘的中心线上,用25mm螺钉固定。The selftapping screw to the edge of boards should be within 10 to 16 mm。 The center screws will be every 300mm and the surround screws 200 mm自攻螺钉与石膏板边缘距离不得小于10mm,也不得大于16mm.

9、螺钉固定位置中距为300mm,周边间距为200mm。When fixing the boards, the work should be done from the middle to the long and short edges; after screw drove in, the heads should be slightly submerged into the board but not more than 1。5 mm broken the face paper. 固定板时,应从一块板的中部向长边及短边固定,螺钉就位后,钉头略埋入板内.埋入深度不大于1.5mm,并不能破坏纸面.

10、The joints of gypsum boards should be tight, but not press them into the position。石膏板对接时应靠紧,但不能强压就位.The joints of the boards should be staggered and the both sides board joints should not be on the same studs。墙面对接缝应错开,墙两面的接缝不能落在同一条竖龙骨上。The external corner of gypsum boards should be metal protected.石

11、膏板墙阳角须使用金属护角包角。 Treatment and Making up of the Joints处理接缝The concave area at the gypsum board joints should be caulked by special sticky paste through wide putty knife.在石膏板对接所形成的接缝用宽刮刀均匀地添上专用粘接剂粘接。Plastering the centerline of punched paper tape align with joints, squeezing the sticky paste into the

12、holes by wide scraper. Removing all the residual paste and the air holes under the paper tape, the scraper will be 45 degrees to the wall. Sufficient sticky paste should be squeezed in to ensure the strength of the joints.将穿孔纸带的中线对准接缝,用宽刮刀按入接缝粘固粉。用刮刀顺着接缝刮去多余的粘固粉并除去纸带下的气泡,刮刀应与接缝约成45度角。纸带下应留有足够的粘固粉,以使

13、接缝 粘合牢固。Scraping very thin sticky paste on the paper tape avoiding the tape crinkling and cracking。 The dry out will be waiting (normally foronehour)。立即刮上薄薄一层粘固粉.这可以防止纸带的边卷起或起皱,以免裂开。等待干燥(在正常条件下需要1小时)。After drying out, plaster the second layer of sticky paste 150mm wider than the first and waiting fo

14、r it drying out. 燥后用抹刀再抹上第二层接缝粘固粉,比第一层宽150mm,等其干燥。When the second sticky grease dried out, coating again the third layer of sticky paste at least 50 mm wider than the secondary layer. The residual paste should be removed and finish the surface smoothly。等第二层干燥后,用抹刀再抹上一层粘固粉,应比前一层至少宽50mm.刮去接缝上多余的粘固粉,使表

15、面平整光滑。After the sticky paste totally dried out, 150 sandpaper will be used to finish the joints smoothly。完全干燥后,用砂纸板与接缝成对角轻轻打磨,以使表面平滑。应使用150号砂纸。In order to obtain the optical plane face, the joints should avoid。 If inevitable, the method same as concave edge joints will be used to jointing on the stu

16、ds, but special sticky grease should be increased to 600 mm wide. As the wider sticky grease will be good for smoothing the finished surface.为了取得最佳整修平面,应尽量避免对接缝。如果无法避免,可采用与凹陷边缘接缝相同的方式在龙骨框上进行对接,但是盖缝粘固粉需加宽到600mm.加宽的盖缝粘固粉有助于取得平整光滑的表面。For inner corners, plastering sticky paste on corner sides, the middl

17、e folded paper tapes are put into corners by scraper or angled tools. When total dry, plastering again and being sure this layer is wider than the first. Sandpaper finishing must be done when it dried totally内角的处理.用宽刮刀在墙角的两边刮上粘固粉。将纸带沿中心线折起,然后用刮刀或角度工具按入粘固粉。完全干燥一再刮上一层粘固粉,确保边缘宽于前一层。完全干燥后用砂纸轻轻打磨。For ext

18、ernal corners, plastering sticky pastes onto the metal protective corner sides and squeeze paste into the holes. When total dry, second plaster should be done and the second be wider than the first. Sandpaper finishing is done when it dried totally。 外角的处理.用宽刮刀在钉在墙角上的护角两边刮上粘固粉,刮时用力将粘粉压入护角的孔眼。干燥后再用平抹刀

19、刮上一层粘固粉,边缘应宽于前一层。完全干燥后用砂纸轻轻打磨。Treatment to screw holes, plaster 3 times sticky paste on the holes, the way is same as that for joints。 Every plaster should be 25 mm wider than the former one. When dried out, sand paper work lightly。螺丝孔钉的处理。在螺丝孔上刮上三层粘固粉,方法与接缝相同.每层粘固粉应宽于前一层25mm。完全干燥后用砂纸轻轻打磨.The decora

20、tion work could be done directly on the gypsum board when the joint treatment finished.接缝处理完毕之后可以直接在石膏板表面进行装饰. QualityRequirement质量要求Finished gypsum board wall should be plane, vertical, neat and without any deformation.完成后的石膏板表面应表面平整、立面垂直、无翘曲、观感洁净.The gaps of the boards should be even and smooth。在板

21、与板之间的接缝抹灰处应宽窄一致、平直光滑。The light steel joist must be strong, plane and straight, with sufficient bearing capacity。 轻钢龙骨架必须坚固平直,并有足够的承载能力。Section 2。0 Metal Ceiling Tile 第二节 金属板吊顶施工方案2.1 Construction Preparation施工准备Drawing review and construction plan working out ; Make site measurement and make layout

22、of main joist and installation scheme according to the siite situation as well as make arrangement for Airconditioning ventilation opening, manhole, and lighting opening。 Work out work sequence, detail drawing and perform real technical requirement & intention explanation.审核图纸进行实地丈量,并按实际情况,制定施工方案:绘制

23、主龙骨走向及布置图,制定空调排风孔、检查孔、照明孔安装方案,制定施工顺序及节点详图,进行技术交底。Contact and coordinate with relative trade team at the location of ceiling fitting and preinstall hangers or embedded parts during main structure construction and confer with lighting, HVAC trade team on the working procedure arrangement. 在进行吊顶的部位,与有关

24、工种联系配合,在主体结构施工时,预留吊杆或埋件,与照明、通风专业协商好工序插入时间。Construction equipment should be ready for construction completely. Main construction machine includes: profile cutting machine, pistol drill, impact drill, level, angle square, powder line bag, screwdriver, line making stylus and etc. 施工机具准备齐全并可用于施工,主要施工机具有

25、:型材切割机、手枪钻、冲击电钻、水平尺、角尺、粉线袋、螺丝刀、划线铁笔等。Base preparation: Clear barrier on the roof and all around. Fixing point for lightings and etc. must be make well according to design requirement。 Inspect circuit of installed duct, fire work and electric。 And check if pressure test, external insulation and prese

26、rvation have been performed, after which ceiling system installation can be started。 基层处理:清除顶棚及周围的障碍物,对灯饰等承重固定支点,应按设计要求做好。检查已安装好的通风、消防、电器线路,并检查是否做完打压试验或外层保温、防腐等工作。这些工作完成后方可进行吊顶安装工作。2。2 Construction Process施工工艺Layout of stud and framehanger rod fixingleveling stud and metal fame installationmetal cei

27、ling tile installationtrim the edge龙骨布置弹线固定吊杆安装调平龙骨安装金属板吊顶板条边封口Setting-out and marking: Setting out is to mark elevation line and joist layout. Normally the elevation line can be marked to the wall and column where the aluminum angle shall be fixed to. The aluminum angle acts as sealing to the ceili

28、ng edge and trim the margin to be complete and flat, which can be pegged by cement nail or power actuated setting device. If the ceiling elevations are different, then the position for change must be marked to the slab。 If the panel size is bigger square, just fix lierne rib on the back of the panel

29、. If the rigidity is good enough, deforming will not happen though the spacing between joist is bigger, which is not applicable for the thinner strip panel. Thus the spacing between joists is not bigger than 1。2m normally, and the spacing of hanger point is to be 1m。划线:放线主要是弹标高线和划出龙骨布置线,标高线一般弹到墙面或柱面

30、,然后将角吕固定在墙或柱面上.角铝的作用是天棚边缘部位的封口,使之边角部位更加完整与顺直,角铝多用高墙水泥钉固定,也可用射钉固定,如果天棚有不同标高,那么应将变截面的位置弹到楼板上.龙骨的布置,如果是将板块较大的方块,在板背加肢,刚度较好,尽管龙骨间距较大,也不会发生变形。对于很薄的板条,是不合适的,所以,这种情况龙骨的间距一般不宜超过1.2米,吊点控制在1米左右。 Hanger fixing; this includes fixing with structure, selection of section, connection & fixing between hanger, joist

31、 and structure。 Expansion bolt is fixed on the hanger spot with impact drill and then welded with the hanger. The quality for hanger mounting should be accord with the regulation of existing national code. The design elevation line can be drew on the wall around clearly and accurately. For the hange

32、r spot spacing of main joist, recommend to use system solution, rising of arc to be in the middle, which can be not less than 1/200 of the room span. The position and elevation of the main joist should be adjusted timely when it is installed. The distance between the hanger and the end of main joist

33、 can not be excess 300mm。 Otherwise, additional hangers should be increased to prevent main joist sagging. When the hanger conflicts with the equipment, the structure of hanger should be regulated or , to ensure the quality of ceiling。 The hanger should be straight and able to bear weight. When it i

34、s necessary for the builtin hanger to be longer, it should be lap welded well with full and even welding joint. According to the requirement of panel arrangement, prepare special joist for aluminum panel and connected to the edge angle with connector, which is fixed on wall around。 Adjust position a

35、nd level of joist comprehensively. Connectors should be staggered joint. Tolerance for the staggered joint 0f fulllength joist can not excess 11mm. After adjustment, all hanging and connecting parts should be tightened。 固定吊杆:吊杆的施工主要包括与结构的固定、断面的选择、吊杆与龙骨的连接、与结构的固定办法采用在吊点的位置,用冲击钻打膨胀螺栓,然后将膨胀螺栓同吊杆焊接.安装吊顶


37、连接处的对接错位偏差不得超过 1mm。校正后应将龙骨的所有吊挂件、连接件拧夹紧,检查安装好吊顶骨架,应牢固可靠。 Coordination for lighting, vent, manhole and mechanical work: For light aluminum panel ceiling, suspending system for lighting or vent are separate from that of ceiling. Sprinkler, smoke sensor, air opening and etc should be linked up with cei

38、ling inosculate. At the junction of manhole or vent with wall or column, sealing trim should be made well to the panel without exposed stubble, normally by using same color aluminum angle。 Being 2 sided sealing for manhole, 2 pieces angles back to back shall be fixed with rivet and framed as per the

39、 size of performed hole。关于灯饰、通风口、检查口、机电设施同天棚配合问题:灯饰或风 口篦子的悬吊系统与天棚选调系统对于轻质铝合金板天棚应该分开,喷淋、烟感、风口等设备与天棚表面衔接要得体、安装吻合.在检查孔、通风口、与墙面或柱面交接部位,板条要做好封口处理,不得露白茬,一般常用的办法是用相同色彩的角铝封口。在检查孔部位,因牵涉到两面收口,所以用两根角铝背靠背,拉铆钉固定,然后按预留口的尺寸围成框框。 Allowed deviation and testing meathod允许偏差和检测方法Item项目Allowed deviate允许偏差(mm)Testing met

40、hod 检验方法Surface smoothness表面平整度2Inspecting with 2m level scale and Feeler gauge用2m靠尺和塞尺检查Beline of Joint接缝直线度1.5Pull5m line, less than 5mpull a through long line, check with the Steel Ruler拉5m线,不足5m接通线,用钢尺检查Seam height difference接缝高低差1Inspect with the steel rule and the feeler gauge用钢尺和塞尺检查Section 3

41、.0Suspending Plasterboard Ceiling第三节 轻钢龙骨石膏板吊顶施工方案3。1 Work Conditions作业条件For insitu concrete slab, use dia。 10mm steel rod hanger and expansion bolt, spacing depend on design requirement. When there is not requirementfor spacing, hangers spacing normally is 9001200mm according to joist arrangement.在

42、现浇混凝土楼板中,用10膨胀螺栓钢筋吊杆,间距按设计要求,设计无要求时按大龙骨的排列位置,钢筋吊杆一般间距为9001200mm。3.2 Installation吊顶龙骨安装 Marking: According to the floor elevation line, measure the design ceiling heightvertically and upward with ruler and mark line of ceiling level on wall around and joist layout. 弹线:根据楼层标高水平线,用尺竖向量至顶棚设计标高,沿墙四周弹顶棚标高

43、水平线,并沿顶棚的标高水平线,在墙上划好龙骨分文件位置线。 8mm diameter hanger will be used. 10mm expansion bolt will be fixed to the structureand then welded with hanger.吊杆用直径为8毫米,10膨胀螺栓打眼固定到结构上,与长度适宜的吊杆连接. Define the point of hanger according to the detail and check the spacing which is 900-1200mm. Drill a 10mm hole withimpac

44、ting driller at the point of hanger and fixed the 8mm expansion bolt with hanger welded together there。 The hole depth cannot excess 60mm根据大样图确定吊点位置弹线,并复检吊点间距,吊点间距为900至1200毫米。在吊点处可用冲击钻将吊点对应的楼板底面打10毫米孔洞,将安装有吊杆的8毫米膨胀螺栓固定于吊点处,打孔深度不能超过60mm。 The main joist shall be connected with hangers with hook and ti

45、ghtened by screw. When the main joist should be connected to be longer , connecting rod will be used for lap joint。 Level adjustment will be done after main joist mounting, and the height of camber is not less than 2% of room span。安装主龙骨时,应将主龙骨用吊挂件连接在吊杆上,打紧螺丝卡牢.主龙骨接长可用接杆体边接.主龙骨安装后进行调平,并应考虑顶棚的起拱高度不少于房

46、间短向跨度的2。 Sub-joist will be fixed under the main joist with hanger, which top part will be put on main joist and c clip insert in the main joist. 副龙骨用吊件固定在主龙骨下面,吊件上端搭在主龙骨上c型腿钳子插入大龙骨中。中龙骨间距按板材尺寸决定,间距600mm。 Transverse strut which meet and sub-joist at right angle shall be fitted at the splice joint of

47、finish panel。 Transverse strut will be connected with subjoist with sub-joist connectors. Transverse strut can be intercepted from sub-joist. When install them, the under part of them must be flat so that the finish panel can be placed。 横撑龙骨与副骨垂直,装在罩面板的拼接处,横撑龙骨与副龙骨的连接,采用副龙骨连接件,再安装演变的一行龙骨。横撑龙骨可用副龙骨截取

48、,安装时横撑龙骨应与副龙骨的底面平顺,以便安装罩面板。3。3。 Plasterboard Placing: 安装罩面板Before install the plasterboard, check the mounted joist frame and plasterboard if up to mustard。 And then to start. For this project, 12mm gypsum plasterboard will be used. Plasterboard will be fixed with joist by screws. Under the installed and checked joist frame, consider the size of the plasterboard with 5mm clearance and snap piece by piece. Then start mounting the first plasterboard from the middle part of ceiling as the benchmark and proceed work in two sides separately。 Screw spac


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